-- File created: 2008-10-16 12:12:50

module System.FilePath.Glob.Directory (globDir) where

import Control.Monad    (forM)
import Data.List        ((\\), partition)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents)
import System.FilePath  ((</>))

import System.FilePath.Glob.Base
import System.FilePath.Glob.Match (match)
import System.FilePath.Glob.Utils (getRecursiveContents, nubOrd, pathParts)

-- The Patterns in TypedPattern don't contain PathSeparator or AnyDirectory
data TypedPattern
   = Any Pattern    -- pattern
   | Dir Pattern    -- pattern/
   | AnyDir Pattern -- pattern**/
   deriving Show

-- |Matches each given 'Pattern' against the contents of the given 'FilePath',
-- recursively. The result pair\'s first component contains the matched paths,
-- grouped for each given 'Pattern', and the second contains all paths which
-- were not matched by any 'Pattern'.
-- If multiple 'Pattern's match a single 'FilePath', that path will be included
-- in multiple groups.
-- This function is different from a simple 'filter' over all the contents of
-- the directory: the matching is performed relative to the directory, so that
-- for instance the following is true:
-- > fmap (head.fst) (globDir [compile "*"] dir) == getDirectoryContents dir
-- If @dir@ is @\"foo\"@ the pattern should be @\"foo/*\"@ to get the same
-- results with a plain 'filter'.
-- Any results deeper than in the given directory are enumerated lazily, using
-- 'unsafeInterleaveIO'.
globDir :: [Pattern] -> FilePath -> IO ([[FilePath]], [FilePath])
globDir pats dir = do
   results <- mapM (\p -> globDir' (separate p) dir) pats

   let (matches, others) = unzip results

   return (matches, nubOrd (concat others) \\ concat matches)

globDir' :: [TypedPattern] -> FilePath -> IO ([FilePath], [FilePath])
globDir' pats dir = do
   raw <- getDirectoryContents dir

   let entries = raw \\ [".",".."]

   results <- forM entries $ \e -> matchTypedAndGo pats e (dir </> e)

   let (matches, others) = unzip results

   return (concat matches, concat others)

matchTypedAndGo :: [TypedPattern]
                -> FilePath -> FilePath
                -> IO ([FilePath], [FilePath])

matchTypedAndGo [] _ _ = return ([], [])

-- (Any p) is always the last element
matchTypedAndGo [Any p] path absPath =
   if match p path
      then return ([absPath], [])
      else doesDirectoryExist absPath >>= didn'tMatch absPath

matchTypedAndGo (Dir p:ps) path absPath = do
   isDir <- doesDirectoryExist absPath
   if isDir && match p path
      then globDir' ps absPath
      else didn'tMatch absPath isDir

matchTypedAndGo (AnyDir p:ps) path absPath = do
   isDir <- doesDirectoryExist absPath
   let pat = unseparate ps

   case null (unPattern p) || match p path of
        True | isDir          -> fmap (partition (any (match pat) . pathParts))
                                      (getRecursiveContents absPath)
        True | match pat path -> return ([absPath], [])
        _                     -> didn'tMatch absPath isDir

matchTypedAndGo _ _ _ = error "Glob.matchTypedAndGo :: internal error"

didn'tMatch :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO ([FilePath], [FilePath])
didn'tMatch absPath isDir = (fmap $ (,) []) $
   if isDir
      then getRecursiveContents absPath
      else return [absPath]

separate :: Pattern -> [TypedPattern]
separate = go [] . unPattern
   go [] []                              = []
   go gr []                              = [Any    $ f gr]
   -- ./foo should not be split into [. , foo], it's just foo
   go gr (ExtSeparator:PathSeparator:ps) = go gr ps
   go gr (             PathSeparator:ps) = (   Dir $ f gr) : go [] ps
   go gr (              AnyDirectory:ps) = (AnyDir $ f gr) : go [] ps
   go gr (                         p:ps) = go (p:gr) ps

   f = Pattern . reverse

unseparate :: [TypedPattern] -> Pattern
unseparate = Pattern . foldr f []
   f (AnyDir p) ts = unPattern p ++ AnyDirectory  : ts
   f (   Dir p) ts = unPattern p ++ PathSeparator : ts
   f (Any    p) ts = unPattern p ++ ts