-- File created: 2008-10-10 13:29:13

module System.FilePath.Glob.Compile
   ( compile, tryCompile
   , tokenize
   ) where

import Control.Monad.Error ()
import Data.Char           (isDigit)
import System.FilePath     (isPathSeparator, isExtSeparator)

import System.FilePath.Glob.Base
import System.FilePath.Glob.Optimize (optimize)
import System.FilePath.Glob.Utils    (dropLeadingZeroes)

-- |Like 'tryCompile', but calls 'error' if an error results.
compile :: String -> Pattern
compile = either error id . tryCompile

-- |Compiles a glob pattern from its textual representation into a 'Pattern'
-- object, giving an error message in a 'Left' if the pattern is erroneous.
-- For the most part, a character matches itself. Recognized operators are as
-- follows:
-- [@?@]      Matches any character except path separators.
-- [@*@]      Matches any number of characters except path separators,
--            including the empty string.
-- [@[..\]@]  Matches any of the enclosed characters. Ranges of characters can
--            be specified by separating the endpoints with a \'-'. \'-' or ']'
--            can be matched by including them as the first character(s) in the
--            list.
-- [@[^..\]@ or @[!..\]@] Like [..], but matches any character /not/ listed.
-- [@\<m-n>@]  Matches any integer in the range m to n, inclusive. The range may
--            be open-ended by leaving out either number: \"\<->\", for
--            instance, matches any integer.
-- [@**/@]    Matches any number of characters, including path separators,
--            excluding the empty string.
-- Note that path separators (typically @\'/\'@) have to be matched explicitly
-- or using the @**/@ pattern. In addition, extension separators (typically
-- @\'.\'@) have to be matched explicitly at the beginning of the pattern or
-- after any path separator.
-- If a system supports multiple path separators, any one of them will match
-- any of them. For instance, on Windows, @\'/\'@ will match itself as well as
-- @\'\\\'@.
-- Erroneous patterns include:
-- * An empty @[]@ or @[^]@ or @[!]@
-- * A @[@ or @\<@ without a matching @]@ or @>@
-- * A malformed @\<>@: e.g. nonnumeric characters or no hyphen
tryCompile :: String -> Either String Pattern
tryCompile = fmap optimize . tokenize

tokenize :: String -> Either String Pattern
tokenize = fmap Pattern . sequence . go
   err s = [Left s]

   go :: String -> [Either String Token]
   go [] = []
   go ('?':cs) = Right NonPathSeparator : go cs
   go ('*':cs) =
      case cs of
           '*':p:xs | isPathSeparator p -> Right AnyDirectory        : go xs
           _                            -> Right AnyNonPathSeparator : go cs
   go ('[':cs) =
      let (range, rest) = break (==']') cs
       in if null rest
             then err "compile :: unclosed [] in pattern"
             else if null range
                     then let (range', rest') = break (==']') (tail rest)
                           in if null rest'
                                 then err "compile :: empty [] in pattern"
                                 else charRange (']':range') : go (tail rest')
                     else charRange range : go (tail rest)
   go ('<':cs) =
      let (range, rest) = break (=='>') cs
       in if null rest
             then err "compile :: unclosed <> in pattern"
             else openRange range : go (tail rest)
   go (c:cs)
      | isPathSeparator c = Right PathSeparator : go cs
      | isExtSeparator  c = Right  ExtSeparator : go cs
      | otherwise         = Right (Literal c)   : go cs

-- <a-b> where a > b can never match anything; this is not considered an error
openRange :: String -> Either String Token
openRange ['-']   = Right $ OpenRange Nothing Nothing
openRange ('-':s) =
   case span isDigit s of
        (b,"") -> Right $ OpenRange Nothing (openRangeNum b)
        _      -> Left $ "compile :: bad <>, expected number, got " ++ s
openRange s =
   case span isDigit s of
        (a,"-")    -> Right $ OpenRange (openRangeNum a) Nothing
        (a,'-':s') ->
           case span isDigit s' of
                (b,"") -> Right $ OpenRange (openRangeNum a) (openRangeNum b)
                _ -> Left $ "compile :: bad <>, expected number, got " ++ s'
        _ -> Left $ "compile :: bad <>, expected number followed by - in " ++ s

openRangeNum :: String -> Maybe String
openRangeNum = Just . dropLeadingZeroes

charRange :: String -> Either String Token
charRange [x] | x `elem` "^!" = Left ("compile :: empty [" ++ [x]
                                                           ++ "] in pattern")
charRange x =
   if head x `elem` "^!"
      then Right . CharRange False . f $ tail x
      else Right . CharRange True  . f $      x
   f (']':s) = Left ']' : go s
   f      s  =            go s

   go [] = []
   go (a:'-':b:cs) = (if a == b then Left a else Right (a,b)) : go cs
   go (c:cs)       = Left c : go cs