import Control.DeepSeq(NFData, rnf) import Control.Monad.Par import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL import Control.Monad(forM_) import Foreign.Storable import Foreign.Ptr import Data.Word import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Data.Vector.Generic.Base import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as GV import Data.Glome.Scene as Scene import Data.Glome.Trace as Trace import Data.Glome.Spd as Spd import TestScene maxdepth = 3 -- recursion depth for reflection/refraction get_rayint :: Flt -> Flt -> Scene -> (Scene.ColorA, [Tag], Rayint Tag M) get_rayint x y scn = let (sld, lights, (Camera pos fwd up right), shader) = scn dir = vnorm $ vadd3 fwd (vscale right (-x)) (vscale up y) ray = (Ray pos dir) in Trace.trace lights shader sld ray infinity maxdepth get_color x y scn = let (color, tags, ri) = get_rayint x y scn in (color, 0) get_color' :: Flt -> Flt -> Scene -> (Scene.ColorA,Flt) get_color' x y _ = (Scene.ColorA x y (x+y) 1, 0) get_tags x y scn = let (color, tags, ri) = get_rayint x y scn in tags -- compute a 2x2 packet of four rays from corners of box {- get_packet :: Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> Scene -> PacketColor get_packet x1 y1 x2 y2 scn = let (Scene sld lights (Camera pos fwd up right) dtex bgcolor) = scn dir1 = vnorm $ vadd3 fwd (vscale right (-x1)) (vscale up y1) dir2 = vnorm $ vadd3 fwd (vscale right (-x2)) (vscale up y1) dir3 = vnorm $ vadd3 fwd (vscale right (-x1)) (vscale up y2) dir4 = vnorm $ vadd3 fwd (vscale right (-x2)) (vscale up y2) ray1 = Ray pos dir1 ray2 = Ray pos dir2 ray3 = Ray pos dir3 ray4 = Ray pos dir4 in trace_packet scn ray1 ray2 ray3 ray4 infinity maxdepth -} cap1 :: Flt -> Flt cap1 x | x >= 1 = 1-delta | otherwise = x -- mapRGB does this, but we need a pixel format... rgb :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Pixel rgb r g b = Pixel $ (fromIntegral r)*(256*256) + (fromIntegral g)*256 + (fromIntegral b) rgbf :: Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> Pixel rgbf r g b = Pixel $ (floor ((cap1 r)*256))*(256*256) + (floor ((cap1 g)*256))*256 + (floor ((cap1 b)*256)) xres = 720 yres = 480 blocksize = 64 -- from setPixel32 :: Surface -> Int -> Int -> Pixel -> IO () setPixel32 surf x y (Pixel pixel) = do ps <- surfaceGetPixels surf if x >= 0 && x < surfaceGetWidth surf && y >= 0 && y < surfaceGetHeight surf then pokeElemOff (castPtr ps :: Ptr Word32) offset pixel else error "setPixel32 -- bad coordinate" where offset = y * (fromIntegral $ surfaceGetPitch surf `div` 4) + x -- r g b debug index data Tile = Tile Rect (UV.Vector (Flt, Flt, Flt, Flt)) instance NFData Tile where rnf (Tile r v) = rnf v -- We pass in the Rect for the whole image, and a sub-Rect for the tile -- we want to render. -- We throw away the alpha value here. renderTile :: Rect -> Rect -> Scene -> Tile renderTile (Rect _ _ width height) t@(Rect xtmin ytmin twidth theight) scene = let widthf = fromIntegral width heightf = fromIntegral height gen i = let xf = fromIntegral $ xtmin + (mod i twidth) yf = fromIntegral $ ytmin + (div i twidth) xcoord = (((xf/widthf)*2)-1) * (widthf/heightf) ycoord = -(((yf/heightf)*2)-1) (ColorA r g b _, d) = get_color xcoord ycoord scene --(r,g,b,d) = (0.5, 0, 0, 0) in (r, g, b, d) in Tile t (UV.generate (twidth * theight) gen) blitTile :: Surface -> Tile -> IO () blitTile surf (Tile (Rect xtmin ytmin twidth theight) pixels) = UV.zipWithM_ drawf (UV.fromList [0..((twidth*theight)-1)]) pixels where drawf i (r, g, b, d) = setPixel32 surf (xtmin + (mod i twidth)) (ytmin + (div i twidth)) (rgbf r g b) {- do _ <- fillRect surf (Just (Rect (xtmin + (mod i twidth)) (ytmin + (div i twidth)) 1 1)) (rgbf r g b) return () -} -- Given an Int, return a list of Ints broken down into blocksize chunks. -- Each chunk is an (offset,size) tuple. chunk size blocksize = go 0 where go pos = if pos + blocksize >= size then [(pos, (size-pos))] else (pos, blocksize) : (go (pos+blocksize)) renderTiles :: Surface -> Scene -> Int -> IO () renderTiles surf scene blocksize = do srect@(Rect _ _ width height) <- getClipRect surf let xchunks = chunk width blocksize let ychunks = chunk height blocksize let blocks = [Rect xpos ypos width height | (xpos, width) <- xchunks, (ypos, height) <- ychunks] let tiles = runPar $ parMap (\block -> renderTile srect block scene) blocks forM_ tiles (blitTile surf) -- Simple version, not amenable to parallelization. render :: Surface -> Scene -> IO () render surf scene = do Rect xmin ymin width height <- getClipRect surf let xmax = xmin+width let ymax = ymin+height forM_ [xmin..xmax] (\x -> forM_ [ymin..ymax] (\y -> let xf = fromIntegral x yf = fromIntegral y widthf = fromIntegral width heightf = fromIntegral height xcoord = (((xf/widthf)*2)-1) * (widthf/heightf) ycoord = -(((yf/heightf)*2)-1) (ColorA r g b _, d) = get_color xcoord ycoord scene in do _ <- fillRect surf (Just (Rect x y 1 1)) (rgbf r g b) return () ) ) getTags' x y scn = let xf = fromIntegral $ x yf = fromIntegral $ y widthf = fromIntegral xres heightf = fromIntegral yres xcoord = (((xf/widthf)*2)-1) * (widthf/heightf) ycoord = -(((yf/heightf)*2)-1) in get_tags xcoord ycoord scn runHandler :: Scene -> IO () runHandler scn = do e <- pollEvent --e <- waitEvent case e of Quit -> return () MouseButtonUp x y ButtonLeft -> do let ts = getTags' x y scn print $ (show x) ++ " " ++ (show y) ++ ":" forM_ ts print runHandler scn NoEvent -> do delay 50 runHandler scn otherwise -> runHandler scn main = do SDL.init [InitVideo, InitTimer, InitJoystick] setVideoMode xres yres 32 [] screen <- getVideoSurface -- HWSurface seems to be slightly faster. img <- createRGBSurface [HWSurface] xres yres 32 0 0 0 0 setupt1 <- getPOSIXTime scene@(geom, _, _, _) <- TestScene.scn print $ "(primitives,transforms,bounding objects): " ++ (show (primcount geom)) setupt2 <- getPOSIXTime print $ "scene setup: " ++ (show (setupt2-setupt1)) forM_ [1..1] (\_ -> do rendert1 <- getPOSIXTime renderTiles img scene blocksize rendert2 <- getPOSIXTime print $ "render: " ++ (show (rendert2-rendert1))) blitt1 <- getPOSIXTime blitSurface img Nothing screen Nothing SDL.flip screen blitt2 <- getPOSIXTime print $ "blit: " ++ (show (blitt2-blitt1)) runHandler scene