module FormalLanguage.GrammarProduct.Op where

import Data.Monoid

import FormalLanguage.CFG.Grammar

import FormalLanguage.GrammarProduct.Op.Greibach as Greibach
import FormalLanguage.GrammarProduct.Op.Chomsky  as Chomsky
import FormalLanguage.GrammarProduct.Op.Linear   as Linear
import FormalLanguage.GrammarProduct.Op.Add
import FormalLanguage.GrammarProduct.Op.Subtract as S
import FormalLanguage.GrammarProduct.Op.Power as P

-- |

gAdd g h = runAdd $ (Add g) <> (Add h)

gSubtract g h = S.subtract g h

gPower = P.power

-- | The product of two grammars.
-- In general, it is quite hard to define the product of two context-free
-- grammars in a way that keeps associativity and also "does what we want it to
-- do" (see paper). For linear grammars it is much easier. Also, for grammars
-- in certain normal forms, a simpler definition is possible. Due to this, we
-- make the choice of the actual way on how to multiply based on the type of
-- grammars given. This, however, should only affect the resulting rules, not
-- the (multi-tape) language that the operations yields.
-- TODO I think, left-linear could reasonably be expanded to both, left- and
-- right-linear and maybe linear in general.
-- NOTE A proof for associativity is possible, but generally hard, so we prefer
-- to let the framework perform the proof for us.

(><) :: Grammar -> Grammar -> Grammar
g >< h
  | isLeftLinear g && isLeftLinear h = runLinear $ Linear g <> Linear h
--  | isChomskyNF  g && isChomskyNF  h = runCNF $ CNF g <> CNF h
--  | isGreibachNF g && isGreibachNF h = runTwoGNF $ TwoGNF g <> TwoGNF h
  | otherwise                        = error "Grammars in general CFG form are not handled. You need to convert into either Greibach- or Chomsky normal form. This might change in the future"

-- | The addition operation defined for two grammars of the same dimension. It
-- forms a monoid under the 'Add' newtype.

(.+) :: Grammar -> Grammar -> Grammar
g .+ h = runAdd $ Add g <> Add h