-- |
-- Module    : GraphHammer.SimplestParallel
-- Copyright : (C) 2013 Parallel Scientific Labs, LLC.
-- License   : GPLv2
-- Simplest and slowest implementation for GraphHammer data structure and
-- analyses combination. It is used for API prototyping. This version is
-- extended with parallel execution of analyses.

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module GraphHammer.SimplestParallel(
	  Index	-- from G500.
	-- * HList
	, Nil
	, (:.)

	-- * Representation exported abstractly
	, GraphHammer
	-- ** How to create a new GraphHammer.
	, graphHammerNew

	-- ** An analysis monad to create operations with GraphHammer.
	, GraphHammerM
	, runAnalysesStack

	-- ** Local values processing.
	, Value
	, Composed
	, localValue
	, cst
	, ($=)
	, (+.), (-.), (*.), divV
	, (===), (=/=)

	-- * Analysis type. Abstract.
	, Analysis
	, AnM
	, onEdges
	, anIf
	, getAnalysisResult
	, putAnalysisResult
	, incrementAnalysisResult
	, RequiredAnalyses
	-- ** How to create basic analysis, one which does not depend on the other.
	, basicAnalysis
	-- ** Derived analysis, dependent on some other.
	, derivedAnalysis
	, EnabledAnalysis, EnabledAnalyses
	) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Array
import Data.Array.IO
import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as UA
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Time.Clock ( getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime )
import System.IO
import System.Mem (performGC)

import G500.Index
import GraphHammer.HList

import qualified GraphHammer.IntSet as ISet
import qualified GraphHammer.IntMap as IMap

-- A (already not) very simple representation.
-- Allows one to work on graphs in parallel.

analysisSliceSizeShift :: Int
analysisSliceSizeShift = 8

analysisSliceSize :: Int
analysisSliceSize = 2^analysisSliceSizeShift

analysisSliceSizeMask :: Int
analysisSliceSizeMask = analysisSliceSize - 1

type IntMap a = IMap.IntMap a
type IntSet = ISet.IntSet

-- type IndexSet = Set.Set Index

type VertexAnalyses = IntMap Int64
type AnalysesMap = IntMap VertexAnalyses
type OtherAnalyses = IntMap AnalysesMap

-- First is analysis index, then vertex' local index shifted right by analysisSliceSizeShift
-- and the lat one is vertex' local index modulo analysisSliceSize.
-- This should be relatively small map. Constant number of analyses multiplied by
-- 2^30 (max number of vertices per thread) divided by analysisSliceSize.
-- Expect it to be about 2^12 or less.
type AnalysesArrays = Array Int32 (Array Int32 (IOUArray Int32 Int64))

type EdgeSet = IntMap VertexSet

-- |A representation parametrized by analyses required.
data GraphHammer as = GraphHammer {
	  graphHammerMaxNodes		:: !Int
	, graphHammerNodeIndex		:: !Int
	, _graphHammerBatchCounter	:: !Int
	, graphHammerEdges			:: !EdgeSet
	-- Results of analyses.
	, graphHammerAnalyses		:: !AnalysesArrays
	-- Nodes affected in current batch.
	, graphHammerNodesAffected	:: !IntSet
	-- what analyses were changed in affected nodes.
	, _graphHammerAnalysesAffected	:: !(IntMap Int)
	, graphHammerChannels	    	:: !(Array Int32 (Chan (Msg as)))
	, graphHammerSendReceiveChannel	:: !(Chan SendReceive)
	-- added per portion.
	, graphHammerPortionEdges		:: (Array Int EdgeSet)
	-- increments for other nodes.
	-- a map from node index to analysis increments.
	, graphHammerOthersAnalyses		:: !OtherAnalyses
	-- a map from node index to continuations.
	, graphHammerContinuationGroups	:: !(IntMap [IntSt as])

-- |Monad to operate with GraphHammer.
type GraphHammerM as a = StateT (GraphHammer as) IO a

-- Working with vertex sets.

data Vertex = Vertex { vertexNode, vertexIndex :: !Int32 }
	deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- vertex set is a map from node to a set of local indices.
type VertexSet = IntMap IntSet

vertexSetEmpty :: forall a. IMap.IntMap a
vertexSetEmpty = IMap.empty

vertexSetIntersection :: IMap.IntMap ISet.IntSet
                      -> IMap.IntMap ISet.IntSet -> IMap.IntMap ISet.IntSet
vertexSetIntersection a b = IMap.filter (not . ISet.null) $
	IMap.intersectionWith (ISet.intersection) a b

vertexSetUnion :: IMap.IntMap ISet.IntSet
                        -> IMap.IntMap ISet.IntSet -> IMap.IntMap ISet.IntSet
vertexSetUnion a b = IMap.unionWith (ISet.union) a b

vertexSetToList :: VertexSet -> [Vertex]
vertexSetToList set = concatMap (\(n,iset) -> map (Vertex n) $ ISet.toList iset) $
	IMap.toList set

vertexToIndex :: (Integral b, Num a) => b -> Vertex -> a
vertexToIndex maxNodes vertex = fromIntegral (vertexNode vertex) +
	fromIntegral maxNodes * fromIntegral (vertexIndex vertex)

indexToVertex :: (Integral b, Integral a) => a -> b -> Vertex
indexToVertex maxNodes idx = Vertex (fromIntegral nodeIndex) (fromIntegral localIndex)
    (localIndex,nodeIndex) = divMod idx (fromIntegral maxNodes)

vertexSetMember :: Vertex -> VertexSet -> Bool
vertexSetMember vertex set' = case IMap.lookup (vertexNode vertex) set' of
	Just set'' -> ISet.member (vertexIndex vertex) set''
	Nothing -> False

vertexSetInsert :: Vertex -> VertexSet -> VertexSet
vertexSetInsert (Vertex node idx) vset = IMap.insertWith ISet.union node (ISet.singleton idx) vset

vertexSetSingleton :: Vertex -> VertexSet
vertexSetSingleton (Vertex node idx) = IMap.singleton node (ISet.singleton idx)

vertexSetSize :: VertexSet -> Int
vertexSetSize set' = IMap.fold (+) 0 $ IMap.map ISet.size set'

-- Main GraphHammer API.

-- | Create a GraphHammer structure for parallel GraphHammer processing.
graphHammerNew :: HLength as
               => Int -- ^ Max job nodes
               -> Int -- ^ Node index
               -> Chan SendReceive
               -> Array Int32 (Chan (Msg as))
               -> IO (GraphHammer as)
graphHammerNew maxNodes nodeIndex countingChan chans = do
	dummyAnalysisArrays <- liftM (array (0,0)) $ forM [0..0] $ \ai -> do
		aArr <- graphHammerNewAnalysisSliceArray
		return (ai,array (0,0) [(0,aArr)])
	let forwardResult = GraphHammer maxNodes nodeIndex 0 IMap.empty dummyAnalysisArrays
			ISet.empty IMap.empty chans countingChan (error "no portion edges!") IMap.empty IMap.empty
	let analysisProjection :: HLength as' => GraphHammer as' -> as'
	    analysisProjection = error "analysisProjection result should be trated abstractly!"
	let analysisCount = hLength (analysisProjection forwardResult)
	let analysisHighIndex = analysisCount-1
	analysisArrays <- liftM (array (0,fromIntegral analysisHighIndex)) $ forM [0..fromIntegral analysisHighIndex] $ \ai -> do
		aArr <- graphHammerNewAnalysisSliceArray
		return (ai,array (0,0) [(0,aArr)])
	let result = forwardResult { graphHammerAnalyses = analysisArrays }
	return result

graphHammerCountReceived :: GraphHammerM as ()
graphHammerCountReceived = do
	countChan <- liftM graphHammerSendReceiveChannel get
	liftIO $ writeChan countChan $ Received 1

graphHammerCountSent :: Int -> GraphHammerM as ()
graphHammerCountSent count = do
	nodeIndex <- liftM graphHammerNodeIndex get
	countChan <- liftM graphHammerSendReceiveChannel get
	liftIO $ writeChan countChan $ Sent nodeIndex count

graphHammerNewAnalysisSliceArray :: IO (IOUArray Int32 Int64)
graphHammerNewAnalysisSliceArray = newArray (0,fromIntegral analysisSliceSize-1) 0

graphHammerFillPortionEdges :: [(Index,Index)] -> GraphHammerM as ()
graphHammerFillPortionEdges edges = do
	nodeIndex <- liftM (fromIntegral . graphHammerNodeIndex) get
	maxNodes <- liftM (fromIntegral . graphHammerMaxNodes) get
	let len = length edges
	let sets = scanl (update maxNodes nodeIndex) IMap.empty edges
	let arr = listArray (0,len) sets
	modify $! \st -> last sets `seq` st {
		  graphHammerPortionEdges = arr
		, graphHammerOthersAnalyses = IMap.empty
		update :: Int32 -> Int32 -> EdgeSet -> (Index,Index) -> EdgeSet
		update maxNodes nodeIndex oldSet (fromI, toI)
			| vertexNode fromV == nodeIndex && vertexNode toV == nodeIndex =
				IMap.insertWith vertexSetUnion (vertexIndex fromV) (vertexSetSingleton toV) $!
				IMap.insertWith vertexSetUnion (vertexIndex toV) (vertexSetSingleton fromV) $!
			| vertexNode fromV == nodeIndex  =
				IMap.insertWith vertexSetUnion (vertexIndex fromV) (vertexSetSingleton toV) $! oldSet
			| vertexNode toV == nodeIndex =
				IMap.insertWith vertexSetUnion (vertexIndex toV) (vertexSetSingleton fromV) $! oldSet
			| otherwise = oldSet
				fromV = indexToVertex maxNodes fromI
				toV = indexToVertex maxNodes toI

graphHammerCommitNewPortion :: GraphHammerM as ()
graphHammerCommitNewPortion = do
    st <- get
    let portionEdges = graphHammerPortionEdges st
        (_,highest) = bounds portionEdges
        latestUpdates = portionEdges ! highest

    put $! st {
              graphHammerPortionEdges = error "graphHammerPortionEdges accessed outside of transaction."
            , graphHammerEdges = IMap.unionWith vertexSetUnion latestUpdates $ graphHammerEdges st
            , graphHammerContinuationGroups = IMap.empty

graphHammerSplitIndex :: Index -> GraphHammerM as Vertex
graphHammerSplitIndex idx = do
	maxNodes <- liftM graphHammerMaxNodes get
	return $ indexToVertex maxNodes idx

graphHammerVertexSetIntersection :: VertexSet -> VertexSet -> GraphHammerM as VertexSet
graphHammerVertexSetIntersection s1 s2 = return $ vertexSetIntersection s1 s2

graphHammerVertexSetIntersectionAsIndices :: VertexSet -> VertexSet -> GraphHammerM as [Index]
graphHammerVertexSetIntersectionAsIndices s1 s2 = do
	maxNodes <- liftM graphHammerMaxNodes get
	let isection = vertexSetIntersection s1 s2
	return $ map (vertexToIndex maxNodes) $ vertexSetToList isection

graphHammerEdgeExists :: Int -> Vertex -> Vertex -> GraphHammerM as Bool
graphHammerEdgeExists edgeIndex start end
	| start == end = return True
	| otherwise = do
	startIsLocal <- graphHammerLocalVertex start
	r <- if startIsLocal
		then do
			es <- graphHammerGetEdgeSet edgeIndex start
			return $ vertexSetMember end es
		else do
			es <- graphHammerGetEdgeSet edgeIndex end
			return $ vertexSetMember start es
	return r

graphHammerGetEdgeSet :: Int -> Vertex -> GraphHammerM as VertexSet
graphHammerGetEdgeSet edgeInPortion vertex = do
	let localIndex = vertexIndex vertex
	st <- get
	let startEdges = IMap.findWithDefault IMap.empty localIndex $ graphHammerEdges st
	let portionEdges = graphHammerPortionEdges st
	let prevEdges = portionEdges ! edgeInPortion
	let resultEdges = IMap.findWithDefault vertexSetEmpty localIndex prevEdges
	return $ IMap.unionWith ISet.union startEdges resultEdges

graphHammerGrowAnalysisArrays :: Int32 -> GraphHammerM as ()
graphHammerGrowAnalysisArrays newMaxIndex = do
	analyses <- liftM graphHammerAnalyses get
	let (lowA, highA) = bounds analyses
	analyses' <- forM [lowA..highA] $ \ai -> do
		let analysisArrays = analyses ! ai
		let (lowAA,highAA) = bounds analysisArrays
		let incr = newMaxIndex - highAA
		addedArrays <- forM [0..incr-1] $ \ii -> do
			slice <- liftIO graphHammerNewAnalysisSliceArray
			return (highAA+1+ii, slice)
		return (ai,array (lowAA, newMaxIndex) (assocs analysisArrays ++ addedArrays))
	modify $! \st -> st { graphHammerAnalyses = array (lowA, highA) analyses' }

graphHammerGetAnalysisArrayIndex :: Int32 -> Int32 -> GraphHammerM as (Int32,IOUArray Int32 Int64)
graphHammerGetAnalysisArrayIndex analysisIndex' localIndex = do
	let indexOfSlice = shiftR localIndex analysisSliceSizeShift
	analysisArrays <- liftM ((! analysisIndex') . graphHammerAnalyses) get
	let (_,highestIndex) = bounds analysisArrays
	if highestIndex < indexOfSlice
		then do
			graphHammerGrowAnalysisArrays (fromIntegral indexOfSlice)
			graphHammerGetAnalysisArrayIndex analysisIndex' localIndex
		else do
			let sliceArray = analysisArrays ! indexOfSlice
			return (localIndex .&. fromIntegral analysisSliceSizeMask, sliceArray)

graphHammerGetAnalysis :: Int -> Index -> GraphHammerM as Int64
graphHammerGetAnalysis analysisIndex' index' = do
    void $ error "graphHammerGetAnalysis does not distinguish between local and not-local indices!!!"
    localIndex <- graphHammerIndexToLocal index'
    (sliceIndex,sliceArray) <- graphHammerGetAnalysisArrayIndex (fromIntegral analysisIndex') localIndex
    liftIO $ readArray sliceArray sliceIndex

_graphHammerSetAnalysis :: Int -> Index -> Int64 -> GraphHammerM as ()
_graphHammerSetAnalysis analysisIndex' index' value = do
    void $ error "graphHammerSetAnalysis does not distinguish between local and not-local indices!!!"
    localIndex <- graphHammerIndexToLocal index'
    (sliceIndex,sliceArray) <- graphHammerGetAnalysisArrayIndex (fromIntegral analysisIndex') localIndex
    liftIO $ writeArray sliceArray sliceIndex value

graphHammerIncrementAnalysis :: Int -> Index -> Int64 -> GraphHammerM as ()
graphHammerIncrementAnalysis _analysisIndex _index 0 = return ()	-- cheap no-op.
graphHammerIncrementAnalysis analysisIndex' index' incr = do
	local <- graphHammerIndexToLocal index'
	isLocal <- graphHammerLocalIndex index'
	if isLocal
		then do
			(sliceIndex,sliceArray) <- graphHammerGetAnalysisArrayIndex (fromIntegral analysisIndex') local
			liftIO $ do
				x <- readArray sliceArray sliceIndex
				writeArray sliceArray sliceIndex (x + incr)
			modify $! \st -> st {
				  graphHammerNodesAffected = ISet.insert local $ graphHammerNodesAffected st
		else do
			nodeIndex <- graphHammerIndexToNodeIndex index'
			let joinAnalyses old new = IMap.unionWith (IMap.unionWith (+)) old new
			modify $! \st -> st {
				  graphHammerOthersAnalyses = IMap.insertWith joinAnalyses nodeIndex
					(IMap.singleton local (IMap.singleton (fromIntegral analysisIndex') incr)) $
					graphHammerOthersAnalyses st

graphHammerBulkIncrementAnalysis :: Int -> VertexSet -> Int64 -> GraphHammerM as ()
graphHammerBulkIncrementAnalysis _analysisIndex _vertices 0 = return ()
graphHammerBulkIncrementAnalysis analysisIndex'  vertices incr = do
	thisNode <- liftM (fromIntegral . graphHammerNodeIndex) get
	let (left,ours,right) = IMap.splitLookup thisNode vertices
	case ours of
		-- perform increments for local analyses.
		Just vertices' -> do
			forM_ (ISet.toList vertices') $ \localIndex -> do
				(sliceIndex,sliceArray) <- graphHammerGetAnalysisArrayIndex (fromIntegral analysisIndex') (fromIntegral localIndex)
				liftIO $ do
					x <- readArray sliceArray sliceIndex
					writeArray sliceArray sliceIndex (x + incr)
			modify $! \st -> st {
				  graphHammerNodesAffected = ISet.union vertices' $ graphHammerNodesAffected st
		Nothing -> return ()
	let joinAnalyses :: VertexSet -> OtherAnalyses -> OtherAnalyses
            joinAnalyses new old = IMap.unionWith
			(IMap.unionWith (IMap.unionWith (+)))
			(IMap.map (flip IMap.mapFromSetValue $ IMap.singleton (fromIntegral analysisIndex') incr) new)
	modify $! \st -> st {
		  graphHammerOthersAnalyses = joinAnalyses left $ joinAnalyses right $
			graphHammerOthersAnalyses st
	return ()

graphHammerGetOtherAnalyses :: GraphHammerM as [(Int32,AnalysesMap)]
graphHammerGetOtherAnalyses = do
	liftM (IMap.toList . graphHammerOthersAnalyses) get

graphHammerIndexToLocal :: Index -> GraphHammerM as Int32
graphHammerIndexToLocal index' = do
	maxNodes <- liftM graphHammerMaxNodes get
	return $ fromIntegral $ index' `div` fromIntegral maxNodes

graphHammerIndexToNodeIndex :: Index -> GraphHammerM as Int32
graphHammerIndexToNodeIndex index' = do
	maxNodes <- liftM graphHammerMaxNodes get
	return $ fromIntegral $ index' `mod` fromIntegral maxNodes

graphHammerCurrentNodeIndex :: GraphHammerM as Int32
graphHammerCurrentNodeIndex = liftM (fromIntegral . graphHammerNodeIndex) get

graphHammerLocalIndex :: Index -> GraphHammerM as Bool
graphHammerLocalIndex index' = do
	nodeIndex <- graphHammerIndexToNodeIndex index'
	liftM (nodeIndex ==) graphHammerCurrentNodeIndex

graphHammerLocalVertex :: Vertex -> GraphHammerM as Bool
graphHammerLocalVertex vertex = do
	liftM ((vertexNode vertex ==) . fromIntegral) graphHammerCurrentNodeIndex

-- |Compute "local job" flag from two vertices.
-- Properties:
--   1. local job for (v1,v2) at n1 == not (local job for (v1,v2) at n2)
--      n1 and n2 are node indices for v1 and v2.
--      an exception is for n1 is not our node and n2 is not our node too.
--   2. local job for (v1,v2) == local job for (v2,v1)
-- It is possible for those properties to do not hold for completely
-- local or completely external pair.
graphHammerLocalJob :: Vertex -> Vertex -> GraphHammerM as Bool
graphHammerLocalJob v1' v2' = do
	let randomDir = ((vertexIndex v1 `xor` vertexIndex v2) .&. 1) == 0
	v1Local <- graphHammerLocalVertex v1
	return $ (randomDir && not v1Local) || (not randomDir && v1Local)
		-- order indices to support property 2.
		v1 = min v1' v2'
		v2 = max v1' v2'

graphHammerMergeIncrements :: AnalysesMap -> GraphHammerM as ()
graphHammerMergeIncrements increments = do
	st <- get
	let maxNodes = graphHammerMaxNodes st
	let node = graphHammerNodeIndex st
	let header = "Merging increments at node "++show node++":"
	let prettyAIncr index (ai,incr) = concat ["    analysis [",show ai,"][",show index,"] += ",show incr]
	let prettyIndexIncrs (localI,incrs) = map (prettyAIncr (localI*maxNodes+node)) $ IMap.toList incrs
	let incrementsLines = concatMap prettyIndexIncrs $ IMap.toList increments
	let text = unlines $ header : incrementsLines
	liftIO $ putStrLn text
	let flatIncrs = concatMap (\(i,as) -> map (\(ai,incr) -> (i,ai,incr)) $ IMap.toList as) $ IMap.toList increments
	forM_ flatIncrs $ \(localIndex,analysisIndex',incr) -> do
		(sliceIndex,sliceArray) <- graphHammerGetAnalysisArrayIndex (fromIntegral analysisIndex') (fromIntegral localIndex)
		liftIO $ do
			x <- readArray sliceArray sliceIndex
			writeArray sliceArray sliceIndex (x+incr)
	let _mergeIncs old new = IMap.unionWith (+) old new
	modify $! \st -> st {
		  graphHammerNodesAffected = ISet.union (IMap.keysSet increments) $ graphHammerNodesAffected st

graphHammerSendToNode :: Int32 -> Msg as -> GraphHammerM as ()
graphHammerSendToNode nodeIndex msg = do
	nodeChan <- liftM ((!nodeIndex) . graphHammerChannels) get
	liftIO $ writeChan nodeChan msg

_graphHammerSendToNodeOfVertex :: Vertex -> Msg as -> GraphHammerM as ()
_graphHammerSendToNodeOfVertex vertex msg = do
	graphHammerSendToNode (vertexNode vertex) msg

graphHammerGroupContinuations :: Vertex -> IntSt as -> GraphHammerM as ()
graphHammerGroupContinuations vertex contState = do
	let _upd v = Just $ case v of
		Just xs -> contState : xs
		Nothing -> [contState]
	modify $! \st -> st {
		  graphHammerContinuationGroups = IMap.alter
			(\v -> fmap (contState:) v `mplus` return [contState])
			(vertexNode vertex) $ graphHammerContinuationGroups st

graphHammerDistributeContinuations :: GraphHammerM as ()
graphHammerDistributeContinuations = do
	nodesGroups <- liftM (IMap.toList . graphHammerContinuationGroups) get
	forM_ nodesGroups $ \(n,g) -> graphHammerSendToNode n (ContinueIntersection g)

-- |Get analyses for no more than 100 affected vertices.
graphHammerGetAffectedAnalyses :: GraphHammerM as [(Index,VertexAnalyses)]
graphHammerGetAffectedAnalyses = do
	st <- get
	let affected = take 100 $ ISet.toList $ graphHammerNodesAffected st
	let nodeIndex = fromIntegral $ graphHammerNodeIndex st
	let maxNodes = fromIntegral $ graphHammerMaxNodes st
	let toGlobal i = fromIntegral i * maxNodes + nodeIndex
	forM affected $ \localIndex -> do
		analyses <- liftM IMap.unions $ forM (assocs (graphHammerAnalyses st)) $ \(ai,_analysisSlices) -> do
			(sliceIndex, slice) <- graphHammerGetAnalysisArrayIndex ai (fromIntegral localIndex)
			x <- liftIO $ readArray slice sliceIndex
			return (IMap.singleton (fromIntegral ai) x)
		return (toGlobal localIndex, analyses)

graphHammerClearAffected :: GraphHammerM as ()
graphHammerClearAffected = modify $! \st -> st { graphHammerNodesAffected = ISet.empty }

-- Code that runs the analytics.

-- |Run the analyses stack.
-- at this momemt it's possible to run only parallelizable analyses.
runAnalysesStack :: (HLength as, EnabledAnalyses as as)
                 => Integer
                 -> Int                               -- ^ Max number of nodes
                 -> IO (Maybe (UA.UArray Int Index))  -- ^ Function to obtain edges to insert
                 -> Analysis as as                    -- ^ A stack of analyses to perform
                 -> IO ()
runAnalysesStack threshold maxNodes receiveChanges analysesStack
	| analysesParallelizable analysesStack = do
	putStrLn $ "Max nodes "++show maxNodes
	chans <- liftM (listArray (0,fromIntegral maxNodes-1)) $ mapM (const newChan) [0..maxNodes - 1]
	sendReceiveCountChan <- newChan
	forM_ [0..maxNodes-1] $ \n -> do
		forkIO $ workerThread analysesStack maxNodes n sendReceiveCountChan chans
	startTime <- getCurrentTime
	(computationSeconds,lastCompSeconds,lastCompCount, n) <-
		runLoop 0 0 sendReceiveCountChan chans 0 0
	endTime <- getCurrentTime
	let timeDiff = diffUTCTime endTime startTime
	let edgesPerSecond = fromIntegral n / timeDiff
	putStrLn $ "Edges: "++show n
	putStrLn $ "Edges per second for total time: "++show edgesPerSecond
	putStrLn $ "Total time in seconds: "++show timeDiff
	putStrLn $ "Edges per second for computation time: "++show (fromIntegral n / computationSeconds)
	putStrLn $ "Edges per second for computation time of last "++show lastCompCount++" edges: "++show (fromIntegral lastCompCount / lastCompSeconds)
	putStrLn $ "Computation time in seconds: "++show computationSeconds
	return ()
		gcThreshold = threshold - 8000
		runLoop time lastEdgesTime sendReceiveCountChan chans pn n = do
			edges <- liftIO receiveChanges
			case edges of
				Nothing -> do
					liftIO $ do
						answer <- newChan
						forM_ (elems chans) $ \ch -> do
							writeChan ch (Stop answer)
						forM_ (elems chans) $ \_ -> do
							readChan answer
					return (time,lastEdgesTime,n-threshold,n)
				Just edges' -> do
					start <- getCurrentTime
					let (low,up) = UA.bounds edges'
					let count = div (up-low+1) 2
					if n >= gcThreshold && n < gcThreshold + fromIntegral count
						then performGC >> putStrLn "Garbage collection."
						else return ()
					answer <- newChan
					-- seed the work.
					forM_ (elems chans) $ \ch -> writeChan ch (Portion pn edges' answer)
					-- wait for answers.
					hFlush stdout
					forM_ [0..maxNodes-1] $ \_ ->
						readChan answer
					detectSilenceAndDumpState sendReceiveCountChan maxNodes (elems chans)
					end <- getCurrentTime
					let delta = diffUTCTime end start
					let compTime = time + delta
					let lastEdgesTime'
						| n >= threshold = lastEdgesTime + delta
						| otherwise = lastEdgesTime
					runLoop compTime lastEdgesTime' sendReceiveCountChan chans (pn+1) (n+fromIntegral count)
		detectSilence countChan nodesNotSent sentReceivedBalance
			| nodesNotSent < 0 = error $ "nodesNotSent "++show nodesNotSent++"!!!"
			| nodesNotSent > 0 = continue
			| sentReceivedBalance < 0 = error $ "sentReceivedBalance "++show sentReceivedBalance++"!!!"
			| sentReceivedBalance > 0 = continue
			| otherwise = return ()
				continue = do
					msg <- readChan countChan
					case msg of
						Sent _ i -> detectSilence countChan
							(sentReceivedBalance + i)
						Received n -> detectSilence countChan
							(sentReceivedBalance - n)
		_gatherDumpAffected chans = do
			putStrLn $ "Analyses of affected indices:"
			answer <- newChan
			forM_ chans $ \ch -> writeChan ch $ GetAffected answer
			allAffected <- flip (flip foldM []) chans $ \totalAffected _ -> do
				someAffected <- readChan answer
				return $ totalAffected ++someAffected
			let firstSome = take 10 $ sort allAffected
			forM_ firstSome $ \(ix,analyses) -> do
				putStrLn $ "    Index "++show ix
				forM_ (IMap.toList analyses) $ \(ai,a) -> do
					putStrLn $ "        Analysis["++show ai++"]: "++show a
		detectSilenceAndDumpState countChan nNodes _chans = do
			detectSilence countChan nNodes 0
		_performInsertionAndAnalyses edgeList = do
			insertAndAnalyzeSimpleSequential analysesStack edgeList
runAnalysesStack _threshold _maxNodes _receiveChanges _analysesStack = do
	error "Non-parallelizable analyses aren't supported."

-- |Messages the worker thread can receive.
data Msg as =
		-- edge changes.
		-- portion number and edges array
		Portion	!Int !(UA.UArray Int Index) (Chan ())
	|	AtomicIncrement	!Int !AnalysesMap
	|	ContinueIntersection ![IntSt as]
	|	GetAffected (Chan [(Index,IntMap Int64)])
	|	Stop (Chan Int)

-- |Counting messages sent and received.
data SendReceive =
		Sent Int Int
	|	Received Int

type MsgChan as = Chan (Msg as)

_createMessageChannel :: IO (MsgChan as)
_createMessageChannel = newChan

type ChanArr as = Array Int32 (MsgChan as)
type MsgChanArr as = ChanArr as

workerThread :: (HLength as, EnabledAnalyses as as) => Analysis as as ->
	Int -> Int -> Chan SendReceive -> MsgChanArr as -> IO ()
workerThread analysis maxNodes nodeIndex countingChan chans = do
	let ourChan = chans ! fromIntegral nodeIndex
	graphHammer <- graphHammerNew maxNodes nodeIndex countingChan chans
	let --receiveLoop :: EnabledAnalysis as as => Int -> GraphHammerM (Msg as) as ()
	    receiveLoop n
		| n <= 0 = return ()
		| otherwise = do
		msg <- liftIO $ readChan ourChan
		case msg of
			AtomicIncrement _pn changes -> do
				graphHammerMergeIncrements changes
				receiveLoop n
			ContinueIntersection envs -> do
				forM_ envs interpret
				receiveLoop (n-length envs)
			msg' -> do
				liftIO $ writeChan ourChan msg'
				receiveLoop n
	let --mainLoop :: EnabledAnalysis as as => GraphHammerM (Msg as) as ()
	    mainLoop = do
		msg <- liftIO $ readChan ourChan
		case msg of
			Portion pn edges answer -> do
				let es = pairs $ UA.elems edges
				graphHammerFillPortionEdges es
				let work n (i,(f,t)) = do
					incr <- workOnEdge analysis i f t
					return $! n + incr
				count <- foldM work 0 $ zip [0..] es
				receiveLoop count
				sendOtherIncrements pn
				liftIO $ writeChan answer ()
			AtomicIncrement _pn changes' -> do
				graphHammerMergeIncrements changes'
			Stop answer -> do
				liftIO $ putStrLn $ "stopped "++show nodeIndex
				liftIO $ writeChan answer nodeIndex
				return ()
			GetAffected answer -> do
				affectedAnalysis <- graphHammerGetAffectedAnalyses
				liftIO $ writeChan answer affectedAnalysis
			msg' -> do
				liftIO $ writeChan ourChan msg'
	void $ flip runStateT graphHammer $ mainLoop
	return ()
		pairs (a:b:abs') = (a,b) : pairs abs'
		pairs _ = []

sendOtherIncrements :: Int -> GraphHammerM as ()
sendOtherIncrements pn = do
	increments <- graphHammerGetOtherAnalyses
--	liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Others increments: "++show increments
	forM_ increments $ \(node,incrs) ->
		graphHammerSendToNode (fromIntegral node) (AtomicIncrement pn incrs)
	graphHammerCountSent $ length increments

workOnEdge :: Analysis as as -> Int -> Index -> Index -> GraphHammerM as Int
workOnEdge analysis edgeIndex fromIndex toIndex = do
	fromVertex <- graphHammerSplitIndex fromIndex
	toVertex <- graphHammerSplitIndex toIndex
	exists <- graphHammerEdgeExists edgeIndex fromVertex toVertex
	isFromLocal <- graphHammerLocalVertex fromVertex
	isToLocal <- graphHammerLocalVertex toVertex
	localStart <- graphHammerLocalJob fromVertex toVertex
	thisNode <- graphHammerCurrentNodeIndex
	liftIO $ do
		putStrLn $ unlines [
			  "thisNode "++show thisNode
			, "edgeIndex "++show edgeIndex
			, "fromVertex "++show fromVertex
			, "toVertex "++show toVertex
			, "isFromLocal "++show isFromLocal
			, "isToLocal "++show isToLocal
			, "localStart "++show localStart
			, "exists "++show exists]
--		hFlush stdout
	n <- case (isFromLocal, isToLocal, localStart, exists) of
		-- totally external, shouldn't wait.
		(False, False, _, _) -> return 0
		-- totally internal, wouldn't send or receive.
		(True,True, _, False) -> do
			runStack analysis edgeIndex fromIndex toIndex
			return 0
		-- partially internal and started at our node.
		-- it sends a message and shouldn't wait.
		(_,_,True, False) -> do
			runStack analysis edgeIndex fromIndex toIndex
			return 0
		-- partially internal and started outside.
		-- should wait.
		(_,_,False, False) -> return 1
		(_,_,_, True) -> return 0
	return n

insertAndAnalyzeSimpleSequential :: Analysis as' as -> [(Index, Index)] -> GraphHammerM as ()
insertAndAnalyzeSimpleSequential _stack _edges =
	error "insertAndAnalyzeSimpleSequential!!!"

runStack :: Analysis as as -> Int -> Index -> Index -> GraphHammerM as ()
runStack (Analysis startV endV _ action) i start end = do
--	liftIO $ putStrLn $ "statements to interpret:"
--	liftIO $ putStrLn $ show actionStatements
	interpret (interpretInitialEnv i actionStatements)
		actionStatements = ASAssign startV (cst start) : ASAssign endV (cst end) : action

-- |Is analyses stack parallelizable with our method?..
analysesParallelizable :: Analysis as' as -> Bool
analysesParallelizable (Analysis _ _ _ _actions) = True

-- Analysis construction monad.

class AnalysisValue v where
	toInt64 :: v -> Int64
	fromInt64 :: Int64 -> v

instance AnalysisValue Bool where
	toInt64 = fromIntegral . fromEnum
	fromInt64 = toEnum . fromIntegral

instance AnalysisValue Int where
	toInt64 = fromIntegral
	fromInt64 = fromIntegral

instance AnalysisValue Int64 where
	toInt64 = id
	fromInt64 = id

data BulkOp as where
	BulkIncr :: Int -> Value _a Index -> Value _b Index -> Value _c Int64 -> BulkOp as
	CountIncr :: (Show a, Num a, AnalysisValue a) => Value Asgn a -> Value _c a -> BulkOp as

data AnStatement as where
	-- destination and value
	ASAssign :: (Show a, AnalysisValue a) => Value Asgn a -> Value _a a -> AnStatement as
	-- start vertex for edges, end vertex for edges (will be assigned in run-time),
	-- statements to perform.
	ASOnEdges :: Value _a Index -> Value Asgn Index -> AnStatList as -> AnStatement as
	ASOnEdgesIntersection :: Value _a Index -> Value _b Index -> Value Asgn Index -> Value Asgn Index -> AnStatList as -> AnStatement as
	ASAtomicIncr :: Int -> Value _a Index -> Value _b Int64 -> AnStatement as
	ASIf :: Value _a Bool -> AnStatList as -> AnStatList as -> AnStatement as
	ASSetAnalysisResult :: Int -> Value _a Index -> Value _b Int64 -> AnStatement as
	ASFlagVertex :: Value _a Index -> AnStatement as
	ASOnFlaggedVertices :: Value Asgn Index -> AnStatList as -> AnStatement as
	ASIntersectionBulkOps :: Value _a Index -> Value _b Index -> [BulkOp as] -> AnStatement as
	ASContinueEdgeIsect :: !VertexSet -> Value Asgn Index -> Value Asgn Index -> Vertex -> AnStatList as -> AnStatement as
	ASContinueEdgeIsectBulk :: !VertexSet -> !Vertex -> [BulkOp as] -> AnStatement as

indentShow :: Show a => a -> String 
indentShow = indent . show
indent :: String -> String
indent = ("    "++)
indentShowStats :: Show a => [a] -> [String]
indentShowStats stats = map indent $ filter (not . null) $ concatMap (lines . show) stats
instance Show (AnStatement as) where
    show (ASAssign dest what) = show dest ++ " := "++show what
    show (ASOnEdges vertex var stats) = unlines $
         ("onEdges "++show vertex++"\\"++show var) : indentShowStats stats
    show (ASOnEdgesIntersection a b aN bN stats) = unlines $
         ("onEdgesIntersection "++show (a,b)++"\\"++show (aN,bN)) : indentShowStats stats
    show (ASAtomicIncr ai idx incr) = "analysisResult["++show ai++"]["++show idx++"] += "++show incr
    show (ASIf cond thens elses) = unlines $
         ("if "++show cond) : "then" : indentShowStats thens ++ ("else" : map indentShow elses)
    show (ASSetAnalysisResult ai idx val) = "analysisResult["++show ai++"]["++show idx++"] := "++show val
    show (ASFlagVertex idx) = "flagVertex "++show idx
    show (ASOnFlaggedVertices x ss) = unlines $ ("onFlaggedVertices \\"++show x ++" ->") : indentShowStats ss
    show (ASIntersectionBulkOps _ _ _)  = "ASIntersectionBulkOps"
    show (ASContinueEdgeIsect _ _ _ _ _) = "ASContinueEdgeIsect"
    show (ASContinueEdgeIsectBulk _ _ _) = "ASContinueEdgeIsectBulk"
    showList xs = \s -> s ++ unlines (map show xs)

type AnStatList as = [AnStatement as]

data AnSt as = AnSt {
	  asValueIndex		:: !Int32
	, asStatements		:: !(AnStatList as)

-- this is how we construct analyses.
type AnM as a = State (AnSt as) a

addStatement :: AnStatement as -> AnM as ()
addStatement stat = modify $! \as -> as {
	  asStatements = asStatements as ++ [stat]

cutStatements :: AnM as r -> AnM as (AnStatList as, r)
cutStatements act = do
	stats <- liftM asStatements get
	modify $! \as -> as { asStatements = []}
	r <- act
	eStats <- liftM asStatements get
	modify $! \as -> as { asStatements = stats }
	return (eStats, r)

-- Analysis API - enumerating edges.

onEdges :: Value Composed Index -> (Value Composed Index -> AnM as r) -> AnM as r
onEdges vertex act = do
	neighbor <- defineLocal
	(eStats, r) <- cutStatements $ act $ ValueComposed neighbor
	addStatement $ ASOnEdges vertex neighbor eStats
	return r

-- Analysis API - flagging vertices and iterating over them.

flagVertex :: Value any Index -> AnM as ()
flagVertex vertex = do
	addStatement $ ASFlagVertex vertex
onFlaggedVertices :: (Value Composed Index -> AnM as r) -> AnM as r
onFlaggedVertices action = do
	vertex <- defineLocal
	(eStats, r) <- cutStatements $ action $ ValueComposed vertex
	addStatement $ ASOnFlaggedVertices vertex eStats
	return r

-- Analysis API - conditional operator.

anIf :: Value Composed Bool -> AnM as r -> AnM as r -> AnM as r
anIf cond th el = do
	(thStats, r) <- cutStatements th
	(elStats, _) <- cutStatements el
	addStatement $ ASIf cond thStats elStats
	return r

-- Analysis API - keeping analyses' results.

getEnabledAnalyses :: AnM as as
getEnabledAnalyses = return (error "value of getEnabledAnalyses should not be requested.")

getAnalysisIndex :: AnalysisIndex a as => a -> AnM as Int
getAnalysisIndex a = do
	analyses <- getEnabledAnalyses
	return $ analysisIndex a analyses

-- |Fetch analysis result.
getAnalysisResult :: (AnalysisIndex a as) => a -> Value _a Index -> AnM as (Value Composed Int64)
getAnalysisResult analysis vertex = do
	idx <- getAnalysisIndex analysis
	return $ ValueComposed $ ValueAnalysisResult idx vertex

-- |Store analysis result.
putAnalysisResult :: (AnalysisIndex a as) => a -> Value _a Index -> Value _b Int64 -> AnM as ()
putAnalysisResult analysis vertex value = do
	idx <- getAnalysisIndex analysis
	addStatement $ ASSetAnalysisResult idx vertex value

-- |Update atomically result with increment.
incrementAnalysisResult :: (AnalysisIndex a as) => a -> Value _a Index -> Value _b Int64 -> AnM as ()
incrementAnalysisResult analysis vertex incr = do
	idx <- getAnalysisIndex analysis
	addStatement $ ASAtomicIncr idx vertex incr

-- GraphHammer API - values and expressions.

-- value is assignable.
data Asgn
-- value is composite, thus not assignable.
data Composed

-- |A (modifable) value.
data Value asgn v where
	-- argument's index.
	ValueArgument :: Int -> Value Composed v
	-- some local variable.
	ValueLocal :: AnalysisValue v => Int32 -> Value Asgn v
	-- constant. we cannot live wothout them.
	ValueConst :: v -> Value Composed v
	-- binary operation.
	ValueBin :: (Show l, Show r) => BinOp l r v -> Value _a l -> Value _b r -> Value Composed v
	-- and unary operations.
	ValueUn :: UnOp a v -> Value _a a -> Value Composed v
	-- cast as composed.
	ValueComposed :: Value _a v -> Value Composed v
	-- address of the analysis result of the value.
	-- index of the analysis in stack, vertex index.
	ValueAnalysisResult :: Int -> Value _b Index -> Value Asgn Int64

data BinOp x y z where
	Plus :: Num x => BinOp x x x
	Minus :: Num x => BinOp x x x
	Mul :: Num x => BinOp x x x
	Div :: Integral x => BinOp x x x
	Equal :: Eq x => BinOp x x Bool

instance Show v => Show (Value asgn v) where
	show v = case v of
		ValueArgument i -> "arg_"++show i
		ValueLocal i -> "var_"++show i
		ValueConst w -> show w
		ValueBin op a b -> unwords ["(",show a,")", show op, "(",show b,")"]
		ValueUn _op _a -> "unary"
		ValueComposed w -> unwords ["as_composed(",show w,")"]
		ValueAnalysisResult i ix -> "analysis "++show i++" result at "++show ix

instance Show (BinOp x y z) where
	show op = case op of
		Plus -> "+"
		Minus -> "-"
		Mul -> "*"
		Div -> "/"
		Equal -> "=="

data UnOp a r where
	Not :: UnOp Bool Bool
	Negate :: Num v => UnOp v v

-- |Define a (mutable) value local to a computation.
defineLocal :: AnalysisValue v => AnM as (Value Asgn v)
defineLocal = do
	modify $! \as -> as { asValueIndex = asValueIndex as + 1 }
	liftM (ValueLocal . asValueIndex) get

-- |Define a local value and assign to it.
localValue :: (Show v, AnalysisValue v) => v -> AnM as (Value Asgn v)
localValue def = do
	v <- defineLocal
	v $= cst def
	return v

infixl 6 +., -.
(+.), (-.), (*.) :: (Show v, Num v) => Value _a v -> Value _b v -> Value Composed v
a +. b = ValueBin Plus a b
a -. b = ValueBin Minus a b
a *. b = ValueBin Mul a b
divV :: (Integral v, Show v) => Value _a v -> Value _b v -> Value Composed v
divV a b = ValueBin Div a b

(===), (=/=) :: (Show v, Eq v) => Value _a v -> Value _b v -> Value Composed Bool
a === b = ValueBin Equal a b
a =/= b = notV $ a === b

notV :: forall _a. Value _a Bool -> Value Composed Bool
notV = ValueUn Not
-- negV = ValueUn Negate

-- | Constant value
cst :: v -> Value Composed v
cst = ValueConst

-- |Assigning a value.
infixr 1 $=
($=) :: (Show v, AnalysisValue v) => Value Asgn v -> Value _a v -> AnM as ()
dest $= expr = addStatement $ ASAssign dest expr

-- Interpreting analysis in GraphHammer monad.

data IntSt as = IntSt {
	  istLocals	:: !(IntMap Int64)
	, isEdgeIndex	:: !Int
	, isConts	:: ![AnStatList as]

type AIM as a = StateT (IntSt as) (StateT (GraphHammer as) IO) a

interpretInitialEnv :: Int -> AnStatList as -> IntSt as
interpretInitialEnv edgeIndex actions =
	IntSt (IMap.empty) edgeIndex [actions]

interpret :: EnabledAnalyses as as => IntSt as -> GraphHammerM as ()
interpret env = flip evalStateT env $ do

interpretStatements :: EnabledAnalyses as as => AIM as ()
interpretStatements = do
	conts <- liftM isConts get
	case conts of
		[] -> return ()
		([]:cs) -> do
			modify $! \st -> st { isConts = cs }
		((s:ss):cs) -> do
			modify $! \st -> st { isConts = ss:cs }
			interpretStatement s

interpretStatement :: EnabledAnalyses as as => AnStatement as -> AIM as ()
interpretStatement stat = case stat of
  ASAssign dest what -> --liftIO (putStrLn $ show dest ++ " := "++show what) >>
    assignValue dest what
  ASOnEdges startVertex vertexToAssign stats -> do
    interpretOnEdges startVertex vertexToAssign stats
  ASAtomicIncr aIndex vIndex incr -> do
    incr' <- interpretValue incr
    vIndex' <- interpretValue vIndex
    lift $ graphHammerIncrementAnalysis aIndex vIndex' incr'
  ASIf cond thenStats elseStats -> do
    c <- interpretValue cond
    let stats = if c then thenStats else elseStats
    modify $! \st -> st { isConts = stats : isConts st }
  ASContinueEdgeIsect edgeSet a b thisNodeVertex onEdgeStats -> do
    ei <- liftM isEdgeIndex get
    thisEdgeSet <- lift $ graphHammerGetEdgeSet ei thisNodeVertex
    isection <- lift $ graphHammerVertexSetIntersectionAsIndices edgeSet thisEdgeSet
    let cont c = ASAssign a (cst c) : ASAssign b (cst c) : onEdgeStats 
    modify $! \st -> st { isConts = map cont isection ++ isConts st }
  ASContinueEdgeIsectBulk edgeSet thisNodeVertex bulkOps -> do
    ei <- liftM isEdgeIndex get
    thisEdgeSet <- lift $ graphHammerGetEdgeSet ei thisNodeVertex
    isection <- lift $ graphHammerVertexSetIntersection edgeSet thisEdgeSet
    interpretBulkOps isection bulkOps
  ASOnEdgesIntersection av bv aN bN stats -> do
    interpretEdgesIntersection av bv aN bN stats
  ASIntersectionBulkOps av bv bulkStats ->
    interpretIntersectionBulkOps av bv bulkStats
  ASSetAnalysisResult _ _ _ -> error "interpretStatement for ASSetAnalysisResult is not implemented yet"
  ASFlagVertex _            -> error "interpretStatement for ASFlagVertex is not implemented yet"  
  ASOnFlaggedVertices _ _   -> error "interpretStatement for ASOnFlaggedVertices is not implemented yet"

assignValue :: Show v => Value Asgn v -> Value _b v -> AIM as ()
assignValue (ValueLocal idx) what = do
	x <- interpretValue what
	modify $! \ist -> ist { istLocals = IMap.insert idx (toInt64 x) $ istLocals ist }
assignValue (ValueAnalysisResult _ _) _ = error "it's not possible to assign to result"

interpretIntersectionBulkOps :: Value _a Index -> Value _b Index -> [BulkOp as] -> AIM as ()
interpretIntersectionBulkOps a b ops = do
	ei <- liftM isEdgeIndex get
	s1 <- interpretVertexValue a
	s2 <- interpretVertexValue b
	l1 <- lift $ graphHammerLocalVertex s1
	l2 <- lift $ graphHammerLocalVertex s2
	case (l1,l2) of
		-- this is filtered out in previous steps.
		(False, False) -> error "completely non-local computation!"
		-- completely local computation.
		(True, True) -> do
			e1 <- lift $ graphHammerGetEdgeSet ei s1
			e2 <- lift $ graphHammerGetEdgeSet ei s2
			isection <- lift $ graphHammerVertexSetIntersection e1 e2
			interpretBulkOps isection ops
		-- partially local computations that started in our node.
		(True, False) -> do
			ourEdges <- lift $ graphHammerGetEdgeSet ei s1
			sendAndStop s2 ourEdges
		(False, True) -> do
			ourEdges <- lift $ graphHammerGetEdgeSet ei s2
			sendAndStop s1 ourEdges
		sendAndStop destIndex ourEdges = do
			st <- get
			let continueStat = ASContinueEdgeIsectBulk ourEdges destIndex ops
			let sendSt = continueStat `seq` st { isConts = [continueStat] : isConts st }
			lift $ graphHammerGroupContinuations destIndex $! sendSt
			-- stop interpreting here. It will be continued on another node.
			modify $! \st1 -> st1 { isConts = [] }

interpretBulkOps :: VertexSet -> [BulkOp as] -> AIM as ()
interpretBulkOps _isection [] = return ()
interpretBulkOps isection (op:ops) = do
	case op of
		BulkIncr aindex _ _ incr -> do
			v <- interpretValue incr
			lift $ graphHammerBulkIncrementAnalysis aindex isection v
		CountIncr v incr -> do
			assignValue v (incr *. cst (fromIntegral $ vertexSetSize isection))
	interpretBulkOps isection ops

interpretEdgesIntersection :: Value _a Index -> Value _b Index -> Value Asgn Index -> Value Asgn Index -> AnStatList as -> AIM as ()
interpretEdgesIntersection a b aN bN stats = do
	ei <- liftM isEdgeIndex get
	s1 <- interpretVertexValue a
	s2 <- interpretVertexValue b
	l1 <- lift $ graphHammerLocalVertex s1
	l2 <- lift $ graphHammerLocalVertex s2
	case (l1,l2) of
		(False, False) -> error "completely non-local computation!"
		(True,True) -> do
			e1 <- lift $ graphHammerGetEdgeSet ei s1
			e2 <- lift $ graphHammerGetEdgeSet ei s2
			let cont c = ASAssign aN (cst c) :
				ASAssign bN (cst c) :
			isection <- lift $ graphHammerVertexSetIntersectionAsIndices e1 e2
			let conts = map cont isection
			modify $! \st -> st { isConts = conts ++ isConts st }
		-- one is local to us, another is out of our reach.
		(True,False) -> do
			ourEdges <- lift $ graphHammerGetEdgeSet ei s1
			sendAndStop s2 s1 ourEdges
		(False,True) -> do
			ourEdges <- lift $ graphHammerGetEdgeSet ei s2
			sendAndStop s1 s2 ourEdges
		sendAndStop destIndex _ourIndex ourEdges = do
			st <- get
			let continueStat = ASContinueEdgeIsect ourEdges aN bN destIndex stats
			let sendSt = st { isConts = [continueStat] : isConts st }
			lift $ graphHammerGroupContinuations destIndex sendSt
			-- stop interpreting here. It will be continued on another node.
			modify $! \st1 -> st1 { isConts = [] }

interpretOnEdges :: EnabledAnalyses as as => Value _a Index -> Value Asgn Index -> AnStatList as -> AIM as ()

-- special case for edge sets intersection.
interpretOnEdges startVertex1 vertexToAssign1@(ValueLocal i1)
	[ASOnEdges startVertex2 vertexToAssign2@(ValueLocal i2) [ASIf (ValueBin Equal a b) thenStats []]]
	| Just i3 <- uncompose a
	, Just i4 <- uncompose b
	, (i1 == i3 && i2 == i4) || (i1 == i4 && i2 == i3) =
		interpretEdgesIntersection startVertex1 startVertex2 vertexToAssign1 vertexToAssign2 thenStats

interpretOnEdges _startVertex _vertexToAssign _stats = do
	error "standalone onEdges is not supported right now!"

interpretValue :: Value _a v -> AIM as v
interpretValue value = case value of
	ValueLocal index1 -> do
		locals <- liftM istLocals get
		case IMap.lookup index1 locals of
			Just v -> return (fromInt64 v)
			Nothing -> error $ "local variable #"++show index1++" not found in "++show locals++"."
	ValueArgument _index -> error "interpreting ValueArgument!!!"
	ValueConst v -> return v
	ValueBin Plus l r -> interpretBin (+) l r
	ValueBin Minus l r -> interpretBin (-) l r
	ValueBin Mul l r -> interpretBin (*) l r
	ValueBin Div l r -> interpretBin (div) l r
	ValueBin Equal l r -> interpretBin (==) l r
	ValueUn Not val -> liftM not $ interpretValue val
	ValueUn Negate val -> liftM negate $ interpretValue val
	ValueComposed v -> interpretValue v
	ValueAnalysisResult analysisIndex1 vertex -> do
		v <- interpretValue vertex
		lift $ graphHammerGetAnalysis analysisIndex1 v
		interpretBin :: (a -> b -> r) -> Value _a a -> Value _b b -> AIM as r
		interpretBin f a b = liftM2 f (interpretValue a) (interpretValue b)

interpretVertexValue :: Value _a Index -> AIM as Vertex
interpretVertexValue value = do
	i <- interpretValue value
	lift $ graphHammerSplitIndex i

-- Optimizing statements operations.

optimizeStatements :: AnStatList as -> AnStatList as
-- trivial case.
optimizeStatements [] = []
-- important case of edge intesection.
optimizeStatements (stat : stats)
	| Just stats' <- recognizeOptimizeIntersection stat
		= stats' ++ optimizeStatements stats
-- all other cases aren't optimizable.
optimizeStatements (stat : stats) = stat : optimizeStatements stats

recognizeOptimizeIntersection :: AnStatement as ->
	Maybe (AnStatList as)
recognizeOptimizeIntersection stat = do
	isection <- recognizeIntersection stat
	let isections = optimizeIntersection isection
	return isections

optimizeIntersection :: AnStatement as -> [AnStatement as]
optimizeIntersection stat@(ASOnEdgesIntersection a b aN bN stats) = case stats of
	[ASAtomicIncr anIx ix incr, ASAssign v (ValueBin Plus l r)]
		| incrIsConst incr
		, Just iix <- uncompose ix
		, Just iaN <- uncompose aN
		, Just ibN <- uncompose bN
		, iix == iaN || iix == ibN
		, Just iv <- uncompose v
		, Just assignIncr <- uncomposeOne iv l r ->
			[ ASIntersectionBulkOps a b [BulkIncr anIx a b incr, CountIncr v assignIncr]]
	_ -> [stat]
		uncomposeOne :: Int32 -> Value _a x -> Value _b x -> Maybe (Value Composed x)
		uncomposeOne rq a1 b1 = do
				i <- uncompose a1
				if i == rq then return (castComposed b1) else mzero
			`mplus` do
				i <- uncompose b1
				if i == rq then return (castComposed a1) else mzero
		castComposed :: Value _a a -> Value Composed a
		castComposed (ValueComposed v) = ValueComposed v
		castComposed (ValueConst c) = ValueConst c
		castComposed v = ValueComposed v
		incrIsConst :: Value _a c -> Bool
		incrIsConst (ValueConst _c) = True
		incrIsConst _ = False
optimizeIntersection _ = error "Not an intersection interation operator."

uncompose :: Value _a x -> Maybe Int32
uncompose (ValueComposed a) = uncompose a
uncompose (ValueLocal i) = Just i
uncompose _ = Nothing

recognizeIntersection :: AnStatement as -> Maybe (AnStatement as)
recognizeIntersection (ASOnEdges a aN [ASOnEdges b bN [ASIf cond stats []]]) = do
	_ <- case cond of
		ValueBin Equal x y -> do
			ix <- uncompose x
			iy <- uncompose y
			iaN <- uncompose aN
			ibN <- uncompose bN
			if (ix == iaN && iy == ibN) || (ix == ibN && iy == iaN)
				then return undefined
				else mzero
		_ -> mzero
	return $ ASOnEdgesIntersection a b aN bN stats
recognizeIntersection _ = mzero

-- GraphHammer analysis combination.

type family RequiredAnalyses a

-- Removed for feature use
-- data AnalysisNotEnabled a

class EnabledAnalysis a as

instance EnabledAnalysis a (a :. as)
instance EnabledAnalysis a as => EnabledAnalysis a (a' :. as)

class EnabledAnalyses as eas

instance EnabledAnalyses Nil eas
instance (EnabledAnalyses as eas, EnabledAnalysis a eas) => EnabledAnalyses (a :. as) eas

data Analysis as wholeset where
	Analysis :: (EnabledAnalyses (RequiredAnalyses a) as, EnabledAnalyses as wholeset, EnabledAnalyses (a :. as) wholeset) =>
			Value Asgn Index -> Value Asgn Index -> Int32 ->
			AnStatList (a :. as) -> Analysis (a :. as) wholeset

basicAnalysis :: ((RequiredAnalyses a) ~ Nil, EnabledAnalysis a wholeset) =>
	a -> (a -> Value Composed Index -> Value Composed Index -> AnM (a :. Nil) ()) -> Analysis (a :. Nil) wholeset
basicAnalysis analysis edgeInsert =
	Analysis sv ev i stats
		i = asValueIndex env
		stats = optimizeStatements $ asStatements env
		((sv,ev),env) = flip runState (AnSt 0 []) $ do
			sv1 <- defineLocal
			ev1 <- defineLocal
			edgeInsert analysis (ValueComposed sv1) (ValueComposed ev1)
			return (sv1,ev1)

derivedAnalysis :: (EnabledAnalyses (RequiredAnalyses a) as, EnabledAnalyses as wholeset, EnabledAnalyses (a :. as) wholeset)  =>
                Analysis as wholeset -> a -> (a -> Value Composed Index -> Value Composed Index -> AnM (a :. as) ()) -> Analysis (a :. as) wholeset
derivedAnalysis (Analysis startV endV startI requiredActions) analysis edgeInsert =
    Analysis startV endV i (map liftStatement requiredActions ++ currentActions)
    initialState = AnSt startI []
    liftStatement :: AnStatement as -> AnStatement (a :. as)
    liftStatement stat = case stat of
        ASAssign v e -> ASAssign v e
        ASOnEdges i1 arg as -> ASOnEdges i1 arg (map liftStatement as)
        ASAtomicIncr ai vi incr -> ASAtomicIncr ai vi incr
        ASIf cond thens elses -> ASIf cond (map liftStatement thens) (map liftStatement elses)
        ASSetAnalysisResult ai vi val -> ASSetAnalysisResult ai vi val
        ASFlagVertex v -> ASFlagVertex v
        ASOnFlaggedVertices arg stats -> ASOnFlaggedVertices arg $ map liftStatement stats
        -- new ones
        ASOnEdgesIntersection va vb ai bi stats -> ASOnEdgesIntersection va vb ai bi $ map liftStatement stats
        ASIntersectionBulkOps _va _vb _ops -> error "derivedAnalysis over ASIntersectionBulkOps is not yet implemented"
        ASContinueEdgeIsect vs ai bi v stats -> ASContinueEdgeIsect vs ai bi v $ map liftStatement stats
        ASContinueEdgeIsectBulk _ _ _ ->  error "derivedAnalysis over ASContinueEdgeIsectBulk is not yet implemented"
    currentActions = optimizeStatements $ asStatements env
    i = asValueIndex env
    env = flip execState initialState $ do
            edgeInsert analysis (ValueComposed startV) (ValueComposed endV)

class EnabledAnalysis a as => AnalysisIndex a as where
	analysisIndex :: a -> as -> Int

instance AnalysisIndex a as => AnalysisIndex a (a' :. as) where
	analysisIndex a list = analysisIndex a (hTail list)
instance HLength as => AnalysisIndex a (a :. as) where
	analysisIndex _ list = hLength (hTail list)

class AnalysisIndexBool b a as | a as -> b where
	analysisAtHead :: a -> as -> b
	analysisIndexBool :: b -> a -> as -> Int
instance (HLength as, TyCast TRUE b) => AnalysisIndexBool b  a (a  :. as) where
	analysisAtHead _ _ = undefined
	analysisIndexBool _ _ list = hLength $ hTail list
instance (AnalysisIndex a as) => AnalysisIndexBool FALSE a (a' :. as) where
	analysisAtHead _ _ = undefined
	analysisIndexBool _ a list = analysisIndex a $ hTail list

instance (EnabledBool b a (a' :. as), AnalysisIndexBool b a (a' :. as), TyEq b a a') => AnalysisIndex a (a' :. as) where
	analysisIndex a as = analysisIndexBool (analysisAtHead a as) a as