import HCL import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Char import System.Random (getStdRandom, randomR) import Control.Exception (bracket) import System.IO (openFile, hClose, IOMode (ReadMode), hGetContents, hFileSize) import Data.List (genericDrop) import qualified Paths_HCL as Path -- Necessary because of cabal packaging. -- Stores info for the hangman game, including -- the word being guessed, letters used so far, and -- correctly guessed letters (and positions) so far data Hangman = Hangman { numTurns :: Int, word :: String, lettersUsed :: Set Char, turn :: Int } -- Make an initial hangman value. makeHangman turns goal = Hangman turns goal Set.empty 0 -- Select a random word from those in the file "2of12.txt" -- Tries to be fancy and lazy by potentially reading past the end -- of the fail and scaling back. selectWord :: IO String selectWord = do wordFile <- Path.getDataFileName "hangman/2of12.txt" bracket (openFile wordFile ReadMode) hClose getWord where -- Select a word from the file. Start with file size / 2 -- as our estimate of number of words getWord f = do sz <- hFileSize f wordList <- hGetContents f pickLine (sz `div` 2) (lines wordList) pickLine max words = do whichLine <- getStdRandom (randomR (0, max)) if null $ genericDrop (whichLine - 1) words then pickLine (max `div` 2) words else return $ head (genericDrop (whichLine - 1) words) -- Add a guess to the hangman game. addGuess :: Hangman -> Char -> Hangman addGuess h@(Hangman {lettersUsed = letters, turn = currTurn, word = currWord}) char = if char `elem` currWord then h { lettersUsed = (Set.insert char letters) } else h { lettersUsed = (Set.insert char letters), turn = (currTurn + 1) } hangManPic :: Bool -> [String] hangManPic final = " _______ " : " / | " : " | ___ " : eyes : " | | | " : " | \\_/ " : " | | " : " | /|\\ " : " | / | \\ " : " | | " : " | | " : " | | " : " | / \\ " : " | / \\ " : " | " : "----------------" : [] where eyes :: String eyes = if final then " | /x x\\ " else " | / \\ " -- Print current state of Hangman game. printHangMan :: Hangman -> IO () printHangMan h = do putStrLn "" putStrLn $ formatHangman h putStrLn $ "Turns remaining: " ++ show ((numTurns h) - (turn h)) putStrLn $ "Letters used: " ++ (formatLettersUsed h) putStrLn $ "Guess: " ++ (formatGuess h) where formatLettersUsed :: Hangman -> String formatLettersUsed h = foldr (\c rest -> c : " " ++ rest) "" (Set.elems $ lettersUsed h) formatGuess :: Hangman -> String formatGuess h = foldr (\l r -> l : ' ' : r) "" formatGuess where formatGuess = map (\c -> if letterGuessed c then c else '_') (word h) letterGuessed c = c `Set.member` (lettersUsed h) formatHangman :: Hangman -> String formatHangman (Hangman numTurns _ _ turn) = let picture = hangManPic False picLength = toRational $ length picture picRatio = picLength / (toRational numTurns) amount = (toRational turn) * picRatio in -- Display last amount lines, since we want to show hangman from bottom up unlines $ drop (floor (picLength - amount)) picture -- Plays a round of hangman. playRound :: Hangman -> Request Hangman playRound hangMan = do nextTurn hangMan guess <- reqGuess return (addGuess hangMan guess) where -- Get the next guess from the user. If a letter is entered which already exists, -- the user is asked to guess again. reqGuess = reqUntil newGuess reqLetter -- Test which determines if the character entered has been guessed before. newGuess char = return (not $ char `Set.member` (lettersUsed hangMan)) -- Gets a single letter from the user. If a line of text is entered, only -- the first value is used. Loops until valid input is entered. Return/spaces will -- cancel though. reqLetter :: Request Char reqLetter = reqLift head $ reqUntil validGuess (prompt ("Guess a letter: ") reqResp) -- Test which determines if the character entered is valid. validGuess [] = return False validGuess (s:str) = return (isLetter s) -- Processing for the next turn of hangman. nextTurn hangMan = do if wordGuessed hangMan then do { reqIO $ putStrLn ("You win! The word was " ++ word hangMan); reqFail } else if (turn hangMan >= numTurns hangMan) then do { reqIO $ sequence [putStrLn $ unlines (hangManPic True), putStrLn ("You lose! The word was " ++ word hangMan)]; reqFail } else reqIO $ printHangMan hangMan -- Determine if the word has been guessed yet. wordGuessed :: Hangman -> Bool wordGuessed h = and (map (`Set.member` (lettersUsed h)) (word h)) -- Picks a word and starts the hangman game. main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "Hangman uses the excellent word list 2of12.txt compiled by Alan Beale ( Let's play!" word <- selectWord execReq $ reqIterate playRound (makeHangman 10 word)