-- #hide
{- |
   Module     : Database.HDBC.Utils
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2005-2011 John Goerzen
   License    : BSD3

   Maintainer : John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>
   Stability  : provisional
   Portability: portable

Internal module -- not exported directly.

Everything in here is expoerted by "Database.HDBC".  Please use -- and read --
"Database.HDBC" directly.

Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org

module Database.HDBC.Utils where
import Database.HDBC.Types
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.List(genericLength)

-- import Data.Dynamic below for GHC < 6.10

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 610
{- | Execute the given IO action.

If it raises a 'SqlError', then execute the supplied handler and return its
return value.  Otherwise, proceed as normal. -}
catchSql :: IO a -> (SqlError -> IO a) -> IO a
catchSql action handler = 
    catchJust sqlExceptions action handler

{- | Like 'catchSql', with the order of arguments reversed. -}
handleSql :: (SqlError -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleSql h f = catchSql f h

{- | Given an Exception, return Just SqlError if it was an SqlError, or Nothing
otherwise. Useful with functions like catchJust. -}
sqlExceptions :: SqlError -> Maybe SqlError
sqlExceptions e = Just e

import Data.Dynamic

{- | Execute the given IO action.

If it raises a 'SqlError', then execute the supplied handler and return its
return value.  Otherwise, proceed as normal. -}
catchSql :: IO a -> (SqlError -> IO a) -> IO a
catchSql = catchDyn

{- | Like 'catchSql', with the order of arguments reversed. -}
handleSql :: (SqlError -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleSql h f = catchDyn f h

{- | Given an Exception, return Just SqlError if it was an SqlError, or Nothing
otherwise. Useful with functions like catchJust. -}
sqlExceptions :: Exception -> Maybe SqlError
sqlExceptions e = dynExceptions e >>= fromDynamic

{- | Catches 'SqlError's, and re-raises them as IO errors with fail.
Useful if you don't care to catch SQL errors, but want to see a sane
error message if one happens.  One would often use this as a high-level
wrapper around SQL calls. -}
handleSqlError :: IO a -> IO a
handleSqlError action =
    catchSql action handler
    where handler e = fail ("SQL error: " ++ show e)

{- | Like 'run', but take a list of Maybe Strings instead of 'SqlValue's. -}
sRun :: IConnection conn => conn -> String -> [Maybe String] -> IO Integer
sRun conn qry lst =
    run conn qry (map toSql lst)

{- | Like 'execute', but take a list of Maybe Strings instead of
   'SqlValue's. -}
sExecute :: Statement -> [Maybe String] -> IO Integer
sExecute sth lst = execute sth (map toSql lst)

{- | Like 'executeMany', but take a list of Maybe Strings instead of
   'SqlValue's. -}
sExecuteMany :: Statement -> [[Maybe String]] -> IO ()
sExecuteMany sth lst = 
    executeMany sth (map (map toSql) lst)

{- | Like 'fetchRow', but return a list of Maybe Strings instead of
   'SqlValue's. -}
sFetchRow :: Statement -> IO (Maybe [Maybe String])
sFetchRow sth =
    do res <- fetchRow sth
       case res of
         Nothing -> return Nothing
         Just x -> return $ Just $ map fromSql x

{- | Execute some code.  If any uncaught exception occurs, run
'rollback' and re-raise it.  Otherwise, run 'commit' and return.

This function, therefore, encapsulates the logical property that a transaction
is all about: all or nothing.

The 'IConnection' object passed in is passed directly to the specified
function as a convenience.

This function traps /all/ uncaught exceptions, not just SqlErrors.  Therefore,
you will get a rollback for any exception that you don't handle.  That's
probably what you want anyway.

Since all operations in HDBC are done in a transaction, this function doesn't
issue an explicit \"begin\" to the server.  You should ideally have
called 'Database.HDBC.commit' or 'Database.HDBC.rollback' before
calling this function.  If you haven't, this function will commit or rollback
more than just the changes made in the included action.

If there was an error while running 'rollback', this error will not be
reported since the original exception will be propogated back.  (You'd probably
like to know about the root cause for all of this anyway.)  Feedback
on this behavior is solicited.
withTransaction :: IConnection conn => conn -> (conn -> IO a) -> IO a
withTransaction conn func =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 610
    do r <- onException (func conn) doRollback
       commit conn
       return r
    where doRollback = 
              -- Discard any exception from (rollback conn) so original
              -- exception can be re-raised
              Control.Exception.catch (rollback conn) doRollbackHandler
          doRollbackHandler :: SomeException -> IO ()
          doRollbackHandler _ = return ()
    do r <- try (func conn)
       case r of
         Right x -> do commit conn
                       return x
         Left e -> 
             do try (rollback conn) -- Discard any exception here
                throw e
{- | Lazily fetch all rows from an executed 'Statement'.

You can think of this as hGetContents applied to a database result set.

The result of this is a lazy list, and each new row will be read, lazily, from
the database as the list is processed.

When you have exhausted the list, the 'Statement' will be 'finish'ed.

Please note that the careless use of this function can lead to some unpleasant
behavior.  In particular, if you have not consumed the entire list, then
attempt to 'finish' or re-execute the statement, and then attempt to consume
more elements from the list, the result will almost certainly not be what
you want.

But then, similar caveats apply with hGetContents.

Bottom line: this is a very convenient abstraction; use it wisely.

Use 'fetchAllRows'' if you need something that is strict, without
all these caveats.
fetchAllRows :: Statement -> IO [[SqlValue]]
fetchAllRows sth = unsafeInterleaveIO $
    do row <- fetchRow sth
       case row of
         Nothing -> return []
         Just x -> do remainder <- fetchAllRows sth
                      return (x : remainder)

evalAll :: [[a]] -> IO Integer
evalAll inp =
    do r1 <- mapM (evaluate . genericLength) inp
       evaluate (sum r1)

{- | Strict version of 'fetchAllRows'.  Does not have the side-effects
of 'fetchAllRows', but forces the entire result set to be buffered
in memory. -}
fetchAllRows' :: Statement -> IO [[SqlValue]]
fetchAllRows' sth =
    do res <- fetchAllRows sth
       _ <- evalAll res
       return res

{- | Like 'fetchAllRows', but return Maybe Strings instead of 'SqlValue's. -}
sFetchAllRows :: Statement -> IO [[Maybe String]]
sFetchAllRows sth =
    do res <- fetchAllRows sth
       return $ map (map fromSql) res

{- | Strict version of 'sFetchAllRows'. -}
sFetchAllRows' :: Statement -> IO [[Maybe String]]
sFetchAllRows' sth =
    do res <- sFetchAllRows sth
       _ <- evalAll res
       return res

{- | Like 'fetchRow', but instead of returning a list, return an association
list from column name to value.

The keys of the column names are lowercase versions of the data returned
by 'getColumnNames'.  Please heed the warnings there.  Additionally,
results are undefined if multiple columns are returned with identical names.
fetchRowAL :: Statement -> IO (Maybe [(String, SqlValue)])
fetchRowAL sth =
    do row <- fetchRow sth
       case row of
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just r -> do names <- getColumnNames sth
                     return $ Just $ zip names r

{- | Strict version of 'fetchRowAL'. -}
fetchRowAL' :: Statement -> IO (Maybe [(String, SqlValue)])
fetchRowAL' sth =
    do res <- fetchRowAL sth
       _ <- case res of
         Nothing -> return 0
         Just x -> evaluate ((genericLength x)::Integer)
       return res

{- | Similar to 'fetchRowAL', but return a Map instead of an association list.
fetchRowMap :: Statement -> IO (Maybe (Map.Map String SqlValue))
fetchRowMap sth = 
    do r <- fetchRowAL sth
       case r of
              Nothing -> return Nothing
              Just x -> return $ Just $ Map.fromList x

{- | Strict version of 'fetchRowMap'. -}
fetchRowMap' :: Statement -> IO (Maybe (Map.Map String SqlValue))
fetchRowMap' sth = 
    do res <- fetchRowMap sth
       _ <- case res of
            Nothing -> return 0
            Just x -> evaluate ((genericLength (Map.toList x))::Integer)
       return res

{- | Like 'fetchAllRows', but instead of returning a list for each
row, return an association list for each row, from column name to value.

See 'fetchRowAL' for more details. -}
fetchAllRowsAL :: Statement -> IO [[(String, SqlValue)]]
fetchAllRowsAL sth =
    do names <- getColumnNames sth
       rows <- fetchAllRows sth
       return $ map (zip names) rows

{- | Strict version of 'fetchAllRowsAL' -}
fetchAllRowsAL' :: Statement -> IO [[(String, SqlValue)]]
fetchAllRowsAL' sth =
    do res <- fetchAllRowsAL sth
       _ <- evalAll res
       return res

{- | Like 'fetchAllRowsAL', but return a list of Maps instead of a list of
association lists. -}
fetchAllRowsMap :: Statement -> IO [Map.Map String SqlValue]
fetchAllRowsMap sth = fetchAllRowsAL sth >>= (return . map Map.fromList)

{- | Strict version of 'fetchAllRowsMap' -}
fetchAllRowsMap' :: Statement -> IO [Map.Map String SqlValue]
fetchAllRowsMap' sth = 
    do res <- fetchAllRowsMap sth
       _ <- evaluate ((genericLength res)::Integer)
       return res

{- | A quick way to do a query.  Similar to preparing, executing, and
then calling 'fetchAllRows' on a statement. See also 'quickQuery''. -}
quickQuery :: IConnection conn => conn -> String -> [SqlValue] -> IO [[SqlValue]]
quickQuery conn qrystr args =
    do sth <- prepare conn qrystr
       _ <- execute sth args
       fetchAllRows sth

{- | Strict version of 'quickQuery'. -}
quickQuery' :: IConnection conn => conn -> String -> [SqlValue] -> IO [[SqlValue]]
quickQuery' conn qrystr args =
    do res <- quickQuery conn qrystr args
       _ <- evalAll res
       return res

{- | A utility function to throw a 'SqlError'.  The mechanics of throwing
such a thing differ between GHC 6.8.x, Hugs, and GHC 6.10.  This function
takes care of the special cases to make it simpler.

With GHC 6.10, it is a type-restricted alias for throw.  On all other systems,
it is a type-restricted alias for throwDyn. -}
throwSqlError :: SqlError -> IO a
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 610
throwSqlError = throw
throwSqlError = throwDyn