{-# LINE 1 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
{-# LINE 2 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  System.Fuse
-- Copyright   :  (c) Jérémy Bobbio, Taru Karttunen
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  taruti@taruti.net, jeremy.bobbio@etu.upmc.fr
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC 6.4-6.12
-- A binding for the FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) library
-- (<http://fuse.sourceforge.net/>), which allows filesystems to be implemented
-- as userspace processes.
-- The binding tries to follow as much as possible current Haskell POSIX
-- interface in "System.Posix.Files" and "System.Posix.Directory".
-- FUSE uses POSIX threads, so any Haskell application using this library must
-- be linked against a threaded runtime system (eg. using the @threaded@ GHC
-- option).
module System.Fuse
    ( -- * Using FUSE

      -- $intro

      module Foreign.C.Error
    , FuseOperations(..)
    , defaultFuseOps
    , fuseMain -- :: FuseOperations fh -> (Exception -> IO Errno) -> IO ()
    , defaultExceptionHandler -- :: Exception -> IO Errno
      -- * Operations datatypes
    , FileStat(..)
    , EntryType(..)
    , FileSystemStats(..)
    , SyncType(..)
      -- * FUSE Context
    , getFuseContext -- :: IO FuseContext
    , FuseContext(fuseCtxUserID, fuseCtxGroupID, fuseCtxProcessID)
      -- * File modes
    , entryTypeToFileMode -- :: EntryType -> FileMode
    , fileModeToEntryType -- :: FileMode -> EntryType
    , OpenMode(..)
    , OpenFileFlags(..)
    , intersectFileModes -- :: FileMode
    , unionFileModes -- :: FileMode
    ) where

import Prelude hiding ( Read )

import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception as E(Exception, handle, finally, SomeException)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8    as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe   as B
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.C.Error
import Foreign.Marshal
import System.Environment ( getProgName, getArgs )
import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr, withFile, stdin, stdout, IOMode(..) )
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Posix.Files ( accessModes, intersectFileModes, unionFileModes )
import System.Posix.Directory(changeWorkingDirectory)
import System.Posix.Process(forkProcess,createSession,exitImmediately)
import System.Posix.IO ( OpenMode(..), OpenFileFlags(..) )
import qualified System.Posix.Signals as Signals
import GHC.IO.Handle(hDuplicateTo)
import System.Exit
import qualified System.IO.Error as IO(catch,ioeGetErrorString)

-- TODO: FileMode -> Permissions
-- TODO: Arguments !
-- TODO: implement binding to fuse_invalidate
-- TODO: bind fuse_*xattr

{-# LINE 79 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 83 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 84 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 85 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 87 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 88 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 89 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

{- $intro
'FuseOperations' contains a field for each filesystem operations that can be called
by FUSE. Think like if you were implementing a file system inside the Linux kernel.

Each actions must return a POSIX error code, also called 'Errno' reflecting
operation result. For actions not using 'Either', you should return 'eOK' in case
of success.

Read and writes are done with Haskell 'ByteString' type.


{-  All operations should return the negated error value (-errno) on

{- | Used by 'fuseGetFileStat'.  Corresponds to @struct stat@ from @stat.h@;
     @st_dev@, @st_ino@ and @st_blksize@ are omitted, since (from the libfuse
     documentation): \"the @st_dev@ and @st_blksize@ fields are ignored.  The
     @st_ino@ field is ignored except if the use_ino mount option is given.\"

     /TODO: at some point the inode field will probably be needed./
data FileStat = FileStat { statEntryType :: EntryType
                         , statFileMode :: FileMode
                         , statLinkCount :: LinkCount
                         , statFileOwner :: UserID
                         , statFileGroup :: GroupID
                         , statSpecialDeviceID :: DeviceID
                         , statFileSize :: FileOffset
                         , statBlocks :: Integer
                         , statAccessTime :: EpochTime
                         , statModificationTime :: EpochTime
                         , statStatusChangeTime :: EpochTime
    deriving Show

{- FIXME: I don't know how to determine the alignment of struct stat without
 - making unportable assumptions about the order of elements within it.  Hence,
 - FileStat is not an instance of Storable.  But it should be, rather than this
 - next function existing!

fileStatToCStat :: FileStat -> Ptr CStat -> IO ()
fileStatToCStat stat pStat = do
    let mode = (entryTypeToFileMode (statEntryType stat)
               (statFileMode stat `intersectFileModes` accessModes))
    let block_count = (fromIntegral (statBlocks stat) :: (Int64))
{-# LINE 139 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 16))   pStat mode
{-# LINE 140 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 20))  pStat (statLinkCount  stat)
{-# LINE 141 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 24))    pStat (statFileOwner  stat)
{-# LINE 142 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 28))    pStat (statFileGroup  stat)
{-# LINE 143 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 32))   pStat (statSpecialDeviceID stat)
{-# LINE 144 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 44))   pStat (statFileSize   stat)
{-# LINE 145 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 56)) pStat block_count
{-# LINE 146 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 64))  pStat (statAccessTime stat)
{-# LINE 147 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 72))  pStat (statModificationTime stat)
{-# LINE 148 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 80))  pStat (statStatusChangeTime stat)
{-# LINE 149 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

-- | The Unix type of a node in the filesystem.
data EntryType
    = Unknown            -- ^ Unknown entry type
    | NamedPipe
    | CharacterSpecial
    | Directory
    | BlockSpecial
    | RegularFile
    | SymbolicLink
    | Socket

entryTypeToDT :: EntryType -> Int
entryTypeToDT Unknown          = (0)
{-# LINE 165 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
entryTypeToDT NamedPipe        = (1)
{-# LINE 166 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
entryTypeToDT CharacterSpecial = (2)
{-# LINE 167 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
entryTypeToDT Directory        = (4)
{-# LINE 168 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
entryTypeToDT BlockSpecial     = (6)
{-# LINE 169 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
entryTypeToDT RegularFile      = (8)
{-# LINE 170 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
entryTypeToDT SymbolicLink     = (10)
{-# LINE 171 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
entryTypeToDT Socket           = (12)
{-# LINE 172 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

fileTypeModes :: FileMode
fileTypeModes = (61440)
{-# LINE 175 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

blockSpecialMode :: FileMode
blockSpecialMode = (24576)
{-# LINE 178 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

characterSpecialMode :: FileMode
characterSpecialMode = (8192)
{-# LINE 181 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

namedPipeMode :: FileMode
namedPipeMode = (4096)
{-# LINE 184 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

regularFileMode :: FileMode
regularFileMode = (32768)
{-# LINE 187 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

directoryMode :: FileMode
directoryMode = (16384)
{-# LINE 190 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

symbolicLinkMode :: FileMode
symbolicLinkMode = (40960)
{-# LINE 193 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

socketMode :: FileMode
socketMode = (49152)
{-# LINE 196 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

-- | Converts an 'EntryType' into the corresponding POSIX 'FileMode'.
entryTypeToFileMode :: EntryType -> FileMode
entryTypeToFileMode Unknown          = 0
entryTypeToFileMode NamedPipe        = namedPipeMode
entryTypeToFileMode CharacterSpecial = characterSpecialMode
entryTypeToFileMode Directory        = directoryMode
entryTypeToFileMode BlockSpecial     = blockSpecialMode
entryTypeToFileMode RegularFile      = regularFileMode
entryTypeToFileMode SymbolicLink     = symbolicLinkMode
entryTypeToFileMode Socket           = socketMode

fileModeToEntryType :: FileMode -> EntryType
fileModeToEntryType mode
    | fileType == namedPipeMode        = NamedPipe
    | fileType == characterSpecialMode = CharacterSpecial
    | fileType == directoryMode        = Directory
    | fileType == blockSpecialMode     = BlockSpecial
    | fileType == regularFileMode      = RegularFile
    | fileType == symbolicLinkMode     = SymbolicLink
    | fileType == socketMode           = Socket
    where fileType = mode .&. (61440)
{-# LINE 218 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

    There is no create() operation, mknod() will be called for
    creation of all non directory, non symlink nodes.

-- | Type used by the 'fuseGetFileSystemStats'.
data FileSystemStats = FileSystemStats
    { fsStatBlockSize :: Integer
      -- ^ Optimal transfer block size. FUSE default is 512.
    , fsStatBlockCount :: Integer
      -- ^ Total data blocks in file system.
    , fsStatBlocksFree :: Integer
      -- ^ Free blocks in file system.
    , fsStatBlocksAvailable :: Integer
      -- ^ Free blocks available to non-superusers.
    , fsStatFileCount :: Integer
      -- ^ Total file nodes in file system.
    , fsStatFilesFree :: Integer
      -- ^ Free file nodes in file system.
    , fsStatMaxNameLength :: Integer
      -- ^ Maximum length of filenames. FUSE default is 255.

-- | Used by 'fuseSynchronizeFile' and 'fuseSynchronizeDirectory'.
data SyncType
    = FullSync
    -- ^ Synchronize all in-core parts of a file to disk: file content and
    -- metadata.
    | DataSync
    -- ^ Synchronize only the file content.
    deriving (Eq, Enum)

-- | Returned by 'getFuseContext'.
data FuseContext = FuseContext
    { fuseCtxUserID :: UserID
    , fuseCtxGroupID :: GroupID
    , fuseCtxProcessID :: ProcessID

-- | Returns the context of the program doing the current FUSE call.
getFuseContext :: IO FuseContext
getFuseContext =
    do pCtx <- fuse_get_context
       userID <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 4)) pCtx
{-# LINE 265 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
       groupID <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) pCtx
{-# LINE 266 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
       processID <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 12)) pCtx
{-# LINE 267 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
       return $ FuseContext { fuseCtxUserID = userID
                            , fuseCtxGroupID = groupID
                            , fuseCtxProcessID = processID

-- | This record, given to 'fuseMain', binds each required file system
--   operations.
--   Each field is named against 'System.Posix' names. Matching Linux system
--   calls are also given as a reference.
--   @fh@ is the file handle type returned by 'fuseOpen' and subsequently passed
--   to all other file operations.
data FuseOperations fh = FuseOperations
      { -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Files.getSymbolicLinkStatus' operation
        --   (POSIX @lstat(2)@).
        fuseGetFileStat :: FilePath -> IO (Either Errno FileStat),

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Files.readSymbolicLink' operation (POSIX
        --   @readlink(2)@).  The returned 'FilePath' might be truncated
        --   depending on caller buffer size.
        fuseReadSymbolicLink :: FilePath -> IO (Either Errno FilePath),

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Files.createDevice' (POSIX @mknod(2)@).
        --   This function will also be called for regular file creation.
        fuseCreateDevice :: FilePath -> EntryType -> FileMode
                         -> DeviceID -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Directory.createDirectory' (POSIX
        --   @mkdir(2)@).
        fuseCreateDirectory :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Files.removeLink' (POSIX @unlink(2)@).
        fuseRemoveLink :: FilePath -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Directory.removeDirectory' (POSIX
        --   @rmdir(2)@).
        fuseRemoveDirectory :: FilePath -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Files.createSymbolicLink' (POSIX
        --   @symlink(2)@).
        fuseCreateSymbolicLink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Files.rename' (POSIX @rename(2)@).
        fuseRename :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Files.createLink' (POSIX @link(2)@).
        fuseCreateLink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Files.setFileMode' (POSIX @chmod(2)@).
        fuseSetFileMode :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Files.setOwnerAndGroup' (POSIX
        --   @chown(2)@).
        fuseSetOwnerAndGroup :: FilePath -> UserID -> GroupID -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Files.setFileSize' (POSIX @truncate(2)@).
        fuseSetFileSize :: FilePath -> FileOffset -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Files.setFileTimes'
        --   (POSIX @utime(2)@).
        fuseSetFileTimes :: FilePath -> EpochTime -> EpochTime -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements 'System.Posix.Files.openFd' (POSIX @open(2)@).  On
        --   success, returns 'Right' of a filehandle-like value that will be
        --   passed to future file operations; on failure, returns 'Left' of the
        --   appropriate 'Errno'.
        --   No creation, exclusive access or truncating flags will be passed.
        --   This should check that the operation is permitted for the given
        --   flags.
        fuseOpen :: FilePath -> OpenMode -> OpenFileFlags -> IO (Either Errno fh),

        -- | Implements Unix98 @pread(2)@. It differs from
        --   'System.Posix.Files.fdRead' by the explicit 'FileOffset' argument.
        --   The @fuse.h@ documentation stipulates that this \"should return
        --   exactly the number of bytes requested except on EOF or error,
        --   otherwise the rest of the data will be substituted with zeroes.\"
        fuseRead :: FilePath -> fh -> ByteCount -> FileOffset
                 -> IO (Either Errno B.ByteString),

        -- | Implements Unix98 @pwrite(2)@. It differs
        --   from 'System.Posix.Files.fdWrite' by the explicit 'FileOffset' argument.
        fuseWrite :: FilePath -> fh -> B.ByteString -> FileOffset
                  -> IO (Either Errno ByteCount),

        -- | Implements @statfs(2)@.
        fuseGetFileSystemStats :: String -> IO (Either Errno FileSystemStats),

        -- | Called when @close(2)@ has been called on an open file.
        --   Note: this does not mean that the file is released.  This function may be
        --   called more than once for each @open(2)@.  The return value is passed on
        --   to the @close(2)@ system call.
        fuseFlush :: FilePath -> fh -> IO Errno,

        -- | Called when an open file has all file descriptors closed and all
        -- memory mappings unmapped.  For every @open@ call there will be
        -- exactly one @release@ call with the same flags.  It is possible to
        -- have a file opened more than once, in which case only the last
        -- release will mean that no more reads or writes will happen on the
        -- file.
        fuseRelease :: FilePath -> fh -> IO (),

        -- | Implements @fsync(2)@.
        fuseSynchronizeFile :: FilePath -> SyncType -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements @opendir(3)@.  This method should check if the open
        --   operation is permitted for this directory.
        fuseOpenDirectory :: FilePath -> IO Errno,

        -- | Implements @readdir(3)@.  The entire contents of the directory
        --   should be returned as a list of tuples (corresponding to the first
        --   mode of operation documented in @fuse.h@).
        fuseReadDirectory :: FilePath -> IO (Either Errno [(FilePath, FileStat)]),

        -- | Implements @closedir(3)@.
        fuseReleaseDirectory :: FilePath -> IO Errno,

        -- | Synchronize the directory's contents; analogous to
        --   'fuseSynchronizeFile'.
        fuseSynchronizeDirectory :: FilePath -> SyncType -> IO Errno,

        -- | Check file access permissions; this will be called for the
        --   access() system call.  If the @default_permissions@ mount option
        --   is given, this method is not called.  This method is also not
        --   called under Linux kernel versions 2.4.x
        fuseAccess :: FilePath -> Int -> IO Errno, -- FIXME present a nicer type to Haskell

        -- | Initializes the filesystem.  This is called before all other
        --   operations.
        fuseInit :: IO (),

        -- | Called on filesystem exit to allow cleanup.
        fuseDestroy :: IO ()

-- | Empty \/ default versions of the FUSE operations.
defaultFuseOps :: FuseOperations fh
defaultFuseOps =
    FuseOperations { fuseGetFileStat = \_ -> return (Left eNOSYS)
                   , fuseReadSymbolicLink = \_ -> return (Left eNOSYS)
                   , fuseCreateDevice = \_ _ _ _ ->  return eNOSYS
                   , fuseCreateDirectory = \_ _ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseRemoveLink = \_ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseRemoveDirectory = \_ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseCreateSymbolicLink = \_ _ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseRename = \_ _ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseCreateLink = \_ _ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseSetFileMode = \_ _ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseSetOwnerAndGroup = \_ _ _ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseSetFileSize = \_ _ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseSetFileTimes = \_ _ _ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseOpen =   \_ _ _   -> return (Left eNOSYS)
                   , fuseRead =   \_ _ _ _ -> return (Left eNOSYS)
                   , fuseWrite =  \_ _ _ _ -> return (Left eNOSYS)
                   , fuseGetFileSystemStats = \_ -> return (Left eNOSYS)
                   , fuseFlush = \_ _ -> return eOK
                   , fuseRelease = \_ _ -> return ()
                   , fuseSynchronizeFile = \_ _ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseOpenDirectory = \_ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseReadDirectory = \_ -> return (Left eNOSYS)
                   , fuseReleaseDirectory = \_ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseSynchronizeDirectory = \_ _ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseAccess = \_ _ -> return eNOSYS
                   , fuseInit = return ()
                   , fuseDestroy = return ()

-- Allocates a fuse_args struct to hold the commandline arguments.
withFuseArgs :: (Ptr CFuseArgs -> IO b) -> IO b
withFuseArgs f =
    do prog <- getProgName
       args <- getArgs
       let allArgs = (prog:args)
           argc = length allArgs
       withMany withCString allArgs (\ cArgs ->
           withArray cArgs $ (\ pArgv ->
               allocaBytes ((12)) (\ fuseArgs ->
{-# LINE 445 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                    do ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) fuseArgs argc
{-# LINE 446 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                       ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 4)) fuseArgs pArgv
{-# LINE 447 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                       ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) fuseArgs (0::CInt)
{-# LINE 448 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                       finally (f fuseArgs)
                               (fuse_opt_free_args fuseArgs))))

withStructFuse :: forall e fh b. Exception e => Ptr CFuseChan -> Ptr CFuseArgs -> FuseOperations fh -> (e -> IO Errno) -> (Ptr CStructFuse -> IO b) -> IO b
withStructFuse pFuseChan pArgs ops handler f =
    allocaBytes ((164)) $ \ pOps -> do
{-# LINE 454 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      bzero pOps ((164))
{-# LINE 455 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkGetAttr    wrapGetAttr    >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0))    pOps
{-# LINE 456 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkReadLink   wrapReadLink   >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 4))   pOps 
{-# LINE 457 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      -- getdir is deprecated and thus unsupported
      ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8))    pOps nullPtr
{-# LINE 459 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkMkNod      wrapMkNod      >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 12))      pOps 
{-# LINE 460 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkMkDir      wrapMkDir      >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 16))      pOps 
{-# LINE 461 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkUnlink     wrapUnlink     >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 20))     pOps 
{-# LINE 462 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkRmDir      wrapRmDir      >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 24))      pOps 
{-# LINE 463 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkSymLink    wrapSymLink    >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 28))    pOps 
{-# LINE 464 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkRename     wrapRename     >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 32))     pOps 
{-# LINE 465 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkLink       wrapLink       >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 36))       pOps 
{-# LINE 466 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkChMod      wrapChMod      >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 40))      pOps 
{-# LINE 467 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkChOwn      wrapChOwn      >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 44))      pOps 
{-# LINE 468 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkTruncate   wrapTruncate   >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 48))   pOps 
{-# LINE 469 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      -- TODO: Deprecated, use utimens() instead.
      mkUTime      wrapUTime      >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 52))      pOps 
{-# LINE 471 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkOpen       wrapOpen       >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 56))       pOps 
{-# LINE 472 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkRead       wrapRead       >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 60))       pOps 
{-# LINE 473 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkWrite      wrapWrite      >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 64))      pOps 
{-# LINE 474 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkStatFS     wrapStatFS     >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 68))     pOps
{-# LINE 475 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkFlush      wrapFlush      >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 72))      pOps
{-# LINE 476 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkRelease    wrapRelease    >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 76))    pOps 
{-# LINE 477 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkFSync      wrapFSync      >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 80))      pOps
{-# LINE 478 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      -- TODO: Implement these
      ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 84))    pOps nullPtr
{-# LINE 480 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 88))    pOps nullPtr
{-# LINE 481 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 92))   pOps nullPtr
{-# LINE 482 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 96)) pOps nullPtr
{-# LINE 483 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkOpenDir    wrapOpenDir    >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 100))    pOps
{-# LINE 484 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkReadDir    wrapReadDir    >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 104))    pOps
{-# LINE 485 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkReleaseDir wrapReleaseDir >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 108)) pOps
{-# LINE 486 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkFSyncDir   wrapFSyncDir   >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 112))   pOps
{-# LINE 487 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 488 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkAccess     wrapAccess     >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 124))     pOps
{-# LINE 489 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 490 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkInit       wrapInit       >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 116))       pOps
{-# LINE 491 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      mkDestroy    wrapDestroy    >>= ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 120))    pOps
{-# LINE 492 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      structFuse <- fuse_new pFuseChan pArgs pOps ((164)) nullPtr 
{-# LINE 493 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
      if structFuse == nullPtr
        then fail ""
        else E.finally (f structFuse)
                       (fuse_destroy structFuse)
    where fuseHandler :: e -> IO CInt
          fuseHandler e = handler e >>= return . unErrno
          wrapGetAttr :: CGetAttr
          wrapGetAttr pFilePath pStat = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 eitherFileStat <- (fuseGetFileStat ops) filePath
                 case eitherFileStat of
                   Left (Errno errno) -> return (- errno)
                   Right stat         -> do fileStatToCStat stat pStat
                                            return okErrno

          wrapReadLink :: CReadLink
          wrapReadLink pFilePath pBuf bufSize = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 return (- unErrno eNOSYS)
                 eitherTarget <- (fuseReadSymbolicLink ops) filePath
                 case eitherTarget of
                   Left (Errno errno) -> return (- errno)
                   Right target ->
                   -- This will truncate target if it's longer than the buffer
                   -- can hold, which is correct according to fuse.h
                     do pokeCStringLen0 (pBuf, (fromIntegral bufSize)) target
                        return okErrno

          wrapMkNod :: CMkNod
          wrapMkNod pFilePath mode dev = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseCreateDevice ops) filePath
                                      (fileModeToEntryType mode) mode dev
                 return (- errno)
          wrapMkDir :: CMkDir
          wrapMkDir pFilePath mode = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseCreateDirectory ops) filePath mode
                 return (- errno)
          wrapUnlink :: CUnlink
          wrapUnlink pFilePath = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseRemoveLink ops) filePath
                 return (- errno)
          wrapRmDir :: CRmDir
          wrapRmDir pFilePath = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseRemoveDirectory ops) filePath
                 return (- errno)
          wrapSymLink :: CSymLink
          wrapSymLink pSource pDestination = handle fuseHandler $
              do source <- peekCString pSource
                 destination <- peekCString pDestination
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseCreateSymbolicLink ops) source destination
                 return (- errno)
          wrapRename :: CRename
          wrapRename pOld pNew = handle fuseHandler $
              do old <- peekCString pOld
                 new <- peekCString pNew
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseRename ops) old new
                 return (- errno)
          wrapLink :: CLink
          wrapLink pSource pDestination = handle fuseHandler $
              do source <- peekCString pSource
                 destination <- peekCString pDestination
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseCreateLink ops) source destination
                 return (- errno)
          wrapChMod :: CChMod
          wrapChMod pFilePath mode = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseSetFileMode ops) filePath mode
                 return (- errno)
          wrapChOwn :: CChOwn
          wrapChOwn pFilePath uid gid = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseSetOwnerAndGroup ops) filePath uid gid
                 return (- errno)
          wrapTruncate :: CTruncate
          wrapTruncate pFilePath off = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseSetFileSize ops) filePath off
                 return (- errno)
          wrapUTime :: CUTime
          wrapUTime pFilePath pUTimBuf = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 accessTime <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) pUTimBuf
{-# LINE 579 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                 modificationTime <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 4)) pUTimBuf
{-# LINE 580 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseSetFileTimes ops) filePath
                                      accessTime modificationTime
                 return (- errno)
          wrapOpen :: COpen
          wrapOpen pFilePath pFuseFileInfo = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 (flags :: CInt) <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) pFuseFileInfo
{-# LINE 587 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                 let append    = (1024)   .&. flags == (1024)
{-# LINE 588 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                     noctty    = (256)   .&. flags == (256)
{-# LINE 589 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                     nonBlock  = (2048) .&. flags == (2048)
{-# LINE 590 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                     how | (2) .&. flags == (2) = ReadWrite
{-# LINE 591 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                         | (1) .&. flags == (1) = WriteOnly
{-# LINE 592 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                         | otherwise = ReadOnly
                     openFileFlags = OpenFileFlags { append = append
                                                   , exclusive = False
                                                   , noctty = noctty
                                                   , nonBlock = nonBlock
                                                   , trunc = False
                 result <- (fuseOpen ops) filePath how openFileFlags
                 case result of
                    Left (Errno errno) -> return (- errno)
                    Right cval         -> do
                        sptr <- newStablePtr cval
                        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) pFuseFileInfo $ castStablePtrToPtr sptr
{-# LINE 605 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                        return okErrno

          wrapRead :: CRead
          wrapRead pFilePath pBuf bufSiz off pFuseFileInfo = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 cVal <- getFH pFuseFileInfo
                 eitherRead <- (fuseRead ops) filePath cVal bufSiz off
                 case eitherRead of
                   Left (Errno errno) -> return (- errno)
                   Right bytes  -> 
                     do let len = fromIntegral bufSiz `min` B.length bytes
                        bsToBuf pBuf bytes len
                        return (fromIntegral len)
          wrapWrite :: CWrite
          wrapWrite pFilePath pBuf bufSiz off pFuseFileInfo = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 cVal <- getFH pFuseFileInfo
                 buf  <- B.packCStringLen (pBuf, fromIntegral bufSiz)
                 eitherBytes <- (fuseWrite ops) filePath cVal buf off
                 case eitherBytes of
                   Left  (Errno errno) -> return (- errno)
                   Right bytes         -> return (fromIntegral bytes)
          wrapStatFS :: CStatFS
          wrapStatFS pStr pStatFS = handle fuseHandler $
            do str <- peekCString pStr
               eitherStatFS <- (fuseGetFileSystemStats ops) str
               case eitherStatFS of
                 Left (Errno errno) -> return (- errno)
                 Right stat         ->
                   do ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 4)) pStatFS
{-# LINE 635 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                          (fromIntegral (fsStatBlockSize stat) :: (Int32))
{-# LINE 636 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                      ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) pStatFS
{-# LINE 637 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                          (fromIntegral (fsStatBlockCount stat) :: (Int32))
{-# LINE 638 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                      ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) pStatFS
{-# LINE 639 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                          (fromIntegral (fsStatBlocksFree stat) :: (Int32))
{-# LINE 640 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                      ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 24)) pStatFS
{-# LINE 641 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                          (fromIntegral (fsStatBlocksAvailable
                                             stat) :: (Int32))
{-# LINE 643 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                      ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 32)) pStatFS
{-# LINE 644 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                           (fromIntegral (fsStatFileCount stat) :: (Int32))
{-# LINE 645 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                      ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 40)) pStatFS
{-# LINE 646 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                          (fromIntegral (fsStatFilesFree stat) :: (Int32))
{-# LINE 647 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 648 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
-- OSX doesn't support 'max name length'
                      ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 56)) pStatFS
{-# LINE 650 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                          (fromIntegral (fsStatMaxNameLength stat) :: (Int32))
{-# LINE 651 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 652 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                      return 0
          wrapFlush :: CFlush
          wrapFlush pFilePath pFuseFileInfo = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 cVal     <- getFH pFuseFileInfo
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseFlush ops) filePath cVal
                 return (- errno)
          wrapRelease :: CRelease
          wrapRelease pFilePath pFuseFileInfo = E.finally (handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 cVal     <- getFH pFuseFileInfo
                 -- TODO: deal with these flags?
--                 flags <- (#peek struct fuse_file_info, flags) pFuseFileInfo
                 (fuseRelease ops) filePath cVal
                 return 0) (delFH pFuseFileInfo)
          wrapFSync :: CFSync
          wrapFSync pFilePath isFullSync pFuseFileInfo = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseSynchronizeFile ops)
                                      filePath (toEnum isFullSync)
                 return (- errno)
          wrapOpenDir :: COpenDir
          wrapOpenDir pFilePath pFuseFileInfo = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 -- XXX: Should we pass flags from pFuseFileInfo?
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseOpenDirectory ops) filePath
                 return (- errno)

          wrapReadDir :: CReadDir
          wrapReadDir pFilePath pBuf pFillDir off pFuseFileInfo =
            handle fuseHandler $ do
              filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
              let fillDir = mkFillDir pFillDir
              let filler :: (FilePath, FileStat) -> IO ()
                  filler (fileName, fileStat) =
                    withCString fileName $ \ pFileName ->
                      allocaBytes ((96)) $ \ pFileStat ->
{-# LINE 689 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
                        do fileStatToCStat fileStat pFileStat
                           fillDir pBuf pFileName pFileStat 0
                           -- Ignoring return value of pFillDir, namely 1 if
                           -- pBuff is full.
                           return ()
              eitherContents <- (fuseReadDirectory ops) filePath -- XXX fileinfo
              case eitherContents of
                Left (Errno errno) -> return (- errno)
                Right contents     -> mapM filler contents >> return okErrno

          wrapReleaseDir :: CReleaseDir
          wrapReleaseDir pFilePath pFuseFileInfo = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseReleaseDirectory ops) filePath
                 return (- errno)
          wrapFSyncDir :: CFSyncDir
          wrapFSyncDir pFilePath isFullSync pFuseFileInfo = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseSynchronizeDirectory ops)
                                      filePath (toEnum isFullSync)
                 return (- errno)
          wrapAccess :: CAccess
          wrapAccess pFilePath at = handle fuseHandler $
              do filePath <- peekCString pFilePath
                 (Errno errno) <- (fuseAccess ops) filePath (fromIntegral at)
                 return (- errno)
          wrapInit :: CInit
          wrapInit pFuseConnInfo =
            handle (\e -> defaultExceptionHandler e >> return nullPtr) $
              do fuseInit ops
                 return nullPtr
          wrapDestroy :: CDestroy
          wrapDestroy _ = handle (\e -> defaultExceptionHandler e >> return ()) $
              do fuseDestroy ops

-- | Default exception handler.
-- Print the exception on error output and returns 'eFAULT'.
defaultExceptionHandler :: (SomeException -> IO Errno)
defaultExceptionHandler e = hPutStrLn stderr (show e) >> return eFAULT

-- Calls fuse_parse_cmdline to parses the part of the commandline arguments that
-- we care about. fuse_parse_cmdline will modify the CFuseArgs struct passed in
-- to remove those arguments; the CFuseArgs struct containing remaining arguments
-- must be passed to fuse_mount/fuse_new.
-- The multithreaded runtime will be used regardless of the threading flag!
-- See the comment in fuse_session_exit for why.
fuseParseCommandLine :: Ptr CFuseArgs -> IO (Maybe (Maybe String, Bool, Bool))
fuseParseCommandLine pArgs = 
    alloca (\pMountPt -> 
        alloca (\pMultiThreaded ->
            alloca (\pFG ->
                do poke pMultiThreaded 0
                   poke pFG 0
                   retval <- fuse_parse_cmdline pArgs pMountPt pMultiThreaded pFG
                   if retval == 0
                     then do cMountPt <- peek pMountPt
                             mountPt <- if cMountPt /= nullPtr
                                          then do a <- peekCString cMountPt
                                                  free cMountPt
                                                  return $ Just a
                                          else return $ Nothing
                             multiThreaded <- peek pMultiThreaded
                             foreground <- peek pFG
                             return $ Just (mountPt, multiThreaded == 1, foreground == 1)
                     else return Nothing)))

-- haskell version of daemon(2)
-- Mimic's daemon()s use of _exit() instead of exit(); we depend on this in fuseMainReal,
-- because otherwise we'll unmount the filesystem when the foreground process exits.
daemon f = forkProcess d >> exitImmediately ExitSuccess
  where d = IO.catch (do createSession
                         changeWorkingDirectory "/"
                         -- need to open /dev/null twice because hDuplicateTo can't dup a ReadWriteMode to a ReadMode handle
                         withFile "/dev/null" WriteMode (\devNullOut ->
                           do hDuplicateTo devNullOut stdout
                              hDuplicateTo devNullOut stderr)
                         withFile "/dev/null" ReadMode (\devNullIn -> hDuplicateTo devNullIn stdin)
                         exitWith ExitSuccess)
                     (const exitFailure)

-- Installs signal handlers for the duration of the main loop.
withSignalHandlers exitHandler f =
    do let sigHandler = Signals.CatchOnce exitHandler
       Signals.installHandler Signals.keyboardSignal sigHandler Nothing
       Signals.installHandler Signals.lostConnection sigHandler Nothing
       Signals.installHandler Signals.softwareTermination sigHandler Nothing
       Signals.installHandler Signals.openEndedPipe Signals.Ignore Nothing
       E.finally f
                 (do Signals.installHandler Signals.keyboardSignal Signals.Default Nothing
                     Signals.installHandler Signals.lostConnection Signals.Default Nothing
                     Signals.installHandler Signals.softwareTermination Signals.Default Nothing
                     Signals.installHandler Signals.openEndedPipe Signals.Default Nothing)

-- Mounts the filesystem, forks, and then starts fuse
fuseMainReal foreground ops handler pArgs mountPt =
    withCString mountPt (\cMountPt ->
      do pFuseChan <- fuse_mount cMountPt pArgs
         if pFuseChan == nullPtr
           then exitFailure -- fuse will print an error message why this happened
           else (withStructFuse pFuseChan pArgs ops handler (\pFuse ->
                     (if foreground -- finally ready to fork
                       then changeWorkingDirectory "/" >> (procMain pFuse)
                       else daemon (procMain pFuse))
                     (fuse_unmount cMountPt pFuseChan))))

    -- here, we're finally inside the daemon process, we can run the main loop
    where procMain pFuse = do session <- fuse_get_session pFuse
                              -- calling fuse_session_exit to exit the main loop only
                              -- appears to work with the multithreaded fuse loop.
                              -- In the single-threaded case, FUSE depends on their
                              -- recv() call to finish with EINTR when signals arrive.
                              -- This doesn't happen with GHC's signal handling in place.
                              withSignalHandlers (fuse_session_exit session) $
                                 do retVal <- fuse_loop_mt pFuse
                                    if retVal == 1 
                                      then exitWith ExitSuccess
                                      else exitFailure
                                    return ()

-- | Main function of FUSE.
-- This is all that has to be called from the @main@ function. On top of
-- the 'FuseOperations' record with filesystem implementation, you must give
-- an exception handler converting Haskell exceptions to 'Errno'.
-- This function does the following:
--   * parses command line options (@-d@, @-s@ and @-h@) ;
--   * passes all options after @--@ to the fusermount program ;
--   * mounts the filesystem by calling @fusermount@ ;
--   * installs signal handlers for 'System.Posix.Signals.keyboardSignal',
--     'System.Posix.Signals.lostConnection',
--     'System.Posix.Signals.softwareTermination' and
--     'System.Posix.Signals.openEndedPipe' ;
--   * registers an exit handler to unmount the filesystem on program exit ;
--   * registers the operations ;
--   * calls FUSE event loop.
fuseMain :: Exception e => FuseOperations fh -> (e -> IO Errno) -> IO ()
fuseMain ops handler =
    -- this used to be implemented using libfuse's fuse_main. Doing this will fork()
    -- from C behind the GHC runtime's back, which deadlocks in GHC 6.8.
    -- Instead, we reimplement fuse_main in Haskell using the forkProcess and the
    -- lower-level fuse_new/fuse_loop_mt API.
       (withFuseArgs (\pArgs ->
         do cmd <- fuseParseCommandLine pArgs
            case cmd of
              Nothing -> fail ""
              Just (Nothing, _, _) -> fail "Usage error: mount point required"
              Just (Just mountPt, _, foreground) -> fuseMainReal foreground ops handler pArgs mountPt))
       ((\errStr -> when (not $ null errStr) (putStrLn errStr) >> exitFailure) . IO.ioeGetErrorString)

-- Miscellaneous utilities

unErrno :: Errno -> CInt
unErrno (Errno errno) = errno

okErrno :: CInt
okErrno = unErrno eOK

pokeCStringLen :: CStringLen -> String -> IO ()
pokeCStringLen (pBuf, bufSize) src =
    pokeArray pBuf $ take bufSize $ map castCharToCChar src

pokeCStringLen0 :: CStringLen -> String -> IO ()
pokeCStringLen0 (pBuf, bufSize) src =
    pokeArray0 0 pBuf $ take (bufSize - 1) $ map castCharToCChar src

-- C land

-- exported C called from Haskell

data CFuseArgs -- struct fuse_args

data CFuseChan -- struct fuse_chan
foreign import ccall safe "fuse.h fuse_mount"
    fuse_mount :: CString -> Ptr CFuseArgs -> IO (Ptr CFuseChan)

foreign import ccall safe "fuse.h fuse_unmount"
    fuse_unmount :: CString -> Ptr CFuseChan -> IO ()

data CFuseSession -- struct fuse_session
foreign import ccall safe "fuse.h fuse_get_session"
    fuse_get_session :: Ptr CStructFuse -> IO (Ptr CFuseSession)

foreign import ccall safe "fuse.h fuse_session_exit"
    fuse_session_exit :: Ptr CFuseSession -> IO ()

foreign import ccall safe "fuse.h fuse_set_signal_handlers"
    fuse_set_signal_handlers :: Ptr CFuseSession -> IO Int

foreign import ccall safe "fuse.h fuse_remove_signal_handlers"
    fuse_remove_signal_handlers :: Ptr CFuseSession -> IO ()

foreign import ccall safe "fuse.h fuse_parse_cmdline"
    fuse_parse_cmdline :: Ptr CFuseArgs -> Ptr CString -> Ptr Int -> Ptr Int -> IO Int

data CStructFuse -- struct fuse
data CFuseOperations -- struct fuse_operations
foreign import ccall safe "fuse.h fuse_new"
    fuse_new :: Ptr CFuseChan -> Ptr CFuseArgs -> Ptr CFuseOperations -> Int -> Ptr () -> IO (Ptr CStructFuse)

foreign import ccall safe "fuse.h fuse_destroy"
    fuse_destroy :: Ptr CStructFuse -> IO ()

foreign import ccall safe "fuse.h fuse_opt_free_args"
    fuse_opt_free_args :: Ptr CFuseArgs -> IO ()

foreign import ccall safe "fuse.h fuse_loop_mt"
    fuse_loop_mt :: Ptr CStructFuse -> IO Int

data CFuseContext
foreign import ccall safe "fuse.h fuse_get_context"
    fuse_get_context :: IO (Ptr CFuseContext)

-- dynamic Haskell called from C

data CFuseFileInfo -- struct fuse_file_info
data CFuseConnInfo -- struct fuse_conn_info

data CStat -- struct stat
type CGetAttr = CString -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkGetAttr :: CGetAttr -> IO (FunPtr CGetAttr)

type CReadLink = CString -> CString -> CSize -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkReadLink :: CReadLink -> IO (FunPtr CReadLink)

type CMkNod = CString -> CMode -> CDev -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkMkNod :: CMkNod -> IO (FunPtr CMkNod)

type CMkDir = CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkMkDir :: CMkDir -> IO (FunPtr CMkDir)

type CUnlink = CString -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkUnlink :: CUnlink -> IO (FunPtr CUnlink)

type CRmDir = CString -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkRmDir :: CRmDir -> IO (FunPtr CRmDir)

type CSymLink = CString -> CString -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkSymLink :: CSymLink -> IO (FunPtr CSymLink)

type CRename = CString -> CString -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkRename :: CRename -> IO (FunPtr CRename)

type CLink = CString -> CString -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkLink :: CLink -> IO (FunPtr CLink)

type CChMod = CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkChMod :: CChMod -> IO (FunPtr CChMod)

type CChOwn = CString -> CUid -> CGid -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkChOwn :: CChOwn -> IO (FunPtr CChOwn)

type CTruncate = CString -> COff -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkTruncate :: CTruncate -> IO (FunPtr CTruncate)

data CUTimBuf -- struct utimbuf
type CUTime = CString -> Ptr CUTimBuf -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkUTime :: CUTime -> IO (FunPtr CUTime)

type COpen = CString -> Ptr CFuseFileInfo -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkOpen :: COpen -> IO (FunPtr COpen)

type CRead = CString -> CString -> CSize -> COff -> Ptr CFuseFileInfo -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkRead :: CRead -> IO (FunPtr CRead)

type CWrite = CString -> CString -> CSize -> COff -> Ptr CFuseFileInfo -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkWrite :: CWrite -> IO (FunPtr CWrite)

data CStructStatFS -- struct fuse_stat_fs
type CStatFS = CString -> Ptr CStructStatFS -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkStatFS :: CStatFS -> IO (FunPtr CStatFS)

type CFlush = CString -> Ptr CFuseFileInfo -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkFlush :: CFlush -> IO (FunPtr CFlush)

type CRelease = CString -> Ptr CFuseFileInfo -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkRelease :: CRelease -> IO (FunPtr CRelease)

type CFSync = CString -> Int -> Ptr CFuseFileInfo -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkFSync :: CFSync -> IO (FunPtr CFSync) 

-- XXX add *xattr bindings

type COpenDir = CString -> Ptr CFuseFileInfo -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkOpenDir :: COpenDir -> IO (FunPtr COpenDir)

type CReadDir = CString -> Ptr CFillDirBuf -> FunPtr CFillDir -> COff
             -> Ptr CFuseFileInfo -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkReadDir :: CReadDir -> IO (FunPtr CReadDir)

type CReleaseDir = CString -> Ptr CFuseFileInfo -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkReleaseDir :: CReleaseDir -> IO (FunPtr CReleaseDir)

type CFSyncDir = CString -> Int -> Ptr CFuseFileInfo -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkFSyncDir :: CFSyncDir -> IO (FunPtr CFSyncDir)

type CAccess = CString -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkAccess :: CAccess -> IO (FunPtr CAccess)

-- CInt because anything would be fine as we don't use them
type CInit = Ptr CFuseConnInfo -> IO (Ptr CInt)
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkInit :: CInit -> IO (FunPtr CInit)

type CDestroy = Ptr CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
    mkDestroy :: CDestroy -> IO (FunPtr CDestroy)


bsToBuf :: Ptr a -> B.ByteString -> Int -> IO ()
bsToBuf dst bs len = do
  let l = fromIntegral $ min len $ B.length bs
  B.unsafeUseAsCString bs $ \src -> B.memcpy (castPtr dst) (castPtr src) l
  return ()

-- Get filehandle
getFH pFuseFileInfo = do
  sptr <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) pFuseFileInfo
{-# LINE 1049 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
  cVal <- deRefStablePtr $ castPtrToStablePtr sptr
  return cVal

delFH pFuseFileInfo = do
  sptr <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) pFuseFileInfo
{-# LINE 1054 "System/Fuse.hsc" #-}
  freeStablePtr $ castPtrToStablePtr sptr

-- dynamic C called from Haskell

data CDirHandle -- fuse_dirh_t
type CDirFil = Ptr CDirHandle -> CString -> Int -> IO CInt -- fuse_dirfil_t
foreign import ccall safe "dynamic"
    mkDirFil :: FunPtr CDirFil -> CDirFil

data CFillDirBuf -- void
type CFillDir = Ptr CFillDirBuf -> CString -> Ptr CStat -> COff -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall safe "dynamic"
    mkFillDir :: FunPtr CFillDir -> CFillDir

foreign import ccall safe "bzero"
    bzero :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO ()