# Haskell FUSE API Filesystem in Userspace ("FUSE") makes it possible to implement a filesystem as a userspace program. This library is the Haskell binding to this library. ## License [BSD 3-Clause](./LICENSE) ## Information - Programs using HFuse should be compiled with -threaded. - This now works for base 4.6+ - Added build options support for FreeBSD (contribution by https://github.com/pesco) - MacFUSE should also work (https://github.com/mwotton/hfuse) - [OSXFuse](https://osxfuse.github.io/) also works (https://github.com/edyu/hfuse) ## Installation All of the usual methods for installation will be supported. For Mac OS X, you must install [OSXFuse](https://osxfuse.github.io/) first. **Installation via Hackage** ``` cabal install hfuse ``` **Installation for development** Can either be handled via [Hackage](http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/search?terms=hfuse) ``` cabal unpack hfuse cd HFuse- cabal sandbox init cabal install --only-dependencies cabal install -fdeveloper ``` Or the library can be installed via Github [repo][2] ``` git clone git://github.com/m15k/hfuse cd hfuse cabal sandbox init cabal install --only-dependencies cabal install -fdeveloper ``` **NOTE!** * To use the sandboxes feature in Cabal your version must be higher than 1.18. *highly recommended* ## Development To get a feel for HFuse, there are a number of example applications. They can be built by supplying the `-fdeveloper` [configuration flag][3] to Cabal. > git clone https://github.com/m15k/hfuse ## Examples [HelloFS](./examples/HelloFS.hs) is as basic as you get. Haskell version of the canonical [example](http://fuse.sourceforge.net/helloworld.html) from the FUSE project. Once compiled here is how you run HelloFS. ``` $ mkdir ~/fuseTest $ ./HelloFS ~/fuseTest ``` This creates a file in the *fuseTest* directory. Now to test the application. ``` $ cat ~/fuseTest/hello Hello World, HFuse! ``` To unmount issue the following command: ``` $ fusermount -u ~/fuseTest ``` ## Other Samples There are other projects on hackage which use HFuse as a dependency. Check [these](http://packdeps.haskellers.com/reverse/HFuse) out for a possibly richer experience than what is included with the [examples](./examples) folder. If you lack for inspiration the FUSE [Wiki](http://sourceforge.net/p/fuse/wiki/FileSystems/) have amassed quite the list of links to downstream projects. ## Contributions Help is always welcome. Pull requests are appreciated. If you run into any problems or bugs, please report the issue on [Github][1] ## RoadMap I would like to create the following examples: - MemoryFS.hs := In-memory file system - VBoxFS.hs := Mount VirtualBox disks as filesystem - SSHFS.hs := SSH file system [1]: https://github.com/m15k/google-drive-api/issues "Google-Drive-API Library Issues" [2]: https://github.com/m15k/google-drive-api "Google-Drive-API Library" [3]: http://www.haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/developing-packages.html#configurations "Cabal Configurations"