-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.HGL.Draw.Text
-- Copyright   :  (c) Alastair Reid, 1999-2003
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  libraries@haskell.org
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  non-portable (requires concurrency)
-- Drawing text.

module Graphics.HGL.Draw.Text
	-- * Drawing text
	-- ToDo: add textInfo to Win32
        , textInfo
	-- * Color
	, setTextColor		-- :: RGB -> Draw RGB
	, setBkColor		-- :: RGB -> Draw RGB
	, BkMode(Opaque, Transparent)
	, setBkMode		-- :: BkMode -> Draw BkMode
	-- * Alignment
	, Alignment		-- = (HAlign, VAlign)
	, HAlign(Left', Center, Right')
	, VAlign(Top, Baseline, Bottom)
	, setTextAlignment	-- :: Alignment -> Draw Alignment
	) where

import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib as X
import Graphics.HGL.X11.Types
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (readMVar, takeMVar, putMVar)
import qualified Graphics.Win32 as Win32
import Graphics.HGL.Win32.Types
import Data.Bits

import Graphics.HGL.Units (Point, Size)
import Graphics.HGL.Draw.Monad (Graphic, Draw)
import Graphics.HGL.Internals.Draw (mkDraw)
import Graphics.HGL.Internals.Types
	(RGB(..), BkMode(..), Alignment, HAlign(..), VAlign(..))

-- The Interface (SOE, p50)

-- | Render a 'String' positioned relative to the specified 'Point'.
text         :: Point -> String                  -> Graphic  -- filled

-- | @'textInfo' s@ returns:
-- (1) The offset at which the string would be drawn according to the
--     current text alignment (e.g., @('Center', 'Baseline')@ will result
--     in an offset of (-width\/2,0))
-- (2) The size at which the text would be drawn using the current font.
textInfo :: String -> Draw (Point,Size)

-- | Set the foreground color for drawing text, returning the previous value.
setTextColor     :: RGB           -> Draw RGB

-- | Set the background color for drawing text, returning the previous value.
-- The background color is ignored when the mode is 'Transparent'.
setBkColor       :: RGB           -> Draw RGB

-- | Set the background mode for drawing text, returning the previous value.
setBkMode        :: BkMode        -> Draw BkMode

-- | Set the alignment for drawing text, returning the previous value.
setTextAlignment :: Alignment     -> Draw Alignment

-- The Implementation


text p s = mkDraw (\ dc -> do
  bs <- readMVar (ref_bits dc)
    Font f  = font bs
    (halign, valign) = textAlignment bs

    width   = X.textWidth f s
    ascent  = X.ascentFromFontStruct f
    descent = X.descentFromFontStruct f

    x' = case halign of
         Left'  -> x
         Center -> x - width `div` 2
         Right' -> x - width + 1
    y' = case valign of
         Top      -> y + ascent
         Baseline -> y
         Bottom   -> y - descent + 1

  draw (bkMode bs) (disp dc) (drawable dc) (textGC dc) x' y' s
  X.Point x y = fromPoint p

  -- Win32's DeviceContext has a BkMode in it.  In X, we call two different
  -- routines depending on what mode we want.
  draw Transparent = X.drawString
  draw Opaque      = X.drawImageString

textInfo s = mkDraw $ \ dc -> do
  bs <- readMVar (ref_bits dc)
    Font f  = font bs
    (halign, valign) = textAlignment bs

    width   = X.textWidth f s
    ascent  = X.ascentFromFontStruct f
    descent = X.descentFromFontStruct f

    x1 = case halign of
          Left'  -> 0
          Center -> - width `div` 2
          Right' -> - width + 1
    y1 = case valign of
          Top      -> ascent
          Baseline -> 0
          Bottom   -> - descent + 1

    x2 = x1 + width
    y2 = y1 + ascent + descent

    (x1',x2') = (min x1 x2, max x1 x2)
    (y1',y2') = (min y1 y2, max y1 y2)

  return (toPoint (X.Point x1 y1), toSize (fromIntegral (x2'-x1'), fromIntegral (y2'-y1')))

setTextColor     x = mkDraw $ \ dc -> do
  bs <- takeMVar (ref_bits dc)
  putMVar (ref_bits dc) bs{textColor=x}
  p <- lookupColor (disp dc) x
  X.setForeground (disp dc) (textGC dc) p
  return (textColor bs)

setBkColor       x = mkDraw $ \ dc -> do
  bs <- takeMVar (ref_bits dc)
  putMVar (ref_bits dc) bs{bkColor=x}
  p <- lookupColor (disp dc) x
  X.setBackground (disp dc) (textGC dc) p
  return (bkColor bs)

setBkMode        x = mkDraw $ \ dc -> do
  bs <- takeMVar (ref_bits dc)
  putMVar (ref_bits dc) bs{bkMode=x}
  return (bkMode bs)

setTextAlignment x = mkDraw $ \ dc -> do
  bs <- takeMVar (ref_bits dc)
  putMVar (ref_bits dc) bs{textAlignment=x}
  return (textAlignment bs)


type TextAlignment = Win32.TextAlignment

fromAlignment :: Alignment -> TextAlignment
fromAlignment (ha,va) = hAlign ha .|. vAlign va

hAlign :: HAlign -> TextAlignment
hAlign Left'    = Win32.tA_LEFT       
hAlign Center  	= Win32.tA_CENTER     
hAlign Right'   = Win32.tA_RIGHT      
vAlign :: VAlign -> TextAlignment
vAlign Top     	= Win32.tA_TOP        
vAlign Baseline	= Win32.tA_BASELINE   
vAlign Bottom  	= Win32.tA_BOTTOM     

toAlignment :: TextAlignment -> Alignment
toAlignment x = (toHAlign (x .&. hmask), toVAlign (x .&. vmask))

toHAlign x
  | x == Win32.tA_LEFT   = Left'
  | x == Win32.tA_CENTER = Center
  | x == Win32.tA_RIGHT  = Right'
  | otherwise            = Center -- safe(?) default

toVAlign x
  | x == Win32.tA_TOP      = Top
  | x == Win32.tA_BASELINE = Baseline
  | x == Win32.tA_BOTTOM   = Bottom
  | otherwise              = Baseline -- safe(?) default

-- Win32 doesn't seem to provide the masks I need - these ought to work.
hmask = Win32.tA_LEFT .|. Win32.tA_CENTER   .|. Win32.tA_RIGHT  
vmask = Win32.tA_TOP  .|. Win32.tA_BASELINE .|. Win32.tA_BOTTOM

fromBkMode :: BkMode -> Win32.BackgroundMode
fromBkMode Opaque      = Win32.oPAQUE
fromBkMode Transparent = Win32.tRANSPARENT

toBkMode :: Win32.BackgroundMode -> BkMode
toBkMode x
  | x == Win32.oPAQUE      = Opaque
  | x == Win32.tRANSPARENT = Transparent

-- ToDo: add an update mode for these constants
-- (not required at the moment since we always specify exactly where
-- the text is to go)
-- tA_NOUPDATECP :: TextAlignment
-- tA_UPDATECP   :: TextAlignment

text (x,y) s = mkDraw $ \ hdc -> 
  Win32.textOut hdc (fromDimension x) (fromDimension y) s

setTextColor c = mkDraw (\hdc -> do
  c' <- Win32.setTextColor hdc (fromRGB c)
  return (toRGB c'))
setBkColor c = mkDraw (\hdc -> do
  c' <- Win32.setBkColor hdc (fromRGB c)
  return (toRGB c'))
setBkMode m = mkDraw (\hdc -> do
  m' <- Win32.setBkMode hdc (fromBkMode m)
  return (toBkMode m'))
setTextAlignment new_alignment = mkDraw (\hdc -> do
  old <- Win32.setTextAlign hdc (fromAlignment new_alignment)
  return (toAlignment old)

#endif /* X_DISPLAY_MISSING */

-- End