// This source file is part of HGamer3D, a project to enable 3D game development // in Haskell. For the latest info, see http://www.hgamer3d.org . // // (c) 2011-2014 Peter Althainz // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // ClassTree.h // #include "wchar.h" #ifndef _DEFINED_HG3D_ClassTree #define _DEFINED_HG3D_ClassTree #include "ClassPtr.h" #include "ClassScrollbar.h" // void cegui_tree_doTreeRender(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c); // void cegui_tree_doScrollbars(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c); // Return number of items attached to the tree. void cegui_tree_getItemCount(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // Return the number of selected items in the tree. void cegui_tree_getSelectedCount(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // return whether tree sorting is enabled void cegui_tree_isSortEnabled(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // void cegui_tree_getVertScrollbar(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, struct hg3dclass_struct * result_c); // void cegui_tree_getHorzScrollbar(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, struct hg3dclass_struct * result_c); // return whether multi-select is enabled void cegui_tree_isMultiselectEnabled(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // void cegui_tree_isItemTooltipsEnabled(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // Return whether the vertical scroll bar is always shown. void cegui_tree_isVertScrollbarAlwaysShown(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // Return whether the horizontal scroll bar is always shown. void cegui_tree_isHorzScrollbarAlwaysShown(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // Initialise the Window void cegui_tree_initialise(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c); // Remove all items from the tree. void cegui_tree_resetList(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c); // Clear the selected state for all items. void cegui_tree_clearAllSelections(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c); // Set whether the tree should be sorted. void cegui_tree_setSortingEnabled(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int setting_c); // Set whether the tree should allow multiple selections or just a single selection. void cegui_tree_setMultiselectEnabled(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int setting_c); // Set whether the vertical scroll bar should always be shown. void cegui_tree_setShowVertScrollbar(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int setting_c); // Set whether the horizontal scroll bar should always be shown. void cegui_tree_setShowHorzScrollbar(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int setting_c); // void cegui_tree_setItemTooltipsEnabled(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int setting_c); // Set the select state of an attached TreeItem. void cegui_tree_setItemSelectState2(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int item_index_c, int state_c); // Set the LookNFeel that shoule be used for this window. void cegui_tree_setLookNFeel(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, char * look_c); // Causes the tree to update it's internal state after changes have been made to one or more attached TreeItem objects. void cegui_tree_handleUpdatedItemData(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c); // Constructor for Tree void cegui_tree_construct(char * type_c, char * name_c, struct hg3dclass_struct * result_c); // Destructor for Tree void cegui_tree_destruct(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c); #endif