// This source file is part of HGamer3D, a project to enable 3D game development // in Haskell. For the latest info, see http://www.hgamer3d.org . // // (c) 2011-2014 Peter Althainz // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // EnumKeyScan.h // #include "wchar.h" #ifndef _DEFINED_HG3D_EnumKeyScan #define _DEFINED_HG3D_EnumKeyScan enum EnumKeyScan { KeyEscape = 0x01, // KeyOne = 0x02, // KeyTwo = 0x03, // KeyThree = 0x04, // KeyFour = 0x05, // KeyFive = 0x06, // KeySix = 0x07, // KeySeven = 0x08, // KeyEight = 0x09, // KeyNine = 0x0A, // KeyZero = 0x0B, // KeyMinus = 0x0C, // KeyEquals = 0x0D, // KeyBackspace = 0x0E, // KeyTab = 0x0F, // KeyQ = 0x10, // KeyW = 0x11, // KeyE = 0x12, // KeyR = 0x13, // KeyT = 0x14, // KeyY = 0x15, // KeyU = 0x16, // KeyI = 0x17, // KeyO = 0x18, // KeyP = 0x19, // KeyLeftBracket = 0x1A, // KeyRightBracket = 0x1B, // KeyReturn = 0x1C, // KeyLeftControl = 0x1D, // KeyA = 0x1E, // KeyS = 0x1F, // KeyD = 0x20, // KeyF = 0x21, // KeyG = 0x22, // KeyH = 0x23, // KeyJ = 0x24, // KeyK = 0x25, // KeyL = 0x26, // KeySemicolon = 0x27, // KeyApostrophe = 0x28, // KeyGrave = 0x29, // KeyLeftShift = 0x2A, // KeyBackslash = 0x2B, // KeyZ = 0x2C, // KeyX = 0x2D, // KeyC = 0x2E, // KeyV = 0x2F, // KeyB = 0x30, // KeyN = 0x31, // KeyM = 0x32, // KeyComma = 0x33, // KeyPeriod = 0x34, // KeySlash = 0x35, // KeyRightShift = 0x36, // KeyMultiply = 0x37, // KeyLeftAlt = 0x38, // KeySpace = 0x39, // KeyCapital = 0x3A, // KeyF1 = 0x3B, // KeyF2 = 0x3C, // KeyF3 = 0x3D, // KeyF4 = 0x3E, // KeyF5 = 0x3F, // KeyF6 = 0x40, // KeyF7 = 0x41, // KeyF8 = 0x42, // KeyF9 = 0x43, // KeyF10 = 0x44, // KeyNumLock = 0x45, // KeyScrollLock = 0x46, // KeyNumpad7 = 0x47, // KeyNumpad8 = 0x48, // KeyNumpad9 = 0x49, // KeySubtract = 0x4A, // KeyNumpad4 = 0x4B, // KeyNumpad5 = 0x4C, // KeyNumpad6 = 0x4D, // KeyAdd = 0x4E, // KeyNumpad1 = 0x4F, // KeyNumpad2 = 0x50, // KeyNumpad3 = 0x51, // KeyNumpad0 = 0x52, // KeyDecimal = 0x53, // KeyOEM_102 = 0x56, // KeyF11 = 0x57, // KeyF12 = 0x58, // KeyF13 = 0x64, // KeyF14 = 0x65, // KeyF15 = 0x66, // KeyKana = 0x70, // KeyABNT_C1 = 0x73, // KeyConvert = 0x79, // KeyNoConvert = 0x7B, // KeyYen = 0x7D, // KeyABNT_C2 = 0x7E, // KeyNumpadEquals = 0x8D, // KeyPrevTrack = 0x90, // KeyAt = 0x91, // KeyColon = 0x92, // KeyUnderline = 0x93, // KeyKanji = 0x94, // KeyStop = 0x95, // KeyAX = 0x96, // KeyUnlabeled = 0x97, // KeyNextTrack = 0x99, // KeyNumpadEnter = 0x9C, // KeyRightControl = 0x9D, // KeyMute = 0xA0, // KeyCalculator = 0xA1, // KeyPlayPause = 0xA2, // KeyMediaStop = 0xA4, // KeyVolumeDown = 0xAE, // KeyVolumeUp = 0xB0, // KeyWebHome = 0xB2, // KeyNumpadComma = 0xB3, // KeyDivide = 0xB5, // KeySysRq = 0xB7, // KeyRightAlt = 0xB8, // KeyPause = 0xC5, // KeyHome = 0xC7, // KeyArrowUp = 0xC8, // KeyPageUp = 0xC9, // KeyArrowLeft = 0xCB, // KeyArrowRight = 0xCD, // KeyEnd = 0xCF, // KeyArrowDown = 0xD0, // KeyPageDown = 0xD1, // KeyInsert = 0xD2, // KeyDelete = 0xD3, // KeyLeftWindows = 0xDB, // KeyRightWindows = 0xDC, // KeyAppMenu = 0xDD, // KeyPower = 0xDE, // KeySleep = 0xDF, // KeyWake = 0xE3, // KeyWebSearch = 0xE5, // KeyWebFavorites = 0xE6, // KeyWebRefresh = 0xE7, // KeyWebStop = 0xE8, // KeyWebForward = 0xE9, // KeyWebBack = 0xEA, // KeyMyComputer = 0xEB, // KeyMail = 0xEC, // KeyMediaSelect = 0xED // }; #endif