{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
module HJScript.XMLGenerator (
--        ToChildNodes(..), ToAttributeNode(..),
        genElement, genEElement, asChild, asAttr, Attr(..)
        ) where

import qualified HSX.XMLGenerator as HSX (XMLGen(..))
import HSX.XMLGenerator hiding (XMLGen(..))
import HSX.XMLGenerator (genElement, genEElement)

import HJScript.Monad
import HJScript.Lang

import HJScript.DOM.Node
import HJScript.DOM.AttributeNode
import HJScript.DOM.ElementNode
import HJScript.DOM.TextNode
import HJScript.DOM.Document

type XML   = Exp ElementNode
type Child = Exp Node
type Attribute = Exp AttributeNode

instance HSX.XMLGen HJScript' where
 type HSX.XML          HJScript' = XML
 newtype HSX.Child     HJScript' = HJSChild Child
 newtype HSX.Attribute HJScript' = HJSAttr Attribute
 genElement = element
 genEElement = eElement
 xmlToChild = HJSChild . castToNode
 pcdataToChild str = HJSChild . castToNode $ document # createTextNode (string str)

element :: (EmbedAsChild HJScript' c, 
            EmbedAsAttr HJScript' a) 
            => Name -> [a] -> [c] -> HJScript XML
element (ns, ln) atts xmls = do
  let name = (maybe id (\x y -> y ++ ':':x) ns) ln
  elem <- fmap val $ varWith $ document # createElement (string name)
  cxml <- fmap concat $ mapM asChild xmls
  ats  <- fmap concat $ mapM asAttr atts
  mapM (\attr  -> elem # setAttributeNode attr) $ map stripAttr ats
  mapM (\child -> elem # appendChild child) $ map stripChild cxml
  return elem

eElement :: EmbedAsAttr HJScript' a => Name -> [a] -> HJScript XML
eElement n attrs = element n attrs ([] :: [Child])

instance XMLGenerator HJScript'

-- EmbedAsChild and EmbedAsAttr

instance EmbedAsChild HJScript' Child where
 asChild = asChild . HJSChild

instance EmbedAsChild HJScript' JString where
 asChild jstr = asChild $ castToNode $ document # createTextNode jstr

--instance EmbedAsChild HJScript' String where
-- asChild = asChild . string

instance EmbedAsChild HJScript' Char where
 asChild = asChild . (:[])

-- This instance should already be there, probably doesn't work due
-- to type families not being fully supported yet.
instance EmbedAsChild HJScript' XML where
 asChild = return . return . HSX.xmlToChild

instance EmbedAsAttr HJScript' Attribute where
 asAttr = asAttr . HJSAttr

instance (IsName n, IsAttrNodeValue a) => EmbedAsAttr HJScript' (Attr n a) where
 asAttr (k := a) = asAttr $ do
    let (ns, ln) = toName k
        name = (maybe id (\x y -> y ++ ':':x) ns) ln
    v <- toAttrNodeValue a
    an <- inVar $ document # createAttribute (string name)
    an # value .=. v
    return an

class IsAttrNodeValue a where
 toAttrNodeValue :: a -> HJScript JString

instance JShow a => IsAttrNodeValue a where
 toAttrNodeValue = return . jshow

instance IsAttrNodeValue a => IsAttrNodeValue (HJScript a) where
 toAttrNodeValue = (>>= toAttrNodeValue)

-- SetAttr and AppendChild.

instance SetAttr HJScript' XML where
 setAll en ats = do
        ev <- inVar en
        as <- ats
        mapM (\attr -> ev # setAttributeNode attr) (map stripAttr as)
        return ev

instance AppendChild HJScript' XML where
 appAll en cns = do
        ev <- inVar en
        cs <- cns
        mapM (\child -> ev # appendChild child) (map stripChild cs)
        return ev

stripAttr  (HJSAttr  a) = a
stripChild (HJSChild c) = c