Name: HLearn-algebra Version: x-revision: 1 Synopsis: Algebraic foundation for homomorphic learning Description: This package is deprecated. The latest version of HLearn is available from the github repo at: If you want to use HLearn, I strongly recommend you contact me ( first to see if HLearn will really fit your needs. -------------------------------- This module contains the algebraic basis for the HLearn library. It is separated out in it's own library because it contains routines that may be useful to others. In particular, it contains methods for automatically converting algorithms into online/parallel versions, and its structure is slightly more modular (although much less complete) than other algebra packages. Category: Data Mining, Machine Learning License: BSD3 --License-file: LICENSE Author: Mike izbicki Maintainer: Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >=1.8 homepage: bug-reports: Library Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, ConstraintKinds ==, vector-heterogenous >= 0.1.1, template-haskell, random >= 1.0.1, MonadRandom >= 0.1, parallel >= 3.2, deepseq >= 1.3, containers >= 0.5, vector >= 0.10, hashable >= 1.1.2 hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -rtsopts -auto-all -caf-all -O2 Exposed-modules: HLearn.Algebra HLearn.Algebra.Functions --HLearn.Algebra.HVector HLearn.Algebra.Types.Indexing HLearn.Algebra.Types.HList HLearn.Algebra.Types.Nat1 HLearn.Algebra.Models.HomTrainer HLearn.Algebra.Models.CoHomTrainer HLearn.Algebra.Models.Lame --HLearn.Algebra.Morphism HLearn.Algebra.Structures.Groups HLearn.Algebra.Structures.MetricSpace HLearn.Algebra.Structures.Modules HLearn.Algebra.Structures.Triangles HLearn.Algebra.Structures.Free.Bagging HLearn.Algebra.Structures.Free.FreeHomTrainer HLearn.Algebra.Structures.Free.FreeModule Extensions: FlexibleInstances FlexibleContexts MultiParamTypeClasses FunctionalDependencies UndecidableInstances ScopedTypeVariables BangPatterns TypeOperators GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving --DataKinds TypeFamilies --PolyKinds StandaloneDeriving GADTs KindSignatures ConstraintKinds