{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}

   The HList library

   (C) 2004, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke

   Some very basic technology for faking dependent types in Haskell.

module Data.HList.FakePrelude where


-- Type-level Booleans

data HTrue; hTrue :: HTrue; hTrue = undefined
data HFalse; hFalse :: HFalse; hFalse = undefined
class HBool x; instance HBool HTrue; instance HBool HFalse
instance Show HTrue where show _ = "HTrue"
instance Show HFalse where show _ = "HFalse"

-- Conjunction of type-level Booleans

class (HBool t, HBool t', HBool t'') => HAnd t t' t'' | t t' -> t''
  hAnd :: t -> t' -> t''

instance HAnd HFalse HFalse HFalse
  hAnd _ _ = hFalse

instance HAnd HTrue HFalse HFalse
  hAnd _ _ = hFalse

instance HAnd HFalse HTrue HFalse
  hAnd _ _ = hFalse

instance HAnd HTrue HTrue HTrue
  hAnd _ _ = hTrue

-- Disjunction of type-level Booleans

class (HBool t, HBool t', HBool t'') => HOr t t' t'' | t t' -> t''
  hOr :: t -> t' -> t''

instance HOr HFalse HFalse HFalse
  hOr _ _ = hFalse

instance HOr HTrue HFalse HTrue
  hOr _ _ = hTrue

instance HOr HFalse HTrue HTrue
  hOr _ _ = hTrue

instance HOr HTrue HTrue HTrue
  hOr _ _ = hTrue

-- Type-level conditional

class HBool t => HCond t x y z | t x y -> z
  hCond :: t -> x -> y -> z

instance HCond HFalse x y y
  hCond _ _ y = y

instance HCond HTrue x y x
  hCond _ x _ = x

-- We could define all kinds of further Boolean operations.
-- We omit everything what's not needed for the code in the paper.


-- Type-level naturals

data HZero
data HSucc n

hZero :: HZero; hZero = undefined
hSucc :: HNat n => n -> HSucc n; hSucc _ = undefined
hPred :: HNat n => HSucc n -> n; hPred _ = undefined

class HNat n
instance HNat HZero
instance HNat n => HNat (HSucc n)

instance Show HZero where show _ = "HZero"
instance Show (HSucc HZero)
 where show _ = "HSucc HZero"
instance (HNat n, Show (HSucc n)) => Show (HSucc (HSucc n))
 where show n = "HSucc (" ++ show (hPred n) ++ ")"

class HNat n => HNat2Integral n
  hNat2Integral :: Integral i => n -> i

instance HNat2Integral HZero
  hNat2Integral _ = 0

instance HNat2Integral n => HNat2Integral (HSucc n)
  hNat2Integral n = hNat2Integral (hPred n) + 1


-- Type-level maybies

data HNothing  = HNothing  deriving Show
data HJust x   = HJust x   deriving Show


-- Equality for types

class HBool b => HEq x y b | x y -> b

-- Equality instances for naturals

instance HEq HZero HZero HTrue
instance HNat n => HEq HZero (HSucc n) HFalse
instance HNat n => HEq (HSucc n) HZero HFalse
instance (HNat n, HNat n', HEq  n n' b )
      =>  HEq (HSucc n) (HSucc n') b

hEq :: HEq x y b => x -> y -> b
hEq =  undefined


-- Staged equality
--  - Establish type equality statically
--  - Establish remaining value-level equality dynamically

class HStagedEq x y
  hStagedEq :: x -> y -> Bool


-- Less than

class HBool b => HLt x y b | x y -> b

-- Equality instances for naturals

instance HLt HZero HZero HFalse
instance HNat n => HLt HZero (HSucc n) HTrue
instance HNat n => HLt (HSucc n) HZero HFalse
instance (HNat n, HNat n', HLt  n n' b)
      =>  HLt (HSucc n) (HSucc n') b

hLt   :: HLt x y b => x -> y -> b
hLt _ =  undefined


-- A predicate for type equality
-- There are different implementations.
-- See imports in Main*.hs

class HBool b => TypeEq x y b | x y -> b

-- Rely on lazy show for type-level Booleans
typeEq :: TypeEq t t' b => t -> t' -> b
typeEq = undefined

-- A more disciplined version: based on proxies
proxyEq :: TypeEq t t' b => Proxy t -> Proxy t' -> b
proxyEq _ _ = undefined


-- Type-safe cast

class TypeCast x y | x -> y, y -> x
  typeCast :: x -> y


-- A phantom type for type proxies

data Proxy e
instance Show (Proxy e) where show _ = "Proxy"

proxy :: Proxy e
proxy =  undefined

toProxy :: e -> Proxy e
toProxy _ = undefined

unProxy :: Proxy e -> e
unProxy =  undefined


-- Type equality and disequality

class TypeEqTrue x y
class TypeEqFalse x y

typeEqTrue :: TypeEqTrue x y => x -> y -> ()
typeEqTrue _ _ = ()

typeEqFalse :: TypeEqFalse x y => x -> y -> ()
typeEqFalse _ _ = ()


-- Subtyping

class SubType l l'

subType :: SubType l l' => l -> l' -> ()
subType _ _ = ()


-- A class without instances for explicit failure
class Fail x
