{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
   (C) 2004, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke

   Some dedicated infix operators at the type and the value level.

module Data.HList.GhcSyntax where

import Data.HList.HArray (HUpdateAtHNat())
import Data.HList.FakePrelude
import Data.HList.HListPrelude
import Data.HList.HOccurs
import Data.HList.Record
import Data.HList.GhcRecord
import Data.HList.TIP
import Data.HList.TIC


-- Convenience notation for type sequences

infixr 2 :*:
infixr 2 .*.

type e :*: l = HCons e l


  (.*.) -- Add a field to a record. Analagous to (++) for

  record .*. field1
         .*. field2
(.*.) :: HExtend e l l' => e -> l -> l'
(.*.) =  hExtend


-- Convenience notation for records
-- Many signatures are deliberately omitted. They should be inferred.
-- There is no point of writing the same thing in terms and in types.

infixr 4 :=:
type l :=: v = LVPair l v

infixr 4 .=.

  (.=.) -- Create a value with the given label. Analagous to a data
           constructor such as 'Just', 'Left', or 'Right'. Higher fixity
           than record-modification operations like (.*.), (.-.), etc. to
           support expression like the below w/o parentheses:

  label1 .=. value1 .*. 
  label2 .=. value2 .*. 

(.=.) :: l -> v -> LVPair l v
l .=. v = newLVPair l v

infixr 9 .!.
  (.!.) -- Lookup a value in a record, by its label. Analagous to (!!), the
           list indexing operation. Highest fixity, like (!!).

  record1 .*. label1 .=. record2 .!. label1
          .*. label2 .=. record2 .!. label2
(.!.) :: (HasField l r v) => r -> l -> v
r .!. l =  hLookupByLabel l r

infixl 2 .-.
  (.-.) -- Remove a field from a record. At the same
           level as other record modification options (.*.). Analagous
           to (\\) in lists.

  record1 .-. label1

  label1 .=. value1 .*. 
  label2 .=. value2 .-.
  label2 .*. 

  label1 .=. value1 .-.
  label1 .*. 
  label2 .=. value2 .*. 

  record1 .*. label1 .=. record2 .!. label1
          .*. label2 .=. record2 .!. label2 
          .-. label1
r .-. l =  hDeleteAtLabel l r

infixl 2 .@.
  (.@.) -- Update a field with a particular value. Another record-level
           operation, so it has the same fixity as (.*.) and (.-.). No
           real list analogue, since there is no Prelude defined

  record1 .@. label1 .=. value1

  record1 .@. label1 .=. record2 .!. label1

  record1 .*. label1 .=. record2 .!. label1
          .*. label2 .=. record2 .!. label2 
          .@. label1 .=. value2
r .@. f@(LVPair v) =  hUpdateAtLabel (labelLVPair f) v r

infixr 2 .^.

  (.^.) -- This is a variation on updating (according to GhcRecord.hs),
           so use the same fixity as (.\@.).
f@(LVPair v) .^. r = hUnproxyLabel (labelLVPair f) v r

infixr 2 .<.
  (.<.) -- Another variation on update, so give it the same fixity as (.\@.).

f@(LVPair v) .<. r = hTPupdateAtLabel (labelLVPair f) v r

infixl 2 .<++.
  (.<++.) -- Similar to list append, so give this slightly lower fixity than
             (.*.), so we can write:

   record1 .*. field1 .<++. record2 .*. field2
r .<++. r' = hLeftUnion r r'


-- Convenience notation for TIRs

infixr 2 :+:
infixr 2 .+.

type e :+: l = HCons (Proxy e) l

  (.+.) -- Type-indexed rows append. Very similar to .*., so 
           keep the same fixity.
e .+. r = hExtend (toProxy e) r
