{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances,
  FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}

   The HList library

   (C) 2004-2006, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke

   Extensible records

   The are different models of labels that go with this module;
   see the files Label?.hs.

module Data.HList.Record where

import Data.HList.FakePrelude
import Data.HList.HListPrelude
import Data.HList.HArray


-- Record types as label-value pairs, where label is purely phantom.
-- Thus the run-time representation of a field is the same as that of
-- its value, and the record, at run-time, is indistinguishable from
-- the HList of field values. At run-time, all information about the
-- labels is erased.

-- Field of label l with value type v
newtype LVPair l v = LVPair { valueLVPair :: v } deriving Eq

-- Label accessor
labelLVPair :: LVPair l v -> l
labelLVPair = undefined

newLVPair :: l -> v -> LVPair l v
newLVPair _ = LVPair

newtype Record r = Record r deriving Eq

-- Build a record
mkRecord :: HRLabelSet r => r -> Record r
mkRecord = Record

-- Build an empty record
emptyRecord :: Record HNil
emptyRecord = mkRecord HNil

-- Propery of a proper label set for a record: no duplication of labels

class HRLabelSet ps
instance HRLabelSet HNil
instance HRLabelSet (HCons x HNil)
instance ( HEq l1 l2 leq
         , HRLabelSet' l1 v1 l2 v2 leq r
         ) => HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l1 v1) (HCons (LVPair l2 v2) r))

class HRLabelSet' l1 v1 l2 v2 leq r
instance ( HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l2 v2) r)
         , HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l1 v1) r)
         ) => HRLabelSet' l1 v1 l2 v2 HFalse r
instance ( Fail (DuplicatedLabel l1) ) => HRLabelSet' l1 v1 l2 v2 HTrue r

instance (HZip ls vs ps, HLabelSet ls) => HRLabelSet ps

class HLabelSet ls
instance HLabelSet HNil
instance (HMember x ls xmem, HLabelSet' x ls xmem) => HLabelSet (HCons x ls)

class HLabelSet' x ls xmem
instance HLabelSet ls => HLabelSet' x ls HFalse

data DuplicatedLabel l = DuplicatedLabel l
instance Fail (DuplicatedLabel x) => HLabelSet' x ls HTrue

-- Construct the (phantom) list of labels of the record.
-- This is a purely type-level function.
class RecordLabels r ls | r -> ls
instance RecordLabels HNil HNil
instance RecordLabels r' ls
      => RecordLabels (HCons (LVPair l v) r') (HCons l ls)

recordLabels' :: RecordLabels r ls => r -> ls
recordLabels' r = undefined

recordLabels :: RecordLabels r ls => Record r -> ls
recordLabels (Record r) = recordLabels' r

-- Construct the list of values of the record.
class RecordValues r ls | r -> ls
    where recordValues' :: r -> ls
instance RecordValues HNil HNil
    where recordValues' _ = HNil
instance RecordValues r' vs
      => RecordValues (HCons (LVPair l v) r') (HCons v vs)
    where recordValues' ~(HCons (LVPair v) r') = HCons v (recordValues' r')

recordValues :: RecordValues r vs => Record r -> vs
recordValues (Record r) = recordValues' r


-- A Show instance to appeal to normal records

instance ShowComponents r => Show (Record r)
  show (Record r) =  "Record{"
                  ++ showComponents "" r
                  ++ "}"

class ShowComponents l
  showComponents :: String -> l -> String

instance ShowComponents HNil
  showComponents _ HNil = ""

instance ( ShowLabel l
         , Show v
         , ShowComponents r
      =>   ShowComponents (HCons (LVPair l v) r)
  showComponents comma (HCons f@(LVPair v) r)
     =  comma
     ++ showLabel (labelLVPair f)
     ++ "="
     ++ show v
     ++ showComponents "," r

class ShowLabel l
  showLabel :: l -> String


-- Extension for records

instance HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l v) r)
    => HExtend (LVPair l v) (Record r) (Record (HCons (LVPair l v) r))
  hExtend f (Record r) = mkRecord (HCons f r)


-- Record concatenation

instance ( HRLabelSet r''
         , HAppend r r' r''
    => HAppend (Record r) (Record r') (Record r'')
  hAppend (Record r) (Record r') = mkRecord (hAppend r r')


-- Lookup operation

-- This is a baseline implementation.
-- We use a helper class, HasField, to abstract from the implementation.

class HasField l r v | l r -> v
    hLookupByLabel:: l -> r -> v

instance ( RecordLabels r ls
         , HFind l ls n
         , HLookupByHNat n r (LVPair l v)
         ) => HasField l (Record r) v
    hLookupByLabel l (Record r) = v
        ls = recordLabels' r
        n = hFind l ls
        (LVPair v) = hLookupByHNat n r


-- Because hLookupByLabel is so frequent and important, we implement
-- it separately, more efficiently. The algorithm is familiar assq, only
-- the comparison operation is done at compile-time

instance HasField l r v => HasField l (Record r) v where
    hLookupByLabel l (Record r) = hLookupByLabel l r

class HasField' b l r v | b l r -> v where
    hLookupByLabel':: b -> l -> r -> v

instance (HEq l l' b, HasField' b l (HCons (LVPair l' v') r) v)
    => HasField l (HCons (LVPair l' v') r) v where
    hLookupByLabel l r@(HCons f' _) =
             hLookupByLabel' (hEq l (labelLVPair f')) l r

instance HasField' HTrue l (HCons (LVPair l v) r) v where
    hLookupByLabel' _ _ (HCons (LVPair v) _) = v
instance HasField l r v => HasField' HFalse l (HCons fld r) v where
    hLookupByLabel' _ l (HCons _ r) = hLookupByLabel l r


-- Delete operation
hDeleteAtLabel l (Record r) = Record r'
  (_,r')  = h2projectByLabels (HCons l HNil) r


-- Update operation
hUpdateAtLabel l v (Record r) = Record r'
  n    = hFind l (recordLabels' r)
  r'   = hUpdateAtHNat n (newLVPair l v) r

-- Projection for records
-- It is also an important operation: the basis of many
-- deconstructors -- so we try to implement it efficiently.
hProjectByLabels :: (HRLabelSet a, H2ProjectByLabels ls t a b) => ls -> Record t -> Record a
hProjectByLabels ls (Record r) = mkRecord (fst $ h2projectByLabels ls r)

hProjectByLabels2 ls (Record r) = (mkRecord rin, mkRecord rout)
   where (rin,rout) = h2projectByLabels ls r

-- Invariant: r = rin `disjoint-union` rout
--            labels(rin) = ls
class H2ProjectByLabels ls r rin rout | ls r -> rin rout where
    h2projectByLabels :: ls -> r -> (rin,rout)

instance H2ProjectByLabels HNil r HNil r where
    h2projectByLabels _ r = (HNil,r)

instance H2ProjectByLabels (HCons l ls) HNil HNil HNil where
    h2projectByLabels _ _ = (HNil,HNil)

instance (HMemberM l' (HCons l ls) b,
          H2ProjectByLabels' b (HCons l ls) (HCons (LVPair l' v') r') rin rout)
    => H2ProjectByLabels (HCons l ls) (HCons (LVPair l' v') r') rin rout where
    -- h2projectByLabels = h2projectByLabels' (undefined::b)
    -- The latter is solely for the Hugs benefit
    h2projectByLabels ls r@(HCons _ _) =h2projectByLabels' (undefined::b) ls r
      -- where b = hMember (labelLVPair f') ls

class H2ProjectByLabels' b ls r rin rout | b ls r -> rin rout where
    h2projectByLabels' :: b -> ls -> r -> (rin,rout)

instance H2ProjectByLabels ls' r' rin rout =>
    H2ProjectByLabels' (HJust ls') ls (HCons f' r') (HCons f' rin) rout where
    h2projectByLabels' _ _ (HCons x r) = (HCons x rin, rout)
        where (rin,rout) = h2projectByLabels (undefined::ls') r

instance H2ProjectByLabels ls r' rin rout =>
    H2ProjectByLabels' HNothing ls (HCons f' r') rin (HCons f' rout) where
    h2projectByLabels' _ ls (HCons x r) = (rin, HCons x rout)
        where (rin,rout) = h2projectByLabels ls r


-- Rename the label of record
hRenameLabel l l' r = r''
  v   = hLookupByLabel l r
  r'  = hDeleteAtLabel l r
  r'' = hExtend (newLVPair l' v) r'


-- A variation on update: type-preserving update.
hTPupdateAtLabel l v r = hUpdateAtLabel l v r
   te :: a -> a -> ()
   te _ _ = ()
   _ = te v (hLookupByLabel l r)


-- We could also say:

hTPupdateAtLabel l v r = hUpdateAtLabel l v r `asTypeOf` r

-- Then we were taking a dependency on Haskell's type equivalence.
-- This would also constrain the actual implementation of hUpdateAtLabel.



-- Subtyping for records

instance ( RecordLabels r' ls
         , H2ProjectByLabels ls r r' rout
    => SubType (Record r) (Record r')


class  HLeftUnion r r' r'' | r r' -> r''
 where hLeftUnion :: r -> r' -> r''

instance HLeftUnion r (Record HNil) r
 where   hLeftUnion r _ = r

instance ( RecordLabels r ls
         , HMember l ls b
         , HLeftUnionBool b r (LVPair l v) r'''
         , HLeftUnion (Record r''') (Record r') r''
           => HLeftUnion (Record r) (Record (HCons (LVPair l v) r')) r''
   hLeftUnion (Record r) (Record (HCons f r')) = r''
     b       = hMember (labelLVPair f) (recordLabels' r)
     r'''    = hLeftUnionBool b r f
     r''     = hLeftUnion (Record r''') (Record r')

class  HLeftUnionBool b r f r' | b r f -> r'
 where hLeftUnionBool :: b -> r -> f -> r'

instance HLeftUnionBool HTrue r f r
   where hLeftUnionBool _ r _  = r

instance HLeftUnionBool HFalse r f (HCons f r)
   where hLeftUnionBool _ r f = HCons f r

-- Compute the symmetric union of two records r1 and r2 and
-- return the pair of records injected into the union (ru1, ru2).
-- To be more precise, we compute the symmetric union _type_ ru
-- of two record _types_ r1 and r2. The emphasis on types is important.
-- The two records (ru1,ru2) in the result of unionSR have the same
-- type ru, but they are generally different values.
-- Here the simple example: suppose
--   r1 = (Label .=. True)  .*. emptyRecord
--   r2 = (Label .=. False) .*. emptyRecord
-- Then unionSR r1 r2 will return (r1,r2). Both components of the result
-- are different records of the same type.

-- To project from the union ru, use hProjectByLabels.
-- It is possible to project from the union obtaining a record
-- that was not used at all when creating the union.
-- We do assure however that if (unionSR r1 r2) gave (r1u,r2u),
-- then projecting r1u onto the type of r1 gives the _value_ identical
-- to r1. Ditto for r2.

class UnionSymRec r1 r2 ru | r1 r2 -> ru where
    unionSR :: r1 -> r2 -> (ru, ru)

instance UnionSymRec r1 (Record HNil) r1 where
    unionSR r1 _ = (r1, r1)

instance ( RecordLabels r1 ls
         , HMember l ls b
         , UnionSymRec' b (Record r1) (LVPair l v) (Record r2') ru
    => UnionSymRec (Record r1) (Record (HCons (LVPair l v) r2')) ru
    unionSR r1 (Record (HCons f r2')) =
        unionSR' (undefined::b) r1 f (Record r2')

class UnionSymRec' b r1 f2 r2' ru | b r1 f2 r2' -> ru where
    unionSR' :: b -> r1 -> f2 -> r2'  -> (ru, ru)

-- Field f2 is already in r1, so it will be in the union of r1
-- with the rest of r2.
-- To inject (HCons f2 r2) in that union, we should replace the
-- field f2
instance (UnionSymRec r1 r2' (Record ru),
          HasField l2 ru v2,
          HUpdateAtHNat n (LVPair l2 v2) ru ru,
          RecordLabels ru ls,
          HFind l2 ls n)
    => UnionSymRec' HTrue r1 (LVPair l2 v2) r2' (Record ru) where
    unionSR' _ r1 (LVPair v2) r2' = (ul, ur')
       where (ul,ur) = unionSR r1 r2'
             ur' = hTPupdateAtLabel (undefined::l2) v2 ur

instance (UnionSymRec r1 r2' (Record ru),
          HExtend f2 (Record ru) (Record (HCons f2 ru)))
    => UnionSymRec' HFalse r1 f2 r2' (Record (HCons f2 ru)) where
    unionSR' _ r1 f2 r2' = (ul', ur')
       where (ul,ur) = unionSR r1 r2'
             ul' = hExtend f2 ul
             ur' = hExtend f2 ur

-- Rearranges a record by labels. Returns the record r, rearranged such that
-- the labels are in the order given by ls. (recordLabels r) must be a
-- permutation of ls.
hRearrange :: (HLabelSet ls, HRearrange ls r r') => ls -> Record r -> Record r'
hRearrange ls (Record r) = Record $ hRearrange2 ls r

-- Helper class for hRearrange
class HRearrange ls r r' | ls r -> r' where
    hRearrange2 :: ls -> r -> r'

instance HRearrange HNil HNil HNil where
   hRearrange2 _ _ = HNil

instance (H2ProjectByLabels (HCons l HNil) r rin rout,
          HRearrange' l ls rin rout r') =>
        HRearrange (HCons l ls) r r' where
   hRearrange2 ~(HCons l ls) r = hRearrange2' l ls rin rout
      where (rin, rout) = h2projectByLabels (HCons l HNil) r

-- Helper class 2 for hRearrange
class HRearrange' l ls rin rout r' | l ls rin rout -> r' where
    hRearrange2' :: l -> ls -> rin -> rout -> r'
instance HRearrange ls rout r' =>
        HRearrange' l ls (HCons (LVPair l v) HNil) rout (HCons (LVPair l v) r') where
   hRearrange2' _ ls (HCons lv@(LVPair v) HNil) rout = HCons (LVPair v `asTypeOf` lv) (hRearrange2 ls rout)

data ExtraField l = ExtraField
data FieldNotFound l = FieldNotFound

instance Fail (FieldNotFound l) => 
        HRearrange' l ls HNil rout (FieldNotFound l) where
   hRearrange2' _ _ _ _ = FieldNotFound
instance Fail (ExtraField l) => 
          HRearrange HNil (HCons (LVPair l v) a) (ExtraField l) where
   hRearrange2 _ _ = ExtraField