{- |
   The HList library

   (C) 2004, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke

   Declarations for various classes and functions that
   apply for the whole range of heterogeneous collections
   (HList, TIP, records, etc).

module Data.HList.HListPrelude where

import Data.HList.FakePrelude

class HExtend e l where
  type HExtendR e l
  (.*.) :: e -> l -> HExtendR e l
infixr 2 .*.

-- Poly-kinded
class SubType l l'

-- subType :: SubType l l' => l -> l' -> ()
-- subType _ _ = ()

class HAppend l1 l2 where
  hAppend :: l1 -> l2 -> HAppendR l1 l2

-- | poly-kinded, but 'hAppend' only works in cases where the kind variable
-- `k` is `*`
type family HAppendR (l1::k) (l2::k) :: k
-- class HMember e1 l (b :: Bool) | e1 l -> b

-- One occurrence and nothing is left
class HOccurs e l where
  hOccurs :: l -> e

-- Class to test that a type is "free" in a type sequence
-- polykinded
class HOccursNot e l

class HProject l l' where
  hProject :: l -> l'

-- | Map a type (key) to a natural (index) within the collection
-- This is a purely type-level computation
class HType2HNat e l (n :: HNat) | e l -> n

--  | and lift to the list of types
class HTypes2HNats es l (ns :: [HNat]) | es l -> ns

-- | Delete all elements with the type-level key e from the
-- collection l. Since the key is type-level, it is represented
-- by a Proxy.
-- (polykinded)

class HDeleteMany e l l' | e l -> l' where
  hDeleteMany :: Proxy e -> l -> l'