{- | Description: Data instances

'Data.Data.Data' instances for 'HListFlat' and 'Record' which pretend
to be flat data structures. The @Data@ instance for 'HList' gives a nested

NOTE: these instances do not work with ghc-7.8 with promoted
string (Symbol) labels because of


The data instance for

> a :: HList '[Int, Double, b]

Looks like the same instance for

> type T b = (Int, (Double, (b, ())))


The Data instance for

> a :: Data b => HListFlat '[Int,Double,b]

will look like the Data instance for:

> data A b = A Int Double b


For 'Record' similar ideas apply. An

> a :: Record '[ LVPair "x" Int, LVPair "y" Double ]

should behave like a:

> data A = A { x :: Int, y :: Double } deriving (Data)

Many unsafecoerces are necessary here because the Data class includes type
parameters @c@ that cannot be used in the class context for the instance.
Perhaps there is another way.

module Data.HList.Data (
    -- * exports for type signatures/ haddock usage

    -- ** less likely to be used
    ) where

import Data.HList.FakePrelude
import Data.HList.HList
import Data.HList.Record
import Data.HList.Variant
import Data.Data
import Data.HList.TIC
import Data.HList.TIP

-- for Typeable '[] and Typeable '(:) with ghc-7.6
import Data.Orphans ()

import Data.List

import Unsafe.Coerce

deriving instance Typeable (HList '[]) => Data (HList '[])
deriving instance
    (Data x,
     Data (HList xs),
     TypeablePolyK (x ': xs), -- for new typeable
     Typeable (HList (x ': xs) -- for old typeable
     )) => Data (HList (x ': xs))

deriving instance
    (TypeablePolyK xs,
     Typeable (HList xs),
     Data (HList xs)) => Data (TIP xs)
deriving instance
    (TypeablePolyK xs,
     Typeable (Variant xs),
     Data (Variant xs)) => Data (TIC xs)

-- | this data type only exists to have Data instance
newtype HListFlat a = HListFlat (HList a)

type DataHListFlatCxt na g a = (
        g ~ FoldRArrow a (HList a),
        HBuild' '[] g,
        Typeable (HListFlat a),
        TypeablePolyK a,
        HFoldl (GfoldlK  C) (C g) a (C (HList a)),

            (GunfoldK C)
            (C g)
            (HReplicateR na ())
            (C (HList a)),

        HLengthEq a na,
        HReplicate na ())

-- | ghc-8.0.2 can't work out the type g,
-- in the 2nd argument of gfoldl. ghc <= 7.10
-- don't need it.
-- in `instance Data (HListFlat '[a,b,c])`
-- > g ~ (a -> b -> c -> HList '[a,b,c])
-- > g ~ GetG '[a,b,c] (HList '[a,b,c])
type family FoldRArrow (xs :: [*]) (r :: *)

type instance FoldRArrow '[] r = r
type instance FoldRArrow (x ': xs) r = x -> FoldRArrow xs r 

instance DataHListFlatCxt na g a => Data (HListFlat a) where
    gfoldl k z (HListFlat xs) = c3 $
                        (c1 (GfoldlK k))
                        (c2 (z hBuild))
              c1 :: forall c. GfoldlK c -> GfoldlK C
              c1 = unsafeCoerce

              c2 :: forall c. c g -> C g
              c2 = unsafeCoerce

              c3 :: forall c. C (HList a) -> c (HListFlat a)
              c3 = unsafeCoerce

    gunfold k z _ =
              c3 $ withSelf $ \self ->
                    (c1 (GunfoldK k))
                    (c2 (z hBuild))
                    (hReplicate (hLength self) ())
              withSelf :: forall t c. (t -> c t) -> c t
              withSelf x = x undefined

              c1 :: forall c. GunfoldK c -> GunfoldK C
              c1 = unsafeCoerce

              c2 :: forall c. c g -> C g
              c2 = unsafeCoerce

              c3 :: forall c. C (HList a) -> c (HListFlat a)
              c3 = unsafeCoerce

    dataTypeOf _ = hListFlatDataRep
    toConstr _   = hListFlatConRep

hListFlatDataRep = mkDataType "Data.HList.HList" [hListFlatConRep]
hListFlatConRep = mkConstr hListFlatDataRep "HListFlat" [] Prefix

type DataRecordCxt a =
    (Data (HListFlat (RecordValuesR a)),
            TypeablePolyK a,
            TypeRepsList (Record a),
            RecordValues a,
            RecordLabelsStr a)

instance DataRecordCxt a => Data (Record a) where
    gfoldl k z xs = c1 (gfoldl k z (HListFlat (recordValues xs)))
            c1 :: forall c. c (HListFlat (RecordValuesR a)) -> c (Record a)
            c1 = unsafeCoerce

    gunfold k z con = c1 (gunfold k z con)
            -- LVPair and Record are newtypes, so this should be safe...
            c1 :: forall c. c (HListFlat (RecordValuesR a)) -> c (Record a)
            c1 = unsafeCoerce

    dataTypeOf x = snd (recordReps (recordLabelsStr x))
    toConstr x = fst (recordReps (recordLabelsStr x))

recordReps fields =
    let c = mkConstr d "Record" fields Prefix
        d = mkDataType "Data.HList.Record" [c]
    in (c,d)

class RecordLabelsStr (xs :: [*]) where
    recordLabelsStr :: Record xs -> [String]

instance RecordLabelsStr '[] where
    recordLabelsStr _ = []
instance (RecordLabelsStr xs,
          ShowLabel x) => RecordLabelsStr (Tagged x t ': xs) where
    recordLabelsStr _ = showLabel (Label :: Label x) :
                            recordLabelsStr (undefined :: Record xs)

{- |

This alternative option works too, but for whatever reason
splitting up recordLabelsStr and recordLabels into two functions
means that a type annotation is needed on the 3, which is not
necessary with the above recordLabelsStr (ghc-7.6.3)

> recordLabelsStr2 (recordLabels (((Label :: Label "x") .=. 3 .*. emptyRecord )))

class RecordLabelsStr2 (xs :: [k]) where
    recordLabelsStr2 :: proxy xs -> [String]

instance RecordLabelsStr2 '[] where
    recordLabelsStr2 _ = []
instance (RecordLabelsStr2 xs,
          ShowLabel x) => RecordLabelsStr2 (x ': xs) where
    recordLabelsStr2 _ = showLabel (Label :: Label x) :
                            recordLabelsStr2 (Proxy :: Proxy xs)

-- | use only with @instance Data (HList a)@. This is because the HFoldl
-- context cannot be written for a @c@ that only appears in the method
-- 'gfoldl'.
data C a

-- typeable isntances... either hand written or derived when possible
deriving instance Typeable Record
deriving instance Typeable HList
deriving instance Typeable HListFlat
deriving instance Typeable Variant
deriving instance Typeable TIC
deriving instance Typeable TIP

-- orphans
deriving instance Typeable 'HZero
deriving instance Typeable 'HSucc

instance TypeRepsList (Record xs) => Typeable (HList xs) where
   typeOf x = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "HList" "Data.HList.HList" "HList")
                [ tyConList (typeRepsList (Record x)) ]

instance (TypeRepsList (Record xs)) => Typeable (Record xs) where
  typeOf x = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "HList" "Data.HList.Record" "Record")
                [ tyConList (typeRepsList x) ]

instance TypeRepsList (Record xs) => Typeable (Variant xs) where
  typeOf _ = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "HList" "Data.HList.Variant" "Variant")
                [ tyConList (typeRepsList (error "Data.HList.Data:Typeable Variant" :: Record xs)) ]

instance Typeable (Variant xs) => Typeable (TIC xs) where
  typeOf (TIC xs) = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "HList" "Data.HList.TIC" "TIC")
                      [typeOf xs]

instance Typeable (HList xs) => Typeable (TIP xs) where
  typeOf (TIP xs) = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "HList" "Data.HList.TIP" "TIP")
                      [typeOf xs]

instance ShowLabel sy => Typeable1 (Tagged sy) where
  typeOf1 _ = mkTyConApp
        (mkTyCon3 "HList" "Data.HList.Data" (showLabel (Label :: Label sy)))

instance (ShowLabel sy, Typeable x) => Typeable (Tagged sy x) where
  typeOf _ = mkTyConApp
            (mkTyCon3 "GHC" "GHC.TypeLits" (showLabel (Label :: Label sy)))
            [mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "HList" "Data.HList.Record" "=") [],
                    typeOf (error "Data.HList.Data:Typeable Tagged" :: x)

instance Typeable (HList a) => Typeable (HListFlat a) where
    typeOf _ = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "HList" "Data.HList.Data" "HListFlat")
            [typeOf (error "Typeable HListFlat" :: HList a)]

-- pretty-prints sort of like a real list
tyConList xs = mkTyConApp open ( intersperse comma xs ++ [close] )
    open = mkTyCon3 "GHC" "GHC.TypeLits" "["
    close = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "GHC" "GHC.TypeLits" "]") []
    comma = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "GHC" "GHC.TypeLits" ",") []

class TypeRepsList a where
  typeRepsList :: a -> [TypeRep]

instance (TypeRepsList (HList xs)) => TypeRepsList (Record xs) where
  typeRepsList (Record xs) = typeRepsList xs

instance (TypeRepsList (HList xs), Typeable x) => TypeRepsList (HList (x ': xs)) where
  typeRepsList (~(x `HCons` xs))
        = typeOf x : typeRepsList xs

instance TypeRepsList (HList '[]) where
  typeRepsList _ = []

-- | wraps up the first argument to 'gfoldl'
data GfoldlK c where
    GfoldlK :: (forall d b . Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> GfoldlK c

instance (Data d, (c (d -> b), d) ~ x, c b ~ y) =>
        ApplyAB (GfoldlK c) x y where
    applyAB (GfoldlK f) (u,v) = f u v

data GunfoldK c where
    GunfoldK :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> GunfoldK c

instance (Data b, x ~ (t, c (b -> r)), y ~ c r) =>
        ApplyAB (GunfoldK c) x y where
    applyAB (GunfoldK f) (_, u) = f u