#include #include #include #include void debug_print_image_header(IplImage *image) { printf("IplImage: \n" "\tnSize: %d\n" "\tID: %d\n" "\tnChannels: %d\n" "\talphaChannel: %d\n" "\tdepth: %d\n" "\tdataOrder: %d\n" "\torigin: %d\n" "\talign: %d\n" "\twidth: %d\n" "\theight: %d\n" "\timageSize: %d\n" "\twidthStep: %d\n", image->nSize, image->ID, image->nChannels, image->alphaChannel, image->depth, image->dataOrder, image->origin, image->align, image->width, image->height, image->imageSize, image->widthStep); } /****************************************************************************/ void release_capture(CvCapture *capture) { CvCapture *temp = capture; cvReleaseCapture(&temp); } /****************************************************************************/ void num_to_name(int num, char *name, int length) { snprintf(name, length, "win-%d", num); } void new_window(int num, int flags) { char name[100]; num_to_name(num, name, sizeof(name)); cvNamedWindow(name, flags); } void del_window(int num) { char name[100]; num_to_name(num, name, sizeof(name)); cvDestroyWindow(name); } void show_image(int num, IplImage *image) { char name[100]; num_to_name(num, name, sizeof(name)); cvShowImage(name, image); } /**********************************************************/ /* Haskell's FFI doesn't know how to pass structs by value, I think. */ IplImage *create_image(int width, int height, int depth, int channels) { return cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height), depth, channels); } void release_image(IplImage *image) { IplImage *temp = image; return cvReleaseImage(&temp); } /* Notice that according to opencv docs, cvGetSize returns the ROI for images, not the image.width and .height */ void get_size(const CvArr *arr, CvSize *size) { *size = cvGetSize(arr); } /* TODO instead of get_depth, get_nChannels maybe we should allow serialization of the IplImage struct itself, as we do for CvSize? */ int get_depth(const IplImage *image) { return image->depth; } int get_nChannels(const IplImage *image) { return image->nChannels; } void dilate(const CvArr *src, CvArr *dest, int iterations) { cvDilate(src, dest, NULL, iterations); } /**********************************************************/ void release_mem_storage(CvMemStorage *mem_store) { CvMemStorage *temp = mem_store; cvReleaseMemStorage(&temp); } void cv_free(void *obj) { void *temp = obj; cvFree(&temp); } /****************************************************************************/ int seq_total(const CvSeq *seq) { return seq->total; } /* Commonly used case of CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM is CvRect-typed elements. The macro CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM is supposed to be faster in some cases than the function cvGetSeqElem. */ /*CvRect *c_rect_cvGetSeqElem(const CvSeq *seq, int index) { return CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM( CvRect, seq, index); }*/ void c_cvRectangle(CvArr *img, int x, int y, int width, int height) { cvRectangle(img, cvPoint(x,y), cvPoint((x+width), (y+height)), CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3 , 8, 0); } /****************************************************************************/ CvSeq *c_cvHaarDetectObjects( const CvArr* image, CvHaarClassifierCascade* cascade, CvMemStorage* storage, double scale_factor, int min_neighbors , int flags, int width, int height) { return cvHaarDetectObjects(image, cascade, storage, scale_factor, min_neighbors, flags, cvSize(width, height)); }