{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) 2006-2012, alpheccar.org
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : misc@NOSPAMalpheccar.org
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- PDF Resources
-- #hide
module Graphics.PDF.Resources(
 , addResource
 , emptyRsrc
 , StrokeAlpha(..)
 , FillAlpha(..)
 , PdfResourceObject(..)
 , PDFFont(..)
 , FontName(..)
 , resourceToDict
 , emptyResource
 , PDFColoredPattern
 , PDFUncoloredPattern
 , AnyPdfPattern
 , PDFColorSpace(..)
 ) where
import Graphics.PDF.LowLevel.Types
import qualified Data.Map as M

-- Fonts
type FontSize = Int
data FontName = Helvetica 
              | Helvetica_Bold
              | Helvetica_Oblique
              | Helvetica_BoldOblique
              | Times_Roman 
              | Times_Bold
              | Times_Italic
              | Times_BoldItalic
              | Courier
              | Courier_Bold
              | Courier_Oblique
              | Courier_BoldOblique
              | Symbol
              | ZapfDingbats

instance Show FontName where
    show Helvetica = "Helvetica"
    show Helvetica_Bold = "Helvetica-Bold"
    show Helvetica_Oblique = "Helvetica-Oblique"
    show Helvetica_BoldOblique = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"
    show Times_Roman = "Times-Roman"
    show Times_Bold = "Times-Bold"
    show Times_Italic = "Times-Italic"
    show Times_BoldItalic = "Times-BoldItalic"
    show Courier = "Courier"
    show Courier_Bold = "Courier-Bold"
    show Courier_Oblique = "Courier-Oblique"
    show Courier_BoldOblique = "Courier-BoldOblique"
    show Symbol = "Symbol"
    show ZapfDingbats = "ZapfDingbats"

data PDFFont = PDFFont FontName FontSize deriving(Eq,Show)

instance Ord PDFFont where
    compare (PDFFont na sa) (PDFFont nb sb) = if sa == sb then compare na nb else compare sa sb

instance PdfResourceObject PDFFont where
   toRsrc (PDFFont f _) =  AnyPdfObject . PDFDictionary . M.fromList $
                           [(PDFName "Type",AnyPdfObject . PDFName $ "Font")
                           , (PDFName "Subtype",AnyPdfObject . PDFName $ "Type1")
                           , (PDFName "BaseFont",AnyPdfObject . PDFName $ show f)
                           , (PDFName "Encoding",AnyPdfObject . PDFName $ "WinAnsiEncoding")]
newtype StrokeAlpha = StrokeAlpha Double deriving(Eq,Ord)  
instance PdfResourceObject StrokeAlpha where
  toRsrc (StrokeAlpha a) = AnyPdfObject . PDFDictionary . M.fromList $ [(PDFName "CA",AnyPdfObject a)]
newtype FillAlpha = FillAlpha Double deriving(Eq,Ord)  
instance PdfResourceObject FillAlpha where
  toRsrc (FillAlpha a) = AnyPdfObject . PDFDictionary . M.fromList $ [(PDFName "ca",AnyPdfObject a)]
class PdfResourceObject a where
      toRsrc :: a -> AnyPdfObject
-- | A PDF Resource
data PDFResource = PDFResource  {
                   procSet :: !PDFArray
                 , resources :: M.Map PDFName PDFDictionary

emptyRsrc :: PDFResource              
--emptyRsrc = PDFResource [AnyPdfObject . PDFName $ "PDF"] (M.empty)
emptyRsrc = PDFResource [] (M.empty)        

getResources :: M.Map PDFName PDFDictionary -> [(PDFName,AnyPdfObject)]
getResources = M.toList . M.map AnyPdfObject

instance PdfObject PDFResource where
 toPDF r = toPDF . resourceToDict $ r
-- | Add a new G State to the G State dictionary for the given resource
addResource :: PDFName -- ^ GState dictionary
          -> PDFName -- ^ GState name must be unique
          -> AnyPdfObject -- ^ G State content
          -> PDFResource -- ^ Old resource
          -> PDFResource -- ^ New resource
addResource dict name newValue r = let addValue (Just (PDFDictionary a)) = Just . PDFDictionary $ M.insert name newValue a
                                       addValue (Nothing) = Just . PDFDictionary $ M.insert name newValue M.empty
  r {resources = M.alter addValue dict (resources r)}
-- | Convert the resource to a PDf dictionary
resourceToDict :: PDFResource -> PDFDictionary
resourceToDict r = PDFDictionary . M.fromList  $
    --[(PDFName "ProcSet",AnyPdfObject (procSet r))] ++
    getResources (resources r)
emptyResource :: PDFResource -> Bool
emptyResource (PDFResource a b) = null a && M.null b 

-- | A PDF Pattern
data PDFUncoloredPattern
data PDFColoredPattern
data AnyPdfPattern

-- | A PDF Color space
data PDFColorSpace = PatternRGB  deriving(Eq,Ord)

instance PdfResourceObject PDFColorSpace where
    toRsrc PatternRGB = AnyPdfObject . map AnyPdfObject $ [PDFName "Pattern",PDFName "DeviceRGB"]
instance PdfObject PDFColoredPattern where
    toPDF _ = noPdfObject
instance PdfResourceObject (PDFReference PDFColoredPattern) where
    toRsrc = AnyPdfObject

instance PdfObject PDFUncoloredPattern where
        toPDF _ = noPdfObject
instance PdfResourceObject (PDFReference PDFUncoloredPattern) where
        toRsrc = AnyPdfObject

instance PdfObject AnyPdfPattern where
        toPDF _ = noPdfObject
instance PdfResourceObject (PDFReference AnyPdfPattern) where
        toRsrc = AnyPdfObject