> {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo, Arrows, TupleSections, ExistentialQuantification, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, CPP #-} Authors: Paul Hudak, Donya Quick, and Dan Winograd-Cort > module HSoM.MUI.MidiWidgets ( > midiIn > , midiOut > , midiInM > , midiOutM, midiOutB, midiOutMB > , runMidi, runMidiM, runMidiMFlood, runMidiMB, runMidiMBFlood > , musicToMsgs > , musicToBO > , selectInput, selectOutput > , selectInputM, selectOutputM > , BufferOperation (..) -- Reexported for use with midiOutMB > , asyncMidi, asyncMidiOn > ) where > import FRP.UISF hiding ((~++)) > import Euterpea hiding (Time, SF, delay) > -- for musicToMsgs > import Data.List (nub, elemIndex, sortBy) > import Euterpea.IO.MIDI.MidiIO hiding (Time) > -- These three imports are for the runMidi functions > import FRP.UISF.UISF (addTerminationProc) > --import Euterpea.IO.MUI.UISFCompat > import Control.SF.SF > import Control.DeepSeq > import Control.Monad > import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, threadDelay, killThread) > import Data.IORef > -- imports from UISFCompat > import Data.Monoid > import FRP.UISF.Asynchrony > import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) > import FRP.UISF.AuxFunctions hiding ((~++)) > import Control.Arrow.ArrowP > import Euterpea.IO.Audio.Types > import FRP.UISF.Asynchrony ============================================================ ========================= Widgets ========================== ============================================================ ------------------- | Midi Controls | ------------------- midiIn is a widget that accepts a MIDI device ID and returns the event stream of MidiMessages that that device is producing. midiOut is a widget that accepts a MIDI device ID as well as a stream of MidiMessages and sends the MidiMessages to the device. > midiIn :: UISF (Maybe InputDeviceID) (SEvent [MidiMessage]) > midiIn = liftAIO f where > f Nothing = return Nothing > f (Just dev) = do > m <- pollMidi dev > return $ fmap (\(_t, ms) -> map Std ms) m > midiOut :: UISF (Maybe OutputDeviceID, SEvent [MidiMessage]) () > midiOut = liftAIO f where > f (Nothing, _) = return () > f (Just dev, Nothing) = outputMidi dev > f (Just dev, Just ms) = do > outputMidi dev >> mapM_ (\m -> deliverMidiEvent dev (0, m)) ms The midiInM widget takes input from multiple devices and combines it into a single stream. > midiInM :: UISF [InputDeviceID] (SEvent [MidiMessage]) > midiInM = foldA mappend Nothing (arr Just >>> midiIn) > midiInM' :: UISF [(InputDeviceID, Bool)] (SEvent [MidiMessage]) > midiInM' = arr (map fst . filter snd) >>> midiInM A midiOutM widget sends output to multiple MIDI devices by sequencing the events through a single midiOut. The same messages are sent to each device. The midiOutM is designed to be hooked up to a stream like that from a checkGroup. > midiOutM :: UISF [(OutputDeviceID, SEvent [MidiMessage])] () > midiOutM = foldA const () (arr (first Just) >>> midiOut) > midiOutM' :: UISF ([(OutputDeviceID, Bool)], SEvent [MidiMessage]) () > midiOutM' = arr fixData >>> midiOutM where > fixData (lst, mmsgs) = map ((,mmsgs) . fst) $ filter snd lst A midiOutB widget wraps the regular midiOut widget with a buffer. This allows for a timed series of messages to be prepared and sent to the widget at one time. With the regular midiOut, there is no timestamping of the messages and they are assumed to be played "now" rather than at some point in the future. Just as MIDI files have the events timed based on ticks since the last event, the events here are timed based on seconds since the last event. If an event is to occur 0.0 seconds after the last event, then it is assumed to be played at the same time as that other event and all simultaneous events are handed to midiOut at the same timestep. Finally, the widget returns a flat that is True if the buffer is empty and False if the buffer is full (meaning that items are still being played). > midiOutB :: UISF (Maybe OutputDeviceID, BufferOperation MidiMessage) Bool > midiOutB = proc (devID, bo) -> do > (out, b) <- eventBuffer -< bo > midiOut -< (devID, if shouldClear bo then Just clearMsgs `mappend` out else out) > returnA -< b > where clearMsgs = map (\c -> Std (ControlChange c 123 0)) [0..15] > shouldClear ClearBuffer = True > shouldClear (SkipAheadInBuffer _) = True > shouldClear (SetBufferPlayStatus _ bo) = shouldClear bo > shouldClear (SetBufferTempo _ bo) = shouldClear bo > shouldClear _ = False > midiOutB' :: UISF (Maybe OutputDeviceID, SEvent [(DeltaT, MidiMessage)]) Bool > midiOutB' = second (arr $ maybe NoBOp AppendToBuffer) >>> midiOutB The midiOutMB widget combines the power of midiOutM with midiOutB, allowing multiple sets of buffer controlled midi messages to be sent to different devices. The Bool output is True if every buffer is empty (that is, no device has any pending music to be played) and False otherwise. > midiOutMB :: UISF [(OutputDeviceID, BufferOperation MidiMessage)] Bool > midiOutMB = foldA (&&) True (arr (first Just) >>> midiOutB) > midiOutMB' :: UISF ([(OutputDeviceID, Bool)], SEvent [(DeltaT, MidiMessage)]) Bool > midiOutMB' = arr fixData >>> midiOutMB where > fixData (lst, mmsgs) = map ((,maybe NoBOp AppendToBuffer mmsgs) . fst) $ filter snd lst ------------- | runMidi | ------------- The following functions are experimental functions for doing all Midi behavior at once in an external thread. There are mutiple versions corresponding to Multiple input/output (M), Batch (B), and message flooding (Flood). > runMidi :: (NFData b, NFData c) > => SF (b, SEvent [MidiMessage]) > (c, SEvent [MidiMessage]) > -> UISF (b, (Maybe InputDeviceID, Maybe OutputDeviceID)) [c] > runMidi sf = asyncC' uisfAsyncThreadHandler (iAction . fst . snd, oAction) sf' where > iAction Nothing = return Nothing > iAction (Just idev) = do > m <- pollMidi idev > return $ fmap (\(_t, ms) -> map Std ms) m > oAction (Nothing, _) = return () > oAction (Just odev, ms) = do > outputMidi odev > maybe (return ()) (mapM_ $ \m -> deliverMidiEvent odev (0, m)) ms > sf' = toAutomaton $ arr (\((b,(idev,odev)),mms) -> ((b,mms),odev)) >>> first sf >>> > arr (\((c,mms),odev) -> (c, (odev, mms))) > runMidiM :: (NFData b, NFData c) > => SF (b, ([(InputDeviceID, SEvent [MidiMessage])], [OutputDeviceID])) > (c, [(OutputDeviceID, SEvent [MidiMessage])]) > -> UISF (b, ([InputDeviceID],[OutputDeviceID])) [c] > runMidiM sf = asyncC' uisfAsyncThreadHandler (iAction . fst . snd, oAction) sf' where > iAction [] = return [] > iAction (idev:devs) = do > m <- pollMidi idev > let ret = fmap (\(_t, ms) -> map Std ms) m > rst <- iAction devs > return $ (idev, ret):rst > oAction [] = return () > oAction ((odev, ms):rst) = do > outputMidi odev > maybe (return ()) (mapM_ $ \m -> deliverMidiEvent odev (0, m)) ms > oAction rst > sf' = toAutomaton $ arr (\((b,(idevs,odevs)),mms) -> (b,(mms,odevs))) >>> sf > runMidiMFlood :: (NFData b, NFData c) > => SF (b, SEvent [MidiMessage]) > (c, SEvent [MidiMessage]) > -> UISF (b, ([InputDeviceID],[OutputDeviceID])) [c] > runMidiMFlood = runMidiFloodHelper runMidiM > runMidiMB :: (NFData b, NFData c) > => SF (b, ([(InputDeviceID, SEvent [MidiMessage])], [OutputDeviceID])) > (c, [(OutputDeviceID, BufferOperation MidiMessage)]) > -> UISF (b, ([InputDeviceID],[OutputDeviceID])) [(c, Bool)] --([c], Bool) > runMidiMB sf = asyncC' uisfAsyncThreadHandler (iAction . fst . snd, oAction) sf' where > -- >>> arr (\lst -> let (cs, bools) = unzip lst in (cs, and bools)) >>> delay ([],True) where > iAction idevs = do > t <- getTimeNow > mms <- iAction' idevs > return (mms, t) > iAction' [] = return [] > iAction' (idev:devs) = do > m <- pollMidi idev > let ret = fmap (\(_t, ms) -> map Std ms) m > rst <- iAction' devs > return $ (idev, ret):rst > oAction [] = return () > oAction ((odev, ms):rst) = do > outputMidi odev > maybe (return ()) (mapM_ $ \m -> deliverMidiEvent odev (0, m)) ms > oAction rst > sf' = toAutomaton $ arr (\((b,(idevs,odevs)),(mms, t)) -> ((b,(mms,odevs)), t)) >>> first sf > >>> arr (\((c, bos), t) -> (c, (map (,t) bos))) >>> second (foldA cons ([], True) buffer) > >>> arr (\(c, (lst, bool)) -> ((c, bool), lst)) > cons (e, b) (lst, b') = (e:lst, b && b') > buffer = proc ((dev, bo), t) -> do > (out, b) <- eventBuffer' -< (bo, t) > returnA -< ((dev, if shouldClear bo then Just clearMsgs `mappend` out else out), b) > clearMsgs = map (\c -> Std (ControlChange c 123 0)) [0..15] > shouldClear ClearBuffer = True > shouldClear (SkipAheadInBuffer _) = True > shouldClear (SetBufferPlayStatus _ bo) = shouldClear bo > shouldClear (SetBufferTempo _ bo) = shouldClear bo > shouldClear _ = False > runMidiMBFlood :: (NFData b, NFData c) > => SF (b, SEvent [MidiMessage]) > (c, BufferOperation MidiMessage) > -> UISF (b, ([InputDeviceID],[OutputDeviceID])) [(c, Bool)] --([c], Bool) > runMidiMBFlood = runMidiFloodHelper runMidiMB > runMidiFloodHelper :: Arrow a => > (a (b, ([(idev, SEvent [m])], [odev])) (c, [(odev, mms)]) -> t) > -> a (b, SEvent [m]) (c, mms) -> t > runMidiFloodHelper runner sf = runner sf' where > sf' = arr (\(b, (idevs, odevs)) -> ((b, foldl (flip (mappend . snd)) Nothing idevs), odevs)) >>> first sf >>> > arr (\((c, mms), odevs) -> (c, map (\d -> (d, mms)) odevs)) The musicToMsgs function bridges the gap between a Music1 value and the input type of midiOutB. It turns a Music1 value into a series of MidiMessages that are timestamped using the number of seconds since the last event. The arguments are as follows: - True if allowing for an infinite music value, False if the input value is known to be finite. - InstrumentName overrides for channels for infinite case. When the input is finite, an empty list can be supplied since the instruments will be pulled from the Music1 value directly (which is obviously not possible to do in the infinite case). - The Music1 value to convert to timestamped MIDI messages. > musicToMsgs :: Bool -> [InstrumentName] -> Music1 -> [(DeltaT, MidiMessage)] > musicToMsgs inf is m = > let p = perform m -- obtain the performance > instrs = if null is && not inf then nub $ map eInst p else is > chan e = 1 + case elemIndex (eInst e) instrs of > Just i -> i > Nothing -> error ("Instrument "++show (eInst e)++ > "is not assigned to a channel.") > f e = (eTime e, ANote (chan e) (ePitch e) (eVol e) (fromRational $ eDur e)) > f2 e = [(eTime e, Std (NoteOn (chan e) (ePitch e) (eVol e))), > (eTime e + eDur e, Std (NoteOff (chan e) (ePitch e) (eVol e)))] > evs = if inf then map f p else sortBy mOrder $ concatMap f2 p -- convert to MidiMessages > times = map (fromRational.fst) evs -- absolute times > newTimes = zipWith subtract (head times : times) times -- relative times > progChanges = zipWith (\c i -> (0, Std $ ProgramChange c i)) > [1..16] $ map toGM instrs > in if length instrs > 16 then error "too many instruments!" > else progChanges ++ zip newTimes (map snd evs) where > mOrder (t1,m1) (t2,m2) = compare t1 t2 > musicToBO :: Bool -> [InstrumentName] -> Music1 -> BufferOperation MidiMessage > musicToBO inf is m = AppendToBuffer $ musicToMsgs inf is m ---------------------- | Device Selection | ---------------------- selectInput and selectOutput are shortcut widgets for producing a set of radio buttons corresponding to the available input and output devices respectively. The output is the DeviceID for the chosen device rather that just the radio button index as the radio widget would return. > selectInput :: UISF () (Maybe InputDeviceID) > selectOutput :: UISF () (Maybe OutputDeviceID) > selectInput = selectDev "Input device" (liftM fst $ getAllDevices) > selectOutput = selectDev "Output device" (liftM snd $ getAllDevices) > selectDev :: String -> IO [(deviceid, DeviceInfo)] -> UISF () (Maybe deviceid) > selectDev t getDevs = initialAIO getDevs $ \devices -> > let devs = filter (\(i,d) -> name d /= "Microsoft MIDI Mapper") devices > defaultChoice = if null devs then (-1) else 0 > names = if null devs then ["(No Devices)"] else map (name . snd) devs > in title t $ proc _ -> do > r <- radio names 0 -< () > returnA -< if null devs then Nothing else Just $ fst (devs !! r) The selectInputM and selectOutputM widgets use checkboxes instead of radio buttons to allow the user to select multiple inputs and outputs. These widgets should be used with midiInM and midiOutM respectively. > selectInputM :: UISF () [InputDeviceID] > selectOutputM :: UISF () [OutputDeviceID] > selectInputM = selectDevM "Input devices" (liftM fst $ getAllDevices) > selectOutputM = selectDevM "Output devices" (liftM snd $ getAllDevices) > selectDevM :: String -> IO [(deviceid, DeviceInfo)] -> UISF () [deviceid] > selectDevM t getDevs = initialAIO getDevs $ \devices -> > let devs = filter (\(i,d) -> name d /= "Microsoft MIDI Mapper") devices > in title t $ checkGroup $ map (\(i,d) -> (name d, i)) devs > -- For backward compatibility with runMidi, which should be rewritten > asyncC' :: (ArrowIO a, ArrowLoop a, ArrowCircuit a, ArrowChoice a, NFData b, NFData c) => > x -- ^ The thread handler > -> (b -> IO d, e -> IO ()) -- ^ Effectful input and output channels for the automaton > -> (Automaton (->) (b,d) (c,e)) -- ^ The automaton to convert to asynchronize > -> a b [c] > asyncC' _ (ia, oa) sf = asyncCIO (return (), const $ return ()) sf' where > sf' _ = (arr id &&& actionToIOAuto ia) >>> pureAutoToIOAuto sf >>> second (actionToIOAuto oa) >>> arr fst > asyncMidiHelper asy rinit (_defb, defc) dd f = asy (ini, term) sf >>> arr listToMaybe >>> hold defc where > sf _ = proc b -> do > rec r <- delay rinit -< r' > (omt, r', c) <- arr f -< (r,b) > actionToIOAuto action -< omt > returnA -< c > ini = return () > term _ = putStrLn "MIDI back-end terminated." > action omt = do > let td = sum $ map snd omt > forM_ omt $ \(om, t) -> do > forM_ om $ \(odev,mm) -> do > outputMidi odev > forM_ mm (\m -> deliverMidiEvent odev (0, m)) > when (t > 0) (threadDelay t) > when (td <= 0) (threadDelay dd) > asyncMidi :: NFData c => r -> (b,c) -> Int -> ((r, b) -> ([([(OutputDeviceID, [MidiMessage])], Int)], r, c)) -> UISF b c > asyncMidi = asyncMidiHelper asyncCIO > asyncMidiOn :: NFData c => Int -> r -> (b,c) -> Int -> ((r, b) -> ([([(OutputDeviceID, [MidiMessage])], Int)], r, c)) -> UISF b c > asyncMidiOn n = asyncMidiHelper (asyncCIOOn n) ========================================================= From UISFCompat.lhs > asyncUISFV x = asyncVT x The below function is useful for making use of asyncUISF* which both make use of Automatons rather than SFs. NOTE: Actually, SF and Automaton (->) are the same thing. Perhaps we should replace our definition of SF with just a type synonym instead. > toAutomaton :: forall a b . SF a b -> Automaton (->) a b > toAutomaton ~(SF f) = Automaton $ \a -> let (b, sf) = f a in (b, toAutomaton sf) The below function is useful for directly asynchronizing AudSFs and CtrSFs in UISF. > clockedSFToUISF :: forall a b c . (NFData b, Clock c) => DeltaT -> SigFun c a b -> UISF a [(b, Time)] > clockedSFToUISF buffer ~(ArrowP sf) = let r = rate (undefined :: c) > in asyncUISFV r buffer (toAutomaton sf) This function is the standard UISF asynchronous thread handler: > uisfAsyncThreadHandler :: ThreadId -> UISF a a > uisfAsyncThreadHandler = addTerminationProc . killThread