{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF ./scripts/local-htfpp #-} -- -- Copyright (c) 2005,2010 Stefan Wehr - http://www.stefanwehr.de -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of -- the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. -- import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Location import Test.Framework.TestManager import Test.Framework.BlackBoxTest import System.Environment import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.Process import System.Exit import System.IO import System.IO.Temp import Control.Exception import Control.Monad #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KM #else import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as KM #endif import qualified Data.HashSet as Set import qualified Data.Aeson as J import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as J import Data.Aeson ( (.=) ) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLC import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Text.Regex as R import {-@ HTF_TESTS @-} qualified TestHTFHunitBackwardsCompatible import {-@ HTF_TESTS @-} qualified Foo.A as A import {-@ HTF_TESTS @-} Foo.B import FailFast import MaxCurTime import MaxPrevTime import UniqTests1 import UniqTests2 import PrevFactor import Repeat import SortByPrevTime import Quasi import Tutorial hiding (main) data T = A | B deriving Eq {- stringGap = "hello \ \world!" -} stringGap = "hello world!" handleExc :: a -> SomeException -> a handleExc x _ = x -- 世界不是英文的 Test for #47 -- Test for #48 data HVect (ts :: [*]) where HNil :: HVect '[] HCons :: t -> HVect ts -> HVect (t ': ts) fun :: HVect '[Int, Int] -> String fun = undefined -- Test for #45 foobar = [q|INSERT INTO a (name) VALUES ('')|] test_assertFailure_FAIL = assertFailure "I'm a failure" test_stringGap_OK = assertEqual stringGap "hello world!" test_assertEqual_FAIL = assertEqual 1 2 test_assertEqualV_FAIL = assertEqualVerbose "blub" 1 2 test_assertEqualNoShow_FAIL = withOptions (\opts -> opts { to_parallel = False }) $ assertEqualNoShow A B test_assertListsEqualAsSets_FAIL = assertListsEqualAsSets [1,2] [2] test_assertSetEqualSuccess_OK = assertListsEqualAsSets [1,2] [2,1] test_assertNotEmpty_FAIL = assertNotEmpty [] test_assertEmpty_FAIL = assertEmpty [1] test_assertElem_FAIL = assertElem 1 [0,2,3] test_assertThrows_FAIL = assertThrows (return () :: IO ()) (handleExc True) test_assertThrows'_FAIL = assertThrows (error "ERROR") (handleExc False) test_assertThrowsIO1_FAIL = assertThrows (fail "ERROR" :: IO ()) (handleExc False) test_assertThrowsIO2_OK = assertThrowsIO (fail "ERROR") (handleExc True) test_someError_ERROR = error "Bart Simpson!!" :: IO () test_pendingTest_PENDING = unitTestPending "This test is pending" test_subAssert_FAIL = subAssert anotherSub where anotherSub = subAssertVerbose "I'm another sub" (assertNegative 42) assertNegative n = assertBool (n < 0) data Expr = PlusExpr Expr Expr | MultExpr Expr Expr | Literal Int | Variable String deriving (Eq, Show) test_diff_FAIL = assertEqual (mkExpr 1) (mkExpr 2) where mkExpr i = PlusExpr (PlusExpr (MultExpr (PlusExpr (Variable "foo") (MultExpr (Literal 42) (Variable "bar"))) (PlusExpr (Literal i) (Literal 2))) (Literal 581)) (Variable "egg") prop_ok_OK :: [Int] -> Property prop_ok_OK xs = classify (null xs) "trivial" $ xs == (reverse (reverse xs)) prop_fail_FAIL :: [Int] -> Bool prop_fail_FAIL xs = xs == (reverse xs) prop_pendingProp_PENDING :: Int -> Bool prop_pendingProp_PENDING x = qcPending "This property is pending" (x == 0) prop_exhaust_FAIL = False ==> True prop_error_FAIL :: Bool prop_error_FAIL = error "Lisa" changeArgs args = args { maxSuccess = 1 } prop_ok'_OK = withQCArgs (\a -> a { maxSuccess = 1}) $ \xs -> classify (null xs) "trivial" $ (xs::[Int]) == (reverse (reverse xs)) prop_fail'_FAIL = prop where prop xs = xs == (reverse xs) where types = xs::[Int] prop_error'_FAIL :: WithQCArgs Bool prop_error'_FAIL = withQCArgs changeArgs $ (error "Lisa" :: Bool) test_genericAssertions_OK = case test1 of AssertOk _ -> fail "did not expect AssertOk" AssertFailed stack -> do assertEqual 2 (length stack) let [se1, se2] = stack assertNothing (ase_message se1) loc1 <- assertJust (ase_location se1) _ <- assertJust (ase_message se2) loc2 <- assertJust (ase_location se2) assertEqual (fileName loc1) (fileName loc2) assertEqual (lineNumber loc1 + 1) (lineNumber loc2) where test1 = gsubAssert test2 test2 = gassertEqual 1 (2::Int) -- find . -name '*.hs' | xargs egrep -w -o -h "[a-zA-Z0-9_']+_PENDING" | sed 's/test_//g; s/prop_//g' | sort -u pendingTests :: [T.Text] pendingTests = ["pendingProp_PENDING" ,"pendingTest_PENDING"] failedTests :: [T.Text] failedTests = -- $ find . -name '*.hs' | xargs egrep -w -o -h "[a-zA-Z0-9_']+_FAIL" | sed 's/test_//g; s/prop_//g' | sort -u ["1_FAIL" ,"a_FAIL" ,"h_FAIL" ,"assertElem_FAIL" ,"assertEmpty_FAIL" ,"assertEqualNoShow_FAIL" ,"assertEqualV_FAIL" ,"assertEqual_FAIL" ,"assertFailure_FAIL" ,"assertListsEqualAsSets_FAIL" ,"assertNotEmpty_FAIL" ,"assertThrows'_FAIL" ,"assertThrowsIO1_FAIL" ,"assertThrows_FAIL" ,"diff_FAIL" ,"error'_FAIL" ,"error_FAIL" ,"exhaust_FAIL" ,"fail'_FAIL" ,"fail_FAIL" ,"subAssert_FAIL" -- $ find bbt -name '*not_ok*.x' ,"bbt/should_fail/not_ok_because_stderr1.x" ,"bbt/should_fail/not_ok_because_stderr2.x" ,"bbt/should_fail/not_ok_because_stdout1.x" ,"bbt/should_fail/not_ok_because_stdout2.x" ,"bbt/should_fail/not_ok_because_succeeds.x" ,"bbt/should_pass/not_ok_because_fails.x" ,"bbt/should_pass/not_ok_because_stderr1.x" ,"bbt/should_pass/not_ok_because_stderr2.x" ,"bbt/should_pass/not_ok_because_stdout1.x" ,"bbt/should_pass/not_ok_because_stdout2.x" ,"bbt/Verbose/not_ok_because_stdout1.x"] -- $ find . -name '*.hs' | xargs egrep -w -o -h "[a-zA-Z0-9_']+_ERROR" | sed 's/test_//g; s/prop_//g' | sort -u errorTests :: [T.Text] errorTests = ["someError_ERROR"] passedTests :: [T.Text] passedTests = -- $ find . -name '*.hs' | xargs egrep -w -o -h "[a-zA-Z0-9_']+_OK" | sed 's/test_//g; s/prop_//g' | sort -u ["2_OK" ,"assertSetEqualSuccess_OK" ,"assertThrowsIO2_OK" ,"b_OK" ,"genericAssertions_OK" ,"ok'_OK" ,"ok_OK" ,"stringGap_OK" -- $ find bbt -name '*ok*.x' | grep -v not_ok ,"bbt/should_fail/ok1.x" ,"bbt/should_fail/ok2.x" ,"bbt/should_pass/ok1.x" ,"bbt/should_pass/ok2.x" ,"bbt/should_pass/stdin_ok.x"] timedOutTests = [] checkOutput output = do bsl <- BSL.readFile output let jsons = map (fromJust . J.decode) (splitJson bsl) let (pass, fail, error, pending, timedOut) = foldl checkStatus ([], [], [], [], []) jsons checkAsSet "passed" passedTests pass checkAsSet "failed" failedTests fail checkAsSet "errors" errorTests error checkAsSet "pending" pendingTests pending checkAsSet "timed-out" timedOutTests timedOut check jsons (J.object ["type" .= J.String "test-results"]) (J.object ["failures" .= J.toJSON (length failedTests) ,"passed" .= J.toJSON (length passedTests) ,"pending" .= J.toJSON (length pendingTests) ,"errors" .= J.toJSON (length errorTests) ,"timedOut" .= J.toJSON (length timedOutTests)]) check jsons (J.object ["type" .= J.String "test-end" ,"test" .= J.object ["flatName" .= J.String "Main:diff_FAIL"]]) (J.object ["test" .= J.object ["location" .= J.object ["file" .= J.String "TestHTF.hs" ,"line" .= J.toJSON (106+lineOffset)]] ,"location" .= J.object ["file" .= J.String "TestHTF.hs" ,"line" .= J.toJSON (107+lineOffset)]]) check jsons (J.object ["type" .= J.String "test-end" ,"test" .= J.object ["flatName" .= J.String "Foo.A:a_FAIL"]]) (J.object ["test" .= J.object ["location" .= J.object ["file" .= J.String "Foo/A.hs" ,"line" .= J.toJSON (10::Int)]] ,"location" .= J.object ["file" .= J.String "./Foo/A.hs" ,"line" .= J.toJSON (11::Int)]]) check jsons (J.object ["type" .= J.String "test-end" ,"test" .= J.object ["flatName" .= J.String "Foo.A:h_FAIL"]]) (J.object ["test" .= J.object ["location" .= J.object ["file" .= J.String "Foo/test.h" ,"line" .= J.toJSON (8::Int)]] ,"location" .= J.object ["file" .= J.String "./Foo/test.h" ,"line" .= J.toJSON (9::Int)]]) check jsons (J.object ["type" .= J.String "test-end" ,"test" .= J.object ["flatName" .= J.String "Main:subAssert_FAIL"]]) (J.object ["callers" .= J.toJSON [J.object ["message" .= J.Null ,"location" .= J.object ["file" .= J.String "TestHTF.hs" ,"line" .= J.toJSON (95+lineOffset)]] ,J.object ["message" .= J.String "I'm another sub" ,"location" .= J.object ["file" .= J.String "TestHTF.hs" ,"line" .= J.toJSON (97+lineOffset)]]]]) where lineOffset :: Int lineOffset = 38 checkStatus tuple@(pass, fail, error, pending, timedOut) json = {- {"location":null ,"test":{"path":["Main","tests/bbt/should_pass/stdin_ok.x"],"sort":"blackbox-test","flatName":"Main:tests/bbt/should_pass/stdin_ok.x"} ,"callers":[] ,"result":"pass" ,"timedOut":false ,"type":"test-end" ,"message":"" ,"wallTime":11} -} case json of J.Object objJson | Just (J.Object testObj) <- KM.lookup "test" objJson , Just (J.String flatName) <- KM.lookup "flatName" testObj , Just (J.String "test-end") <- KM.lookup "type" objJson , Just (J.String result) <- KM.lookup "result" objJson , Just (J.Bool to) <- KM.lookup "timedOut" objJson -> let shortName = let t = T.tail (T.dropWhile (/= ':') flatName) in if "tests/" `T.isPrefixOf` t then T.drop (T.length "tests/") t else t newTimedOut = if to then shortName : timedOut else timedOut in case () of _| result == "pass" -> (shortName : pass, fail, error, pending, newTimedOut) _| result == "fail" -> (pass, shortName : fail, error, pending, newTimedOut) _| result == "error" -> (pass, fail, shortName : error, pending, newTimedOut) _| result == "pending" -> (pass, fail, error, shortName : pending, newTimedOut) _ -> tuple checkAsSet what expList givenList = let expSet = Set.fromList expList givenSet = Set.fromList givenList in if expSet == givenSet then return () else do let unexpected = givenSet `Set.difference` expSet notGiven = expSet `Set.difference` givenSet fail ("Mismatch for " ++ what ++ ":" ++ "\nExpected: " ++ show expList ++ "\nGiven: " ++ show givenList ++ "\nUnexpected elements: " ++ show unexpected ++ "\nElements expected but not present: " ++ show notGiven) check jsons pred assert = case filter (\j -> matches j pred) jsons of [json] -> if not (matches json assert) then error ("Predicate\n" ++ ppJ pred ++ " match JSON\n" ++ ppJ json ++ ", but assertion\n" ++ ppJ assert ++ " not satisfied") else return () l -> error ("not exactly one JSON matches predicate " ++ show pred ++ " but " ++ show l) matches :: J.Value -> J.Value -> Bool matches json pred = case (json, pred) of (J.Object objJson, J.Object objPred) -> KM.foldrWithKey (\k vPred b -> b && case KM.lookup k objJson of Just vJson -> matches vJson vPred Nothing -> False) True objPred (J.String strJson, J.String strPred) -> regexMatches (mkRegex strPred) strJson (arrJson@(J.Array _), arrPred@(J.Array _)) -> let J.Success (listJson :: [J.Value]) = J.fromJSON arrJson J.Success (listPred :: [J.Value]) = J.fromJSON arrPred in length listJson == length listPred && all (\(x, y) -> matches x y) (zip listJson listPred) _ -> json == pred regexMatches r s = isJust $ R.matchRegex r (T.unpack s) mkRegex s = R.mkRegexWithOpts (T.unpack s) True False splitJson bsl = if BSL.null bsl then [] else case BSL.span (/= 10) bsl of (start, rest) -> if BSLC.pack "\n;;\n" `BSL.isPrefixOf` rest then start : splitJson (BSL.drop 4 rest) else case splitJson rest of [] -> error "invalid json output from HTF" (x:xs) -> (start `BSL.append` x : xs) ppJ json = T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode $ BSL.toStrict $ J.encodePretty' J.defConfig json runRealBlackBoxTests = do b <- doesDirectoryExist "tests/bbt" let dirPrefix = if b then "tests" else "" bbts <- blackBoxTests (dirPrefix "real-bbt") ("/bin/bash") ".sh" (defaultBBTArgs { bbtArgs_verbose = True }) ecode <- runTest bbts case ecode of ExitFailure _ -> fail ("real blackbox tests failed!") _ -> return () main = do args <- getArgs b <- doesDirectoryExist "tests/bbt" let dirPrefix = if b then "tests" else "" bbts <- blackBoxTests (dirPrefix "bbt") (dirPrefix "./run-bbt.sh") ".x" (defaultBBTArgs { bbtArgs_verbose = False }) let tests = [addToTestSuite htf_thisModulesTests bbts] ++ htf_importedTests when ("--help" `elem` args || "-h" `elem` args) $ do hPutStrLn stderr ("USAGE: PROG [--direct]") ecode <- runTestWithArgs ["--help"] ([] :: [Test]) exitWith ecode case args of "FailFast.hs":rest -> failFastMain rest "MaxCurTime.hs":rest -> maxCurTimeMain rest "MaxPrevTime.hs":rest -> maxPrevTimeMain rest "PrevFactor.hs":rest -> prevFactorMain rest "Repeat.hs":rest -> repeatMain rest "SortByPrevTime.hs":rest -> sortByPrevTimeMain rest "UniqTests1.hs":rest -> uniqTests1Main rest "UniqTests2.hs":rest -> uniqTests2Main rest x:_ | ".hs" `List.isSuffixOf` x -> fail ("Unkown real-bbt test: " ++ x) "--direct":rest -> do ecode <- runTestWithArgs rest tests case ecode of ExitFailure _ -> return () _ -> fail ("unexpected exit code: " ++ show ecode) _ -> do withSystemTempFile "HTF-out" $ \outFile h -> do hClose h ecode <- runTestWithArgs ["-j4", "--shuffle=false", "--json", "--output-file=" ++ outFile] tests case ecode of ExitFailure _ -> checkOutput outFile _ -> fail ("unexpected exit code: " ++ show ecode) `onException` (do s <- readFile outFile hPutStrLn stderr s) runRealBlackBoxTests