-- |
-- Module      :  Network.HTTP
-- Copyright   :  (c) Warrick Gray 2002, Bjorn Bringert 2003-2005, 2007 Robin Bate Boerop
-- License     :  BSD
-- Maintainer  :  bjorn@bringert.net
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (not tested)
-- An easy HTTP interface enjoy.
-- * Changes by Robin Bate Boerop <robin@bateboerop.name>:
--      - Made dependencies explicit in import statements.
--      - Removed false dependencies in import statements.
--      - Added missing type signatures.
--      - Moved Header-related code to Network.HTTP.Headers module.
-- * Changes by Simon Foster:
--      - Split module up into to sepearate Network.[Stream,TCP,HTTP] modules
--      - Created functions receiveHTTP and responseHTTP to allow server side interactions
--        (although 100-continue is unsupported and I haven't checked for standard compliancy).
--      - Pulled the transfer functions from sendHTTP to global scope to allow access by
--        above functions.
-- * Changes by Graham Klyne:
--      - export httpVersion
--      - use new URI module (similar to old, but uses revised URI datatype)
-- * Changes by Bjorn Bringert:
--      - handle URIs with a port number
--      - added debugging toggle
--      - disabled 100-continue transfers to get HTTP\/1.0 compatibility
--      - change 'ioError' to 'throw'
--      - Added simpleHTTP_, which takes a stream argument.
-- * Changes from 0.1
--      - change 'openHTTP' to 'openTCP', removed 'closeTCP' - use 'close' from 'Stream' class.
--      - added use of inet_addr to openHTTP, allowing use of IP "dot" notation addresses.
--      - reworking of the use of Stream, including alterations to make 'sendHTTP' generic
--        and the addition of a debugging stream.
--      - simplified error handling.
-- * TODO
--     - request pipelining
--     - https upgrade (includes full TLS, i.e. SSL, implementation)
--         - use of Stream classes will pay off
--         - consider C implementation of encryption\/decryption
--     - comm timeouts
--     - MIME & entity stuff (happening in separate module)
--     - support \"*\" uri-request-string for OPTIONS request method
-- * Header notes:
--     [@Host@]
--                  Required by HTTP\/1.1, if not supplied as part
--                  of a request a default Host value is extracted
--                  from the request-uri.
--     [@Connection@] 
--                  If this header is present in any request or
--                  response, and it's value is "close", then
--                  the current request\/response is the last 
--                  to be allowed on that connection.
--     [@Expect@]
--                  Should a request contain a body, an Expect
--                  header will be added to the request.  The added
--                  header has the value \"100-continue\".  After
--                  a 417 \"Expectation Failed\" response the request
--                  is attempted again without this added Expect
--                  header.
--     [@TransferEncoding,ContentLength,...@]
--                  if request is inconsistent with any of these
--                  header values then you may not receive any response
--                  or will generate an error response (probably 4xx).
-- * Response code notes
-- Some response codes induce special behaviour:
--   [@1xx@]   \"100 Continue\" will cause any unsent request body to be sent.
--             \"101 Upgrade\" will be returned.
--             Other 1xx responses are ignored.
--   [@417@]   The reason for this code is \"Expectation failed\", indicating
--             that the server did not like the Expect \"100-continue\" header
--             added to a request.  Receipt of 417 will induce another
--             request attempt (without Expect header), unless no Expect header
--             had been added (in which case 417 response is returned).
module Network.HTTP 
       ( module Network.HTTP.HandleStream
       , module Network.HTTP.Base
       , module Network.HTTP.Headers

       , simpleHTTP     -- :: Request -> IO (Result Response)
       , simpleHTTP_    -- :: Stream s => s -> Request -> IO (Result Response)
       , sendHTTP       -- :: Stream s => s -> Request -> IO (Result Response)
       , receiveHTTP    -- :: Stream s => s -> IO (Result Request)
       , respondHTTP    -- :: Stream s => s -> Response -> IO ()
       , module Network.TCP

       ) where

------------------ Imports --------------------------------------

import Network.HTTP.Headers
import Network.HTTP.Base
--import Network.HTTP.Stream
import Network.HTTP.HandleStream
import Network.TCP