-- |
-- Module      :  Network.HTTP.Cookie
-- Copyright   :  (c) Warrick Gray 2002, Bjorn Bringert 2003-2005, 2007 Robin Bate Boerop, 2008- Sigbjorn Finne
-- License     :  BSD
-- Maintainer  :  Sigbjorn Finne <sigbjorn.finne@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (not tested)
-- This module provides the data types and functions for working with HTTP cookies.
-- Right now, it contains mostly functionality needed by 'Network.Browser'.
module Network.HTTP.Cookie
       ( Cookie(..)
       , cookieMatch          -- :: (String,String) -> Cookie -> Bool

          -- functions for translating cookies and headers.
       , cookieToHeader       -- :: Cookie -> Header
       , processCookieHeaders -- :: String -> [Header] -> ([String], [Cookie])
       ) where

import Network.HTTP.Headers

import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
   ( Parser, char, many, many1, satisfy, parse, option, try
   , (<|>), sepBy1

----------------------- Cookie Stuff -----------------------------

-- | @Cookie@ is the Haskell representation of HTTP cookie values.
-- See its relevant specs for authoritative details.
data Cookie 
 = MkCookie 
    { ckDomain  :: String
    , ckName    :: String
    , ckValue   :: String
    , ckPath    :: Maybe String
    , ckComment :: Maybe String
    , ckVersion :: Maybe String

instance Eq Cookie where
    a == b  =  ckDomain a == ckDomain b 
            && ckName a == ckName b 
            && ckPath a == ckPath b

-- | @cookieToHeader ck@ serialises a @Cookie@ to an HTTP request header.
cookieToHeader :: Cookie -> Header
cookieToHeader ck = Header HdrCookie text
        path = maybe "" (";$Path="++) (ckPath ck)
        text = "$Version=" ++ fromMaybe "0" (ckVersion ck)
             ++ ';' : ckName ck ++ "=" ++ ckValue ck ++ path
             ++ (case ckPath ck of
                     Nothing -> ""
                     Just x  -> ";$Path=" ++ x)
             ++ ";$Domain=" ++ ckDomain ck

-- | @cookieMatch (domain,path) ck@ performs the standard cookie
-- match wrt the given domain and path. 
cookieMatch :: (String, String) -> Cookie -> Bool
cookieMatch (dom,path) ck =
 ckDomain ck `isSuffixOf` dom &&
 case ckPath ck of
   Nothing -> True
   Just p  -> p `isPrefixOf` path

-- | @processCookieHeaders dom hdrs@ 
processCookieHeaders :: String -> [Header] -> ([String], [Cookie])
processCookieHeaders dom hdrs = foldr (headerToCookies dom) ([],[]) hdrs

-- | @headerToCookies dom hdr acc@ 
headerToCookies :: String -> Header -> ([String], [Cookie]) -> ([String], [Cookie])
headerToCookies dom (Header HdrSetCookie val) (accErr, accCookie) = 
    case parse cookies "" val of
        Left{}  -> (val:accErr, accCookie)
        Right x -> (accErr, x ++ accCookie)
   cookies :: Parser [Cookie]
   cookies = sepBy1 cookie (char ',')

   cookie :: Parser Cookie
   cookie =
       do { name <- word
          ; spaces_l
          ; char '='
          ; spaces_l
          ; val1 <- cvalue
          ; args <- cdetail
          ; return $ mkCookie name val1 args

   cvalue :: Parser String
   spaces_l = many (satisfy isSpace)

   cvalue = quotedstring <|> many1 (satisfy $ not . (==';')) <|> return ""
   -- all keys in the result list MUST be in lower case
   cdetail :: Parser [(String,String)]
   cdetail = many $
       try (do { spaces_l
          ; char ';'
          ; spaces_l
          ; s1 <- word
          ; spaces_l
          ; s2 <- option "" (do { char '=' ; spaces_l ; v <- cvalue ; return v })
          ; return (map toLower s1,s2)

   mkCookie :: String -> String -> [(String,String)] -> Cookie
   mkCookie nm cval more = 
	  MkCookie { ckName    = nm
                   , ckValue   = cval
                   , ckDomain  = map toLower (fromMaybe dom (lookup "domain" more))
                   , ckPath    = lookup "path" more
                   , ckVersion = lookup "version" more
                   , ckComment = lookup "comment" more
headerToCookies _ _ acc = acc


word, quotedstring :: Parser String
quotedstring =
    do { char '"'  -- "
       ; str <- many (satisfy $ not . (=='"'))
       ; char '"'
       ; return str

word = many1 (satisfy (\x -> isAlphaNum x || x=='_' || x=='.' || x=='-' || x==':'))