module Main (main) where import Control.Monad ( unless ) import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.IO ( hPrint, stderr ) import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(ExitFailure) ) import Control.Exception ( catch, SomeException ) import HTab.Main ( runWithParams, TaskRunFlag(..) ) import HTab.CommandLine( defaultParams, checkParams ) main :: IO () main = do r <- runCmdLineVersion `catch` \(e::SomeException) -> do let msg = show e unless (msg == "ExitSuccess") $ hPrint stderr msg exit r_RUNTIME_ERROR -- case r of Nothing -> exit r_DID_NOT_RUN Just Nothing -> exit r_TIMEOUT Just (Just SUCCESS) -> exit r_SAT Just (Just FAILURE) -> exit r_UNSAT -- where r_SAT = 1 r_UNSAT = 2 r_TIMEOUT = 3 r_DID_NOT_RUN = 10 r_RUNTIME_ERROR = 13 exit :: Int -> IO a exit = exitWith . ExitFailure runCmdLineVersion :: IO (Maybe (Maybe TaskRunFlag)) runCmdLineVersion = do clp <- cmdArgs_ $ defaultParams += summary header += details gplTag clpOK <- checkParams clp if clpOK then Just <$> runWithParams clp else return Nothing header :: String header = unlines ["HTab 1.7.0", "G. Hoffmann, C. Areces, D.Gorin and J. Heguiabehere. (c) 2002-2016.", ""] gplTag :: [String] gplTag = [ "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,", "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of", "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the", "GNU General Public License for more details."]