- XML Trees (represented as rose trees)
- Programmer: Leonidas Fegaras
- Email: fegaras@cse.uta.edu
- Web: http://lambda.uta.edu/
- Creation: 05/01/08, last update: 05/30/08
- Copyright (c) 2008 by Leonidas Fegaras, the University of Texas at Arlington. All rights reserved.
- This material is provided as is, with absolutely no warranty expressed or implied.
- Any use is at your own risk. Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
- for any purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}

module XML.HXQ.XTree where

import System.IO
import XMLParse(XMLEvent(..))
import HXML(AttList)
import XML.HXQ.Parser(Ast(..))
import Database.HDBC(Statement)

instance Eq Statement where x == y = False

type Tag = String

-- | Rose tree representation of XML data.
-- The Int in XElem is the preorder numbering used for the document order of nodes.
data XTree =  XElem    !Tag !AttList !Int XTree [XTree]   -- ^ an XML tree node (element)
           |  XText    !String          -- ^ an XML tree leaf (PCDATA)
           |  XInt     !Int             -- ^ an XML tree leaf (int)
           |  XFloat   !Float           -- ^ an XML tree leaf (float)
           |  XBool    !Bool            -- ^ an XML tree leaf (boolean)
           |  XPI      Tag String	-- ^ processing instruction
           |  XGERef   Tag		-- ^ general entity reference
           |  XComment String		-- ^ comment
           |  XError   String		-- ^ error report
           |  XStmt    Statement        -- ^ used internally to wrap an SQL statement
           |  XNoPad                    -- ^ marker for no padding in XSeq
           deriving Eq

type XSeq = [XTree]

showAL :: AttList -> String
showAL = foldr (\(a,v) r -> " "++a++"=\""++v++"\""++r) []

showXT :: XTree -> Bool -> String
showXT e pad
    = case e of
        XElem tag al _ _ [] -> "<"++tag++showAL al++"/>"
        XElem tag al _ _ xs -> "<"++tag++showAL al++">"++showXS xs++"</"++tag++">"
        XText text -> p++text
        XInt n -> p++show n
        XFloat n -> p++show n
        XBool v -> p++if v then "true" else "false"
        XComment s -> "<!--"++s++"-->"
        XPI n s -> "<?"++n++" "++s++">"
        XError s -> error s
        _ -> ""
      where p = if pad then " " else ""

showXS :: XSeq -> String
showXS [] = ""
showXS (x:xs) = showXT x False ++ sXS xs
    where sXS (XNoPad:x:xs) = (showXT x False) ++ sXS xs
          sXS (x:xs) = (showXT x True) ++ sXS xs
          sXS _ = ""

instance Show XTree where
    show t = showXT t False

-- | Print the XQuery result (which is a sequence of XML fragments) without buffering.
putXSeq :: XSeq -> IO ()
putXSeq xs = hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering >> putStrLn (showXS xs)

{--------------- Build the rose tree from the XML stream ----------------------------}

type Stream = [XMLEvent]

noParentError = error "parent references are not supported yet"

-- lazily materialize the SAX stream into a DOM tree
materializeWithoutParent :: Stream -> XTree
materializeWithoutParent stream
    = XElem "document" [] 1 noParentError
            [head (filter (\x -> case x of XElem _ _ _ _ _ -> True; _ -> False)
                          ((\(x,_,_)->x) (ml stream 2)))]
      where m ((TextEvent t):xs) i = (XText t,xs,i)
            m ((EmptyEvent n atts):xs) i = (XElem n atts i noParentError [],xs,i+1)
            m ((StartEvent n atts):xs) i
                = let (el,xs',i') = ml xs (i+1)
                  in (XElem n atts i noParentError el,xs',i')
            m ((PIEvent n s):xs) i = (XPI n s,xs,i)
            m ((CommentEvent s):xs) i = (XComment s,xs,i)
            m ((GERefEvent n):xs) i = (XGERef n,xs,i)
            m ((ErrorEvent s):xs) i = (XError s,xs,i)
            m (_:xs) i = (XError "unrecognized XML event",xs,i)
            m [] i = (XError "unbalanced tags",[],i)
            ml [] i = ([],[],i)
            ml ((EndEvent n):xs) i = ([],xs,i)
            ml xs i = let (e,xs',i') = m xs i
                          (el,xs'',i'') = ml xs' i'
                      in (e:el,xs'',i'')

-- lazily materialize the SAX stream into a DOM tree that contains parent references
-- Not used because it has space leaks for large documents
materializeWithParent :: Stream -> XTree
materializeWithParent stream = root
    where root = XElem "document" [] 1 (error "Trying to access the root parent")
                       [head (filter (\x -> case x of XElem _ _ _ _ _ -> True; _ -> False)
                                     ((\(x,_,_)->x) (ml stream 2 root)))]
          m ((TextEvent t):xs) i _ = (XText t,xs,i)
          m ((EmptyEvent n atts):xs) i p = (XElem n atts i p [],xs,i+1)
          m ((StartEvent n atts):xs) i p
              = let (el,xs',i') = ml xs (i+1) node
                    node = XElem n atts i p el
                in (node,xs',i')
          m ((PIEvent n s):xs) i _ = (XPI n s,xs,i)
          m ((CommentEvent s):xs) i _ = (XComment s,xs,i)
          m ((GERefEvent n):xs) i _ = (XGERef n,xs,i)
          m ((ErrorEvent s):xs) i _ = (XError s,xs,i)
          m (_:xs) i _ = (XError "unrecognized XML event",xs,i)
          m [] i _ = (XError "unbalanced tags",[],i)
          ml [] i _ = ([],[],i)
          ml ((EndEvent n):xs) i _ = ([],xs,i)
          ml xs i p = let (e,xs',i') = m xs i p
                          (el,xs'',i'') = ml xs' i' p
                      in (e:el,xs'',i'')

materialize :: Stream -> XTree
materialize = materializeWithoutParent