- Database connectivity using HDBC
- Programmer: Leonidas Fegaras
- Email: fegaras@cse.uta.edu
- Web: http://lambda.uta.edu/
- Creation: 05/12/08, last update: 07/24/08
- Copyright (c) 2008 by Leonidas Fegaras, the University of Texas at Arlington. All rights reserved.
- This material is provided as is, with absolutely no warranty expressed or implied.
- Any use is at your own risk. Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
- for any purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.

module Text.XML.HXQ.DB where

import System.IO.Unsafe
import Char(isSpace,toLower)
import Control.Monad.State
import Database.HDBC
import Text.XML.HXQ.DBConnect
import Text.XML.HXQ.XTree
import XMLParse(XMLEvent(..),parseDocument)
import HXML(AttList)
import Text.XML.HXQ.Parser

sql2xml :: SqlValue -> XTree
sql2xml value =
    case value of
      SqlString s -> XText s
      SqlByteString bs -> XText (show bs)
      SqlWord32 n -> XInt (fromEnum n)
      SqlWord64 n -> XInt (fromEnum n)
      SqlInt32 n -> XText (show n)
      SqlInt64 n -> XText (show n)
      SqlInteger n -> XInt (fromEnum n)
      SqlChar c -> XText [c]
      SqlBool b -> XBool b
      SqlDouble n -> XText (show n)
      SqlRational n -> XText (show n)
      SqlEpochTime n -> XText (show n)
      SqlTimeDiff n -> XText (show n)
      SqlNull -> XText ""

xml2sql :: XTree -> SqlValue
xml2sql e =
    case e of
      XText s -> SqlString s
      XInt n -> SqlInteger (toInteger n)
      XFloat n -> SqlString (show n)
      XBool n -> SqlBool n
      XElem n _ _ _ [x] -> xml2sql x
      _ -> error ("Cannot convert "++show e++" into sql")

perror = error "constructed elements have no parent"

executeSQL :: Statement -> XSeq -> IO XSeq
executeSQL stmt args
    = do n <- handleSqlError (execute stmt (map xml2sql args))
         result <- handleSqlError (fetchAllRowsAL stmt)
         return (map (\x -> XElem "row" [] 0 perror (map (\(s,v) -> XElem s [] 0 perror [sql2xml v]) x)) result)

prepareSQL :: (IConnection conn) => conn -> String -> IO Statement
prepareSQL db sql = handleSqlError (prepare db sql)

-- extract the structural summary of an XML file that contains statistics

-- structural summary: tag   id  max#      hasText children
data SSnode = SSnode String !Int !Int !Int !Bool   [SSnode]
            deriving (Eq,Show)

insertSS :: String -> [SSnode] -> State Int (Int,SSnode,[SSnode])
insertSS tag ((SSnode n i j l b ts):s)
    | n == tag
    = return (i,SSnode n i j (l+1) b ts,s)
insertSS tag (x:xs)
    = do (i,t,ts) <- insertSS tag xs
         return (i,t,x:ts)
insertSS tag []
    = do count <- get
         put (count+1)
         return (count+1,SSnode tag (count+1) 1 1 False [],[])

insSS :: String -> [SSnode] -> State Int [SSnode]
insSS tag ns = do (k,t,s) <- insertSS tag ns
                  return (t:s)

getSS :: [XMLEvent] -> [SSnode] -> State Int [SSnode]
getSS ((EmptyEvent n atts):xs) rs
    = getSS ((StartEvent n atts):(EndEvent n):xs) rs
getSS ((StartEvent n atts):xs) ((SSnode m i j l b ns):rs)
    = do (k,SSnode m' i' j' l' b' ks,ts) <- insertSS n ns
         as <- foldM (\r (a,_) -> insSS ('@':a) r) ks atts
         getSS xs (reset(SSnode m' i' j' l' b' as):(SSnode m i j l b ts):rs)
    where r (SSnode m i j _ b ts) = SSnode m i j 0 b ts
          reset (SSnode m i j l b ts) = SSnode m i j l b (map r ts)
getSS ((EndEvent n):xs) (t:(SSnode m i j l b ns):rs)
    = getSS xs ((SSnode m i j l b (set t:ns):rs))
    where s (SSnode m i j l b ts) = SSnode m i (max j l) 0 b ts
          set (SSnode m i j l b ts) = SSnode m i j l b (map s ts)
getSS ((TextEvent t):xs) ((SSnode m i j l False ns):rs)
    | any (not . isSpace) t
    = getSS xs ((SSnode m i j l True ns):rs)
getSS (_:xs) rs = getSS xs rs
getSS [] rs = return rs

-- Derive a good relational schema based on the structural summary (using hybrid inlining)

type Path = [Tag]

data Table = Table String Path Bool [Table]
           | Column String Path
           deriving (Show,Read)

printPath :: Path -> String
printPath [] = ""
printPath [p] = p
printPath (p:ps) = printPath ps++"/"++p

pathCons p ps = if p=="root" then ps else p:ps

schema :: SSnode -> String -> [String] -> [Table]
schema (SSnode n i _ (-1) _ ts) prefix path
    = [ Table (prefix++show i) (pathCons n path) True
              ((reverse (concatMap (\t -> schema t prefix []) ts))
               ++[ Column "value" [] ]) ]
schema (SSnode n i j _ _ []) prefix path
    | j == 1 || head n == '@'
    = [ Column (prefix++show i) (pathCons n path) ]
schema (SSnode n i 1 _ _ ts) prefix path
    = concatMap (\t -> schema t prefix (pathCons n path)) ts
schema (SSnode n i _ _ b ts) prefix path
    = [ Table (prefix++show i) (pathCons n path) False
              ((reverse (concatMap (\t -> schema t prefix []) ts))
              ++(if b && all (\(SSnode x _ _ _ _ _)-> head x == '@') ts
                 then [ Column "value" [] ] else [])) ]

fixSS :: SSnode -> SSnode
fixSS (SSnode n i j l True ts)
    | any (\(SSnode x _ _ _ _ _)-> head x /= '@') ts
    = SSnode n i j (-1) True (filter (\(SSnode x _ _ _ _ _)-> head x == '@') ts)
fixSS (SSnode n i j l b ts)
    = SSnode n i j l b (map fixSS ts)

deriveSchema :: String -> String -> IO Table
deriveSchema file prefix
    = do doc <- readFile file
         let ts = parseDocument doc
             d = getSS ts [SSnode "root" 1 1 1 False []]
             [SSnode _ _ _ _ _ [t]] = evalState d 1
             nt@(SSnode m i j l b s) = fixSS t
         return (Table prefix [] False (reverse (schema (SSnode m i 2 l b s) prefix [])))

relationalSchema :: Table -> String -> [String]
relationalSchema (Table n path b ts) parent
    = ("create table "++n++" (      /* "++printPath path
       ++(if b then " (mixed content)" else "")++" */\n"
       ++n++"_id int,\n"
       ++(if parent /= "" then (n++"_parent int references "++parent++"("++parent++"_id),\n") else "")
       ++(concat [ m++" varchar,    /* "++printPath p++" */\n" | Column m p <- ts ])
       ++"primary key ("++n++"_id))\n")
      :[ s | t@(Table _ _ _ _) <- ts, s <- relationalSchema t n ]

getTableNames :: Table -> [String]
getTableNames (Table n _ _ ts) = n:(concatMap getTableNames ts)
getTableNames _ = []

initializeDB :: (IConnection conn) => conn -> IO ()
initializeDB db
    = do tables <- getTables db
         if elem "HXQCatalog" tables
            then return ()
            else do let s = "create table HXQCatalog ( name varchar primary key, path varchar, summary varchar )"
                    handleSqlError (run db s [])
                    commit db

createSchema :: (IConnection conn) => conn -> String -> String -> IO Table
createSchema db file name
    = do initializeDB db
         stmt <- handleSqlError (prepare db "select summary from HXQCatalog where name = ?")
         _ <- handleSqlError (execute stmt  [SqlString name])
         result <- handleSqlError (fetchAllRowsAL stmt)
         if length result > 0
            then do let [[(_,SqlString s)]] = result
                        summary = (read s)::Table
                        tables = getTableNames summary
                    _ <- mapM (\t -> handleSqlError (run db ("drop table if exists "++t) [])) tables
                    _ <- handleSqlError (run db "delete from HXQCatalog where name = ?" [SqlString name])
                    commit db
            else return ()
         t <- deriveSchema file name
         let schema = relationalSchema t ""
         -- mapM putStrLn schema
         _ <- handleSqlError (run db "insert into HXQCatalog values (?,?,?)"
                                      [SqlString name, SqlString file, SqlString (show t)])
         _ <- mapM (\s -> handleSqlError (run db s [])) schema
         commit db
         return t

findSchema :: (IConnection conn) => conn -> String -> IO Table
findSchema db name
    = do initializeDB db
         stmt <- handleSqlError (prepare db "select summary from HXQCatalog where name = ?")
         _ <- handleSqlError (execute stmt  [SqlString name])
         result <- handleSqlError (fetchAllRowsAL stmt)
         if length result == 1
            then let [[(_,SqlString s)]] = result
                 in return ((read s)::Table)
            else error ("Schema "++name++" doesn't exist")

-- Populate the database from the XML file and its derived structural summary

findPath :: [Table] -> [String] -> Int -> Maybe (Int,Table)
findPath (t@(Table _ p _ s):ts) path _ | p == path = Just ((length s)-1,t)
findPath (t@(Column _ p):ts) path n | p == path = Just (n,t)
findPath ((Table _ _ _ _):ts) path n = findPath ts path n
findPath (_:ts) path n = findPath ts path (n+1)
findPath [] _ _ = Nothing

populate :: [XMLEvent] -> [Table] -> Int -> [[String]] -> [(Int,String)]
populate ((EmptyEvent tag atts):xs) ts n ps
    = populate ((StartEvent tag atts):(EndEvent tag):xs) ts n ps
populate (x@(StartEvent tag atts):xs) ((t@(Table n path _ s)):ts) _ (p:ps)
    = case findPath s (tag:p) 0 of
        Just (n,nt@(Table m _ True as))
            -> (-1,m):(popAtts atts as ++ showXTree xs 1 "")
               where showXTree ((EmptyEvent tag atts):xs) i s
                         = showXTree xs i (s++"<"++tag++showAL atts++"/>")
                     showXTree ((StartEvent tag atts):xs) i s
                         = showXTree xs (i+1) (s++"<"++tag++showAL atts++">")
                     showXTree ((EndEvent tag):xs) i s
                         = if i==1 then (n,s):(-2,m):(populate xs (t:ts) n (p:ps))
                           else showXTree xs (i-1) (s++"</"++tag++">")
                     showXTree ((TextEvent text):xs) i s = showXTree xs i (s++text)
                     showXTree (_:xs) i s = showXTree xs i s
        Just (n,nt@(Table m _ _ as))
            -> (-1,m):((popAtts atts as)++(populate xs (nt:t:ts) n ([]:p:ps)))
        Just (n,nt)
            -> populate xs (nt:t:ts) n ((tag:p):ps)
        Nothing -> populate xs (t:ts) 0 ((tag:p):ps)
      where popAtts ((a,v):as) ks
                = let Just(m,_) = findPath ks ['@':a] 0
                  in (m,v):(popAtts as ks)
            popAtts [] _ = []
populate ((EndEvent tag):xs) ((t@(Table n path _ s)):ts) _ ([]:ps)
    = (-2,n):populate xs ts 0 ps
populate ((EndEvent tag):xs) ((Column m path):ts) n (p:ps)
    = populate xs ts 0 (tail p:ps)
populate ((EndEvent text):xs) ts _ (p:ps)
    = populate xs ts 0 (tail p:ps)
populate ((TextEvent text):xs) ts n ps
    | any (not . isSpace) text
    = (n,text):populate xs ts n ps
populate (x:xs) ts n ps
    = populate xs ts n ps
populate [] ts n ps = []

insert :: (IConnection conn) => conn -> [(Int,String)] -> [(String,Int,Statement)] -> IO ()
insert db xs stmts = let (s,_,_,_) = m xs 0 0 in s
    where m ((-1,m):xs) i p = let (s,el,xs',i') = ml xs (i+1) i
                              in (s >> insertTuple m el i p,[],xs',i')
          m ((k,m):xs) i p = (return (),[(k,m)],xs,i)
          ml [] i p = (return (),[],[],i)
          ml ((-2,m):xs) i p = (return (),[],xs,i)
          ml xs i p = let (s,el,xs',i') = m xs i p
                          (s',el',xs'',i'') = ml xs' i' p
                      in (s >> s',el++el',xs'',i'')
          find x xs = foldr (\(a,v) r -> if x==a then v else r) "\NUL" xs
          insertTuple m e i p
              = let (len,stmt) = foldr (\(a,l,s) r -> if m==a then (l,s) else r) (error "") stmts
                    tuple = map (\c -> find c e) [0..len]
                    lift x = if x=="\NUL" then SqlNull else SqlString x
                in do _ <- handleSqlError (execute stmt
                                           (if i==0
                                            then SqlInteger i:(map lift tuple)
                                            else SqlInteger i:SqlInteger p:(map lift tuple)))
                      if mod i 100 == 99 then commit db else return ()
                      return ()

-- | Store an XML document into the database under the given name.
shred :: (IConnection conn) => conn -> String -> String -> IO ()
shred db file name
    = do let prefix = map toLower name
         let tableStmt (Table n _ _ ts)
                 = do let len = length[ 1 | Column _ _ <- ts]-1
                      stmt <- handleSqlError (prepare db ("insert into "++n++" values ("
                                                          ++(if n==prefix then "" else "?,")++"?"
                                                          ++(concatMap (\_ -> ",?") [0..len])++")"))
                      l <- mapM tableStmt ts
                      return ((n,len,stmt):(concat l))
             tableStmt _ = return []
         t <- createSchema db file prefix
         stmts <- tableStmt t
         doc <- readFile file
         let ts = parseDocument doc
         let ic = (-1,prefix):(populate ts [t] 0 [[]] ++ [(-2,prefix)])
         insert db ic stmts
         commit db
         return ()

-- | Create a secondary index on tagname for the shredded document under the given name..
createIndex :: (IConnection conn) => conn -> String -> String -> IO ()
createIndex db name tagname
    = do let prefix = map toLower name
         table <- findSchema db name
         let indexes = getIndexes "" table
         _ <- if null indexes
              then error ("there is no tagname: "++tagname)
              else mapM (\(t,c) -> do stmt <- handleSqlError (prepare db ("create index "++t++"_"++c++" on "++t++" ("++c++")"))
                                      handleSqlError (execute stmt [])) indexes
         commit db
         return ()
    where getIndexes _ (Table n _ _ ts) = concatMap (getIndexes n) ts
          getIndexes table (Column n path) | (head path)==tagname = [(table,n)]
          getIndexes _ _ = []

--  Convert XQuery to SQL

publishES :: [String] -> [String] -> String
publishES (p:ps) xs
    | head p == '@'
    = "attribute "++(tail p)++" {"++publishES ps xs++"}"
publishES (p:ps) xs
    = "<"++p++">{"++publishES ps xs++"}</"++p++">"
publishES [] [x] = x
publishES [] (x:xs) = x++","++publishES [] xs

publishS :: Table -> String -> String
publishS (Table n path b ts) "error"
    = "for $"++n++" in SQL(select(),from($"++n++"),true()) return "
      ++publishES (reverse path) (map (\t -> publishS t n) ts)
publishS (Table n path b ts) parent
    = "for $"++n++" in SQL(select(),from($"++n++"),$"++n++"/"++n++"_parent eq $"
      ++parent++"/"++parent++"_id) return "
      ++publishES (reverse path) (map (\t -> publishS t n) ts)
publishS (Column n path) parent
    = publishES (reverse path) ["$"++parent++"/"++n++"/text()"]

publishTable :: Table -> String
publishTable table = "<root>{" ++ publishS table "error" ++ "}</root>"

sqlComparisson = [("=","="),("eq","="),("<=","<="),(">=",">="),("!=","!="),(">",">"),

sqlBoolean = [("and","and"),("or","or")]

-- Is this an SQL predicate?
sqlPredicate :: [String] -> Ast -> Bool
sqlPredicate tables e
    = case e of
        Ast "child_step" [Astring c,Avar v]
            -> elem v tables
        Ast "construction" [_,_,Ast "append" [x]]
            -> sqlPredicate tables x
        Ast "call" [Avar "text",x]
            -> sqlPredicate tables x
        Ast "call" [Avar cmp,x,y]
            | any (\(f,_) -> f==cmp) sqlComparisson
            -> (sqlExpr x) && (sqlExpr y)
        Ast "call" [Avar cmp,x,y]
            | any (\(f,_) -> f==cmp) sqlBoolean
            -> (sqlPredicate tables x) && (sqlPredicate tables y)
        _ -> False
      where sqlExpr e
                = case e of
                    Astring s -> True
                    Aint n -> True
                    Ast "child_step" [Astring c,Avar v]
                        -> elem v tables
                    Ast "construction" [_,_,Ast "append" [x]]
                        -> sqlExpr x
                    Ast "call" [Avar "text",x]
                        -> sqlExpr x
                    _ -> False

-- Convert a predicate AST to an SQL predicate that uses the tables
predToSQL :: [String] -> Ast -> (String,[Ast])
predToSQL tables e
    = case e of
        Ast "child_step" [Astring c,Avar v]
            -> if elem v tables
               then ("",[])
               else error ("Cannot convert to an SQL predicate: "++show e)
        Ast "construction" [_,_,Ast "append" [x]]
            -> predToSQL tables x
        Ast "call" [Avar "text",x]
            -> predToSQL tables x
        Ast "call" [Avar cmp,x,y]
            | any (\(f,_) -> f==cmp) sqlComparisson
            -> let (nx,vx) = expToSQL tables x
                   (ny,vy) = expToSQL tables y
               in if nx == ""
                  then (ny,vx)
                  else if ny == ""
                       then (nx,vy)
                       else (nx ++ " " ++ snd (head (filter (\(f,_) -> f==cmp) sqlComparisson)) ++ " " ++ ny,vx++vy)
        Ast "call" [Avar cmp,x,y]
            | any (\(f,_) -> f==cmp) sqlBoolean
            -> let (nx,vx) = predToSQL tables x
                   (ny,vy) = predToSQL tables y
               in if nx == ""
                  then (ny,vy)
                  else if ny == ""
                       then (nx,vx)
                       else (nx ++ " " ++ snd (head (filter (\(f,_) -> f==cmp) sqlBoolean)) ++ " " ++ ny,vx++vy)
        _ -> error ("Cannot convert to an SQL predicate: "++show e)
      where expToSQL tables e
                = case e of
                    Astring s -> ("\'"++s++"\'",[])
                    Aint n -> (show n,[])
                    Ast "child_step" [Astring c,Avar v]
                        -> if elem v tables
                           then (v++"."++c,[])
                           else ("?",[e])
                    Ast "construction" [_,_,Ast "append" [x]]
                        -> expToSQL tables x
                    Ast "call" [Avar "text",x]
                        -> expToSQL tables x
                    _ -> ("?",[e])

-- Convert an AST to an SQL query
makeSQL :: [Ast] -> Ast -> [Ast] -> (String,[Ast])
makeSQL tables pred cols
    = let tnames = [ x | Avar x <- tables ]
          ts = combine tnames
          cs = combine [ x | Avar x <- cols ]
          vars (Ast n args) = concatMap vars args
          vars (Avar v) | not (elem v tnames) = [v]
          vars _ = []
          combine [] = ""
          combine [x] = x
          combine (x:xs) = x++", "++combine xs
      in if pred == Ast "call" [Avar "true"]
         then (if null cs
               then "select * from "++ts
               else "select "++cs++" from "++ts,[])
         else let (p,args) = predToSQL tnames pred
              in (if null cs
                  then "select * from "++ts++" where "++p
                  else "select "++cs++" from "++ts++" where "++p,args)

{-# NOINLINE publishXmlDoc #-}
-- get an XML document stored in a relational database
publishXmlDoc :: FilePath -> String -> Ast
publishXmlDoc filepath name
    = let query = unsafePerformIO (publishWrapper filepath name)
          [ast] = parse (scan query)
      in ast
    where publishWrapper filepath name
              = do let prefix = map toLower name
                   db <- connect filepath
                   table <- findSchema db prefix
                   let query = publishTable table
                   -- disconnect db
                   return query