module Foreign.HaPy (
    module Foreign.C
) where

import Foreign.HaPy.Internal ( peekList, copyList )
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax ( Lift(lift) )
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift ( deriveLift )

import Foreign.C
    ( CInt(..),
      castCCharToChar )
import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr )
import Foreign.Marshal.Array ()
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( free )

import Data.List ( intercalate )
import Control.Monad ( zipWithM, replicateM, ap )

data FType = FBool | FChar | FInt | FDouble | FList FType | FUnknown
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

deriveLift ''FType

__exportInfo :: [FType] -> IO (Ptr [CChar])
__exportInfo ftypes = copyList $ map castCharToCChar typeString
  where typeString = intercalate ";" $ map toTypeString ftypes
        toTypeString (FList t) = "List " ++ toTypeString t
        toTypeString FBool     = "Bool"
        toTypeString FChar     = "Char"
        toTypeString FInt      = "Int"
        toTypeString FDouble   = "Double"
        toTypeString _         = "Unknown"

-- Can't use e.g. ''Bool when pattern matching
fromHaskellType :: Type -> FType
fromHaskellType (ConT nm) | nm == ''Bool   = FBool
                          | nm == ''Char   = FChar
                          | nm == ''Int    = FInt
                          | nm == ''Double = FDouble
                          | nm == ''String = FList FChar
fromHaskellType (AppT ListT t) = FList (fromHaskellType t)
fromHaskellType _ = FUnknown

toForeignType :: FType -> Bool -> TypeQ
toForeignType t ret | ret       = [t| IO $(toF t) |]
                    | otherwise = toF t
  where toF FBool     = [t| Bool |]
        toF FChar     = [t| CChar |]
        toF FInt      = [t| CInt |]
        toF FDouble   = [t| CDouble |]
        toF (FList t) = [t| Ptr [$(toF t)] |]
        toF _         = error "unknown type - cannot convert!" -- TODO: catch error at an earlier stage

-- Converts the type of a function to a list of the type of its args and return value
toTypeList :: Type -> [Type]
toTypeList (AppT (AppT ArrowT t) ts) = t : toTypeList ts
toTypeList t                         = [t]

-- Converts the a list of the types of a function's args and return value to the type of a function
fromTypeList :: [Type] -> Type
fromTypeList []     = error "type list empty!"
fromTypeList (t:[]) = t
fromTypeList (t:ts) = (AppT (AppT ArrowT t) (fromTypeList ts))

fromForeignExp :: FType -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
fromForeignExp FBool     exp = [| return $ $exp |]
fromForeignExp FChar     exp = [| return $ castCCharToChar $exp |]
fromForeignExp FInt      exp = [| return $ fromIntegral $exp |]
fromForeignExp FDouble   exp = [| return $ realToFrac $exp |]
fromForeignExp (FList t) exp = [| peekList $exp >>= mapM (\x -> $(fromForeignExp t [|x|])) |]
fromForeignExp _         exp = fail "conversion failed: unknown type!"

toForeignExp :: FType -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
toForeignExp FBool     exp = [| return $ $exp |]
toForeignExp FChar     exp = [| return $ castCharToCChar $exp |]
toForeignExp FInt      exp = [| return $ fromIntegral $exp |]
toForeignExp FDouble   exp = [| return $ realToFrac $exp |]
toForeignExp (FList t) exp = [| mapM (\x -> $(toForeignExp t [|x|])) $exp >>= copyList |]
toForeignExp _         exp = fail "conversion failed: unknown type!"

makeFunction :: (String -> String) -> (Name -> [FType] -> ClauseQ) -> ([FType] -> TypeQ) -> Name -> DecsQ
makeFunction changeName makeClause makeType origName = do
  VarI _ t _ _ <- reify origName
  let types = map fromHaskellType $ toTypeList t
      name = mkName . changeName . nameBase $  origName
      cl   = makeClause origName types
      func = funD name [cl]

      typ  = makeType types
      dec = ForeignD `fmap` ExportF CCall (nameBase name) name `fmap` typ
  sequence [func, dec]

makeInfoFunction :: Name -> DecsQ
makeInfoFunction name = makeFunction makeName makeClause (const [t| IO (Ptr [CChar]) |]) name
    where makeName = (++ "__info")
          makeClause _ types = let body = normalB $ [| __exportInfo $(lift types) |] in
                                clause [] body []

makeExportFunction :: Name -> DecsQ
makeExportFunction = makeFunction makeName makeClause makeType
    where makeName = (++ "__export")
          makeType ts = fmap fromTypeList $ zipWithM toForeignType ts (replicate (length ts - 1) False ++ [True])
          makeClause nm types = do
              vars <- replicateM (length types - 1) (newName "x")
              let args = map varP vars
                  convertedArgs = zipWith fromForeignExp types (map varE vars)
                  appliedFunction = foldl apArg [|return $(varE nm)|] convertedArgs
                  body = normalB $ [| $appliedFunction >>= \x -> $(toForeignExp (last types) [|x|]) |]
              clause args body []
          apArg :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
          apArg f arg = [| ap $f $arg |]

pythonExport :: Name -> DecsQ
pythonExport nm = do
  info <- makeInfoFunction nm
  export <- makeExportFunction nm
  return $ info ++ export

initHaPy :: DecsQ
initHaPy = do
  exportType <- [t| Ptr () -> IO () |]
  let export = ForeignD $ ExportF CCall "__free" (mkName "__free") exportType
  func <- [d| __free = free |]
  return $ export:func