;; a minor mode for Haskell refactoring ; ; (generated automatically, manual edits may be lost) ; ; put this file in your Emacs load-path, and add something ; like this to your .emacs (the hook assumes that you're ; using haskell-mode, and always want to enable the refactoring ; minor mode when entering haskell-mode): ; ; (autoload 'haskell-refac-mode "haskell-refac" ; "Minor mode for refactoring Haskell programs" t) ; (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'haskell-refac-mode) ; ;; menu silently disappears if this defvar is moved after define-minor-mode.. (defvar haskell-refac-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap "Refactor")) (define-minor-mode haskell-refac-mode "Toggle Haskell Refactoring mode. With no argument, this command toggles the mode. Non-null prefix argument turns on the mode. Null prefix argument turns off the mode. When Haskell Refactoring mode is enabled, the \"Refactor\" menu provides access to a list of refactorings. These are implemented as commands of an external refactoring tool (default hare, see option haskell-refac-refactorer). " ;; The initial value. nil ;; The indicator for the mode line. " HaRe " ;; The minor mode bindings. nil ) ;;JP: Quick & dirty: add hooks for the mode we are defining... ;; Alternative is not to use define-minor-mode (add-hook 'haskell-refac-mode-on-hook 'turn-on-haskell-refac) (add-hook 'haskell-refac-mode-off-hook 'turn-off-haskell-refac) ;;JP: moved to top (defvar haskell-refac-output-marker (make-marker)) (defvar haskell-refac-buffer-list nil) (defgroup haskell-refac nil "Haskell refactoring options") (defcustom haskell-refac-refactorer "hare" "*Path to Haskell refactoring tool" :type 'file :group 'haskell-refac) (defcustom haskell-refac-chasePaths (cons (expand-file-name ".") '("HaskellLibraries")) "*List of directories to chase for missing files (including Prelude!)" :type '(repeat directory) :group 'haskell-refac) ;;JP: easy-menu should work with Emacs too (easy-menu-define haskell-refac-menu haskell-refac-mode-map "Haskell refactorer minor mode menu" '("Refactor" ("Projects" ["New project" haskell-refac-new :active t] ["Add file" haskell-refac-add :active t] ["Chase imports" haskell-refac-chase :active t] ["List files" haskell-refac-files :active t] ) ("Names/Scopes" ["Rename" haskell-refac-rename :active t] ["Lift def to top level" haskell-refac-liftToTopLevel :active t] ["Lift def one level" haskell-refac-liftOneLevel :active t] ["Demote def" haskell-refac-demote :active t] ["Create Type Signatures" haskell-refac-refacTypeSig :active t] ["ReadFile" haskell-refac-parseAnswers :active t] ["Convert Let to Where" haskell-refac-letToWhere :active t] ["Convert Where to Let" haskell-refac-whereToLet :active t] ["Introduce patterns over an argument position" haskell-refac-introPattern :active t] ["Introduce case analysis" haskell-refac-introCase :active t] ["Fold term against pattern variable" haskell-refac-foldPattern :active t] ) ("Slicing" ["Remove redundant declarations" haskell-refac-refacRedunDec :active t] ["Slicing based on a subexpression" haskell-refac-refacSlicing :active t] ["Slicing a tuple" haskell-refac-refacSlicTuple :active t] ["Merge definitions" haskell-refac-refacMerge :active t] ["Add definition for merge" haskell-refac-refacCacheMerge :active t] ["Instantiate a general pattern" haskell-refac-refacInstantiate :active t] ) ("Fold/Unfold" ["Unfold def" haskell-refac-unfoldDef :active t] ["Fold Definition" haskell-refac-subFunctionDef :active t] ["Generative Fold of Definition" haskell-refac-genFold :active t] ["Select an equation for generative fold" haskell-refac-genFoldCache :active t] ["Convert pattern to use an as pattern" haskell-refac-refacAsPatterns :active t] ["Unfold references to AS patterns" haskell-refac-refacUnfoldAsPatterns :active t] ["Simplify Expression via Symbolic Evalutaion" haskell-refac-simplifyExpr :active t] ) ("Definitions" ["Introduce new def" haskell-refac-introNewDef :active t] ["Generalise def" haskell-refac-generaliseDef :active t] ["Remove def" haskell-refac-removeDef :active t] ["Duplicate def" haskell-refac-duplicateDef :active t] ["Add one parameter" haskell-refac-addOneParameter :active t] ["Rm one parameter" haskell-refac-rmOneParameter :active t] ["Move def to another module" haskell-refac-moveDefBtwMod :active t] ["Converts guards to an if then else" haskell-refac-guardToIte :active t] ["Shortcut Deforestration" haskell-refac-deforest :active t] ) ("Import/Export" ["Clean imports" haskell-refac-cleanImports :active t] ["Make import explicit" haskell-refac-mkImpExplicit :active t] ["Add to export" haskell-refac-addToExport :active t] ["Remove from export" haskell-refac-rmFromExport :active t] ) ("Data types" ["Add field labels" haskell-refac-addFieldLabels :active t] ["Add discriminators" haskell-refac-addDiscriminators :active t] ["Add constructors" haskell-refac-addConstructors :active t] ["eliminate nested patterns" haskell-refac-elimNestedPatterns :active t] ["eliminate patterns" haskell-refac-elimPatterns :active t] ["Create an ADT module" haskell-refac-createADTMod :active t] ["From concrete to abstract data type" haskell-refac-fromAlgebraicToADT :active t] ["Add a new constructor to a data type" haskell-refac-refacAddCon :active t] ["Remove a constructor from a data type" haskell-refac-refacRmCon :active t] ["Remove a field from a data type" haskell-refac-refacRemoveField :active t] ["Add a field to a data type" haskell-refac-refacAddField :active t] ) ("Duplicate Code" ["Duplicate Code Analysis" haskell-refac-duplicateCode :active t] ["Transform Duplicate Code" haskell-refac-goDup :active t] ) ["undo" haskell-refac-undo :active t] "-" ["Customize" (customize-group 'haskell-refac) t] )) (defun turn-on-haskell-refac () "Turn on Haskell Refactoring support" (interactive) (if (not (buffer-file-name)) (message-box "Error: can only refactor if buffer is associated with file") (progn ;; keep track of buffers involved in refactoring (add-to-list 'haskell-refac-buffer-list (buffer-name) ) ;; key bindings and menu entries (easy-menu-add haskell-refac-menu) (hare-selection-init) ;; refactoring sub-process, only one, please (unless (get-process "haskell-refac-process") (start-process "haskell-refac-process" "*refac*" haskell-refac-refactorer "emacs") ; does this work on unix as well, or do we need to be os-specific? ;;JP: XEmacs doesn't know this ;;(set-process-coding-system (get-process "haskell-refac-process") ;; 'raw-text-dos 'raw-text-unix) (set-marker haskell-refac-output-marker 0 (get-buffer-create "*refac*")) (set-process-filter (get-process "haskell-refac-process") 'haskell-refac-process-filter) ) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-process-filter (proc string) (let* ((refac-buffer (process-buffer proc)) (refac-end-mark (process-mark proc)) (refac-buffer-window (display-buffer refac-buffer)) (modified nil)) (with-current-buffer refac-buffer ;; Insert the text, advancing the process marker. (goto-char refac-end-mark) (insert string) (set-marker refac-end-mark (point)) ;; has the refactorer changed files on disk? (save-excursion (goto-char (marker-position haskell-refac-output-marker)) (let ((found nil)) (while (setq found (re-search-forward "^\\(message\\|modified\\): \\(.*\\)\n" nil t)) (progn (let ((cmd (match-string 1)) (param (match-string 2))) (goto-char found) (set-marker haskell-refac-output-marker found) (cond ((string= cmd "modified") (setq modified (cons param modified))) ((string= cmd "message") (message-box param)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (save-selected-window (select-window refac-buffer-window) (goto-char (marker-position refac-end-mark)) (recenter -2)) (dolist (f modified) (let ((buffer (get-file-buffer f))) (if buffer (with-current-buffer buffer (revert-buffer nil t t)) (message-box (format "modified unopened file: %s" f))))) ) ) (defun turn-off-haskell-refac () "Turn off Haskell Refactoring support" (interactive) (delete (buffer-name) haskell-refac-buffer-list) (easy-menu-remove haskell-refac-menu) (if (null haskell-refac-buffer-list) (set-process-filter (get-process "haskell-refac-process") nil) (kill-process "haskell-refac-process") (kill-buffer "*refac*") ) ) ;; try to provide command to call pfe with current ;; file name and position in file (defun line-no () "grmpff. does anyone understand count-lines?" (+ (if (eq 0 (current-column)) 1 0) (count-lines (point-min) (point))) ) (defun line-no-pos (pos) "grmpff. why no parameter to current-column?" (save-excursion (goto-char pos) (+ (if (eq 0 (current-column)) 1 0) (count-lines (point-min) (point)))) ) (defun current-column-pos (pos) "grmpff. why no parameter to current-column?" (save-excursion (goto-char pos) (current-column)) ) (defun haskell-refac-new () "new" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "new " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) ""))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-add () "add" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "add " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) ""))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-chase () "chase" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "chase " (mapconcat 'identity (append haskell-refac-chasePaths) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-files () "files" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "files " (mapconcat 'identity (append ) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-rename ( name1) "rename" (interactive "sNew name? \n") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "rename " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-liftToTopLevel () "liftToTopLevel" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "liftToTopLevel " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-liftOneLevel () "liftOneLevel" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "liftOneLevel " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-demote () "demote" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "demote " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacTypeSig () "refacTypeSig" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacTypeSig " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) ""))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-parseAnswers () "parseAnswers" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "parseAnswers " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) ""))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-letToWhere () "letToWhere" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "letToWhere " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-whereToLet () "whereToLet" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "whereToLet " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-introPattern () "introPattern" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "introPattern " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-introCase () "introCase" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "introCase " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-foldPattern ( name1 start2 end2) "foldPattern" (interactive "sName of pattern variable: \nr") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "foldPattern " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start2)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start2))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end2)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end2))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacRedunDec ( start1 end1) "refacRedunDec" (interactive "r") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacRedunDec " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start1))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end1))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacSlicing ( start1 end1) "refacSlicing" (interactive "r") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacSlicing " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start1))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end1))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacSlicTuple ( name2) "refacSlicTuple" (interactive "sElements to slice: (A for all; (x,_x,_) for some): \n") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacSlicTuple " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column)))) (list name2)) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacMerge ( name1) "refacMerge" (interactive "sName for new definition: \n") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacMerge " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1)) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacCacheMerge () "refacCacheMerge" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacCacheMerge " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacInstantiate ( name2) "refacInstantiate" (interactive "spatterns: \n") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacInstantiate " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column)))) (list name2)) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-unfoldDef () "unfoldDef" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "unfoldDef " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-subFunctionDef ( start1 end1) "subFunctionDef" (interactive "r") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "subFunctionDef " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start1))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end1))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-genFold ( start1 end1) "genFold" (interactive "r") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "genFold " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start1))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end1))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-genFoldCache () "genFoldCache" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "genFoldCache " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacAsPatterns ( name1 start2 end2) "refacAsPatterns" (interactive "sName for Pattern: \nr") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacAsPatterns " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start2)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start2))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end2)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end2))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacUnfoldAsPatterns ( start1 end1) "refacUnfoldAsPatterns" (interactive "r") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacUnfoldAsPatterns " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start1))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end1))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-simplifyExpr ( start1 end1) "simplifyExpr" (interactive "r") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "simplifyExpr " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start1))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end1))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-introNewDef ( name1 start2 end2) "introNewDef" (interactive "sName for new definition? \nr") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "introNewDef " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start2)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start2))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end2)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end2))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-generaliseDef ( name1 start2 end2) "generaliseDef" (interactive "sname of new parameter? \nr") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "generaliseDef " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start2)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start2))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end2)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end2))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-removeDef () "removeDef" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "removeDef " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-duplicateDef ( name1) "duplicateDef" (interactive "sName for duplicate? \n") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "duplicateDef " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-addOneParameter ( name1) "addOneParameter" (interactive "sname of new parameter? \n") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "addOneParameter " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-rmOneParameter () "rmOneParameter" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "rmOneParameter " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-moveDefBtwMod ( name1) "moveDefBtwMod" (interactive "sname of the destination module? \n") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "moveDefBtwMod " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-guardToIte () "guardToIte" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "guardToIte " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-deforest () "deforest" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "deforest " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) ""))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-cleanImports () "cleanImports" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "cleanImports " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) ""))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-mkImpExplicit () "mkImpExplicit" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "mkImpExplicit " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-addToExport () "addToExport" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "addToExport " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-rmFromExport () "rmFromExport" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "rmFromExport " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-addFieldLabels () "addFieldLabels" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "addFieldLabels " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-addDiscriminators () "addDiscriminators" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "addDiscriminators " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-addConstructors () "addConstructors" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "addConstructors " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-elimNestedPatterns () "elimNestedPatterns" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "elimNestedPatterns " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-elimPatterns () "elimPatterns" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "elimPatterns " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-createADTMod () "createADTMod" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "createADTMod " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-fromAlgebraicToADT () "fromAlgebraicToADT" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "fromAlgebraicToADT " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacAddCon ( name1) "refacAddCon" (interactive "sEnter text for constructor and parameters: \n") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacAddCon " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacRmCon () "refacRmCon" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacRmCon " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacRemoveField ( name1) "refacRemoveField" (interactive "sEnter position of field to be removed: \n") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacRemoveField " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacAddField ( name1) "refacAddField" (interactive "sType of Field : \n") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacAddField " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1) (list (number-to-string (line-no)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-duplicateCode ( name1) "duplicateCode" (interactive "sClone Token Size: \n") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "duplicateCode " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list name1)) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacDupTrans ( start1 end1) "refacDupTrans" (interactive "r") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacDupTrans " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start1))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end1))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-refacIdentify ( start1 end1) "refacIdentify" (interactive "r") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacIdentify " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start1))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end1))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-undo () "undo" (interactive "") (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "undo " (mapconcat 'identity (append ) " ") "\n")) ) ) ) ; ----------------------------- Hare selection (defun hare-selection-init () (interactive) (define-minor-mode hare-selection-mode "Hare selection In selection buffer, use [tab] to jump to current entry, and [(control k)] to delete current entry. " nil " Hare selection " '(([tab] . hare-select-goto) ([(control k)] . hare-select-goto-delete) ) ) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*hare-selection*") (hare-selection-mode t) ) (defvar hare-selection '()) (easy-menu-change '("Refactor") "Selection" '(["Clear selection" hare-select-clear :active t] ["Add to selection" hare-select-add :active t] ["Delete from selection" hare-select-delete :active t] ["Show selection" hare-select-display :active t] ["Visit next entry" hare-select-goto-next :active t] ["Visit current entry" hare-select-goto :active t] ["Visit previous entry" hare-select-goto-previous :active t] ) ) ) (defun hare-select-clear() (interactive) (setq hare-selection '()) (hare-select-update) ) (defun hare-select-add () (interactive) (setq hare-selection (append hare-selection `((,(point) ,(current-buffer) ,(thing-at-point 'line))) ) ) (hare-select-update) ) (defun hare-select-goto-delete () (interactive) (hare-select-goto) (hare-select-delete) ) (defun hare-select-delete () (interactive) (setq hare-selection (hare-select-delete-aux `(,(point) ,(current-buffer)) hare-selection) ) (hare-select-update) ) (defun hare-select-delete-aux (e l) (if (null l) l (let ((h (car l)) (r (cdr l))) (if (equal e `(,(nth 0 h) ,(nth 1 h))) (hare-select-delete-aux e r) (cons h (hare-select-delete-aux e r)) ) ) ) ) (defun hare-select-update () (interactive) (save-excursion (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*hare-selection*")) (erase-buffer) (insert (mapconcat 'hare-select-get-line hare-selection "")) (delete-blank-lines) ) ) (defun hare-select-display () (interactive) (save-excursion (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*hare-selection*")) (erase-buffer) (insert (mapconcat 'hare-select-get-line hare-selection "")) (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer) ) ) (defun hare-select-goto-next () (interactive) (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*hare-selection*")) (forward-line 1) (hare-select-goto) ) (defun hare-select-goto-previous () (interactive) (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*hare-selection*")) (forward-line -1) (hare-select-goto) ) (defun hare-select-goto () (interactive) (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*hare-selection*")) (let ((i (- (line-no-pos (point)) 1))) (message (concat (number-to-string i) (buffer-name (nth 1 (nth i hare-selection))))) (pop-to-buffer (nth 1 (nth i hare-selection))) (goto-char (nth 0 (nth i hare-selection))) ) ) (defun hare-select-get-line (pos) (save-excursion (set-buffer (cadr pos)) (goto-char (car pos)) (concat "\"" (buffer-file-name (cadr pos)) "\" " (number-to-string (line-no-pos (car pos))) " " (number-to-string (current-column-pos (car pos))) " : " (nth 2 pos) ) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-goDup ( start1 end1) "clonesExtraction" (interactive "r") (progn (let (modified) (dolist (b (buffer-list) modified) (let* ((n (buffer-name b)) (n1 (substring n 0 1))) (if (and (not (or (string= " " n1) (string= "*" n1))) (buffer-modified-p b)) (setq modified (cons (buffer-name b) modified))))) (if modified (message-box (format "there are modified buffers: %s" modified)) (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacIdentify " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list (if (buffer-file-name) (buffer-file-name) "")) (list (number-to-string (line-no-pos start1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos start1))) (number-to-string (line-no-pos end1)) (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column-pos end1))))) " ") "\n")) ) ) (haskell-refac-parseAnswers2) ) ) (defun haskell-refac-parseAnswers2 () "parseAnswers2" (interactive "") (progn (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "parseAnswers " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list "")) " ") "\n")) (let ((F (read-from-minibuffer "Would you like to extract this expression?")) ) (if (equal F "q") (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "refacDupTrans " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list "")) " ") "\n")) (progn (process-send-string "haskell-refac-process" (concat "parseAnswers " (mapconcat 'identity (append (list F)) " ") "\n")) (haskell-refac-parseAnswers2) "\n"))) ) )