module RefacMoveDef(liftToTopLevel, liftOneLevel, demote,liftingInClientMod) where import Prelude hiding (putStrLn) import PrettyPrint import Maybe import List import RefacUtils import HsName import AbstractIO data Direction = UptoTopLevel | UpOneLevel | Down {--------This function handles refactorings involving moving a defintion-------- According to the Haskell's syntax, a declaration may occur in one of the following six contexts: 1. A top level declaration in the module: HsModule SrcLoc ModuleName (Maybe [HsExportSpecI i]) [HsImportDeclI i] ds 2. A local declaration in a Match: HsMatch SrcLoc i [p] (HsRhs e) ds 3. A local declaration in a pattern binding: HsPatBind SrcLoc p (HsRhs e) ds 4. A local declaration in a Let expression: HsLet ds e 5. A local declaration in a Case alternative: HsAlt SrcLoc p (HsRhs e) ds 6. A local declaration in a Do statement: HsLetStmt ds (HsStmt e p ds) -} liftToTopLevel args = do let fileName = ghead "filename" args row = read (args!!1)::Int col = read (args!!2)::Int -- f <- MT.lift $ getCurrentDirectory modName <- fileNameToModName fileName (inscps, _, mod, toks) <- parseSourceFile fileName let pnt = locToPNT fileName (row, col) mod pn = pNTtoPN pnt if pn /= defaultPN then liftToTopLevel' modName fileName (inscps, mod, toks) pnt else error "\nInvalid cursor position!\n" liftOneLevel args = do let fileName = ghead "filename" args row = read (args!!1)::Int col = read (args!!2)::Int modName <- fileNameToModName fileName (inscps, _, mod, toks) <- parseSourceFile fileName let pnt = locToPNT fileName (row, col) mod pn = pNTtoPN pnt if pn /= defaultPN then liftOneLevel' modName fileName (inscps, mod, toks) pnt else error "\nInvalid cursor position!\n" demote args = do let fileName = ghead "filename" args row = read (args!!1)::Int col = read (args!!2)::Int modName <- fileNameToModName fileName (inscps, _, mod, toks) <- parseSourceFile fileName let pnt = locToPNT fileName (row, col) mod pn = pNTtoPN pnt if pn /= defaultPN then demote' modName fileName (mod, toks) pn else error "\nInvalid cursor position!\n" move direction args = do let fileName = ghead "filename" args row = read (args!!1)::Int col = read (args!!2)::Int modName <- fileNameToModName fileName (inscps, _, mod, toks) <- parseSourceFile fileName let pnt = locToPNT fileName (row, col) mod pn = pNTtoPN pnt if pn /= defaultPN then case direction of UptoTopLevel ->liftToTopLevel' modName fileName (inscps, mod, toks) pnt UpOneLevel ->liftOneLevel' modName fileName (inscps, mod, toks) pnt Down ->demote' modName fileName (mod, toks) pn else error "\nInvalid cursor position!\n" {- Refactoring Names: 'liftToTopLevel' This refactoring lifts a local function/pattern binding to the top level of the module, so as to make it accessible to other functions in the current module, and those modules that import current module. In the current implementation, a definition will be lifted only if none of the identifiers defined in this definition will cause name clash/capture problems in the current module after lifting. In the case that the whole current module is exported implicitly, the lifted identifier will be exported automatically after lifting. If the identifier will cause name clash/ambiguous occurrence problem in a client module, it will be hided in the import declaration of the client module (Note: this might not be the best solution, we prefer hiding it in the server module instead of in the client module in the final version). In the case of indirect importing, it might be time-consuming to trace whether the lifted identifier will cause any problem in a client module that indirectly imports the current module. The current solution is: suppose a defintion is lifted to top level in module A, and module A is imported and exported by module B, then the lifted identifier will be hided in the import declaration of B no matter whether it causes problems in module B or not. Function name: liftToTopLevel parameters: fileName--current file name. mod -- the scoped abstract syntax tree of the module. pn -- the function/pattern name to be lifted. -} liftToTopLevel' modName fileName (inscps, mod, toks) pnt@(PNT pn _ _) = if isLocalFunOrPatName pn mod then do ((mod',declPns),((toks',m),_))<-runStateT liftToMod ((toks,unmodified),(-1000,0)) if modIsExported mod then do clients<-clientModsAndFiles modName refactoredClients <- mapM (liftingInClientMod modName declPns) clients writeRefactoredFiles False $ ((fileName,m),(toks',mod')):refactoredClients else do writeRefactoredFiles False [((fileName,m), (toks',mod'))] else error "\nThe identifier is not a local function/pattern name!" where {-step1: divide the module's top level declaration list into three parts: 'parant' is the top level declaration containing the lifted declaration, 'before' and `after` are those declarations before and after 'parent'. step2: get the declarations to be lifted from parent, bind it to liftedDecls step3: remove the lifted declarations from parent and extra arguments may be introduce. step4. test whether there are any names need to be renamed. -} liftToMod = do let (before, parent,after)=divideDecls (hsDecls mod) pnt when (isClassDecl $ ghead "liftToMod" parent) $ error "Sorry, the refactorer cannot lift a definition from a class declaration!" when (isInstDecl $ ghead "liftToMod" parent) $ error "Sorry, the refactorer cannot lift a definition from an instance declaration!" let liftedDecls=definingDecls [pn] parent True True declaredPns=nub $ concatMap definedPNs liftedDecls pns<-pnsNeedRenaming inscps mod parent liftedDecls declaredPns (_,dd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs mod if pns==[] then do (parent',liftedDecls',paramAdded)<-addParamsToParentAndLiftedDecl pn dd parent liftedDecls let liftedDecls''=if paramAdded then filter isFunOrPatBind liftedDecls' else liftedDecls' mod'<-moveDecl1 (replaceDecls mod (before++parent'++after)) (Just (ghead "liftToMod" (definedPNs (ghead "liftToMod2" parent')))) [pn] True return (mod', declaredPns) else askRenamingMsg pns "lifting" moveDecl1 t defName pns topLevel = do ((toks, _),_)<-get let (declToMove, toksToMove) = getDeclAndToks (ghead "moveDecl1" pns) True toks t --error$ show (declToMove, toksToMove) t' <- rmDecl (ghead "moveDecl3" pns) False =<x) $ inScopeInfo inscps vars = map pNtoName (nub (f `union` d `union` vs) \\ [pn]) -- `union` inscpNames if elem (pNtoName pn) vars || isInScopeAndUnqualified (pNtoName pn) inscps && findEntity pn dest then return [pn] else return [] --This pNtoName takes into account the qualifier. pNtoName (PN (UnQual i) orig)=i pNtoName (PN (Qual (PlainModule modName) i ) orig)=modName ++ "." ++ i --can not simply use PNameToExp, PNameToPat here because of the location information. addParamsToParent pn [] t = return t addParamsToParent pn params t =applyTP(full_buTP (idTP `adhocTP` inExp)) t where inExp (exp@(Exp (HsId (HsVar (PNT pname ty loc))))::HsExpP) | pname==pn = do let newExp=Exp (HsParen (foldl addParamToExp exp (map pNtoExp params))) update exp newExp exp inExp x =return x addParamToExp exp param =(Exp (HsApp exp param)) --Do refactoring in the client module. -- that is to hide the identifer in the import declaration if it will cause any problem in the client module. liftingInClientMod serverModName pns (modName, fileName) = do (inscps, exps ,mod ,ts) <- parseSourceFile fileName let modNames = willBeUnQualImportedBy serverModName mod if isJust modNames then let pns' = namesNeedToBeHided mod exps (fromJust modNames) pns in if pns' /= [] then do (mod', ((ts',m),_))<-runStateT (addHiding serverModName mod pns') ((ts,unmodified),(-1000,0)) return ((fileName,m), (ts',mod')) else return ((fileName,unmodified), (ts,mod)) else return ((fileName,unmodified),(ts,mod)) --Test whether an identifier defined in the modules specified by 'names' will be exported by current module. willBeExportedByClientMod names mod = let exps = hsModExports mod in if isNothing exps then False else any isJust $ map (\y-> (find (\x-> (simpModule x==Just y)) (fromJust exps))) names where simpModule (ModuleE (SN m _)) = Just m simpModule _ = Nothing --get the module name or alias name by which the lifted identifier will be imported automatically. willBeUnQualImportedBy::HsName.ModuleName->HsModuleP->Maybe [HsName.ModuleName] willBeUnQualImportedBy modName mod = let imps = hsModImports mod ms =filter (\(HsImportDecl _ (SN modName1 _) qualify as h)->modName==modName1 && (not qualify) && (isNothing h || (isJust h && ((fst (fromJust h))==True)))) imps in if ms==[] then Nothing else Just $ nub $ map getModName ms where getModName (HsImportDecl _ (SN modName _) qualify as h) = if isJust as then simpModName (fromJust as) else modName simpModName (SN m loc) = m --get the subset of 'pns', which need to be hided in the import declaration in module 'mod' namesNeedToBeHided mod exps modNames pns = if willBeExportedByClientMod modNames mod then pns else concatMap needToBeHided pns where needToBeHided pn = let name = pNtoName pn in if (usedWithoutQual name (hsModDecls mod) --the same name is used in the module unqualifiedly || usedWithoutQual name (hsModExports mod) --the same name is exported unqualifiedly by an Ent decl || causeNameClashInExports pn name mod exps) then [pn] else [] -- **************************************************************************************************************-- {- Refactoring Names: 'liftOneLevel' Descritption: this refactoring lifts a local function/pattern binding only one level up. By 'lifting one-level up' ,I mean: case1: In a module (HsModule SrcLoc ModuleName (Maybe [HsExportSpecI i]) [HsImportDeclI i] ds): A local declaration D will be lifted to the same level as the 'ds', if D is in the where clause of one of ds's element declaration. case2: In a match ( HsMatch SrcLoc i [p] (HsRhs e) ds) : A local declaration D will be lifted to the same level as the 'ds', if D is in the where clause of one of ds's element declaration. A declaration D,say,in the rhs expression 'e' will be lifted to 'ds' if D is Not local to other declaration list in 'e' case3: In a pattern binding (HsPatBind SrcLoc p (HsRhs e) ds): A local declaration D will be lifted to the same level as the 'ds', if D is in the where clause of one of ds's element declaration. A declaration D,say,in the rhs expression 'e' will be lifted to 'ds' if D is Not local to other declaration list in 'e' case4: In the Lex expression (Exp (HsLet ds e): A local declaration D will be lifted to the same level as the 'ds', if D is in the where clause of one of ds's element declaration. A declaration D, say, in the expression 'e' will be lifted to 'ds' if D is not local to other declaration list in 'e' case5: In the case Alternative expression:(HsAlt loc p rhs ds) A local declaration D will be lifted to the same level as the 'ds', if D is in the where clause of one of ds's element declaration. A declaration D in 'rhs' will be lifted to 'ds' if D is not local to other declaration list in 'rhs'. case6: In the do statement expression:(HsLetStmt ds stmts) A local declaration D will be lifted to the same level as the 'ds', if D is in the where clause of one of ds's element declaration. A declaration D in 'stmts' will be lifted to 'ds' if D is not local to other declaration list in 'stmts'. Function name: liftOneLevel parameters: fileName--current file name. mod -- the scoped abstract syntax tree of the module. pn -- the function/pattern name to be lifted. -} liftOneLevel' modName fileName (inscps, mod, toks) pnt@(PNT pn _ _ ) = if isLocalFunOrPatName pn mod then do (mod', ((toks',m),_))<-liftOneLevel'' let (b, pns) = liftedToTopLevel pnt mod if b && modIsExported mod then do clients<-clientModsAndFiles modName refactoredClients <- mapM (liftingInClientMod modName pns) clients -- ePutStrLn (show clients) writeRefactoredFiles False $ ((fileName,m),(toks',mod')):refactoredClients else writeRefactoredFiles False [((fileName,m), (toks',mod'))] else error "\nThe identifer is not a function/pattern name!" where liftOneLevel''=runStateT (applyTP ((once_tdTP (failTP `adhocTP` liftToMod `adhocTP` liftToMatch `adhocTP` liftToPattern `adhocTP` liftToLet `adhocTP` liftToAlt `adhocTP` liftToLetStmt)) `choiceTP` failure) mod) ((toks,unmodified),(-1000,0)) where --1. The defintion will be lifted to top level liftToMod (mod@(HsModule loc name exps imps ds):: HsModuleP) | definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls ds) False False /=[] --False means not taking type signature into account =do ds'<-worker mod ds pn return (HsModule loc name exps imps ds') liftToMod _ =mzero --2. The definition will be lifted to the declaration list of a match liftToMatch (match@(HsMatch loc1 name pats rhs ds)::HsMatchP) | definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls ds) False False/=[] =do ds'<-worker match ds pn return (HsMatch loc1 name pats rhs ds') liftToMatch (match@(HsMatch loc1 name pats rhs ds)::HsMatchP) | definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls rhs) False False /=[] = doLifting1 match pn liftToMatch _ =mzero --3. The definition will be lifted to the declaration list of a pattern binding liftToPattern (pat@(Dec (HsPatBind loc p rhs ds))::HsDeclP) | definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls ds) False False /=[] =do ds'<-worker pat ds pn return (Dec (HsPatBind loc p rhs ds')) liftToPattern (pat@(Dec (HsPatBind loc p rhs ds))::HsDeclP) | definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls rhs) False False /=[] =doLifting2 pat pn liftToPattern _=mzero --4. The definition will be lifted to the declaration list in a let expresiion. liftToLet (letExp@(Exp (HsLet ds e))::HsExpP) | definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls ds) False False/=[] =do ds' <-worker letExp ds pn return (Exp (HsLet ds' e)) liftToLet (letExp@(Exp (HsLet ds e))::HsExpP) --Attention: ds can be empty! | definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls e) False False /=[] = doLifting3 letExp pn liftToLet _ =mzero --5. The definition will be lifted to the declaration list in a alt liftToAlt (alt@(HsAlt loc p rhs ds)::(HsAlt (HsExpP) (HsPatP) [HsDeclP])) |definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls ds) False False /=[] =do ds'<-worker alt ds pn return (HsAlt loc p rhs ds') liftToAlt (alt@(HsAlt loc p rhs ds)::(HsAlt (HsExpP) (HsPatP) [HsDeclP])) |definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls rhs) False False/=[] =doLifting4 alt pn liftToAlt _=mzero --6. The defintion will be lifted to the declaration list in a let statement. liftToLetStmt (letStmt@(HsLetStmt ds stmts):: (HsStmt (HsExpP) (HsPatP) [HsDeclP])) |definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls ds) False False/=[] =do ds'<-worker letStmt ds pn return (HsLetStmt ds' stmts) liftToLetStmt (letStmt@(HsLetStmt ds stmts):: (HsStmt (HsExpP) (HsPatP) [HsDeclP])) |definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls stmts) False False /=[] = doLifting5 letStmt pn liftToLetStmt _=mzero failure=idTP `adhocTP` mod where mod (m::HsModuleP) = error ( "Lifting this definition failed. "++ " This might be because that the definition to be lifted is defined in a class/instance declaration.") worker dest ds pn =do let (before, parent,after)=divideDecls ds pnt liftedDecls=definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls parent) True False declaredPns=nub $ concatMap definedPNs liftedDecls (_, dd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs dest pns<-pnsNeedRenaming inscps dest parent liftedDecls declaredPns if pns==[] then do (parent',liftedDecls',paramAdded)<-addParamsToParentAndLiftedDecl pn dd parent liftedDecls let liftedDecls''=if paramAdded then filter isFunOrPatBind liftedDecls' else liftedDecls' --True means the new decl will be at the same level with its parant. dest'<-moveDecl1 (replaceDecls dest (before++parent'++after)) (Just (ghead "liftToMod" (definedPNs (ghead "worker" parent')))) [pn] False return (hsDecls dest') --parent'<-doMoving declaredPns (ghead "worker" parent) True paramAdded parent' --return (before++parent'++liftedDecls''++after) else askRenamingMsg pns "lifting" doLifting1 dest@(HsMatch loc1 name pats parent ds) pn = do let liftedDecls=definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls parent) True False declaredPns=nub $ concatMap definedPNs liftedDecls pns<-pnsNeedRenaming inscps dest parent liftedDecls declaredPns (_, dd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs dest if pns==[] then do (parent',liftedDecls',paramAdded)<-addParamsToParentAndLiftedDecl pn dd parent liftedDecls let liftedDecls''=if paramAdded then filter isFunOrPatBind liftedDecls' else liftedDecls' moveDecl1 (HsMatch loc1 name pats parent' ds) Nothing [pn] False else askRenamingMsg pns "lifting" doLifting2 dest@(Dec (HsPatBind loc p parent ds)) pn = do let liftedDecls=definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls parent) True False declaredPns=nub $ concatMap definedPNs liftedDecls pns<-pnsNeedRenaming inscps dest parent liftedDecls declaredPns (_, dd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs dest if pns==[] then do (parent',liftedDecls',paramAdded)<-addParamsToParentAndLiftedDecl pn dd parent liftedDecls let liftedDecls''=if paramAdded then filter isFunOrPatBind liftedDecls' else liftedDecls' moveDecl1 (Dec (HsPatBind loc p parent' ds)) Nothing [pn] False else askRenamingMsg pns "lifting" doLifting3 dest@(Exp (HsLet ds parent)) pn = do let liftedDecls=definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls parent) True False declaredPns=nub $ concatMap definedPNs liftedDecls pns<-pnsNeedRenaming inscps dest parent liftedDecls declaredPns (_, dd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs dest if pns==[] then do (parent',liftedDecls',paramAdded)<-addParamsToParentAndLiftedDecl pn dd parent liftedDecls let liftedDecls''=if paramAdded then filter isFunOrPatBind liftedDecls' else liftedDecls' moveDecl1 (Exp (HsLet ds parent')) Nothing [pn] False else askRenamingMsg pns "lifting" doLifting4 dest@(HsAlt loc p parent ds) pn = do let liftedDecls=definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls parent) True False declaredPns=nub $ concatMap definedPNs liftedDecls pns<-pnsNeedRenaming inscps dest parent liftedDecls declaredPns (_, dd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs dest if pns==[] then do (parent',liftedDecls',paramAdded)<-addParamsToParentAndLiftedDecl pn dd parent liftedDecls let liftedDecls''=if paramAdded then filter isFunOrPatBind liftedDecls' else liftedDecls' moveDecl1 (HsAlt loc p parent' ds) Nothing [pn] False else askRenamingMsg pns "lifting" doLifting5 dest@(HsLetStmt ds parent) pn = do let liftedDecls=definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls parent) True False declaredPns=nub $ concatMap definedPNs liftedDecls pns<-pnsNeedRenaming inscps dest parent liftedDecls declaredPns (_, dd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs dest if pns==[] then do (parent',liftedDecls',paramAdded)<-addParamsToParentAndLiftedDecl pn dd parent liftedDecls let liftedDecls''=if paramAdded then filter isFunOrPatBind liftedDecls' else liftedDecls' moveDecl1 (HsLetStmt ds parent') Nothing [pn] False else askRenamingMsg pns "lifting" liftedToTopLevel pnt@(PNT pn _ _) (mod@(HsModule loc name exps imps ds):: HsModuleP) = if definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls ds) False True /=[] then let (_, parent,_) = divideDecls ds pnt liftedDecls=definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls parent) True True declaredPns = nub $ concatMap definedPNs liftedDecls in (True, declaredPns) else (False, []) addParamsToParentAndLiftedDecl pn dd parent liftedDecls =do (ef,_)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs parent (lf,_)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs liftedDecls let newParams=((nub lf)\\ (nub ef)) \\ dd --parameters (in PName format) to be added to pn because of lifting if newParams/=[] then if (any isComplexPatBind' liftedDecls) then error "This pattern binding cannot be lifted, as it uses some other local bindings!" else do parent'<-{-addParamsToDecls parent pn newParams True-} addParamsToParent pn newParams parent liftedDecls'<-addParamsToDecls liftedDecls pn newParams True return (parent', liftedDecls',True) else return (parent,liftedDecls,False) isComplexPatBind' (Dec (HsPatBind _ p _ _)) = isPatID p isComplexPatBind' d = False isPatID (Pat (HsPId (HsVar pnt))) = False isPatID p = True --------------------------------End of Lifting----------------------------------------- {-Refactoring : demote a function/pattern binding(simpe or complex) to the declaration where it is used. Descritption: if a declaration D, say, is only used by another declaration F,say, then D can be demoted into the local declaration list (where clause) in F. So currently, D can not be demoted if more than one declaration use it. In a multi-module context, a top-level definition can not be demoted if it is used by other modules. In the case that the demoted identifer is in the hiding list of import declaration in a client module, it should be removed from the hiding list. Function name:demote parameters: fileName--current file name. mod -- the scoped abstract syntax tree of the module. pn -- the function/pattern name to be demoted. -} demote' modName fileName (mod,toks) pn =if isFunOrPatName pn mod then if isTopLevelPN pn && isExplicitlyExported pn mod then error "This definition can not be demoted, as it is explicitly exported by the current module!" else do (mod',((toks',m),_))<-doDemoting pn fileName mod toks if isTopLevelPN pn && modIsExported mod then do let demotedDecls'= definingDecls [pn] (hsDecls mod) True False declaredPns = nub $ concatMap definedPNs demotedDecls' clients<-clientModsAndFiles modName refactoredClients <-mapM (demotingInClientMod declaredPns) clients writeRefactoredFiles False $ ((fileName,m),(toks',mod')):refactoredClients else writeRefactoredFiles False [((fileName,m), (toks',mod'))] else error "\nInvalid cursor position!" --Do refactoring in the client module, that is: --a) Check whether the identifier is used in the module body --b) If the identifier is not used but is hided by the import declaration, then remove it from the hiding. demotingInClientMod pns (modName, fileName) = do (inscps, exps, mod ,ts) <- parseSourceFile fileName if any (\pn->findPN pn (hsModDecls mod) || findPN pn (hsModExports mod)) pns then error $ "This definition can not be demoted, as it is used in the client module '"++show modName++"'!" else if any (\pn->findPN pn (hsModImports mod)) pns then do (mod',((ts',m),_))<-runStateT (rmItemsFromImport mod pns) ((ts,unmodified),(-1000,0)) return ((fileName,m), (ts',mod')) else return ((fileName,unmodified), (ts,mod)) doDemoting pn fileName mod toks =runStateT (applyTP ((once_tdTP (failTP `adhocTP` demoteInMod `adhocTP` demoteInMatch `adhocTP` demoteInPat `adhocTP` demoteInLet `adhocTP` demoteInAlt `adhocTP` demoteInStmt)) `choiceTP` failure) mod) ((toks,unmodified),(-1000,0)) where --1. demote from top level demoteInMod (mod@(HsModule loc name exps imps ds):: HsModuleP) |definingDecls [pn] ds False False /=[] = do mod'<-rmQualifier [pn] mod doDemoting' mod' pn demoteInMod _ =mzero --2. The demoted definition is a local decl in a match demoteInMatch (match@(HsMatch loc1 name pats rhs ds)::HsMatchP) | definingDecls [pn] ds False False/=[] = doDemoting' match pn demoteInMatch _ =mzero --3. The demoted definition is a local decl in a pattern binding demoteInPat (pat@(Dec (HsPatBind loc p rhs ds))::HsDeclP) | definingDecls [pn] ds False False /=[] = doDemoting' pat pn demoteInPat _ =mzero --4: The demoted definition is a local decl in a Let expression demoteInLet (letExp@(Exp (HsLet ds e))::HsExpP) | definingDecls [pn] ds False False/=[] = doDemoting' letExp pn demoteInLet _=mzero --5. The demoted definition is a local decl in a case alternative. demoteInAlt (alt@(HsAlt loc p rhs ds)::(HsAlt (HsExpP) (HsPatP) [HsDeclP])) | definingDecls [pn] ds False False /=[] = doDemoting' alt pn demoteInAlt _=mzero --6.The demoted definition is a local decl in a Let statement. demoteInStmt (letStmt@(HsLetStmt ds stmts):: (HsStmt (HsExpP) (HsPatP) [HsDeclP])) | definingDecls [pn] ds False False /=[] = doDemoting' letStmt pn demoteInStmt _=mzero failure=idTP `adhocTP` mod where mod (m::HsModuleP) = error "Refactoring failed!" --SHOULD GIVE MORE DETAILED ERROR MESSAGE {- doDemoting' :(MonadPlus m)=>PName->[HsDeclP]->m [HsDeclP] parameters: t -declaration or expression where pn is define. pn -- the function/pattern name to be demoted in PName format -} doDemoting' t pn = let origDecls=hsDecls t demotedDecls'=definingDecls [pn] origDecls True False declaredPns=nub $ concatMap definedPNs demotedDecls' demotedDecls=definingDecls declaredPns origDecls True False in if not (usedByRhs t declaredPns) then do -- find how many matches/pattern bindings (except the binding defining pn) use 'pn' uselist<-uses declaredPns (hsDecls t\\demotedDecls) {- From 'hsDecls t' to 'hsDecls t \\ demotedDecls'. Bug fixed 06/09/2004 to handle direct recursive function. -} case length uselist of 0 ->do error "\n Nowhere to demote this function!\n" 1 -> --This function is only used by one friend function do (f,d)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs demotedDecls -- remove demoted declarations --Without updating the token stream. let ds=foldl (flip removeTypeSig) (hsDecls t\\demotedDecls) declaredPns --get those varaibles declared at where the demotedDecls will be demoted to dl <-mapM (flip declaredNamesInTargetPlace ds) declaredPns --make sure free variable in 'f' do not clash with variables in 'dl', --otherwise do renaming. let clashedNames=filter (\x-> elem (pNtoName x) (map pNtoName f)) $ (nub.concat) dl --rename clashed names to new names created automatically,update TOKEN STREAM as well. if clashedNames/=[] then error ("The identifier(s):" ++ showEntities showPNwithLoc clashedNames ++ ", declared in where the definition will be demoted to, will cause name clash/capture" ++" after demoting, please do renaming first!") --ds'<-foldM (flip (autoRenameLocalVar True)) ds clashedNames else --duplicate demoted declarations to the right place. do ds''<-duplicateDecls declaredPns origDecls return (replaceDecls t ds'') _ ->error "\nThis function/pattern binding is used by more than one friend bindings\n" else error "This function can not be demoted as it is used in current level!\n" where ---find how many matches/pattern bindings use 'pn'------- uses pns = applyTU (stop_tdTU (failTU `adhocTU` usedInMatch `adhocTU` usedInPat)) where usedInMatch (match@(HsMatch _ (PNT pname _ _) _ _ _)::HsMatchP) | isNothing (find (==pname) pns) && any (flip findPN match) pns =return ["Once"] usedInMatch _ =mzero usedInPat (pat@(Dec (HsPatBind _ p _ _)):: HsDeclP) | hsPNs p `intersect` pns ==[] && any (flip findPN pat) pns =return ["Once"] usedInPat _=mzero -- duplicate demotedDecls to the right place (the outer most level where it is used). duplicateDecls pns decls = do applyTP (once_tdTP (failTP `adhocTP` dupInMatch `adhocTP` dupInPat)) decls --error (show decls' ++ "\n" ++ prettyprint decls') -- rmDecl (ghead "moveDecl3" pns) False =<PName->t->m [PName] declaredNamesInTargetPlace pn=applyTU (stop_tdTU (failTU `adhocTU` inMatch `adhocTU` inPat)) where inMatch (match@(HsMatch loc1 name pats rhs ds)::HsMatchP) | findPN pn rhs =(return.snd)=<UsedByRhs t where usedByRhs:: t->[PName]->Bool instance UsedByRhs HsExpP where usedByRhs (Exp (HsLet ds e)) pns = or $ map (flip findPN e) pns instance UsedByRhs HsAltP where usedByRhs (HsAlt _ _ rhs _) pns =or $ map (flip findPN rhs) pns instance UsedByRhs HsStmtP where usedByRhs (HsLetStmt _ stmt) pns =or $ map (flip findPN stmt) pns instance UsedByRhs HsMatchP where usedByRhs (HsMatch loc1 fun pats rhs ds) pns =or $ map (flip findPN rhs) pns instance UsedByRhs HsDeclP where usedByRhs (Dec (HsPatBind loc p rhs ds)) pns =or $ map (flip findPN rhs) pns usedByRhs _ pn=False instance UsedByRhs HsModuleP where usedByRhs mod pns=False {- foldParams:remove parameters in the demotedDecls if possible parameters: pn -- the function/pattern name to be demoted in PName format match--where the demotedDecls will be demoted to demotedDecls -- the declarations to be demoted. example: module Test where demote 'sq' module Test where sumSquares x y ===> sumSquares x y =(sq 0) + (sq y) = sq x 0+ sq x y where sq y=x ^ y sq x y=x^y -} --PROBLEM: TYPE SIGNATURE SHOULD BE CHANGED. --- TEST THIS FUCNTION!!! foldParams pns (match@(HsMatch loc1 name pats rhs ds)::HsMatchP) decls =do let matches=concatMap matchesInDecls demotedDecls pn=ghead "foldParams" pns --pns /=[] params<-allParams pn rhs [] if ( length) params==1 -- have same number of param && ((length matches)==1) -- only one 'match' in the demoted declaration then do let patsInDemotedDecls=(patsInMatch.(ghead "foldParams")) matches subst=mkSubst patsInDemotedDecls params fstSubst=map fst subst sndSubst=map snd subst rhs'<-rmParamsInParent pn sndSubst rhs ls<-mapM hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs sndSubst -- newNames contains the newly introduced names to the demoted decls--- let newNames=(map pNtoName (concatMap fst ls)) \\ (map pNtoName fstSubst) --There may be name clashing because of introducing new names. clashedNames<-getClashedNames fstSubst newNames (ghead "foldParams" matches) {- --auotmatic renaming demotedDecls'<-foldM (flip (autoRenameLocalVar True)) demotedDecls clashedNames demotedDecls''<- foldM replaceExpWithUpdToks demotedDecls' subst --remove substituted parameters in demoted declarations demotedDecls'''<-rmParamsInDemotedDecls fstSubst demotedDecls'' -} decls' <- foldInDemotedDecls pns clashedNames subst decls let demotedDecls''' = definingDecls pns decls' True False moveDecl pns (HsMatch loc1 name pats rhs' ds) False decls' False return (HsMatch loc1 name pats rhs' (ds++(filter (not.isTypeSig) demotedDecls'''))) else do moveDecl pns match False decls True return (HsMatch loc1 name pats rhs (ds++demotedDecls)) -- no parameter folding where matchesInDecls ((Dec (HsFunBind loc matches))::HsDeclP)=matches matchesInDecls x = [] patsInMatch ((HsMatch loc1 name pats rhs ds)::HsMatchP) =pats demotedDecls=definingDecls pns decls True False foldInDemotedDecls pns clashedNames subst decls = applyTP (stop_tdTP (failTP `adhocTP` worker)) decls where worker (match@(HsMatch loc1 (PNT pname _ _) pats rhs ds)::HsMatchP) | isJust (find (==pname) pns) = do match' <- foldM (flip (autoRenameLocalVar True)) match clashedNames match'' <- foldM replaceExpWithUpdToks match' subst rmParamsInDemotedDecls (map fst subst) match'' worker _ = mzero ------Get all of the paramaters supplied to pn --------------------------- {- eg. sumSquares x1 y1 x2 y2 = rt x1 y1 + rt x2 y2 rt x y = x+y demote 'rt' to 'sumSquares', 'allParams pn rhs []' returns [[x1,x2],[y1,y2]] where pn is 'rt' and rhs is 'rt x1 y1 + rt x2 y2' -} allParams pn rhs initial -- pn: demoted function/pattern name. =do p<-getOneParam pn rhs --putStrLn (show p) if p/=[] then do rhs'<-rmOneParam pn rhs allParams pn rhs' (initial++[p]) else return initial where getOneParam pn =applyTU (stop_tdTU (failTU `adhocTU` worker)) where worker (Exp (HsApp e1 e2)) |(expToPN e1==pn) =return (rmLocs [e2]) worker _ =mzero rmOneParam pn =applyTP (stop_tdTP (failTP `adhocTP` worker)) where worker (Exp (HsApp e1 e2 )) |expToPN e1==pn =return e1 worker _ =mzero -----------remove parameters in demotedDecls------------------------------- rmParamsInDemotedDecls ps =applyTP (once_tdTP (failTP `adhocTP` worker)) where worker ((HsMatch loc1 name pats rhs ds)::HsMatchP) = do let pats'=filter (\x->not ((patToPN x /=defaultPN) && elem (patToPN x) ps)) pats pats'<-update pats pats' pats return (HsMatch loc1 name pats' rhs ds) ----------remove parameters in the parent functions' rhs------------------- --Attention: PNT i1 _ _==PNT i2 _ _ = i1 =i2 rmParamsInParent pn es =applyTP (full_buTP (idTP `adhocTP` worker)) where worker exp@(Exp (HsApp e1 e2)) | findPN pn e1 && elem e2 es =update exp e1 exp worker (exp@(Exp (HsParen e1))) |pn==expToPN e1 =update exp e1 exp worker x =return x getClashedNames oldNames newNames (match::HsMatchP) = do (f,d)<-hsFDsFromInside match ds'<-mapM (flip hsVisiblePNs match) oldNames -- return clashed names return (filter (\x->elem (pNtoName x) newNames) --Attention: nub ( nub (d `union` (nub.concat) ds'))) ----- make Substitions between formal and actual parameters.----------------- mkSubst pats params = catMaybes (zipWith (\x y ->if (patToPN x/=defaultPN) && (length (nub y)==1) then Just (patToPN x,(ghead "mkSubst") y) else Nothing) pats params) --substitute an old expression by new expression replaceExpWithUpdToks decls subst = applyTP (full_buTP (idTP `adhocTP` worker)) decls where worker (e::HsExpP) |(expToPN e/=defaultPN) && (expToPN e)==(fst subst) =update e (snd subst) e worker x=return x --return True if pn is a local function/pattern name isLocalFunOrPatName pn scope =isLocalPN pn && isFunOrPatName pn scope -- |removeTypeSig removes the signature declaraion for pn from the decl list. removeTypeSig ::PName->[HsDeclP]->[HsDeclP] removeTypeSig pn decls=concatMap (removeTypeSig' pn) decls where removeTypeSig' pn sig@(Dec (HsTypeSig loc is c tp)) =if definesTypeSig pn sig && length is==1 then [] else [Dec (HsTypeSig loc (filter (\x-> (pNTtoPN x)/=pn) is) c tp)] removeTypeSig' pn x=[x] -- |Divide a declaration list into three parts (before, parent, after) according to the PNT, -- where 'parent' is the first decl containing the PNT, 'before' are those decls before 'parent' -- and 'after' are those decls after 'parent'. divideDecls::[HsDeclP]->PNT->([HsDeclP],[HsDeclP],[HsDeclP]) divideDecls ds pnt = let (before,after)=break (\x->findPNT pnt x) ds in if (after/=[]) then (before, [ghead "divideDecls" after], tail after) else (ds,[],[])