{-+ Reusable functions for translation from the (non-recursive) P-Logic structure to Stratego. -} module PropStruct2Stratego2 where import StrategoAST2 as S import PropSyntaxStruct as P import HsPropMaps import HsPropPretty() import PrettyPrint(pp) import Maybe(fromMaybe) transPD trId trPA trPP pd = case mapPD trId trPA trPP pd of HsPropDecl s n ns p -> property (PredDecl (PredAbs (n,map transPredParam ns),p)) HsAssertion s (Just n) a -> assert (PropDecl (n,a)) _ -> ignored (pp pd) where transPredParam (HsCon c) = predParam c transPredParam (HsVar x) = termParam x --predParam (HsVar x) = "Not supported: Predicate definition: values as parameters" -- !!! transPA trId trE trT trPA trPP pa = case mapPA trId trE trT trPA trPP pa of P.Quant q i optt pa -> S.Quant ([quant q (i,t)],pa) where t = fromMaybe (tVar "dummy") optt PropApp i ts [] -> propVar i PropApp i ts es -> HasMult (map predArg es,predVar i) -- !! PropNeg a -> propNeg a PropOp op a1 a2 -> propOp op a1 a2 PropEqual e1 e2 -> Equal (e1, e2) PropHas e p -> Has (e,p) PropParen a -> a _ -> not_supported "Assertion" pa where quant q = case q of P.All -> S.All Exist -> Exists propOp op a1 a2 = case op of P.Conj -> propConj [a1,a2] P.Disj -> propDisj [a1,a2] P.Imp -> Implies ([a1],a2) P.Equiv-> S.Equiv (a1,a2) predArg = either id bad bad _ = not_supported "Predicate arguments" pa transPP trId trE trP trT trPA trPP pred = case mapPP trId trE trP trT trPA trPP pred of PredApp i ts [] -> predVar i PredApp i ts ps -> DataCong (i,map transPredArg ps) -- !!! PredArrow p1 p2 -> Arrow (p1,p2) PredInfixApp p1 i p2 -> DataCong (i,map predArg [p1,p2]) P.PredNeg optt p -> predNeg p PredOp op optt p1 p2 -> predOp op p1 p2 PredLfp i _ p -> LfpPred (i,p) PredGfp i _ p -> GfpPred (i,p) PredNil -> DataCong ("[]",[]) PredLifted e -> liftedSec e PredStrong p -> strong p PredParen p -> p PredComp pts a -> Comprehension (map fst pts,a) _ -> not_supported "Predicate" pred where transPredArg = either termArg predArg --bad _ = not_supported "Predicate application" "values as arguments" predOp op a1 a2 = case op of P.Conj -> predConj [a1,a2] P.Disj -> predDisj [a1,a2] P.Imp -> PredImpl ([a1],a2) P.Equiv-> PredEquiv (a1,a2) transQ trC trT (c:=>t) = tarrows ({-map tPred-} (trC c)) (trT t) -- ??? not_supported s x = error $ s++" not supported (yet): "++pp x