Literate comments ----------------- [This file contains an executable version of a program for processing literate scripts. The original version of this program appeared in Appendix C of the Haskell report, version 1.2. This version has been updated for Haskell 1.3.] >module Literate where > import System(getArgs) > import Char Many Haskell implementations support the ``literate comment'' convention, first developed by Richard Bird and Philip Wadler for Orwell, and inspired in turn by Donald Knuth's ``literate programming''. The convention is not part of the Haskell language, but it is supported by the implementations known to us (Chalmers, Glasgow, and Yale). The literate style encourages comments by making them the default. A line in which ">" is the first character is treated as part of the program; all other lines are comment. Within the program part, the usual "--" and "{- -}" comment conventions may still be used. To capture some cases where one omits an ">" by mistake, it is an error for a program line to appear adjacent to a non-blank comment line, where a line is taken as blank if it consists only of whitespace. By convention, the style of comment is indicated by the file extension, with ".hs" indicating a usual Haskell file, and ".lhs" indicating a literate Haskell file. To make this precise, we present a literate Haskell program to convert literate programs. The program expects a single name "file" on the command line, reads "file.lhs", and either writes the corresponding program to "file.hs" or prints error messages to "stderr". Each of the lines in a literate script is a program line, a blank line, or a comment line. In the first case, the text is kept with the line. > data Classified = Program String | Blank | Comment In a literate program, program lines begins with a `>' character, blank lines contain only whitespace, and all other lines are comment lines. > classify :: String -> Classified > classify ('>':s) = Program s > classify s | all isSpace s = Blank > classify s | otherwise = Comment In the corresponding program, program lines have the leading `>' replaced by a leading space, to preserve tab alignments. > unclassify :: Classified -> String > unclassify (Program s) = " " ++ s > unclassify Blank = "" > unclassify Comment = "" Process a literate program into error messages (if any) and the corresponding non-literate program. > process :: String -> (String, String) > process lhs = (es, hs) > where cs = map classify (lines lhs) > es = unlines (errors cs) > hs = unlines (map unclassify cs) Check that each program line is not adjacent to a comment line. > errors :: [Classified] -> [String] > errors cs = concat (zipWith3 adjacent [1..] cs (tail cs)) Given a line number and a pair of adjacent lines, generate a list of error messages, which will contain either one entry or none. > adjacent :: Int -> Classified -> Classified -> [String] > adjacent n (Program _) Comment = [message n "program" "comment"] > adjacent n Comment (Program _) = [message n "comment" "program"] > adjacent n this next = [] > message n p c = "Line "++show n++": "++p++" line before "++c++" line." The main program gets name "file", reads "file.lhs", and either writes the corresponding program to "file.hs" or prints error messages on "stdout". > main :: IO () > main = do strs <- getArgs > case strs of > [str] -> delit str > _ -> fail "Too many or too few arguments" > delit f = do lhs <- readFile (f ++ ".lhs") > case (process lhs) of > ([],hs) -> writeFile (f ++ ".hs") hs > (es,_) -> putStr es