import Pretty src_dir = text ".." names = map text ["Modules","NamesEntities","CheckModules","Relations", "ModSysAST","ModSysSem"] description = text "Description" formats = [".dvi", ".pdf", ".ps"] main_targets = (hsep $ map (description <>) $ map text formats) tex_files = hsep $ map toTex (names ++ map text [ "related_work", "abstract", "conclusion", "intro"]) src_deps = tex_files <+> text "Description.bbl" <+> text "pphs.sty" makefile = text "all:" <+> main_targets $$ text "Description.dvi:" <+> src_deps $$ latex <+> description $$ text "Description.pdf:" <+> src_deps $$ pdflatex <+> description $$ text " Description.dvi" $$ dvips <+> text "Description.dvi -o" $$ text "Description.bbl: Description.tex Description.bib" $$ latex <+> description $$ bibtex <+> description $$ vcat (map target names) $$ text "tmp:" $$ mkdir <+> text "tmp" $$ text "clean:" $$ rm <+> main_targets $$ rm <+> text "tmp/*" $$ rm <+> text "*.log *.aux *.blg" toTex n = n <> text ".tex" toSrc n = src_dir <> char '/' <> n <> text ".lhs" target n = tex <> char ':' <+> src <+> text "tmp" $$ hack <+> src <+> to <+> tex where src = toSrc n tex = toTex n -- commands tab = char '\t' to = char '>' hack = tab <> text "./Hack" rm = tab <> text "-rm" mkdir = tab <> text "mkdir" latex = tab <> text "latex" pdflatex = tab <> text "pdflatex" dvips = tab <> text "dvips -t letter" bibtex = tab <> text "bibtex" main = putStrLn $ render makefile