(* Not supported: import declaration *) (* Not supported: import declaration *) (* Not supported: import declaration *) (* Not supported: import declaration *) (* Not supported: import declaration *) (* Not supported: import declaration *) (* Not supported: import declaration *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:12,14 : *) Hol_datatype `Channel = int` handle e => (print "Type synonym Channel failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:13,14 : *) Hol_datatype `Packet = Channel # Data` handle e => (print "Type synonym Packet failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:14,14 : *) Hol_datatype `Data = (Word) list` handle e => (print "Type synonym Data failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:16,14 : *) Hol_datatype `Algs = (Alg) (Channel) FM` handle e => (print "Type synonym Algs failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:17,14 : *) Hol_datatype `Regs = (RegFile) (Channel) FM` handle e => (print "Type synonym Regs failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:19,13 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:21,2 : *) val onePacket_def = Define `onePacket algs (chan, ws) = (* Not supported: do notation *)` handle e => (print "Function onePacket failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:36,10 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:37,11 : *) val maxChan_def = Define `maxChan = 8` handle e => (print "CAF maxChan failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:39,10 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:40,11 : *) val initRegs_def = Define `initRegs = foldr (\ f . \ x . f x) emptyFM (* Not supported: list comprehension *)` handle e => (print "CAF initRegs failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:42,10 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:43,11 : *) val chip_def = Define `chip algs = catMaybes o loop (onePacket algs) (initMem, initRegs)` handle e => (print "Function chip failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:60,6 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:61,6 : *) val alg0_def = Define `alg0 = \ a . \ rf . Write 0 99 (Done ((77, \ a -> undefined)))` handle e => (print "CAF alg0 failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:63,6 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:64,6 : *) val alg1_def = Define `alg1 = \ a . \ rf . Write a 101 (Done ((88, \ a -> undefined)))` handle e => (print "CAF alg1 failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:66,10 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:67,10 : *) val programs_def = Define `programs = extend 0 alg0 (extend 1 alg1 [])` handle e => (print "CAF programs failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:69,7 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:70,7 : *) val input_def = Define `input = : (1, [1, 2, 3, 4]) (: (0, [5, 6]) [])` handle e => (print "CAF input failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:72,8 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:73,8 : *) val input'_def = Define `input' = (: (0, [5, 6]) [])` handle e => (print "CAF input' failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:75,10 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:76,10 : *) val onlyZero_def = Define `onlyZero = \ ch . ch = 0` handle e => (print "CAF onlyZero failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:78,8 : *) val before_def = Define `before = \ algs . \ ch . \ ps . chip algs (filter (ch o fst) ps)` handle e => (print "CAF before failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:80,7 : *) val after_def = Define `after = \ algs . \ ch . \ ps . filter (ch o fst) (chip algs ps)` handle e => (print "CAF after failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:100,8 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:101,14 : *) val towire_def = Define `towire p phi = >>= phi \ outpackets . return (: p outpackets)` handle e => (print "Function towire failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:103,8 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:106,16 : *) val driver_def = Define `(driver proc [] = return []) /\ driver proc (p : ps) = >>= proc p \ resultpkt . case resultpkt of Just p' => towire p' (driver proc ps) | Nothing => driver proc ps` handle e => (print "Function driver failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:112,15 : *) val initRegisters_def = Define `initRegisters = inSnd (setState initRegs)` handle e => (print "CAF initRegisters failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:113,12 : *) val initShared_def = Define `initShared = inFst (setState initMem)` handle e => (print "CAF initShared failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:115,7 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:116,17 : *) val start_def = Define `start algs pkts = let proc = onePacket algs in >> >> initRegisters initShared driver proc pkts` handle e => (print "Function start failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:122,9 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:123,16 : *) val channel_def = Define `channel i pkts = filter (\ (x, y) . x = i) pkts` handle e => (print "Function channel failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* Not supported: type signature declaration from ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:125,7 *) (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:126,16 : *) val reify_def = Define `reify (ST phi) = fst (phi (undefined, undefined))` handle e => (print "Function reify failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:131,11 : *) val regmask_def = Define `regmask i = inSnd (>>= readState \ regs . setState (extend i (at regs i) emptyFM))` handle e => (print "Function regmask failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:135,5 : *) val bef_def = Define `bef = \ algs . \ ps . \ i . reify (start algs (channel i ps))` handle e => (print "CAF bef failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ; (* From ../../examples/ChannelSeparation/NewChipModel.hs:137,5 : *) val aft_def = Define `aft = \ algs . \ ps . \ i . reify (>>= start algs ps \ theta . >> regmask i return (channel i theta))` handle e => (print "CAF aft failed with exception"; Exception.print_HOL_ERR e; dummyThm) ;