{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- | This is a legacy module from the pre-GHC HaRe, and will disappear
-- eventually.

module Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeSyn where

-- Modules from GHC
-- import qualified FastString as GHC
import qualified GHC        as GHC
-- import qualified GhcMonad   as GHC
-- import qualified HsExpr     as GHC
import qualified Name       as GHC
import qualified Outputable as GHC
-- import qualified RdrName    as GHC
-- import qualified SrcLoc     as GHC

import Data.Generics

-- showGhc :: a -> String
-- showGhc a = error "showGhc undefined"


data NameSpace = ValueName | ClassName | TypeCon | DataCon | Other  deriving (Eq, Show)

type HsDeclP   =HsDeclI PNT
type HsPatP    =HsPatI PNT
type HsExpP    =HsExpI PNT
type HsExpP    = GHC.HsExpr GHC.RdrName
type HsPatP    = GHC.Pat GHC.RdrName
-- type HsDeclP   = GHC.HsDecl GHC.RdrName
type HsDeclP   = GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName
-- type HsDeclP   = GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name

type HsDeclsP = GHC.HsGroup GHC.Name

type HsMatchP  =HsMatchI PNT (HsExpP) (HsPatP) [HsDeclP]
-- type HsModuleP =HsModuleI (SN HsName.HsName) [HsDeclI PNT]
type HsImportDeclP=HsImportDeclI ModuleName PNT -- (SN HsName.HsName)
type HsExportEntP = HsExportSpecI ModuleName PNT
type RhsP      =HsRhs HsExpP
type GuardP    =(SrcLoc, HsExpP, HsExpP)
type HsAltP    =HsAlt HsExpP HsPatP [HsDeclP]
--type HsConDeclP=HsConDeclI PNT (HsTypeI PNT)
type HsStmtP   =HsStmt HsExpP HsPatP [HsDeclP]
type HsStmtAtomP = HsStmtAtom HsExpP HsPatP [HsDeclP]
type HsFieldP  =HsFieldI PNT HsExpP
type HsTypeP   = HsTypeI PNT
type EntSpecP  = EntSpec PNT
type HsConDeclP = HsConDeclI PNT HsTypeP [HsTypeP]
type HsConDeclP' = HsConDeclI PNT (TI PNT HsTypeP) [TI PNT HsTypeP]
type ENT =Ents.Ent PosName.Id
-- type InScopes=((Relations.Rel Names.QName (Ents.Ent PosName.Id)))
type InScopes = [GHC.Name]

--type Exports =[(PosName.Id, Ent PosName.Id)]

type SimpPos = (Int,Int) -- Line, column

-- Additions for GHC
type PosToken = (GHC.Located GHC.Token, String)
-- type PosToken = (GHC.GenLocated GHC.SrcSpan GHC.Token, String)

data Pos = Pos { char, line, column :: !Int } deriving (Show)
-- it seems that the field char is used to handle special characters including the '\t'

type Export = GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- From old/tools/base/defs/PNT.hs

-- | HsName is a name as it is found in the source
-- This seems to be quite a close correlation
type HsName = GHC.RdrName

-- |The PN is the name as it occurs to the parser, and
-- corresponds with the GHC.RdrName
-- type PN     = GHC.RdrName
newtype PName = PN HsName deriving (Eq)

instance Show PName where
  -- show (PN n) = "(PN " ++ (GHC.showRdrName n) ++ ")"
  show (PN n) = "(PN " ++ (showGhc n) ++ ")"

-- | The PNT is the unique name, after GHC renaming. It corresponds to
-- GHC.Name data PNT = PNT GHC.Name deriving (Data,Typeable) -- Note:
-- GHC.Name has SrcLoc in it already

{- ++AZ++ only needed for some tests
instance Show PNT where
  -- show (PNT (GHC.L l name)) = "(PNT " ++ (showGhc l) ++ " " ++ (GHC.showRdrName name) ++ ")"
  show (PNT (GHC.L l name)) = "(PNT " ++ (showGhc l) ++ " " ++ (showGhc name) ++ ")"

instance Show (GHC.GenLocated GHC.SrcSpan GHC.Name) where
  show (GHC.L l name) = "(" ++ (showGhc l) ++ " " ++ (showGhc $ GHC.nameUnique name) ++ " " ++ (showGhc name) ++ ")"
only for tests end -}

instance Show GHC.NameSpace where
  show ns
    | ns == GHC.tcName = "TcClsName"
    | ns == GHC.dataName = "DataName"
    | ns == GHC.varName = "VarName"
    | ns == GHC.tvName = "TvName"
    | otherwise = "UnknownNamespace"

instance GHC.Outputable GHC.NameSpace where
  ppr x = GHC.text $ show x

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- type HsModuleP =HsModuleI ModuleName PNT [HsDeclI PNT]
type HsModuleP = GHC.Located (GHC.HsModule GHC.RdrName)

-- ----------------------------------------------------
-- From PNT

-- CMB
-- type PName  = HsName

type PIdent = HsIdentI PName
type PId    = PN Id
--data PNT = PNT PName (IdTy PId) OptSrcLoc deriving (Show,Read, Data, Typeable)

-- CMB
-- data PNT = PNT PName OptSrcLoc deriving (Data, Typeable)

-- CMB
--instance Eq  PNT where PNT i1 _  == PNT i2 _  = i1==i2
--instance Ord PNT where compare (PNT i1 _) (PNT i2 _) = compare i1 i2

-- instance HasOrig PNT where orig (PNT pn _ _)  = orig pn
-- instance HasOrig i => HasOrig (HsIdentI i) where orig = orig . getHSName

-- instance HasIdTy PId PNT where idTy (PNT _ ty _) = ty

--instance HasNameSpace PNT where namespace (PNT _ idty _) = namespace idty
--instance HasNameSpace i => HasNameSpace (HsIdentI i) where
--   namespace = namespace . getHSName

instance QualNames qn m n => QualNames (PN qn) m (PN n) where
    getQualifier                = getQualifier . getBaseName
    getQualified                = fmap getQualified

    mkUnqual                    = fmap mkUnqual
    mkQual m                    = fmap (mkQual m)

instance Printable PNT where
  ppi (PNT i _ _) = ppi i
  wrap  (PNT i _ _) = wrap i

instance PrintableOp PNT where
  isOp (PNT i _ _) = isOp i
  ppiOp (PNT i _ _) = ppiOp i

--instance Unique (PN i) where unique m (PN _ o) = o

instance HasBaseName PNT HsName where
  getBaseName (PNT i _ _) = getBaseName i

instance QualNames PNT ModuleName PNT where
    getQualifier                = getQualifier . getBaseName
    getQualified (PNT i t p)    = PNT (unqual i) t p -- hmm

    mkUnqual                    = id -- hmm
    mkQual m (PNT i t p)        = PNT (mkQual m (getQualified i)) t p

instance HasSrcLoc PNT where
  srcLoc (PNT i _ (N (Just s))) = s
  srcLoc (PNT i _ _) = srcLoc i -- hmm


-- From UniqueNames

-- type SrcLoc = GHC.SrcSpan

{- newtype OptSrcLoc = N (Maybe GHC.SrcLoc) deriving (Data, Typeable)
noSrcLoc = GHC.noSrcSpan
srcLoc = N . Just
optSrcLoc = N
instance Eq  OptSrcLoc where _ == _ = True
instance Ord OptSrcLoc where compare _ _ = EQ

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Putting these here for the time being, to avoid import loops

ghead :: String -> [a] -> a
ghead  info []    = error $ "ghead "++info++" []"
ghead _info (h:_) = h

glast :: String -> [a] -> a
glast  info []    = error $ "glast " ++ info ++ " []"
glast _info h     = last h

gtail :: String -> [a] -> [a]
gtail  info []   = error $ "gtail " ++ info ++ " []"
gtail _info h    = tail h

gfromJust :: [Char] -> Maybe a -> a
gfromJust _info (Just h) = h
gfromJust  info Nothing = error $ "gfromJust " ++ info ++ " Nothing"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------