module TypeUtilsSpec (main, spec) where import Test.Hspec import TestUtils import qualified GHC.SYB.Utils as SYB import qualified GHC as GHC import qualified GhcMonad as GHC import qualified Name as GHC import qualified RdrName as GHC import qualified Module as GHC import Data.Maybe import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Parsers import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Binds import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcVersionSpecific import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.LocUtils import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Monad import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.MonadFunctions import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeUtils import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Utils import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Variables import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List main :: IO () main = do hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "findAllNameOccurences" $ do it "finds all occurrences of the given name in a syntax phrase" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/S.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just ((GHC.L _l n)) = locToName (4,5) renamed (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "x" let res = findAllNameOccurences n renamed (showGhcQual res) `shouldBe` "[x, x]" -- NOTE: does not get the x's in line 8 (showGhcQual $ map startEndLocGhc res) `shouldBe` "[((4, 5), (4, 6)), ((4, 17), (4, 18))]" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "locToName" $ do it "returns a GHC.Name for a given source location, if it falls anywhere in an identifier #1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/B.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (res@(GHC.L l n)) = locToName (7,3) renamed showGhcQual l `shouldBe` "TypeUtils/B.hs:7:1-3" getLocatedStart res `shouldBe` (7,1) showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "" -- --------------------------------- it "returns a GHC.Name for a given source location, if it falls anywhere in an identifier #2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/B.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (res@(GHC.L l n)) = locToName (25,8) renamed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "TypeUtils.B.bob" showGhcQual l `shouldBe` "TypeUtils/B.hs:25:7-9" getLocatedStart res `shouldBe` (25,7) -- --------------------------------- it "returns Nothing for a given source location, if it does not fall in an identifier" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "TypeUtils/B.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let res = locToName (7,7) renamed (showGhcQual res) `shouldBe` "Nothing" -- --------------------------------- it "gets a short name too" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Demote/WhereIn2.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (res@(GHC.L l n)) = locToName (14,1) renamed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "Demote.WhereIn2.sq" showGhcQual l `shouldBe` "Demote/WhereIn2.hs:14:1-2" getLocatedStart res `shouldBe` (14,1) -- --------------------------------- it "gets a type variable name" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/ConstructorIn3.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (res@(GHC.L l n)) = locToName (9,12) renamed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "a" -- Note: loc does not line up due to multiple matches in FunBind showGhcQual l `shouldBe` "Renaming/ConstructorIn3.hs:9:12" getLocatedStart res `shouldBe` (9,12) -- --------------------------------- it "gets an instance class name" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/ClassIn3.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (res@(GHC.L l n)) = locToName (16,10) renamed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "GHC.Classes.Eq" showGhcQual l `shouldBe` "Renaming/ClassIn3.hs:16:10-11" getLocatedStart res `shouldBe` (16,10) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "locToRdrName" $ do it "returns a GHC.RdrName for a given source location, if it falls anywhere in an identifier" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/D5.hs" let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (res@(GHC.L l n)) = locToRdrName (20,1) parsed (show $ ss2span l) `shouldBe` "((20,1),(20,11))" getLocatedStart res `shouldBe` (20,1) showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "sumSquares" it "returns a GHC.RdrName for a source location, in a MatchGroup" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LocToName.hs" let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (res@(GHC.L l n)) = locToRdrName (24,2) parsed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "sumSquares" getLocatedStart res `shouldBe` (24,1) showGhcQual l `shouldBe` "LocToName.hs:24:1-10" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "allNames" $ do it "lists all Names" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/S.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let res = allNames renamed let res' = map (\(GHC.L l n) -> (showGhcQual $ GHC.nameUnique n,showGhcQual (l, GHC.getSrcSpan n, n))) res let res'' = foldl' (\m (k,a) -> Map.insertWith (++) k a m) Map.empty res' (sort $ Map.elems res'') `shouldBe` ["(TypeUtils/S.hs:10:12, TypeUtils/S.hs:10:8, n)(TypeUtils/S.hs:10:8, TypeUtils/S.hs:10:8, n)" ,"(TypeUtils/S.hs:10:14, , GHC.Num.+)" ,"(TypeUtils/S.hs:10:5-6, TypeUtils/S.hs:10:5-6, zz)(TypeUtils/S.hs:10:5-6, TypeUtils/S.hs:10:5-6, zz)(TypeUtils/S.hs:8:13-14, TypeUtils/S.hs:10:5-6, zz)" ,"(TypeUtils/S.hs:4:1-3, TypeUtils/S.hs:4:1-3,, TypeUtils/S.hs:4:1-3," ,"(TypeUtils/S.hs:4:13-15, , GHC.Real.odd)" ,"(TypeUtils/S.hs:4:17, TypeUtils/S.hs:4:5, x)(TypeUtils/S.hs:4:5, TypeUtils/S.hs:4:5, x)" ,"(TypeUtils/S.hs:6:10, TypeUtils/S.hs:6:10, TypeUtils.S.A)" ,"(TypeUtils/S.hs:6:14, TypeUtils/S.hs:6:14-21, TypeUtils.S.B)" ,"(TypeUtils/S.hs:6:25, TypeUtils/S.hs:6:25, TypeUtils.S.C)" ,"(TypeUtils/S.hs:6:6, TypeUtils/S.hs:6:1-25, TypeUtils.S.D)" ,"(TypeUtils/S.hs:8:1-7, TypeUtils/S.hs:8:1-7, TypeUtils.S.subdecl)(TypeUtils/S.hs:8:1-7, TypeUtils/S.hs:8:1-7, TypeUtils.S.subdecl)" ,"(TypeUtils/S.hs:8:16, TypeUtils/S.hs:8:9, x)(TypeUtils/S.hs:8:9, TypeUtils/S.hs:8:9, x)" ] -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "getName" $ do it "gets a qualified Name at the top level" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/B.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just n = getName "'" renamed (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "'" (showGhcQual $ GHC.getSrcSpan n) `shouldBe` "TypeUtils/B.hs:14:1-4" it "gets any instance of an unqualified Name" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/B.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just n = getName "foo" renamed (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "foo" (showGhcQual $ GHC.getSrcSpan n) `shouldBe` "TypeUtils/B.hs:9:15-17" it "returns Nothing if the Name is not found" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/B.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let res = getName "baz" renamed (showGhcQual res) `shouldBe` "Nothing" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "definingDeclsRdrNames" $ do it "returns [] if not found" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let nameMap = initRdrNameMap t let Just ((GHC.L _ n)) = locToName (16,6) renamed let decls = GHC.hsmodDecls $ GHC.unLoc parsed let res = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [n] decls False False showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds declarations at the top level" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let nameMap = initRdrNameMap t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (3,3) renamed let decls = GHC.hsmodDecls $ GHC.unLoc parsed let res = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [n] decls False False showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[toplevel x = c * x]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds declarations not at the top level 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LiftToToplevel/WhereIn6.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let nameMap = initRdrNameMap t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (13,29) renamed let decls = GHC.hsmodDecls $ GHC.unLoc parsed let res = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [n] decls False True showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "pow" showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[pow = 2]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds declarations not at the top level 2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LiftToToplevel/LetIn1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let nameMap = initRdrNameMap t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (11,22) renamed let decls = GHC.hsmodDecls $ GHC.unLoc parsed let res = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [n] decls False True showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "sq" showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[sq 0 = 0\n sq z = z ^ pow]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds in a patbind" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let nameMap = initRdrNameMap t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (14,1) renamed let decls = GHC.hsmodDecls $ GHC.unLoc parsed let res = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [n] decls False False showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[tup@(h, t)\n = head $ zip [1 .. 10] [3 .. ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds recursively in sub-binds" $ do {- modInfo@((_, _, mod@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsModule name exps imps ds _ _))), toks) <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let res = definingDecls [(PN (mkRdrName "zz"))] ds False True showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[zz n = n + 1]" -- TODO: Currently fails, will come back to it -} pending -- "Currently fails, will come back to it" -- --------------------------------- it "only finds recursively in sub-binds if asked" $ do {- modInfo@((_, _, mod@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsModule name exps imps ds _ _))), toks) <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let res = definingDecls [(PN (mkRdrName "zz"))] ds False False showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[]" -} pending -- "Convert to definingDeclsNames" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "definingDeclsNames" $ do it "returns [] if not found" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just ((GHC.L _ n)) = locToName (16,6) renamed let res = definingDeclsNames [n] (hsBinds renamed) False False showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[]" it "finds declarations at the top level" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (3,3) renamed let res = definingDeclsNames [n] (hsBinds renamed) False False showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[DupDef.Dd1.toplevel x = DupDef.Dd1.c GHC.Num.* x]" it "finds in a patbind" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (14,1) renamed let res = definingDeclsNames [n] (hsBinds renamed) False False showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[DupDef.Dd1.tup@(DupDef.Dd1.h, DupDef.Dd1.t)\n = GHC.List.head GHC.Base.$ [1 .. 10] [3 .. ff]\n where\n ff :: GHC.Types.Int\n ff = 15]" it "finds recursively in sub-binds" $ do {- modInfo@((_, _, mod@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsModule name exps imps ds _ _))), toks) <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let res = definingDecls [(PN (mkRdrName "zz"))] ds False True showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[zz n = n + 1]" -- TODO: Currently fails, will come back to it -} pending -- "Currently fails, will come back to it" it "only finds recursively in sub-binds if asked" $ do {- modInfo@((_, _, mod@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsModule name exps imps ds _ _))), toks) <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let res = definingDecls [(PN (mkRdrName "zz"))] ds False False showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[]" -} pending -- "Convert to definingDeclsNames" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "definingSigsRdrNames" $ do it "returns [] if not found" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let nameMap = initRdrNameMap t let Just ((GHC.L _ n)) = locToName (21,1) renamed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.ff" let res = definingSigsRdrNames nameMap [n] parsed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds signatures at the top level" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let nameMap = initRdrNameMap t let Just ((GHC.L _ n)) = locToName (4,1) renamed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.toplevel" let res = definingSigsRdrNames nameMap [n] parsed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[toplevel :: Integer -> Integer]" -- --------------------------------- it "returns only the single signature where there are others too" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let nameMap = initRdrNameMap t let Just ((GHC.L _ n)) = locToName (7,1) renamed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.c" let res = definingSigsRdrNames nameMap [n] parsed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[c :: Integer]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds signatures at lower levels" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let nameMap = initRdrNameMap t let Just ((GHC.L _ n)) = locToName (16,5) renamed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "ff" let res = definingSigsRdrNames nameMap [n] parsed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[ff :: Int]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds multiple signatures 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let nameMap = initRdrNameMap t let Just ((GHC.L _ n1)) = locToName (21,1) renamed showGhcQual n1 `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.ff" let Just ((GHC.L _ n2)) = locToName (16,5) renamed showGhcQual n2 `shouldBe` "ff" let Just ((GHC.L _ n3)) = locToName (4,1) renamed showGhcQual n3 `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.toplevel" let res = definingSigsRdrNames nameMap [n1,n2,n3] parsed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[toplevel :: Integer -> Integer, ff :: Int]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds multiple signatures 2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let nameMap = initRdrNameMap t let Just ((GHC.L _ n1)) = locToName (14,1) renamed showGhcQual n1 `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.tup" let Just ((GHC.L _ n2)) = locToName (14,6) renamed showGhcQual n2 `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.h" let Just ((GHC.L _ n3)) = locToName (14,8) renamed showGhcQual n3 `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.t" let res = definingSigsRdrNames nameMap [n1,n2,n3] parsed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[tup :: (Int, Int), h :: Int, t :: Int]" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "definingSigsNames" $ do it "returns [] if not found" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just ((GHC.L _ n)) = locToName (21,1) renamed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.ff" let res = definingSigsNames [n] renamed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[]" it "finds signatures at the top level" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just ((GHC.L _ n)) = locToName (4,1) renamed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.toplevel" let res = definingSigsNames [n] renamed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[DupDef.Dd1.toplevel ::\n GHC.Integer.Type.Integer -> GHC.Integer.Type.Integer]" it "returns only the single signature where there are others too" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just ((GHC.L _ n)) = locToName (7,1) renamed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.c" let res = definingSigsNames [n] renamed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[DupDef.Dd1.c :: GHC.Integer.Type.Integer]" it "finds signatures at lower levels" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just ((GHC.L _ n)) = locToName (16,5) renamed showGhcQual n `shouldBe` "ff" let res = definingSigsNames [n] renamed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[ff :: GHC.Types.Int]" it "finds multiple signatures" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just ((GHC.L _ n1)) = locToName (21,1) renamed showGhcQual n1 `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.ff" let Just ((GHC.L _ n2)) = locToName (16,5) renamed showGhcQual n2 `shouldBe` "ff" let Just ((GHC.L _ n3)) = locToName (4,1) renamed showGhcQual n3 `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.toplevel" let res = definingSigsNames [n1,n2,n3] renamed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[ff :: GHC.Types.Int,\n DupDef.Dd1.toplevel ::\n GHC.Integer.Type.Integer -> GHC.Integer.Type.Integer]" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "definingTyClDeclsNames" $ do it "returns [] if not found" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/TyClDecls.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just ((GHC.L _ n)) = locToName (10,29) renamed let res = definingTyClDeclsNames [n] renamed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds foreign type declarations" $ do pending -- --------------------------------- it "finds family declarations" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/TyClDecls.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (7,14) renamed let res = definingTyClDeclsNames [n] renamed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[data family TypeUtils.TyClDEcls.XList a]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds data declarations" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/TyClDecls.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (12,6) renamed let res = definingTyClDeclsNames [n] renamed (unspace $ showGhcQual res) `shouldBe` "[data TypeUtils.TyClDEcls.Foo\n = TypeUtils.TyClDEcls.Foo GHC.Types.Int]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds type declarations" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/TyClDecls.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (14,6) renamed let res = definingTyClDeclsNames [n] renamed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[type TypeUtils.TyClDEcls.Foo2 = GHC.Base.String]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds class declarations" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/TyClDecls.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (16,7) renamed let res = definingTyClDeclsNames [n] renamed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[class TypeUtils.TyClDEcls.Bar a where\n :: a -> GHC.Types.Bool]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds multiple declarations" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/TyClDecls.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n1) = locToName (14,6) renamed let Just (GHC.L _ n2) = locToName (16,7) renamed let res = definingTyClDeclsNames [n1,n2] renamed showGhcQual res `shouldBe` "[type TypeUtils.TyClDEcls.Foo2 = GHC.Base.String,\n"++ " class TypeUtils.TyClDEcls.Bar a where\n"++ " :: a -> GHC.Types.Bool]" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "isFunBindR" $ do it "Returns False if not a function definition" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just tup = getName "DupDef.Dd1.tup" renamed let [decl] = definingDeclsNames [tup] (hsBinds renamed) False False isFunBindR decl `shouldBe` False it "Returns True if a function definition" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let (GHC.L _l (GHC.HsModule _name _exps _imps _ds _ _)) = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just toplevel = getName "DupDef.Dd1.toplevel" renamed let [decl] = definingDeclsNames [toplevel] (hsBinds renamed) False False isFunBindR decl `shouldBe` True -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "isFunOrPatName" $ do it "Return True if a PName is a function/pattern name defined in t" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just tup = getName "DupDef.Dd1.tup" renamed isFunOrPatName tup renamed `shouldBe` True it "Return False if a PName is a function/pattern name defined in t" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" t2 <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd2.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let renamed2 = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t2 let Just tup = getName "DupDef.Dd1.tup" renamed isFunOrPatName tup renamed2 `shouldBe` False -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "hsFreeAndDeclaredXXXX" $ do it "finds declared in type class definitions" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./FreeAndDeclared/DeclareTypes.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed decls <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed tdss <- mapM getDeclaredTypesRdr decls let tds = nub $ concat tdss return (tds) ((res),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (res)) `shouldBe` "[(FreeAndDeclared.DeclareTypes.XList, (8, 1)),\n"++ " (FreeAndDeclared.DeclareTypes.X, (19, 1)),\n"++ " (FreeAndDeclared.DeclareTypes.Y, (19, 10)),\n"++ " (FreeAndDeclared.DeclareTypes.Z, (19, 22)),\n"++ " (FreeAndDeclared.DeclareTypes.W, (19, 26)),\n"++ " (FreeAndDeclared.DeclareTypes.Foo, (21, 1)),\n"++ " (FreeAndDeclared.DeclareTypes.Bar, (23, 1)),\n"++ " (FreeAndDeclared.DeclareTypes.doBar, (27, 3)),\n"++ " (FreeAndDeclared.DeclareTypes.BarVar, (24, 3)),\n"++ " (FreeAndDeclared.DeclareTypes.BarData, (25, 3))]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds declared HsVar" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./FreeAndDeclared/Declare.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed nm <- getRefactNameMap let rr = hsFreeAndDeclaredRdr nm parsed let r = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNsOld renamed rg <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs renamed return (r,rg,rr) -- ((res,resg,rrr),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions ((res,resg,(FN fr,DN dr)),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- (showGhcQual _fff) `shouldBe` "" -- --------------------- -- Free Vars - renamed (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (fst res)) `shouldBe` "[(Data.Generics.Text.gshow, (-1, -1)),\n "++ "(System.IO.getChar, (-1, -1)), "++ "(System.IO.putStrLn, (-1, -1)),\n "++ "(GHC.Base.return, (-1, -1)), "++ "(GHC.Base.$, (-1, -1)),\n "++ "(GHC.List.head, (-1, -1)), "++ "(, (-1, -1)),\n "++ "(GHC.Num.fromInteger, (-1, -1)), "++ "(GHC.Num.*, (-1, -1))]" -- Declared Vars - renamed (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (snd res)) `shouldBe` "[(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.ff, (36, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.mkT, (34, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.main, (30, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.unF, (27, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.unD, (21, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.tup, (16, 1)),\n "++ -- ++AZ++ addition "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.h, (16, 6)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.t, (16, 8)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.d, (10, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.c, (9, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.toplevel, (6, 1))]" -- --------------------- -- Free Vars - parsed (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) fr) `shouldBe` "[(GHC.Num.*, (-1, -1)), "++ "(GHC.Base.$, (-1, -1)),\n "++ "(GHC.List.head, (-1, -1)), "++ "(, (-1, -1)),\n "++ "(System.IO.getChar, (-1, -1)), "++ "(System.IO.putStrLn, (-1, -1)),\n "++ "(Data.Generics.Text.gshow, (-1, -1))]" -- Declared Vars - parsed (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) dr) `shouldBe` "[(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.toplevel, (6, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.c, (9, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.d, (10, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.tup, (16, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.h, (16, 6)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.t, (16, 8)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.unD, (21, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.unF, (27, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.main, (30, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.mkT, (34, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.ff, (36, 1))]" -- --------------------- -- GHC version -- Free Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (fst resg)) `shouldBe` "[(Data.Generics.Text.gshow, (-1, -1)),\n "++ "(System.IO.getChar, (-1, -1)), "++ "(System.IO.putStrLn, (-1, -1)),\n "++ "(GHC.List.head, (-1, -1)), "++ "(GHC.Base.$, (-1, -1)),\n "++ "(, (-1, -1)), "++ "(GHC.Num.*, (-1, -1))]" -- Declared Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (snd resg)) `shouldBe` "[(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.ff, (36, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.mkT, (34, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.main, (30, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.unF, (27, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.unD, (21, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.tup, (16, 1)),\n "++ -- ++AZ++ not found by old "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.h, (16, 6)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.t, (16, 8)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.d, (10, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.c, (9, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.toplevel, (6, 1)),\n "++ "(GHC.Types.Int, (-1, -1)), (GHC.Integer.Type.Integer, (-1, -1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.D, (18, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.A, (18, 10)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.B, (18, 14)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.C, (18, 25)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.F, (25, 1)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.G, (25, 10)),\n "++ "(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.:|, (25, 14))]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds free and declared in a single bind PrefixCon" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./FreeAndDeclared/Declare.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t -- (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) `shouldBe` "" let comp = do let b = head $ drop 4 $ hsBinds renamed rg <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs [b] return (b,rg) ((bb,resg),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual bb) `shouldBe` "FreeAndDeclared.Declare.unD (FreeAndDeclared.Declare.B y) = y" -- (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 bb) `shouldBe` "" -- GHC version -- Free Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (fst resg)) `shouldBe` "[(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.B, (18, 14))]" -- Declared Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (snd resg)) `shouldBe` "[(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.unD, (21, 1))]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds free and declared in a single bind InfixCon" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./FreeAndDeclared/Declare.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t -- (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) `shouldBe` "" let comp = do let b = head $ drop 3 $ hsBinds renamed rg <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs [b] return (b,rg) ((bb,resg),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual bb) `shouldBe` "FreeAndDeclared.Declare.unF (a FreeAndDeclared.Declare.:| b)\n = (a, b)" -- (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 bb) `shouldBe` "" -- GHC version -- Free Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (fst resg)) `shouldBe` "[(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.:|, (25, 14))]" -- Declared Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (snd resg)) `shouldBe` "[(FreeAndDeclared.Declare.unF, (27, 1))]" -- --------------------------------- it "finds free and declared in a single bind RecCon" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./FreeAndDeclared/DeclareRec.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t -- (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) `shouldBe` "" let comp = do let b = head $ drop 0 $ hsBinds renamed rg <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs [b] return (b,rg) ((bb,resg),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual bb) `shouldBe` "FreeAndDeclared.DeclareRec.unR2\n (FreeAndDeclared.DeclareRec.RCon {FreeAndDeclared.DeclareRec.r1 = a})\n = a" -- (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 bb) `shouldBe` "" -- GHC version -- Free Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (fst resg)) `shouldBe` "[(FreeAndDeclared.DeclareRec.RCon, (3, 10))]" -- Declared Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (snd resg)) `shouldBe` "[(FreeAndDeclared.DeclareRec.unR2, (7, 1))]" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs simplest" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./FreeAndDeclared/DeclareS.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let comp = do r <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs renamed return r ((res),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- Free Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (fst res)) `shouldBe` "[]" -- Declared Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (snd res)) `shouldBe` "[(FreeAndDeclared.DeclareS.c, (6, 1))]" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "finds free and declared in a single bind #2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just tup = getName "DupDef.Dd1.ff" renamed let [decl] = definingDeclsNames [tup] (hsBinds renamed) False False let comp = do r <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs [decl] return (r,decl) ((res,d),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual d) `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.ff y\n = y GHC.Num.+ zz\n where\n zz = 1" -- (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 d) `shouldBe` "" -- Free Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (fst res)) `shouldBe` "[(GHC.Num.+, (-1, -1))]" -- Declared Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (snd res)) `shouldBe` "[(DupDef.Dd1.ff, (21, 1))]" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "finds free and declared at the top level 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LiftToToplevel/WhereIn1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let comp = do r <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs $ hsBinds renamed return r ((res),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- Declared Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (snd res)) `shouldBe` "[(LiftToToplevel.WhereIn1.anotherFun, (15, 1)),\n "++ "(LiftToToplevel.WhereIn1.sumSquares, (9, 1))]" -- Free Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (fst res)) `shouldBe` "[(GHC.Real.^, (-1, -1)), (GHC.Num.+, (-1, -1))]" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "finds free and declared at the top level 2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/IdIn3.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let comp = do r <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs renamed return r ((res),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- Declared Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (snd res)) `shouldBe` "[(, (14, 1))"++ ", (IdIn3.x, (10, 1))"++ ", (, (12, 1)),\n "++ "(IdIn3.main, (18, 1))]" -- Free Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (fst res)) `shouldBe` "[(GHC.Num.+, (-1, -1))]" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "finds free and declared in a GRHSs" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LiftOneLevel/LetIn2.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just tup = getName "LiftOneLevel.LetIn2.sumSquares" renamed let [decl] = definingDeclsNames [tup] (hsBinds renamed) False False let (GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind _ _ (GHC.MG [match] _ _ _) _ _ _)) = decl let (GHC.L _ (GHC.Match _ _pat _ grhss)) = match let comp = do r <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs grhss return r ((res),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- Declared Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (snd res)) `shouldBe` "[]" -- Free Vars (showGhcQual $ map (\n -> (n, getGhcLoc $ GHC.nameSrcSpan n)) (fst res)) `shouldBe` "[(GHC.Real.^, (-1, -1)), (x, (10, 12)), (GHC.Num.+, (-1, -1)),\n (y, (10, 14))]" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "finds free and declared in a single bind" $ do pending -- "fix the prior test" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "hsFDsFromInsideRdr" $ do it "does something useful" $ do pending -- "Complete this" describe "hsFDsFromInside" $ do it "does something useful" $ do pending -- "Complete this" describe "hsFDNamesFromInside" $ do it "does something useful" $ do pending -- "Complete this" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "hsVisibleNames" $ do it "does something useful" $ do pending -- "Complete this" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "hsVisiblePNs" $ do -- --------------------------------- it "returns [] if e does not occur in t" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just tl1 = locToExp (4,13) (4,40) renamed :: (Maybe (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name))) let Just tup = getName "DupDef.Dd1.tup" renamed let comp = do r <- hsVisiblePNs tup tl1 return r ((res),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual $ res) `shouldBe` "[]" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "returns visible vars if e does occur in t #1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just tl1 = locToExp (28,4) (28,12) renamed :: (Maybe (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name))) (showGhcQual tl1) `shouldBe` "ll GHC.Num.+ z" let Just tup = getName "DupDef.Dd1.l" renamed let [decl] = definingDeclsNames [tup] (hsBinds renamed) False False (showGhcQual decl) `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.l z = let ll = 34 in ll GHC.Num.+ z" let comp = do r <- hsVisiblePNs tl1 decl return (r) ((res),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual res ) `shouldBe` "[z, ll]" -- (showGhcQual res2 ) `shouldBe` "[z, ll]" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "returns visible vars if e does occur in t #2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just tl1 = locToExp (28,4) (28,12) renamed :: (Maybe (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name))) (showGhcQual tl1) `shouldBe` "ll GHC.Num.+ z" let Just rhs = locToExp (26,1) (28,12) renamed :: (Maybe (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name))) (showGhcQual rhs) `shouldBe` "let ll = 34 in ll GHC.Num.+ z" let comp = do r <- hsVisiblePNs tl1 rhs return r ((res),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual res) `shouldBe` "[ll]" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- {- it "returns visible vars if e does occur in t #3" $ do (t,toks) <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/VisiblePNs.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) `shouldBe` "" let comp = do renamed <- getRefactRenamed let Just tl1 = locToName (41,11) renamed -- :: (Maybe (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name))) r <- hsVisiblePNs tl1 renamed -- let r = hsVisiblePNsGhc tl1 renamed let fvs = map (\b -> (showGhcQual b,getFreeVars [b])) (hsBinds renamed) let dvs = getDeclaredVars $ hsBinds renamed return (tl1,r,fvs,dvs) -- ((tl,res,_f,d),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp $ initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t } ((tl,res,_f,d),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp $ initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t } (showGhcQual tl) `shouldBe` "modu" -- (showGhcQual f) `shouldBe` "" (showGhcQual d) `shouldBe` "[TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.parsedFileGhc,\n"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.parsedFileBGhc,\n"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.runRefactGhcState,"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.zz,\n"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.yy,"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.xx,\n"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.ww,"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.spec,\n"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.main]" (showGhcQual res) `shouldBe` "[TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.parsedFileGhc,\n"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.parsedFileBGhc,\n"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.runRefactGhcState,"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.zz,\n"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.yy,"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.xx,\n"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.ww,"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.spec,\n"++ " TypeUtils.VisiblePNs.main,"++ " modu,"++ " t,"++ " _toks,"++ " expr]" -} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "hsVisibleDsRdr" $ do it "Rdr:finds function arguments visible in RHS 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Visible/Simple.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just e = locToExp (5,11) (5,19) parsed :: (Maybe (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)) (showGhcQual e) `shouldBe` "a + b" let Just n = getName "Visible.Simple.params" renamed let comp = do nameMap <- getRefactNameMap declsp <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed let [decl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [n] declsp False False fds' <- hsVisibleDsRdr nameMap e decl return (fds') -- ((fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions ((fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show fds) `shouldBe` "DN [a, b, GHC.Num.+]" -- ----------------------------------- it "Rdr:finds function arguments visible in RHS 2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Visible/Simple.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t -- (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) `shouldBe` "" let Just e = locToExp (9,15) (9,17) parsed :: (Maybe (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)) (showGhcQual e) `shouldBe` "x" let Just n = getName "Visible.Simple.param2" renamed let comp = do nameMap <- getRefactNameMap declsp <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed let [decl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [n] declsp False False fds' <- hsVisibleDsRdr nameMap e decl return (fds') -- ((fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions ((fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show fds) `shouldBe` "DN [x]" -- ----------------------------------- it "Rdr:finds visible vars inside a function" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/IdIn5.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just rhsr = locToExp (14,6) (15,14) renamed :: (Maybe (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name)) let Just rhs = locToExp (14,6) (15,14) parsed :: (Maybe (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)) (showGhcQual rhs) `shouldBe` "x + y + z" -- let Just er = getName "IdIn5.x" renamed let Just e = locToRdrName (14,7) parsed (showGhcQual e) `shouldBe` "x" (SYB.showData SYB.Parser 0 e) `shouldBe` "\n(L {Renaming/IdIn5.hs:14:7} \n (Unqual {OccName: x}))" let comp = do nameMap <- getRefactNameMap fds' <- hsVisibleDsRdr nameMap e rhs ffds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc rhsr return (fds',ffds) -- ((fds,_fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions ((fds,_fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show _fds) `shouldBe` "(FN [IdIn5.x, GHC.Num.+, y, z],DN [])" (show fds) `shouldBe` "DN [GHC.Num.+, IdIn5.x, y, z]" -- ----------------------------------- it "Rdr:finds visible vars inside a data declaration" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/D1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just ln = locToRdrName (6, 6) parsed (showGhcQual ln) `shouldBe` "Tree" (SYB.showData SYB.Parser 0 ln) `shouldBe` "\n(L {Renaming/D1.hs:6:6-9} \n (Unqual {OccName: Tree}))" let comp = do nameMap <- getRefactNameMap fds' <- hsVisibleDsRdr nameMap ln parsed ffds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc renamed return (fds',ffds) ((fds,_fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((fds,_fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show _fds) `shouldBe` "(FN [:, GHC.Num.+, GHC.Real.^, [], GHC.Base.++],"++ "DN [Renaming.D1.sumSquares, Renaming.D1.fringe, Renaming.D1.Tree, a,\n"++ " Renaming.D1.Leaf, Renaming.D1.Branch, Renaming.D1.SameOrNot,\n"++ " Renaming.D1.isSame, Renaming.D1.isNotSame])" (show fds) `shouldBe` "DN [Renaming.D1.Tree, Renaming.D1.Leaf, Renaming.D1.Branch]" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "hsVisibleDs" $ do it "finds function arguments visible in RHS 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Visible/Simple.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t -- (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) `shouldBe` "" let Just e = locToExp (5,11) (5,19) renamed :: (Maybe (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name)) (showGhcQual e) `shouldBe` "a GHC.Num.+ b" let Just n = getName "Visible.Simple.params" renamed let [decl] = definingDeclsNames [n] (hsBinds renamed) False False let binds = hsValBinds [decl] let comp = do fds' <- hsVisibleDs e $ head $ hsBinds binds return (fds') -- ((fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions ((fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show fds) `shouldBe` "DN [a, b, GHC.Num.+]" -- ----------------------------------- it "finds function arguments visible in RHS 2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Visible/Simple.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just e = locToExp (9,15) (9,17) renamed :: (Maybe (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name)) (showGhcQual e) `shouldBe` "x" let Just n = getName "Visible.Simple.param2" renamed let [decl] = definingDeclsNames [n] (hsBinds renamed) False False let binds = hsValBinds [decl] let comp = do fds' <- hsVisibleDs e $ head $ hsBinds binds return (fds') ((fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show fds) `shouldBe` "DN [x]" -- ----------------------------------- it "finds visible vars inside a function" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/IdIn5.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just rhs = locToExp (14,6) (15,14) renamed :: (Maybe (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name)) (showGhcQual rhs) `shouldBe` "IdIn5.x GHC.Num.+ y GHC.Num.+ z" let Just e = getName "IdIn5.x" renamed let comp = do fds' <- hsVisibleDs e rhs ffds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc rhs return (fds',ffds) ((fds,_fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show _fds) `shouldBe` "(FN [IdIn5.x, GHC.Num.+, y, z],DN [])" (show fds) `shouldBe` "DN [GHC.Num.+, y, z]" -- ----------------------------------- it "finds visible vars inside a data declaration" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/D1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (6, 6) renamed (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "Renaming.D1.Tree" let comp = do fds' <- hsVisibleDs n renamed ffds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc renamed return (fds',ffds) ((fds,_fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show _fds) `shouldBe` "(FN [:, GHC.Num.+, GHC.Real.^, [], GHC.Base.++],"++ "DN [Renaming.D1.sumSquares, Renaming.D1.fringe, Renaming.D1.Tree, a,\n "++ "Renaming.D1.Leaf, Renaming.D1.Branch, Renaming.D1.SameOrNot,\n "++ "Renaming.D1.isSame, Renaming.D1.isNotSame])" (show fds) `shouldBe` "DN [Renaming.D1.Tree, Renaming.D1.Leaf, Renaming.D1.Branch]" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc" $ do it "finds function arguments visible in RHS fd" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Visible/Simple.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t -- (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) `shouldBe` "" let Just e = locToExp (5,11) (5,19) renamed :: (Maybe (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name))) (showGhcQual e) `shouldBe` "a GHC.Num.+ b" let Just n = getName "Visible.Simple.params" renamed let [decl] = definingDeclsNames [n] (hsBinds renamed) False False let binds = hsValBinds [decl] let comp = do fds' <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc $ head $ hsBinds binds return (fds') ((fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show fds) `shouldBe` "(FN [GHC.Num.+],DN [Visible.Simple.params])" -- ----------------------------------- it "finds function arguments and free vars visible in RHS" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Visible/Simple.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just e = locToExp (9,15) (9,17) renamed :: (Maybe (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name)) (showGhcQual e) `shouldBe` "x" let Just n = getName "Visible.Simple.param2" renamed let [decl] = definingDeclsNames [n] (hsBinds renamed) False False let binds = hsValBinds [decl] let (GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind _ _ (GHC.MG matches _ _ _) _ _ _)) = head $ hsBinds binds let [(GHC.L _ (GHC.Match _ pats _ _))] = matches let lpat = head pats let comp = do fds' <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc $ lpat return (fds') ((fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show fds) `shouldBe` "(FN [Visible.Simple.B],DN [x])" -- ----------------------------------- it "finds imported functions used in the rhs" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./FreeAndDeclared/Declare.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just n = getName "FreeAndDeclared.Declare.tup" renamed let decls = definingDeclsNames [n] (hsBinds renamed) False False let comp = do fds' <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc $ decls return (fds') ((fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show fds) `shouldBe` "(FN [GHC.List.head, GHC.Base.$,],"++ "DN [FreeAndDeclared.Declare.tup, FreeAndDeclared.Declare.h,\n "++ "FreeAndDeclared.Declare.t])" -- ----------------------------------- it "finds free vars in HsWithBndrs" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./FreeAndDeclared/Binders.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just n = getName "FreeAndDeclared.Binders.findNewPName" renamed let [decl] = definingDeclsNames [n] (hsBinds renamed) False False let (GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind _ _ (GHC.MG [match] _ _ _) _ _ _)) = decl let (GHC.L _ (GHC.Match _ _pats _rhs binds)) = match let comp = do fds' <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc $ binds return (fds') ((fds),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show fds) `shouldBe` "(FN [FreeAndDeclared.Binders.gfromJust,"++ " FreeAndDeclared.Binders.Name,\n"++ " FreeAndDeclared.Binders.occNameString,"++ " GHC.Base.$,\n"++ " FreeAndDeclared.Binders.getOccName,"++ " GHC.Classes.==,"++ " name,\n"++ " GHC.Base.Just,"++ " GHC.Base.Nothing,\n"++ " FreeAndDeclared.Binders.somethingStaged,\n"++ " FreeAndDeclared.Binders.Renamer,"++ " renamed],"++ "DN [worker, res])" -- ----------------------------------- it "finds free vars in TH files" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TH/Main.hs" let comp = do parseSourceFileGhc "./TH/Main.hs" parsed <- getRefactParsed nm <- getRefactNameMap let fds' = hsFreeAndDeclaredRdr nm parsed return (fds') ((fds),_s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (show fds) `shouldBe` "(FN [System.IO.putStrLn, pr],"++ "DN [TH.Main.main, TH.Main.baz, TH.Main.sillyString])" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "getParsedForRenamedLPat" $ do it "gets the ParsedSource version of a RenamedSource LPat" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Visible/Simple.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just e = locToExp (9,15) (9,17) renamed :: (Maybe (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name)) (showGhcQual e) `shouldBe` "x" let Just n = getName "Visible.Simple.param2" renamed let [decl] = definingDeclsNames [n] (hsBinds renamed) False False let binds = hsValBinds [decl] let (GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind _ _ (GHC.MG matches _ _ _) _ _ _)) = head $ hsBinds binds let [(GHC.L _ (GHC.Match _ pats _ _))] = matches let pat@(GHC.L lp _) = head pats let pat' = getParsedForRenamedLPat parsed pat let (GHC.L lp' _) = pat' lp `shouldBe` lp' (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 pat') `shouldBe` "\n"++ "(L {Visible/Simple.hs:9:8-12} \n"++ " (ParPat \n"++ " (L {Visible/Simple.hs:9:9-11} \n"++ " (ConPatIn \n"++ " (L {Visible/Simple.hs:9:9} \n"++ " (Unqual {OccName: B})) \n"++ " (PrefixCon \n"++ " [\n"++ " (L {Visible/Simple.hs:9:11} \n"++ " (VarPat \n"++ " (Unqual {OccName: x})))])))))" (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 pat) `shouldBe` "\n"++ "(L {Visible/Simple.hs:9:8-12} \n"++ " (ParPat \n"++ " (L {Visible/Simple.hs:9:9-11} \n"++ " (ConPatIn \n"++ " (L {Visible/Simple.hs:9:9} {Name: B}) \n"++ " (PrefixCon \n"++ " [\n"++ " (L {Visible/Simple.hs:9:11} \n"++ " (VarPat {Name: x}))])))))" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "isLocalPN" $ do it "returns True if the name is local to the module" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (17, 5) renamed (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "ff" isLocalPN n `shouldBe` True it "returns False if the name is not local to the module" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (21, 1) renamed (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.ff" isLocalPN n `shouldBe` False -- --------------------------------------------- describe "isTopLevelPN" $ do it "returns False if the name is not defined at the top level of the module" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let comp = do renamed <- getRefactRenamed let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (17, 5) renamed topLevel <- isTopLevelPN n return (n,topLevel) ((nf,tl),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual nf) `shouldBe` "ff" tl `shouldBe` False it "returns True if the name is defined at the top level of the module" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let comp = do renamed <- getRefactRenamed let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (21, 1) renamed topLevel <- isTopLevelPN n return (n,topLevel) ((nf,tl),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual nf) `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.ff" tl `shouldBe` True -- --------------------------------------------- describe "definedPNs" $ do it "gets the PNs defined in a declaration" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ pn) = locToName (3, 1) renamed (showGhcQual pn) `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.toplevel" let origDecls = hsBinds renamed let demotedDecls'= definingDeclsNames [pn] origDecls True False let declaredPns = nub $ concatMap definedPNs demotedDecls' (showGhcQual declaredPns) `shouldBe` "[DupDef.Dd1.toplevel]" -- --------------------------------- it "gets the PNs defined in an as-match" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ pn) = locToName (14, 1) renamed (showGhcQual pn) `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.tup" let origDecls = hsBinds renamed let demotedDecls'= definingDeclsNames [pn] origDecls True False let declaredPns = nub $ concatMap definedPNs demotedDecls' (showGhcQual declaredPns) `shouldBe` "[DupDef.Dd1.tup, DupDef.Dd1.h, DupDef.Dd1.t]" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "inScopeInfo" $ do it "returns 4 element tuples for in scope names" $ do pending -- "is this still needed?" {- ((inscopes, _renamed, _parsed), _toks) <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let info = inScopeInfo inscopes (show $ head info) `shouldBe` "foo" -- (show $ info) `shouldBe` "foo" -} -- --------------------------------------------- describe "isInScopeAndUnqualified" $ do it "True if the identifier is in scope and unqualified" $ do pending -- "needed?" {- ((inscopes, _renamed, _parsed), _toks) <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let info = inScopeInfo inscopes (show $ head info) `shouldBe` "foo" -} -- inScopeInfo for c is -- (\"DupDef.Dd1.c\",VarName,DupDef.Dd1,Nothing) -- --------------------------------------------- describe "isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc" $ do it "True if the identifier is in scope and unqualified" $ do let comp = do parseSourceFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" ctx <- GHC.getContext res1 <- isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc "c" Nothing res2 <- isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc "DupDef.Dd1.c" Nothing res3 <- isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc "nonexistent" Nothing return (res1,res2,res3,ctx) ((r1,r2,r3,_c),_s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = Nothing }) testOptions r1 `shouldBe` True r2 `shouldBe` True r3 `shouldBe` False -- --------------------------------- it "requires qualification on name clash with an import" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./ScopeAndQual.hs" let comp = do parseSourceFileGhc "./ScopeAndQual.hs" -- putParsedModule t renamed <- getRefactRenamed logm $ "renamed=" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) -- ++AZ++ ctx <- GHC.getContext let Just sumSquares = locToName (13,15) renamed ssUnqual <- isQualifiedPN $ GHC.unLoc sumSquares names <- GHC.parseName "sum" names2 <- GHC.parseName "mySumSq" res1 <- isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc "sum" Nothing res2 <- isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc "L.sum" Nothing return (res1,res2,names,names2,sumSquares,ssUnqual,ctx) ((r1,r2,ns,ns2,ss,ssu,_c),_s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (prettyprint ss) `shouldBe` "sumSquares" (showGhcQual ss) `shouldBe` "ScopeAndQual.sumSquares" (show $ ssu) `shouldBe` "False" (showGhcQual ns) `shouldBe` "[ScopeAndQual.sum]" (showGhcQual ns2) `shouldBe` "[ScopeAndQual.mySumSq]" "1" ++ (show r1) `shouldBe` "1True" "2" ++ (show r2) `shouldBe` "2True" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "mkNewGhcName" $ do it "Creates a new GHC.Name" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let comp = do renamed <- getRefactRenamed let Just (GHC.L _ topLevel) = locToName (3,1) renamed name1 <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "foo" name2 <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "bar" name3 <- mkNewGhcName (Just (GHC.nameModule topLevel)) "baz" return (name1,name2,name3) ((n1,n2,n3),_s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions GHC.getOccString n1 `shouldBe` "foo" showGhcQual n1 `shouldBe` "foo" GHC.getOccString n2 `shouldBe` "bar" showGhcQual n2 `shouldBe` "bar" (showGhcQual $ GHC.nameModule n3) `shouldBe` "main@main:DupDef.Dd1" (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 n3) `shouldBe` "{Name: baz}" GHC.getOccString n3 `shouldBe` "baz" showGhcQual n3 `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.baz" (showGhcQual $ GHC.nameUnique n1) `shouldBe` "H2" (showGhcQual $ GHC.nameUnique n2) `shouldBe` "H3" (showGhcQual $ GHC.nameUnique n3) `shouldBe` "H4" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "prettyprint" $ do it "Prints a GHC.Name ready for parsing into tokens" $ do -- (_t, _toks, _tgt) <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let comp = do name1 <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "foo" name2 <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "bar" return (name1,name2) ((n1,n2),_s) <- ct $ runRefactGhcState comp GHC.getOccString n1 `shouldBe` "foo" showGhcQual n1 `shouldBe` "foo" GHC.getOccString n2 `shouldBe` "bar" showGhcQual n2 `shouldBe` "bar" showGhcQual n1 `shouldBe` "foo" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "duplicateDecl" $ do it "duplicates a bind only" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (3, 1) renamed let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed declsp <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed newName2 <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "bar2" newBindings <- duplicateDecl declsp n newName2 parsed' <- liftT $ replaceDecls parsed newBindings putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return newBindings (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.toplevel" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module DupDef.Dd1 where\n\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\n\nbar2 :: Integer -> Integer\nbar2 x = c * x\n\nc,d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\n\n-- Pattern bind\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nff y = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\ndd q = do\n let ss = 5\n return (ss + q)\n\n" -- --------------------------------------------- it "duplicates a bind with a signature, and an offset" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just np = locToName (14, 1) renamed (showGhcQual np) `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.tup" let Just ln@(GHC.L _l n) = locToName (17, 6) renamed (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "ff" let comp = do newName2 <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "gg" nm <- getRefactNameMap parsed <- getRefactParsed decls <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed (front,[parent],back) <- divideDecls decls ln (parent',Just (funBinding,declsToDup,declsp')) <- modifyValD (GHC.getLoc parent) parent $ \_m declsp -> do let declsToDup = definingDeclsRdrNames nm [n] declsp True True funBinding = filter isFunOrPatBindP declsToDup --get the fun binding. declsp' <- duplicateDecl declsp n newName2 return (declsp',Just (funBinding,declsToDup,declsp')) parsed' <- liftT $ replaceDecls parsed (front ++ [parent'] ++ back) putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return (funBinding,declsToDup,declsp') ((fb,dd,newb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((fb,dd,newb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "ff" (showGhcQual dd) `shouldBe` "[ff = 15]" (showGhcQual fb) `shouldBe` "[ff = 15]" (show $ getStartEndLoc fb) `shouldBe` "((17,5),(17,12))" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module DupDef.Dd1 where\n\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\n\nc,d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\n\n-- Pattern bind\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\n\n gg :: Int\n gg = 15\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nff y = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\ndd q = do\n let ss = 5\n return (ss + q)\n\n" (showGhcQual newb) `shouldBe` "[ff :: Int, ff = 15, gg :: Int, gg = 15]" (showGhcQual fb) `shouldBe` "[ff = 15]" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "addParamsToDecl" $ do it "adds parameters to a declaration" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (3, 1) renamed let comp = do declsp <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed let newName2 = mkRdrName "bar2" declsp' <- addParamsToDecls declsp n [newName2] parsed' <- liftT $ replaceDecls parsed declsp' putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return declsp' (nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "MoveDef.Md1.toplevel" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module MoveDef.Md1 where\n\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel bar2 x = c * x\n\nc,d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\n\n-- Pattern bind\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nff :: Int -> Int\nff y = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\ndd q = do\n let ss = 5\n return (ss + q)\n\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\n\n-- General Comment\n-- |haddock comment\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x\n-- Comment at end\n\n\n" (showGhcQual $ head $ tail nb) `shouldBe` "toplevel bar2 x = c * x" -- --------------------------------- it "adds parameters to a declaration with multiple matches" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./AddParams1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (3, 1) renamed let comp = do declsp <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed let newName = mkRdrName "pow" declsp' <- addParamsToDecls declsp n [newName] parsed' <- liftT $ replaceDecls parsed declsp' putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return declsp' (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "AddParams1.sq" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module AddParams1 where\n\nsq pow 0 = 0\nsq pow z = z^2\n\nfoo = 3\n\n" -- --------------------------------- it "adds parameters to a declaration with no existing ones" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./AddParams1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (6, 1) renamed let comp = do declsp <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed let newName1 = mkRdrName "baz" let newName2 = mkRdrName "bar" declsp' <- addParamsToDecls declsp n [newName1,newName2] parsed' <- liftT $ replaceDecls parsed declsp' putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return declsp' (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module AddParams1 where\n\nsq 0 = 0\nsq z = z^2\n\nfoo baz bar = 3\n\n" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "addActualParamsToRhs" $ do it "adds a parameter to the rhs of a declaration" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LiftToToplevel/D1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (6, 21) renamed let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed declsp <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed let decl = head declsp let newName2 = mkRdrName "bar2" newBinding <- addActualParamsToRhs n [newName2] decl return (newBinding,decl) ((nb,decl'),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((nb,decl'),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual decl') `shouldBe` "sumSquares (x : xs)\n = sq x + sumSquares xs\n where\n sq x = x ^ pow\n pow = 2\nsumSquares [] = 0" (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "sq" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "sumSquares (x : xs)\n = (sq bar2) x + sumSquares xs\n where\n sq x = x ^ pow\n pow = 2\nsumSquares [] = 0" (exactPrintFromState s nb) `shouldBe` "\n\n{-lift 'sq' to top level. This refactoring\n affects module 'D1' and 'C1' -}\n\nsumSquares (x:xs) = (sq bar2) x + sumSquares xs\n where\n sq x = x ^ pow\n pow =2\n\nsumSquares [] = 0" -- -------------------- it "adds parameters to a complex rhs of a declaration" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LiftToToplevel/WhereIn7.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (10, 17) renamed let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed declsp <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed let decl = head declsp let newName1 = mkRdrName "x1" let newName2 = mkRdrName "y1" let newName3 = mkRdrName "z1" newBinding <- addActualParamsToRhs n [newName1,newName2,newName3] decl return (newBinding,decl) ((nb,decl'),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual decl') `shouldBe` "fun x y z\n = inc addthree\n where\n inc a = a + 1\n addthree = x + y + z" (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "addthree" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "fun x y z\n = inc (addthree x1 y1 z1)\n where\n inc a = a + 1\n addthree = x + y + z" (exactPrintFromState s nb) `shouldBe` "\n\n--A definition can be lifted from a where or let to the top level binding group.\n--Lifting a definition widens the scope of the definition.\n\n--In this example, lift 'addthree' defined in 'fun'.\n--This example aims to test adding parenthese.\n\n\nfun x y z =inc (addthree x1 y1 z1)\n where inc a =a +1\n addthree=x+y+z" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "rmDecl" $ do it "removes a top level declaration, leaving type signature 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1a.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (6, 1) renamed let comp = do (parsed',_removedDecl,_removedSig) <- rmDecl n False parsed putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return parsed' -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "MoveDef.Md1a.ff" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module MoveDef.Md1a where\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nff :: Int -> Int\n\nl = 1\n\n" -- --------------------------------- it "removes a top level declaration, leaving type signature 2b" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1b.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (6, 1) renamed let comp = do (parsed',_removedDecl,_removedSig) <- rmDecl n False parsed putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return parsed' -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "MoveDef.Md1b.ff" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module MoveDef.Md1b where\n\ndata D = A | C\n\nff :: Int -> Int\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\n" -- --------------------------------- it "removes a top level declaration, leaving type signature 2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (22, 1) renamed let comp = do (parsed',_removedDecl,_removedSig) <- rmDecl n False parsed putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns logDataWithAnns "parsed'" parsed' return parsed' -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "MoveDef.Md1.ff" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module MoveDef.Md1 where\n\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\n\nc,d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\n\n-- Pattern bind\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nff :: Int -> Int\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\ndd q = do\n let ss = 5\n return (ss + q)\n\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\n\n-- General Comment\n-- |haddock comment\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x\n-- Comment at end\n\n\n" -- --------------------------------- it "removes a top level declaration, and type signature" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (22, 1) renamed let comp = do (newDecls,_removedDecl,_removedSig) <- rmDecl n True parsed putRefactParsed newDecls emptyAnns return newDecls -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "MoveDef.Md1.ff" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module MoveDef.Md1 where\n\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\n\nc,d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\n\n-- Pattern bind\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\ndd q = do\n let ss = 5\n return (ss + q)\n\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\n\n-- General Comment\n-- |haddock comment\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x\n-- Comment at end\n\n\n" -- ----------------------------------- it "removes the last local decl in a let/in clause" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LiftToToplevel/LetIn1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (11, 22) renamed let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed (parsed',_removedDecl,_removedSig) <- rmDecl n True parsed putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return parsed' (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "sq" -- (showToks $ take 20 $ toksFromState s) `shouldBe` "" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LiftToToplevel.LetIn1 where\n\n--A definition can be lifted from a where or let to the top level binding group.\n--Lifting a definition widens the scope of the definition.\n\n--In this example, lift 'sq' in 'sumSquares'\n--This example aims to test lifting a definition from a let clause to top level,\n--and the elimination of the keywords 'let' and 'in'\n\nsumSquares x y = sq x + sq y\n where pow=2\n\nanotherFun 0 y = sq y\n where sq x = x^2\n" -- ----------------------------------- it "removes the last local decl in a where clause" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./RmDecl3.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (6, 5) renamed let comp = do (parsed',_removedDecl,_removedSig) <- rmDecl n True parsed putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return parsed' (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "zz" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module RmDecl3 where\n\n-- Remove last declaration from a where clause, where should disappear too\nff y = y + zz\n\n-- EOF\n" -- ----------------------------------- it "removes the first local decl in a where clause" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./RmDecl4.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t -- (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) `shouldBe` "" let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (7, 5) renamed let comp = do (parsed',_removedDecl,_removedSig) <- rmDecl n True parsed putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return parsed' (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "zz" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}\nmodule RmDecl4 where\n\n-- Remove first declaration from a where clause, rest should still be indented\nff y = y + zz ++ xx\n where\n xx = 2\n\n-- EOF\n" -- ----------------------------------- it "removes the non last local decl in a let/in clause 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Demote/LetIn1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t -- (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) `shouldBe` "" let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (12, 22) renamed let comp = do (parsed',_removedDecl,_removedSig) <- rmDecl n False parsed putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return parsed' (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "pow" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module Demote.LetIn1 where\n\n--A definition can be demoted to the local 'where' binding of a friend declaration,\n--if it is only used by this friend declaration.\n\n--Demoting a definition narrows down the scope of the definition.\n--In this example, demote the local 'pow' to 'sq'\n--This example also aims to test the demoting a local declaration in 'let'.\n\nsumSquares x y = let sq 0=0\n sq z=z^pow\n in sq x + sq y\n\n\nanotherFun 0 y = sq y\n where sq x = x^2\n\n " -- ----------------------------------- it "removes the non last local decl in a let/in clause 2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Demote/LetIn2.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (10, 22) renamed let comp = do (parsed',_removedDecl,_removedSig) <- rmDecl n False parsed putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return parsed' (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "sq" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module Demote.LetIn2 where\n\n--A definition can be demoted to the local 'where' binding of a friend declaration,\n--if it is only used by this friend declaration.\n\n--Demoting a definition narrows down the scope of the definition.\n--In this example, demote the local 'pow' will fail.\n\nsumSquares x y = let pow=2\n in sq x + sq y +pow\n\n\nanotherFun 0 y = sq y\n where sq x = x^2\n\n " -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "removes a decl with a trailing comment" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Demote/WhereIn3.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (14, 1) renamed let comp = do (parsed',_removedDecl,_removedSig1) <- rmDecl n False parsed putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return parsed' (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "Demote.WhereIn3.sq" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module Demote.WhereIn3 where\n\n--A definition can be demoted to the local 'where' binding of a friend declaration,\n--if it is only used by this friend declaration.\n\n--Demoting a definition narrows down the scope of the definition.\n--In this example, demote the top level 'sq' to 'sumSquares'\n--In this case (there are multi matches), the parameters are not folded after demoting.\n\nsumSquares x y = sq p x + sq p y\n where p=2 {-There is a comment-}\n\nsq :: Int -> Int -> Int\n\n{- foo bar -}\nanotherFun 0 y = sq y\n where sq x = x^2\n" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "removes a sub decl liftOneLevel D1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LiftOneLevel/D1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (8, 6) renamed let comp = do (parsed',_removedDecl,_removedSig1) <- rmDecl n False parsed putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return parsed' (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "sq" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LiftOneLevel.D1 where\n\n{-lift 'sq' to top level. This refactoring\naffects module 'D1' and 'C1' -}\n\nsumSquares (x:xs) = sq x + sumSquares xs\n where\n pow =2\n\nsumSquares [] = 0\n\nmain = sumSquares [1..4]\n" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "rmTypeSig" $ do it "removes a type signature from the top level 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (22, 1) renamed let comp = do (renamed',sigRemoved) <- rmTypeSig n parsed putRefactParsed renamed' emptyAnns return (renamed',sigRemoved) ((_nb,os),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((_nb,os),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "MoveDef.Md1.ff" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module MoveDef.Md1 where\n\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\n\nc,d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\n\n-- Pattern bind\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nff y = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\ndd q = do\n let ss = 5\n return (ss + q)\n\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\n\n-- General Comment\n-- |haddock comment\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x\n-- Comment at end\n\n\n" (showGhcQual os) `shouldBe` "Just ff :: Int -> Int" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "removes a type signature from the top level, after decl removed" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Demote/WhereIn3.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (14, 1) renamed let comp = do (parsed',_removedDecl,_removedSig1) <- rmDecl n False parsed (parsed2,_removedSig2) <- rmTypeSig n parsed' putRefactParsed parsed2 emptyAnns return parsed2 (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "Demote.WhereIn3.sq" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module Demote.WhereIn3 where\n\n--A definition can be demoted to the local 'where' binding of a friend declaration,\n--if it is only used by this friend declaration.\n\n--Demoting a definition narrows down the scope of the definition.\n--In this example, demote the top level 'sq' to 'sumSquares'\n--In this case (there are multi matches), the parameters are not folded after demoting.\n\nsumSquares x y = sq p x + sq p y\n where p=2 {-There is a comment-}\n\n{- foo bar -}\nanotherFun 0 y = sq y\n where sq x = x^2\n" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "removes a type signature from non-top level" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (16, 5) renamed let comp = do (renamed',_removedSig) <- rmTypeSig n parsed putRefactParsed renamed' emptyAnns return renamed' -- (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (_nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "ff" -- (showToks $ take 20 $ toksFromState s) `shouldBe` "" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module MoveDef.Md1 where\n\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\n\nc,d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\n\n-- Pattern bind\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..ff]\n where\n ff = 15\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nff :: Int -> Int\nff y = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\ndd q = do\n let ss = 5\n return (ss + q)\n\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\n\n-- General Comment\n-- |haddock comment\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x\n-- Comment at end\n\n\n" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "removes a type signature within multi signatures 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/TypeSigs.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ b) = locToName (12, 1) renamed let comp = do (renamed',removedSig) <- rmTypeSig b parsed putRefactParsed renamed' emptyAnns return (renamed',removedSig) ((_nb,os),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (exactPrintFromState s (fromJust os)) `shouldBe` "\n\nb::Int->Integer->Char" (showGhcQual b) `shouldBe` "TypeSigs.b" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module TypeSigs where\n\nsq,anotherFun :: Int -> Int\nsq 0 = 0\nsq z = z^2\n\nanotherFun x = x^2\n\na,c::Int->Integer->Char\n\na x y = undefined\nb x y = undefined\nc x y = undefined\n\n" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "removes a type signature within multi signatures 2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/TypeSigs.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (4, 1) renamed let comp = do (renamed',removedSig) <- rmTypeSig n parsed putRefactParsed renamed' emptyAnns return (renamed',removedSig) -- ((_nb,os),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions ((_nb,os),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- putStrLn $ "anntree\n" ++ showAnnDataFromState s (exactPrintFromState s (fromJust os)) `shouldBe` "\n\nsq :: Int -> Int" (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "TypeSigs.sq" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module TypeSigs where\n\nanotherFun :: Int -> Int\nsq 0 = 0\nsq z = z^2\n\nanotherFun x = x^2\n\na,b,c::Int->Integer->Char\n\na x y = undefined\nb x y = undefined\nc x y = undefined\n\n" (showGhcQual os) `shouldBe` "Just sq :: Int -> Int" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "removes a type signature within multi signatures 3" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Demote/WhereIn7.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (12, 1) renamed let comp = do (parsed',removedSig) <- rmTypeSig n parsed putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return (parsed',removedSig) -- ((_nb,os),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions ((_nb,os),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "WhereIn7.sq" (exactPrintFromState s (fromJust os)) `shouldBe` "\n\nsq :: Int -> Int" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module WhereIn7 where\n\n--A definition can be demoted to the local 'where' binding of a friend declaration,\n--if it is only used by this friend declaration.\n\n--Demoting a definition narrows down the scope of the definition.\n--In this example, demote the top level 'sq' to 'sumSquares'\n--This example also aims to test the split of type signature.\n\nsumSquares x y = sq x + sq y\n\nanotherFun :: Int -> Int\nsq 0 = 0\nsq z = z^pow\n where pow=2\n\nanotherFun x = x^2\n " (showGhcQual os) `shouldBe` "Just sq :: Int -> Int" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- {- it "removes a type signature for a pattern in a bind" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (GHC.mkFastString "./test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs") (18, 7) renamed let comp = do (renamed',removedSig) <- rmTypeSig n renamed let (Just (GHC.L ss _)) = removedSig oldSigToks <- getToksForSpan ss return (renamed',removedSig,oldSigToks) -- ((nb,os,ot),s) <- runRefactGhc comp $ initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t } ((nb,os,ot),s) <- runRefactGhc comp $ initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t } (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "tup" -- (showToks $ take 20 $ toksFromState s) `shouldBe` "" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LiftToToplevel.PatBindIn1 where\n\n --A definition can be lifted from a where or let into the surrounding binding group.\n --Lifting a definition widens the scope of the definition.\n\n --In this example, lift 'tup' defined in 'foo'\n --This example aims to test renaming and the lifting of type signatures.\n\n main :: Int\n main = foo 3\n\n foo :: Int -> Int\n foo x = h + t + (snd tup)\n where\n \n \n\n tup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..15]\n " (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "" (showGhcQual os) `shouldBe` "" (GHC.showRichTokenStream ot) `shouldBe` "" -} -- --------------------------------------------- describe "addDecl" $ do it "adds a top level declaration without a type signature, in default pos" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed (decl,declAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "a" "nn = n2") -- let declAnns' = setPrecedingLines declAnns newDecl 2 parsed' <- addDecl parsed Nothing ([decl],Just declAnns) putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return parsed' (nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- (nb,s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module MoveDef.Md1 where\n\nnn = n2\n\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\n\nc,d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\n\n-- Pattern bind\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nff :: Int -> Int\nff y = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\ndd q = do\n let ss = 5\n return (ss + q)\n\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\n\n-- General Comment\n-- |haddock comment\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x\n-- Comment at end\n\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` unspace "module MoveDef.Md1 where\nnn = n2\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\nc, d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h, t)\n = head $ zip [1 .. 10] [3 .. ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\ndata D = A | B String | C\nff :: Int -> Int\nff y\n = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\nl z = let ll = 34 in ll + z\ndd q\n = do { let ss = 5;\n return (ss + q) }\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x" -- ------------------------------------------- it "adds a top level declaration with a type signature 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed (decl,declAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "decl" "nn = 2") (sig, sigAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "sig" "nn :: Int") parsed' <- addDecl parsed Nothing ([sig,decl],Just $ mergeAnns sigAnns declAnns) putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return (sig,parsed') ((_hs,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module MoveDef.Md1 where\n\nnn :: Int\nnn = 2\n\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\n\nc,d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\n\n-- Pattern bind\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nff :: Int -> Int\nff y = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\ndd q = do\n let ss = 5\n return (ss + q)\n\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\n\n-- General Comment\n-- |haddock comment\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x\n-- Comment at end\n\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` unspace "module MoveDef.Md1 where\nnn :: Int\nnn = 2\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\nc, d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h, t)\n = head $ zip [1 .. 10] [3 .. ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\ndata D = A | B String | C\nff :: Int -> Int\nff y\n = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\nl z = let ll = 34 in ll + z\ndd q\n = do { let ss = 5;\n return (ss + q) }\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x" -- ------------------------------------------- it "adds a top level declaration after a specified one" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed (decl,declAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "a" "nn = nn2") renamed <- getRefactRenamed let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (21, 1) renamed parsed' <- addDecl parsed (Just n) ([decl],Just declAnns) putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return (n,parsed') ((n,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((n,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "MoveDef.Md1.ff" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module MoveDef.Md1 where\n\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\n\nc,d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\n\n-- Pattern bind\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nff :: Int -> Int\nff y = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\n\nnn = nn2\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\ndd q = do\n let ss = 5\n return (ss + q)\n\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\n\n-- General Comment\n-- |haddock comment\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x\n-- Comment at end\n\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` unspace "module MoveDef.Md1 where\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\nc, d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h, t)\n = head $ zip [1 .. 10] [3 .. ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\ndata D = A | B String | C\nff :: Int -> Int\nff y\n = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\nnn = nn2\nl z = let ll = 34 in ll + z\ndd q\n = do { let ss = 5;\n return (ss + q) }\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x" -- ------------------------------------------- it "adds a top level declaration with a type signature after a specified one" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1.hs" let comp = do renamed <- getRefactRenamed let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (21, 1) renamed parsed <- getRefactParsed (decl,declAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "decl" "nn = nn2") (sig, sigAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "sig" "nn :: Int") parsed' <- addDecl parsed (Just n) ([sig,decl],Just $ mergeAnns sigAnns declAnns) putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return (n,parsed') ((nn,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual nn) `shouldBe` "MoveDef.Md1.ff" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe`"module MoveDef.Md1 where\n\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\n\nc,d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\n\n-- Pattern bind\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nff :: Int -> Int\nff y = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\n\nnn :: Int\nnn = nn2\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\ndd q = do\n let ss = 5\n return (ss + q)\n\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\n\n-- General Comment\n-- |haddock comment\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x\n-- Comment at end\n\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` unspace "module MoveDef.Md1 where\ntoplevel :: Integer -> Integer\ntoplevel x = c * x\nc, d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h, t)\n = head $ zip [1 .. 10] [3 .. ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\ndata D = A | B String | C\nff :: Int -> Int\nff y\n = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\nnn :: Int\nnn = nn2\nl z = let ll = 34 in ll + z\ndd q\n = do { let ss = 5;\n return (ss + q) }\nzz1 a = 1 + toplevel a\ntlFunc :: Integer -> Integer\ntlFunc x = c * x" -- ------------------------------------------- it "adds a local declaration without a type signature 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed renamed <- getRefactRenamed nameMap <- getRefactNameMap let Just (GHC.L _ tl) = locToName (4, 1) renamed decls <- liftT (hsDecls parsed) let [tlDecl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [tl] decls True False (decl,declAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "decl" "nn = nn2") newDecl <- addDecl tlDecl Nothing ([decl],Just declAnns) logm $ "test:addDecl done" return (tlDecl,newDecl) -- ((tl,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions ((tl,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual tl) `shouldBe` "toplevel x = c * x" (exactPrintFromState s nb) `shouldBe` "\ntoplevel x = c * x\n where\n nn = nn2" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "toplevel x\n = c * x\n where\n nn = nn2" -- ------------------------------------------- it "adds a local declaration with a type signature 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md1.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed renamed <- getRefactRenamed nameMap <- getRefactNameMap let Just (GHC.L _ tl) = locToName (4, 1) renamed decls <- liftT (hsDecls parsed) let [tlDecl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [tl] decls True False (decl,declAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "decl" "nn = nn2") (sig, sigAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "sig" "nn :: Int") newDecl <- addDecl tlDecl Nothing ([sig,decl],Just $ mergeAnns sigAnns declAnns) return (tlDecl,newDecl) ((tl,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((tl,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual tl) `shouldBe` "toplevel x = c * x" -- putStrLn (showAnnDataItemFromState s nb) (exactPrintFromState s nb) `shouldBe` "\ntoplevel x = c * x\n where\n nn :: Int\n nn = nn2" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "toplevel x\n = c * x\n where\n nn = nn2\n nn :: Int" -- ------------------------------------------- it "adds a local declaration with a where clause" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Demote.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed renamed <- getRefactRenamed nameMap <- getRefactNameMap let Just (GHC.L _ tl) = locToName (4, 1) renamed decls <- liftT (hsDecls parsed) let [tlDecl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [tl] decls True False (decl,declAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "decl" "nn = nn2") newDecl <- addDecl tlDecl Nothing ([decl],Just declAnns) return (tlDecl,newDecl) ((tl,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual tl) `shouldBe` "toplevel x = c * x" (exactPrintFromState s nb) `shouldBe` "\ntoplevel x = c * x\n where\n nn = nn2" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "toplevel x\n = c * x\n where\n nn = nn2" -- ------------------------------------------- it "adds a local declaration to an existing one" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md2.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed renamed <- getRefactRenamed nameMap <- getRefactNameMap let Just (GHC.L _ tl) = locToName (4, 1) renamed decls <- liftT (hsDecls parsed) let [tlDecl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [tl] decls True False (decl,declAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "decl" "nn = nn2") newDecl <- addDecl tlDecl Nothing ([decl],Just declAnns) return (tlDecl,newDecl) ((tl,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((tl,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual tl) `shouldBe` "toplevel x\n = c * x * b\n where\n b = 3" (exactPrintFromState s nb) `shouldBe` "\ntoplevel x = c * x * b\n where\n nn = nn2\n\n b = 3" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "toplevel x\n = c * x * b\n where\n b = 3\n nn = nn2" -- ------------------------------------------- it "adds a local declaration with a type signature to an existing one" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Md2.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed renamed <- getRefactRenamed nameMap <- getRefactNameMap let Just (GHC.L _ tl) = locToName (4, 1) renamed decls <- liftT (hsDecls parsed) let [tlDecl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [tl] decls True False (decl,declAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "decl" "nn = nn2") (sig, sigAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "sig" "nn :: Int") newDecl <- addDecl tlDecl Nothing ([sig,decl],Just $ mergeAnns sigAnns declAnns) return (tlDecl,newDecl) ((tl,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual tl) `shouldBe` "toplevel x\n = c * x * b\n where\n b = 3" (exactPrintFromState s nb) `shouldBe` "\ntoplevel x = c * x * b\n where\n nn :: Int\n nn = nn2\n\n b = 3" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "toplevel x\n = c * x * b\n where\n b = 3\n nn = nn2\n nn :: Int" -- ------------------------------------------- it "adds a local decl with type signature to an existing one, with a comment" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Demote/WhereIn3.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed renamed <- getRefactRenamed nameMap <- getRefactNameMap let Just (GHC.L _ tl) = locToName (10, 1) renamed decls <- liftT (hsDecls parsed) let [tlDecl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [tl] decls True False let Just (GHC.L _ sq) = locToName (14, 1) renamed let Just (GHC.L _ af) = locToName (18, 1) renamed let [sqSig] = definingSigsRdrNames nameMap [sq] parsed [sqDecl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [sq] decls False False [afDecl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [af] decls False False let sqSigDecl = wrapSig sqSig liftT (balanceComments tlDecl sqSigDecl) liftT (balanceComments sqDecl afDecl) newDecl <- addDecl tlDecl Nothing ([sqSigDecl,sqDecl],Nothing) return (sqSig,sqDecl,tlDecl,afDecl,newDecl) -- ((sigs,_sd,tl,aa,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions ((sigs,_sd,tl,aa,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual sigs) `shouldBe` "sq :: Int -> Int -> Int" (showGhcQual tl) `shouldBe` "sumSquares x y\n = sq p x + sq p y\n where\n p = 2" (showGhcQual aa) `shouldBe` "anotherFun 0 y\n = sq y\n where\n sq x = x ^ 2" (exactPrintFromState s nb) `shouldBe` "\n\n--A definition can be demoted to the local 'where' binding of a friend declaration,\n--if it is only used by this friend declaration.\n\n--Demoting a definition narrows down the scope of the definition.\n--In this example, demote the top level 'sq' to 'sumSquares'\n--In this case (there are multi matches), the parameters are not folded after demoting.\n\nsumSquares x y = sq p x + sq p y\n where sq :: Int -> Int -> Int\n sq pow 0 = 0\n sq pow z = z^pow --there is a comment\n\n p=2 {-There is a comment-}" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "sumSquares x y\n = sq p x + sq p y\n where\n p = 2\n sq :: Int -> Int -> Int\n sq pow 0 = 0\n sq pow z = z ^ pow" -- ------------------------------------------- it "does not add a local decl to a FunBind with multiple matches" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/MultiFunBind1.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed renamed <- getRefactRenamed nameMap <- getRefactNameMap let Just (GHC.L _ tl) = locToName (3, 1) renamed decls <- liftT (hsDecls parsed) let -- decls = hsBinds parsed [tlDecl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [tl] decls True False let Just (GHC.L _ y) = locToName (6, 1) renamed let [yDecl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [y] decls False False newDecl <- addDecl tlDecl Nothing ([yDecl],Nothing) return (yDecl,tlDecl,newDecl) r <- catchException $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions r `shouldBe` Just "addDecl:Cannot add a local decl to a FunBind with multiple matches" -- ------------------------------------------- it "adds a local declaration to a PatBind" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/PatBind1.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed renamed <- getRefactRenamed nameMap <- getRefactNameMap let Just (GHC.L _ tl) = locToName (3, 1) renamed decls <- liftT (hsDecls parsed) let [tlDecl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nameMap [tl] decls True False (decl,declAnns) <- GHC.liftIO $ withDynFlags (\df -> parseDeclToAnnotated df "decl" "nn = nn2") newDecl <- addDecl tlDecl Nothing ([decl],Just declAnns) return (tlDecl,newDecl) ((tl,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((tl,nb),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual tl) `shouldBe` "tup@(h, t) = (x, 1)" (exactPrintFromState s nb) `shouldBe` "\n\ntup@(h,t) = (x,1)\n where\n nn = nn2" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "tup@(h, t)\n = (x, 1)\n where\n nn = nn2" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "renamePN" $ do it "replaces a Name with another, updating tokens 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed renamed <- getRefactRenamed let Just (GHC.L _l n') = locToName (3, 1) renamed newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "bar2" new <- renamePN' n' newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName,n') let ((nb,nn,n),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual (n,nn)) `shouldBe` "(DupDef.Dd1.toplevel, bar2)" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module DupDef.Dd1 where\n\nbar2 :: Integer -> Integer\nbar2 x = c * x\n\nc,d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\n\n-- Pattern bind\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h,t) = head $ zip [1..10] [3..ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\n\ndata D = A | B String | C\n\nff y = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\n\nl z =\n let\n ll = 34\n in ll + z\n\ndd q = do\n let ss = 5\n return (ss + q)\n\n" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module DupDef.Dd1 where\nbar2 :: Integer -> Integer\nbar2 x = c * x\nc, d :: Integer\nc = 7\nd = 9\ntup :: (Int, Int)\nh :: Int\nt :: Int\ntup@(h, t)\n = head $ zip [1 .. 10] [3 .. ff]\n where\n ff :: Int\n ff = 15\ndata D = A | B String | C\nff y\n = y + zz\n where\n zz = 1\nl z = let ll = 34 in ll + z\ndd q\n = do { let ss = 5;\n return (ss + q) }" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "replaces a Name with another, updating tokens 2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Demote/WhereIn4.hs" let comp = do renamed <- getRefactRenamed parsed <- getRefactParsed declsr <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed let decl = head $ drop 0 declsr let Just (GHC.L _l n') = locToName (11, 21) renamed newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "p_1" new <- renamePN' n' newName False decl parsed' <- liftT $ replaceDecls parsed (new:tail declsr) putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return (new,newName,decl,n') let ((nb,nn,d,n),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual d) `shouldBe` "sumSquares x y\n = sq p x + sq p y\n where\n p = 2" (showGhcQual (n,nn)) `shouldBe` "(p, p_1)" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module Demote.WhereIn4 where\n\n--A definition can be demoted to the local 'where' binding of a friend declaration,\n--if it is only used by this friend declaration.\n\n--Demoting a definition narrows down the scope of the definition.\n--In this example, demote the top level 'sq' to 'sumSquares'\n--In this case (there is single matches), if possible,\n--the parameters will be folded after demoting and type sigature will be removed.\n\nsumSquares x y = sq p_1 x + sq p_1 y\n where p_1=2 {-There is a comment-}\n\nsq::Int->Int->Int\nsq pow z = z^pow --there is a comment\n\nanotherFun 0 y = sq y\n where sq x = x^2\n\n" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "sumSquares x y\n = sq p_1 x + sq p_1 y\n where\n p_1 = 2" -- --------------------------------- it "replaces a Name with another in limited scope, updating tokens 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TokenTest.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (19, 1) renamed (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed decls <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "bar2" new <- renamePN' n newName False (head $ drop 3 decls) parsed' <- liftT $ replaceDecls parsed (take 3 decls ++ [new] ++ drop 4 decls) putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return (new,newName) let ((nb,nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((nb,nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual (n,nn)) `shouldBe` "(, bar2)" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module TokenTest where\n\n-- Test new style token manager\n\nbob a b = x\n where x = 3\n\nbib a b = x\n where\n x = 3\n\n\nbab a b =\n let bar = 3\n in b + bar -- ^trailing comment\n\n\n-- leading comment\nbar2 x y =\n do c <- getChar\n return c\n\n\n\n\n" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "bar2 x y\n = do { c <- getChar;\n return c }" -- (showToks $ take 20 $ toksFromState s) `shouldBe` "" -- --------------------------------- it "replace a Name with another in limited scope, updating tokens 2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TokenTest.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (19, 1) renamed (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed decls <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed let decl = head $ drop 3 decls newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "bar2" new <- renamePN' n newName False decl parsed' <- liftT $ replaceDecls parsed (take 3 decls ++ [new] ++ drop 4 decls) putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module TokenTest where\n\n-- Test new style token manager\n\nbob a b = x\n where x = 3\n\nbib a b = x\n where\n x = 3\n\n\nbab a b =\n let bar = 3\n in b + bar -- ^trailing comment\n\n\n-- leading comment\nbar2 x y =\n do c <- getChar\n return c\n\n\n\n\n" (showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "bar2 x y\n = do { c <- getChar;\n return c }" -- (showToks $ take 20 $ toksFromState s) `shouldBe` "" ------------------------------------ it "replaces a name in a data declaration too" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/Field1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (5, 19) renamed let comp = do newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "pointx1" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) let ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "Field1.pointx" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module Field1 where\n\n--Rename field name 'pointx' to 'pointx1'\n\ndata Point = Pt {pointx1, pointy :: Float}\n\nabsPoint :: Point -> Float\nabsPoint p = sqrt (pointx1 p * pointx1 p +\n pointy p * pointy p)\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module Field1 where\ndata Point = Pt {pointx1, pointy :: Float}\nabsPoint :: Point -> Float\nabsPoint p = sqrt (pointx1 p * pointx1 p + pointy p * pointy p)" ------------------------------------ it "replaces a name in a type signature too" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/Field1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (5, 6) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "NewPoint" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) let ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((nb,nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "Field1.Point" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module Field1 where\n\n--Rename field name 'pointx' to 'pointx1'\n\ndata NewPoint = Pt {pointx, pointy :: Float}\n\nabsPoint :: NewPoint -> Float\nabsPoint p = sqrt (pointx p * pointx p +\n pointy p * pointy p)\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module Field1 where\ndata NewPoint = Pt {pointx, pointy :: Float}\nabsPoint :: NewPoint -> Float\nabsPoint p = sqrt (pointx p * pointx p + pointy p * pointy p)" ------------------------------------ it "replace a name in a FunBind with multiple patterns" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LocToName.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (20, 1) renamed let comp = do newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "newPoint" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) let ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "LocToName.sumSquares" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LocToName where\n\n{-\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-}\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nnewPoint (x:xs) = x ^2 + newPoint xs\n -- where sq x = x ^pow \n -- pow = 2\n\nnewPoint [] = 0\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module LocToName where\nnewPoint (x : xs) = x ^ 2 + newPoint xs\nnewPoint [] = 0" ------------------------------------ it "replaces a qualified name in a FunBind with multiple patterns" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LocToName.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let modu = GHC.mkModule (GHC.stringToPackageKey "mypackage-1.0") (GHC.mkModuleName "LocToName") let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (20, 1) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName (Just modu) "newPoint" new <- renamePN' n newName True parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "LocToName.sumSquares" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module LocToName where\nLocToName.newPoint (x : xs) = x ^ 2 + LocToName.newPoint xs\nLocToName.newPoint [] = 0" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LocToName where\n\n{-\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-}\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nnewPoint (x:xs) = x ^2 + LocToName.newPoint xs\n -- where sq x = x ^pow \n -- pow = 2\n\nnewPoint [] = 0\n" ------------------------------------ it "replaces a parameter name in a FunBind" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/LayoutIn2.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (8, 7) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "ls" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- (showGhcQual $ sourceTreeFromState s) `shouldBe` "" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn2 where\n\n--Layout rule applies after 'where','let','do' and 'of'\n\n--In this Example: rename 'list' to 'ls'.\n\nsilly :: [Int] -> Int\nsilly ls = case ls of (1:xs) -> 1\n--There is a comment\n (2:xs)\n | x < 10 -> 4 where x = last xs\n otherwise -> 12\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn2 where\nsilly :: [Int] -> Int\nsilly ls\n = case ls of {\n (1 : xs) -> 1\n (2 : xs)\n | x < 10 -> 4\n where\n x = last xs\n otherwise -> 12 }" ------------------------------------ it "does not qualify a name in an import hiding clause" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./ScopeAndQual.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let modu = GHC.mkModule (GHC.stringToPackageKey "mypackage-1.0") (GHC.mkModuleName "LocToName") let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (4, 24) renamed let comp = do newName <- mkNewGhcName (Just modu) "mySum" new <- renamePN' n newName True parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "Data.Foldable.sum" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module ScopeAndQual where\n\nimport qualified Data.List as L\nimport Prelude hiding (mySum)\n\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = putStrLn (show $ L.mySum [1,2,3])\n\nsum a b = a + b\n\nsumSquares xs = L.mySum $ map (\\x -> x*x) xs\n\nmySumSq = sumSquares\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module ScopeAndQual where\nimport qualified Data.List as L\nimport Prelude hiding ( mySum )\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = putStrLn (show $ L.mySum [1, 2, 3])\nsum a b = a + b\nsumSquares xs = L.mySum $ map (\\ x -> x * x) xs\nmySumSq = sumSquares" ------------------------------------ it "does not qualify the subject of a type signature" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/C7.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let modu = GHC.mkModule (GHC.stringToPackageKey "mypackage-1.0") (GHC.mkModuleName "LocToName") let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (5, 1) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName (Just modu) "myNewFringe" new <- renamePN' n newName True parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((nb,_nn),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "Renaming.C7.myFringe" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module Renaming.C7(LocToName.myNewFringe) where\n\nimport Renaming.D7\n\nmyNewFringe:: Tree a -> [a]\nmyNewFringe (Leaf x ) = [x]\nmyNewFringe (Branch left right) = LocToName.myNewFringe left ++ fringe right\n\n\n\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module Renaming.C7 (\n LocToName.myNewFringe\n ) where\nimport Renaming.D7\nmyNewFringe :: Tree a -> [a]\nLocToName.myNewFringe (Leaf x) = [x]\nLocToName.myNewFringe (Branch left right)\n = LocToName.myNewFringe left ++ fringe right" ------------------------------------ it "realigns toks in a case for a shorter name" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/LayoutIn2.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (8, 7) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "ls" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "list" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn2 where\n\n--Layout rule applies after 'where','let','do' and 'of'\n\n--In this Example: rename 'list' to 'ls'.\n\nsilly :: [Int] -> Int\nsilly ls = case ls of (1:xs) -> 1\n--There is a comment\n (2:xs)\n | x < 10 -> 4 where x = last xs\n otherwise -> 12\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn2 where\nsilly :: [Int] -> Int\nsilly ls\n = case ls of {\n (1 : xs) -> 1\n (2 : xs)\n | x < 10 -> 4\n where\n x = last xs\n otherwise -> 12 }" ------------------------------------ it "realigns toks in a case for a longer name" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/LayoutIn2.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (8, 7) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "listlonger" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "list" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn2 where\n\n--Layout rule applies after 'where','let','do' and 'of'\n\n--In this Example: rename 'list' to 'ls'.\n\nsilly :: [Int] -> Int\nsilly listlonger = case listlonger of (1:xs) -> 1\n --There is a comment\n (2:xs)\n | x < 10 -> 4 where x = last xs\n otherwise -> 12\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn2 where\nsilly :: [Int] -> Int\nsilly listlonger\n = case listlonger of {\n (1 : xs) -> 1\n (2 : xs)\n | x < 10 -> 4\n where\n x = last xs\n otherwise -> 12 }" ------------------------------------ it "realigns toks in a do for a shorter name" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/LayoutIn4.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (7, 8) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "io" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "ioFun" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn4 where\n\n--Layout rule applies after 'where','let','do' and 'of'\n\n--In this Example: rename 'ioFun' to 'io'\n\nmain = io \"hello\" where io s= do let k = reverse s\n--There is a comment\n s <- getLine\n let q = (k ++ s)\n putStr q\n putStr \"foo\"\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn4 where\nmain\n = io \"hello\"\n where\n io s\n = do { let k = reverse s;\n s <- getLine;\n let q = (k ++ s);\n putStr q;\n putStr \"foo\" }" ------------------------------------ it "realigns toks in a do for a longer name" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/LayoutIn4.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (7, 8) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "ioFunLong" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "ioFun" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn4 where\n\n--Layout rule applies after 'where','let','do' and 'of'\n\n--In this Example: rename 'ioFun' to 'io'\n\nmain = ioFunLong \"hello\" where ioFunLong s= do let k = reverse s\n --There is a comment\n s <- getLine\n let q = (k ++ s)\n putStr q\n putStr \"foo\"\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn4 where\nmain\n = ioFunLong \"hello\"\n where\n ioFunLong s\n = do { let k = reverse s;\n s <- getLine;\n let q = (k ++ s);\n putStr q;\n putStr \"foo\" }" ------------------------------------ it "realigns toks in a where for a shorter name" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/LayoutIn1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (7, 17) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "q" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "sq" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn1 where\n\n--Layout rule applies after 'where','let','do' and 'of'\n\n--In this Example: rename 'sq' to 'square'.\n\nsumSquares x y= q x + q y where q x= x^pow\n--There is a comment.\n pow=2\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn1 where\nsumSquares x y\n = q x + q y\n where\n q x = x ^ pow\n pow = 2" ------------------------------------ it "realigns toks in a where for a longer name" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/LayoutIn1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (7, 17) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "square" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "sq" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn1 where\n\n--Layout rule applies after 'where','let','do' and 'of'\n\n--In this Example: rename 'sq' to 'square'.\n\nsumSquares x y= square x + square y where square x= x^pow\n --There is a comment.\n pow=2\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module LayoutIn1 where\nsumSquares x y\n = square x + square y\n where\n square x = x ^ pow\n pow = 2" ------------------------------------ it "realigns toks in a let/in for a shorter name" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/LayoutLet1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (6, 6) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "x" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "xxx" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LayoutLet1 where\n\n-- Simple let expression, rename xxx to something longer or shorter\n-- and the let/in layout should adjust accordingly\n\nfoo x = let a = 1\n b = 2\n in x + a + b\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module LayoutLet1 where\nfoo x\n = let\n a = 1\n b = 2\n in x + a + b" ------------------------------------ it "realigns toks in a let/in for a longer name 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/LayoutLet1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (6, 6) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "xxxlong" -- new <- renamePN n newName False renamed new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,_nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((nb,nn),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "xxx" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LayoutLet1 where\n\n-- Simple let expression, rename xxx to something longer or shorter\n-- and the let/in layout should adjust accordingly\n\nfoo xxxlong = let a = 1\n b = 2\n in xxxlong + a + b\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module LayoutLet1 where\nfoo xxxlong\n = let\n a = 1\n b = 2\n in xxxlong + a + b" ------------------------------------ it "realigns toks in a let/in for a longer name 2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/LayoutLet2.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (7, 6) renamed let comp = do logm $ "renamed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed) newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "xxxlong" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns return (new,newName) ((nb,nn),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((nb,nn),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual (n,nn)) `shouldBe` "(xxx, xxxlong)" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module LayoutLet2 where\n\n-- Simple let expression, rename xxx to something longer or shorter\n-- and the let/in layout should adjust accordingly\n-- In this case the tokens for xxx + a + b should also shift out\n\nfoo xxxlong = let a = 1\n b = 2 in xxxlong + a + b\n\n" (unspace $ showGhcQual nb) `shouldBe` "module LayoutLet2 where\nfoo xxxlong\n = let\n a = 1\n b = 2\n in xxxlong + a + b" ------------------------------------ it "renames an exported data type" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/RenameInExportedType2.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (6, 24) renamed let comp = do logm $ "parsed:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Parser 0 parsed) newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "NewType" new <- renamePN' n newName False parsed putRefactParsed new emptyAnns logm $ "parsed:after" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Parser 0 new) return (new,newName) ((_nb,nn),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((_nb,nn),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual (n,nn)) `shouldBe` "(Renaming.RenameInExportedType.NT, NewType)" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module Renaming.RenameInExportedType\n (\n MyType (NewType)\n ) where\n\ndata MyType = MT Int | NewType\n\n\n" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "qualifyToplevelName" $ do it "qualifies a name at the top level" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/C7.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _l n) = locToName (7, 1) renamed let comp = do qualifyToplevelName n return () let (_,s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "Renaming.C7.myFringe" (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module Renaming.C7(Renaming.C7.myFringe) where\n\nimport Renaming.D7\n\nmyFringe:: Tree a -> [a]\nmyFringe (Leaf x ) = [x]\nmyFringe (Branch left right) = Renaming.C7.myFringe left ++ fringe right\n\n\n\n\n" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "findEntity" $ do it "returns true if a (Located) Name is part of a HsBind 1" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let comp = do parentr <- getRefactRenamed let mn = locToName (4,1) parentr let (Just (ln@(GHC.L _ n))) = mn let declsr = hsBinds parentr duplicatedDecls = definingDeclsNames [n] declsr True False res = findEntity ln duplicatedDecls res2 = findEntity n duplicatedDecls -- res = findEntity' ln duplicatedDecls return (res,res2,duplicatedDecls,ln) ((r,r2,d,_l),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual d) `shouldBe` "[DupDef.Dd1.toplevel x = DupDef.Dd1.c GHC.Num.* x]" (showGhcQual _l) `shouldBe` "DupDef.Dd1.toplevel" ("1" ++ show r) `shouldBe` "1True" ("2" ++ show r2) `shouldBe` "2True" -- --------------------------------- it "returns true if a (Located) Name is part of a HsBind 2" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let comp = do parentr <- getRefactRenamed let mn = locToName (31,7) parentr let (Just (ln@(GHC.L _ n))) = mn let mnd = locToName (30,1) parentr let (Just ((GHC.L _ nd))) = mnd let declsr = hsBinds parentr duplicatedDecls = definingDeclsNames [nd] declsr True False res = findEntity ln duplicatedDecls res2 = findEntity n duplicatedDecls return (res,res2,duplicatedDecls,ln) ((r,r2,d,_l),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual d) `shouldBe` "[DupDef.Dd1.dd q\n = do { let ss = 5;\n"++ " GHC.Base.return (ss GHC.Num.+ q) }]" (showGhcQual _l) `shouldBe` "ss" ("1" ++ show r) `shouldBe` "1True" ("2" ++ show r2) `shouldBe` "2True" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "returns false if a syntax phrase is not part of another" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let comp = do parentr <- getRefactRenamed let mn = locToName (4,1) parentr let (Just (ln@(GHC.L _ n))) = mn let mltup = locToName (11,1) parentr let (Just ((GHC.L _ tup))) = mltup let declsr = hsBinds parentr duplicatedDecls = definingDeclsNames [n] declsr True False res = findEntity tup duplicatedDecls -- res = findEntity' ln duplicatedDecls return (res,duplicatedDecls,ln) ((r,d,_l),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual d) `shouldBe` "[DupDef.Dd1.toplevel x = DupDef.Dd1.c GHC.Num.* x]" ("1" ++ show r) `shouldBe` "1False" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "Finds an entity in [HsBind Name]" $ do pending -- "write this test" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "Finds an entity in (MatchGroup matches _)" $ do pending -- "write this test" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "Finds an entity in (HsLet decls _)" $ do pending -- "write this test" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "Finds an entity in (HsLet _ e1)" $ do pending -- "write this test" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "Finds an entity in (HsLet decls _)" $ do pending -- "write this test" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "Finds an entity in (PatBind pat rhs _ _ _)" $ do pending -- "write this test" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "Finds an entity in (Match _ _ rhs)" $ do pending -- "write this test" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "Finds an entity in (LetStmt binds)" $ do pending -- "write this test" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- it "Finds an entity in (BindStmt _ rhs _ _)" $ do pending -- "write this test" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "modIsExported" $ do it "Returns True if the module is explicitly exported" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./FreeAndDeclared/Declare.hs" let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let (Just (modName,_)) = getModuleName parsed (modIsExported modName renamed) `shouldBe` True it "Returns True if the module is exported by default" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./FreeAndDeclared/Declare1.hs" let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let (Just (modName,_)) = getModuleName parsed (modIsExported modName renamed) `shouldBe` True it "Returns False if the module is explicitly not exported" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./FreeAndDeclared/Declare2.hs" let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let (Just (modName,_)) = getModuleName parsed (modIsExported modName renamed) `shouldBe` False -- --------------------------------------------- describe "isExported" $ do it "returns True if a GHC.Name is exported" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/B1.hs" let comp = do renamed <- getRefactRenamed let mn1 = locToName (11,1) renamed let (Just (GHC.L _ myFringe)) = mn1 let mn2 = locToName (15,1) renamed let (Just (GHC.L _ sumSquares)) = mn2 exMyFring <- isExported myFringe exSumSquares <- isExported sumSquares return (myFringe,exMyFring,sumSquares,exSumSquares) ((mf,emf,ss,ess),_s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t}) testOptions (showGhcQual mf) `shouldBe` "Renaming.B1.myFringe" emf `shouldBe` True (showGhcQual ss) `shouldBe` "Renaming.B1.sumSquares" ess `shouldBe` False -- --------------------------------------------- describe "addHiding" $ do it "add a hiding entry to the imports with no existing hiding" $ do t1 <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let comp = do clearParsedModule t2 <- parseSourceFileTest "./DupDef/Dd2.hs" let renamed1 = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t1 let renamed2 = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t2 let parsed1 = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t1 let parsed2 = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t2 let mn = locToName (4,1) renamed1 let (Just (GHC.L _ _n)) = mn let Just (modName,_) = getModuleName parsed1 let n1 = mkRdrName "n1" n2 = mkRdrName "n2" res <- addHiding modName parsed2 [n1,n2] putRefactParsed res emptyAnns return (res,renamed2) ((_r,_r2),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t1}) testOptions -- ((_r,_r2),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t1}) testOptions (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module DupDef.Dd2 where\n\nimport DupDef.Dd1 hiding (n1,n2)\n\n\nf2 x = ff (x+1)\n\nmm = 5\n\n\n" ------------------------------------ it "adds a hiding entry to the imports with an existing hiding" $ do t1 <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let comp = do clearParsedModule t2 <- parseSourceFileTest "./DupDef/Dd3.hs" let renamed1 = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t1 let renamed2 = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t2 let parsed1 = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t1 let parsed2 = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t2 let mn = locToName (4,1) renamed1 let (Just (GHC.L _ _n)) = mn let Just (modName,_) = getModuleName parsed1 let n1 = mkRdrName "n1" n2 = mkRdrName "n2" res <- addHiding modName parsed2 [n1,n2] return (res,renamed2) ((_r,_r2),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t1}) testOptions (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module DupDef.Dd3 where\n\nimport DupDef.Dd1 hiding (dd,n1,n2)\n\n\nf2 x = ff (x+1)\n\nmm = 5\n\n\n" -- --------------------------------------------- describe "equivalentNameInNewMod" $ do it "finds equivalent name for normal import" $ do let ctc = cdAndDo "./test/testdata/cabal/foo" let comp = do parseSourceFileGhc "./src/Foo/Bar.hs" renamed <- getRefactRenamed let Just ((GHC.L _l old)) = locToName (3,1) renamed parseSourceFileGhc "./src/Main.hs" [equiv] <- equivalentNameInNewMod old return (old,equiv) ((o,e),_s) <- ctc $ runRefactGhc comp initialState testOptions (showGhcQual (o,e)) `shouldBe` "(," -- (showGhcQual (GHC.nameUnique o,GHC.nameUnique e)) `shouldBe` "" (GHC.nameUnique o == GHC.nameUnique e) `shouldBe` False -- --------------------------------- it "finds equivalent name for qualified import" $ do let ctc = cdAndDo "./test/testdata/cabal/cabal4" let comp = do parseSourceFileGhc "./src/Foo/Bar.hs" renamed <- getRefactRenamed let Just ((GHC.L _l old)) = locToName (3,1) renamed parseSourceFileGhc "./src/main4.hs" [equiv] <- equivalentNameInNewMod old parsed <- getRefactParsed let Just ((GHC.L _l new)) = locToRdrName (11,12) parsed return (old,equiv,new) ((o,e,n),_s) <- ctc $ runRefactGhc comp initialState testOptions (showGhcQual (o,e,n)) `shouldBe` "(Foo.Bar.baz, Foo.Bar.baz, B.baz)" -- (showGhcQual (GHC.nameUnique o,GHC.nameUnique e)) `shouldBe` "" (GHC.nameUnique o == GHC.nameUnique e) `shouldBe` False -- --------------------------------------------- describe "usedWithoutQualR" $ do it "Returns True if the identifier is used unqualified" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let comp = do renamed <- getRefactRenamed parsed <- getRefactParsed let Just n@(GHC.L _ name) = locToName (14,21) renamed let res = usedWithoutQualR name parsed return (res,n,name) ((r,n1,n2),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (GHC.getOccString n2) `shouldBe` "zip" (showGhcQual n1) `shouldBe` "" r `shouldBe` True -- --------------------------------- it "Returns False if the identifier is used qualified" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./FreeAndDeclared/Declare.hs" let comp = do renamed <- getRefactRenamed parsed <- getRefactParsed let Just n@(GHC.L _ name) = locToName (36,12) renamed let Just (GHC.L _ namep) = locToRdrName (36,12) parsed let res = usedWithoutQualR name parsed return (res,namep,name,n) ((r,np,n1,n2),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (myShow np) `shouldBe` "Qual:G:gshow" (myShow $ GHC.getRdrName n1) `shouldBe` "Exact:Data.Generics.Text.gshow" (showGhcQual $ GHC.getRdrName n1) `shouldBe` "Data.Generics.Text.gshow" (showGhcQual n2) `shouldBe` "Data.Generics.Text.gshow" r `shouldBe` False -- --------------------------------------------- describe "isExplicitlyExported" $ do it "Returns True if the identifier is explicitly exported" $ do pending -- "write this " it "Returns False if the identifier is not explicitly exported" $ do pending -- "write this " -- --------------------------------------------- describe "causeNameClashInExports" $ do it "Returns True if there is a clash" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/ConflictExport.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let modu = GHC.ms_mod $ GHC.pm_mod_summary $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t -- Is this the right module? let Just (modName,_) = getModuleName parsed let Just (GHC.L _ myFringe) = locToName (9,1) renamed (showGhcQual myFringe) `shouldBe` "Renaming.ConflictExport.myFringe" -- old name is myFringe -- new name is "Renaming.ConflictExport.fringe" let newName = mkTestGhcName 1 (Just modu) "fringe" (showGhcQual modu) `shouldBe` "main@main:Renaming.ConflictExport" (showGhcQual newName) `shouldBe` "Renaming.ConflictExport.fringe" (showGhcQual $ GHC.localiseName newName) `shouldBe` "fringe" let res = causeNameClashInExports myFringe newName modName renamed res `shouldBe` True it "Returns False if there is no clash" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/ConflictExport.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let modu = GHC.ms_mod $ GHC.pm_mod_summary $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t -- Is this the right module? let Just (modName,_) = getModuleName parsed let Just (GHC.L _ myFringe) = locToName (9,1) renamed (showGhcQual myFringe) `shouldBe` "Renaming.ConflictExport.myFringe" -- old name is myFringe -- new name is "Renaming.ConflictExport.fringe" let newName = mkTestGhcName 1 (Just modu) "fringeOk" (showGhcQual modu) `shouldBe` "main@main:Renaming.ConflictExport" (showGhcQual newName) `shouldBe` "Renaming.ConflictExport.fringeOk" (showGhcQual $ GHC.localiseName newName) `shouldBe` "fringeOk" let res = causeNameClashInExports myFringe newName modName renamed res `shouldBe` False -- --------------------------------------- describe "rmQualifier" $ do it "removes the qualifiers from a list of identifiers in a given syntax phrase" $ do let comp = do parseSourceFileGhc "./TypeUtils/Qualified.hs" renamed <- getRefactRenamed parsed <- getRefactParsed decls <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed nm <- getRefactNameMap let Just (GHC.L _ foo) = locToName (5, 1) renamed let Just (GHC.L _ baz) = locToName (5, 27) renamed let [fooDecl] = definingDeclsRdrNames nm [foo] decls False False res <- rmQualifier [baz] fooDecl return (res,fooDecl,baz) ((r,d,n1),_s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp initialState testOptions (showGhcQual n1) `shouldBe` "TypeUtils.C.baz" (showGhcQual d) `shouldBe` "main = return TypeUtils.C.baz" (showGhcQual r) `shouldBe` "main = return baz" it "Removes the qualifiers and updates the tokens" $ do pending -- "Is this needed?" -- --------------------------------------- describe "usedByRhs" $ do it "returns True if a given identifier is used in the RHS of a syntax element" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./MoveDef/Demote.hs" let comp = do renamed <- getRefactRenamed parsed <- getRefactParsed declsp <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed nm <- getRefactNameMap let Just (GHC.L _ tl) = locToName (4,1) renamed let Just (GHC.L _ name) = locToName (7,1) renamed let decls = definingDeclsRdrNames nm [tl] declsp False False decls' <- rmQualifier [name] decls let res = usedByRhsRdr nm decls' [name] return (res,decls,tl,name) ((r,d,n1,n2),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n1) `shouldBe` "MoveDef.Demote.toplevel" (showGhcQual n2) `shouldBe` "MoveDef.Demote.c" (showGhcQual d) `shouldBe` "[toplevel x = c * x]" r `shouldBe` True -- --------------------------------------- describe "autoRenameLocalVar" $ do it "renames an identifier if it is used and updates tokens" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Demote/WhereIn4.hs" let comp = do renamed <- getRefactRenamed parsed <- getRefactParsed nm <- getRefactNameMap tlDecls <- liftT $ hsDecls parsed let Just (GHC.L _ tl) = locToName (11,1) renamed let Just (GHC.L _ name) = locToName (11,21) renamed let [decls] = definingDeclsRdrNames nm [tl] tlDecls False True decls' <- autoRenameLocalVar name decls return (decls',decls,tl,name) ((r,d,n1,n2),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((r,d,n1,n2),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual n1) `shouldBe` "Demote.WhereIn4.sumSquares" (showGhcQual n2) `shouldBe` "p" (showGhcQual d) `shouldBe` "sumSquares x y\n = sq p x + sq p y\n where\n p = 2" (showGhcQual r) `shouldBe` "sumSquares x y\n = sq p_1 x + sq p_1 y\n where\n p_1 = 2" (exactPrintFromState s r) `shouldBe` "\n\n--A definition can be demoted to the local 'where' binding of a friend declaration,\n--if it is only used by this friend declaration.\n\n--Demoting a definition narrows down the scope of the definition.\n--In this example, demote the top level 'sq' to 'sumSquares'\n--In this case (there is single matches), if possible,\n--the parameters will be folded after demoting and type sigature will be removed.\n\nsumSquares x y = sq p_1 x + sq p_1 y\n where p_1=2" -- --------------------------------------- describe "mkNewName" $ do it "Makes a new name that does not clash with existing ones" $ do (mkNewName "f" ["f"] 0) `shouldBe` "f_1" (mkNewName "f" ["g"] 0) `shouldBe` "f" (mkNewName "f" ["g","f_1","f"] 0) `shouldBe` "f_2" -- --------------------------------------- describe "addImportDecl" $ do it "adds an import entry to a module with already existing, non conflicting imports and other declarations" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd1.hs" let comp = do clearParsedModule parseSourceFileGhc "./DupDef/Dd2.hs" renamed2 <- getRefactRenamed parsed2 <- getRefactParsed let listModName = GHC.mkModuleName "Data.List" res <- addImportDecl parsed2 listModName Nothing False False False Nothing False [] putRefactParsed res emptyAnns return (res,renamed2) ((_r,_r2),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module DupDef.Dd2 where\n\nimport DupDef.Dd1\nimport Data.List\n\n\nf2 x = ff (x+1)\n\nmm = 5\n\n\n" -- --------------------------------- it "adds an import entry to a module with some declaration, but no explicit imports." $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/Simplest.hs" let comp = do let renamed1 = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t parsed <- getRefactParsed let listModName = GHC.mkModuleName "Data.List" res <- addImportDecl parsed listModName Nothing False False False Nothing False [] putRefactParsed res emptyAnns return (res,renamed1) ((_r,_r2),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module Simplest where\nimport Data.List\n\n\nsimple x = x\n" -- --------------------------------- it "adds an import entry to a module with explicit imports, but no declarations." $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/JustImports.hs" let comp = do let renamed1 = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t parsed <- getRefactParsed let listModName = GHC.mkModuleName "Data.List" res <- addImportDecl parsed listModName Nothing False False False Nothing False [] putRefactParsed res emptyAnns return (res,renamed1) ((_r,_r2),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module JustImports where\n\nimport Data.Maybe\nimport Data.List\n" -- --------------------------------- it "adds an import entry to a module with no declarations and no explicit imports" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/Empty.hs" let comp = do renamed1 <- getRefactRenamed parsed <- getRefactParsed let listModName = GHC.mkModuleName "Data.List" res <- addImportDecl parsed listModName Nothing False False False Nothing False [] putRefactParsed res emptyAnns return (res,renamed1) ((_r,_r2),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module Empty where\nimport Data.List\n\n" -- --------------------------------------- describe "addItemsToImport" $ do it "adds an item to an import entry with no items" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/JustImports.hs" let comp = do parsed <- getRefactParsed let modName = GHC.mkModuleName "Data.Maybe" -- itemName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "fromJust" let itemName = mkRdrName "fromJust" res <- addItemsToImport modName parsed [itemName] putRefactParsed res emptyAnns return (res) ((_r),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- This is the correct behavior. If the import doesn't have an import list, creating -- one for an item effectively reduces the imported interface. (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module JustImports where\n\nimport Data.Maybe\n" -- Not sure if this should be a test {- it "Try adding more than one item to an existing import entry with no items, using separate calls." $ do let comp = do (t1,_toks1) <- parseSourceFileTest "./TypeUtils/JustImports.hs" -- clearParsedModule let renamed1 = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t1 let modName = GHC.mkModuleName "Data.Maybe" itemName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "fromJust" res <- addItemsToImport modName renamed1 [itemName] --listModName Nothing False False False Nothing False [] itemName2 <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "isJust" res2 <- addItemsToImport modName res [itemName2] toks <- fetchToks return (res2,toks,renamed,_toks1) ((_r,t,r2,tk2),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhcState comp (GHC.showRichTokenStream t) `shouldBe` "module JustImports where\n\n import Data.Maybe (fromJust,isJust)\n " -} -- --------------------------------- it "adds an item to an import entry with existing items" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TypeUtils/SelectivelyImports.hs" let comp = do parsed <-getRefactParsed let modName = GHC.mkModuleName "Data.Maybe" let itemName = mkRdrName "isJust" res <- addItemsToImport modName parsed [itemName] putRefactParsed res emptyAnns return (res) ((_r),s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (sourceFromState s) `shouldBe` "module SelectivelyImports where\n\nimport Data.Maybe (fromJust,isJust)\n\n__ = id\n" {- -- test after properly inserting conditional identifier it "Add an item to an import entry with existing items, passing existing conditional identifier." $ do let comp = do (t1,_toks1) <- parseSourceFileTest "./TypeUtils/SelectivelyImports.hs" -- clearParsedModule let renamed1 = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t1 let modName = GHC.mkModuleName "Data.Maybe" itemName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "isJust" conditionalId <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "fromJust" res <- addItemsToImport modName renamed1 [itemName] (Just conditionalId) toks <- fetchToks return (res,toks,renamed1,_toks1) ((_r,t,r2,tk2),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhcState comp (GHC.showRichTokenStream t) `shouldBe` "module SelectivelyImports where\n\n import Data.Maybe (fromJust,isJust)\n\n __ = id\n " it "Add an item to an import entry with existing items, passing missing conditional identifier" $ do let comp = do (t1,_toks1) <- parseSourceFileTest "./TypeUtils/SelectivelyImports.hs" -- clearParsedModule let renamed1 = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t1 let modName = GHC.mkModuleName "Data.Maybe" itemName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing "isJust" res <- addItemsToImport modName renamed1 [itemName] (Just itemName) toks <- fetchToks return (res,toks,renamed1,_toks1) ((_r,t,r2,tk2),s) <- ct $ runRefactGhcState comp (GHC.showRichTokenStream t) `shouldBe` "module SelectivelyImports where\n\n import Data.Maybe (fromJust)\n\n __ = id\n " -} -- --------------------------------------- describe "hsValBinds" $ do it "returns ValBinds for RenamedSource" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LiftOneLevel/D1.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let vb = hsValBinds renamed (showGhcQual vb) `shouldBe` "LiftOneLevel.D1.sumSquares (x : xs)\n = sq x GHC.Num.+ LiftOneLevel.D1.sumSquares xs\n where\n sq x = x GHC.Real.^ pow\n pow = 2\nLiftOneLevel.D1.sumSquares [] = 0\nLiftOneLevel.D1.main = LiftOneLevel.D1.sumSquares [1 .. 4]" -- --------------------------------- it "returns ValBinds for (HsGroup Name)" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./LiftOneLevel/D1.hs" let (g,_,_,_) = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let vb = hsValBinds g (showGhcQual vb) `shouldBe` "LiftOneLevel.D1.sumSquares (x : xs)\n = sq x GHC.Num.+ LiftOneLevel.D1.sumSquares xs\n where\n sq x = x GHC.Real.^ pow\n pow = 2\nLiftOneLevel.D1.sumSquares [] = 0\nLiftOneLevel.D1.main = LiftOneLevel.D1.sumSquares [1 .. 4]" -- --------------------------------------- describe "stripLeadingSpaces" $ do it "Strips the longest common space prefix from a list of Strings" $ do (stripLeadingSpaces []) `shouldBe` [] (stripLeadingSpaces ["a"," b"," c"]) `shouldBe` ["a"," b"," c"] (stripLeadingSpaces [" a"," b"," c"]) `shouldBe` ["a","b"," c"] -- --------------------------------------- describe "unspace" $ do it "Reduces all sequences of more than one space to a single one" $ do (unspace []) `shouldBe` [] (unspace "a") `shouldBe` "a" (unspace "a bc") `shouldBe` "a bc" (unspace "a bc") `shouldBe` "a bc" (unspace "ab c") `shouldBe` "ab c" (unspace " ab c") `shouldBe` " ab c" (unspace "abc ") `shouldBe` "abc " -- --------------------------------------- describe "isFieldName" $ do it "returns True if a Name is a field name" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Renaming/Field3.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ nf) = locToName (10,21) renamed let Just (GHC.L _ n) = locToName (10,1) renamed (showGhcQual n) `shouldBe` "Field3.absPoint" (showGhcQual nf) `shouldBe` "Field3.pointx" -- --------------------------------------- describe "name predicates" $ do it "classifies names" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./Cons.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let Just (GHC.L _ n1) = locToName (3,6) renamed let Just (GHC.L _ n2) = locToName (3,12) renamed let Just (GHC.L _ n3) = locToName (3,16) renamed let Just (GHC.L _ n4) = locToName (5,1) renamed let Just (GHC.L _ n5) = locToName (8,5) renamed (showGhcQual n1) `shouldBe` "Main.Foo" "11" ++ (show $ GHC.isTyVarName n1) `shouldBe` "11False" "12" ++ (show $ GHC.isTyConName n1) `shouldBe` "12True" "13" ++ (show $ GHC.isDataConName n1) `shouldBe` "13False" "14" ++ (show $ GHC.isValName n1) `shouldBe` "14False" "15" ++ (show $ GHC.isVarName n1) `shouldBe` "15False" (showGhcQual n2) `shouldBe` "Main.Ff" "21" ++ (show $ GHC.isTyVarName n2) `shouldBe` "21False" "22" ++ (show $ GHC.isTyConName n2) `shouldBe` "22False" "23" ++ (show $ GHC.isDataConName n2) `shouldBe` "23True" "24" ++ (show $ GHC.isValName n2) `shouldBe` "24True" "25" ++ (show $ GHC.isVarName n2) `shouldBe` "25False" (showGhcQual n3) `shouldBe` "Main.fooA" -- field name "31" ++ (show $ GHC.isTyVarName n3) `shouldBe` "31False" "32" ++ (show $ GHC.isTyConName n3) `shouldBe` "32False" "33" ++ (show $ GHC.isDataConName n3) `shouldBe` "33False" "34" ++ (show $ GHC.isValName n3) `shouldBe` "34True" "35" ++ (show $ GHC.isVarName n3) `shouldBe` "35True" (showGhcQual n4) `shouldBe` "Main.xx" "41" ++ (show $ GHC.isTyVarName n4) `shouldBe` "41False" "42" ++ (show $ GHC.isTyConName n4) `shouldBe` "42False" "43" ++ (show $ GHC.isDataConName n4) `shouldBe` "43False" "44" ++ (show $ GHC.isValName n4) `shouldBe` "44True" "45" ++ (show $ GHC.isVarName n4) `shouldBe` "45True" (showGhcQual n5) `shouldBe` "GHC.Classes.==" "51" ++ (show $ GHC.isTyVarName n5) `shouldBe` "51False" "52" ++ (show $ GHC.isTyConName n5) `shouldBe` "52False" "53" ++ (show $ GHC.isDataConName n5) `shouldBe` "53False" "54" ++ (show $ GHC.isValName n5) `shouldBe` "54True" "55" ++ (show $ GHC.isVarName n5) `shouldBe` "55True" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "rdrName2Name" $ do it "finds a Name for a top-level RdrName" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TokenTest.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let comp = do let (Just rdr) = locToRdrName (5,1) parsed (Just name) = locToName (5,1) renamed nname <- rdrName2Name rdr return (rdr,name,nname) ((r,n,nn),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((r,n,nn),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual (r,n,nn)) `shouldBe` "(bob, TokenTest.bob, TokenTest.bob)" -- --------------------------------- it "finds a Name for a local RdrName" $ do t <- ct $ parsedFileGhc "./TokenTest.hs" let renamed = fromJust $ GHC.tm_renamed_source t let parsed = GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module t let comp = do let (Just rdr) = locToRdrName (14,7) parsed (Just name) = locToName (14,7) renamed nname <- rdrName2Name rdr return (rdr,name,nname) ((r,n,nn),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions -- ((r,n,nn),_s) <- runRefactGhc comp (initialLogOnState { rsModule = initRefactModule [] t }) testOptions (showGhcQual (r,n,nn)) `shouldBe` "(bar, bar, bar)" -- --------------------------------------- myShow :: GHC.RdrName -> String myShow n = case n of GHC.Unqual on -> ("Unqual:" ++ (showGhcQual on)) GHC.Qual ms on -> ("Qual:" ++ (showGhcQual ms) ++ ":" ++ (showGhcQual on)) GHC.Orig ms on -> ("Orig:" ++ (showGhcQual ms) ++ ":" ++ (showGhcQual on)) GHC.Exact en -> ("Exact:" ++ (showGhcQual en)) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- EOF