{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Text.LaTeX.Packages.AMSMath
 ( -- * AMSMath package
   -- * AMSMath functions
 , math
   -- * Symbols and utilities
   -- ** Superscript and subscript
 , (^:) , (!:)
   -- ** Function symbols
 , tsin , arcsin
 , tcos , arccos
 , ttan , arctan
 , texp
 , tlog , ln
   -- ** Other symbols
 , to
   -- * Fonts
 , mathbf
 , mathrm
 , mathcal
 , mathsf
 , mathtt
 , mathit
   ) where

import Text.LaTeX.Base.Syntax
import Text.LaTeX.Base.Commands (raw)

-- | AMSMath package.
-- Example:
-- > usepackage [] amsmath
amsmath :: String
amsmath = "amsmath"

-- | Inline mathematical expressions.
math :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
math = TeXMath

------- Symbols and utilities -------

-- | Superscript.
(^:) :: LaTeX -> LaTeX -> LaTeX
x ^: y = x <> raw "^"  <> braces y

-- | Subscript.
(!:) :: LaTeX -> LaTeX -> LaTeX
x !: y = x <> raw "_" <> braces y

---- Function symbols

-- | Sine function symbol.
tsin :: LaTeX
tsin = TeXComm "sin" []

-- | Arcsine function symbol.
arcsin :: LaTeX
arcsin = TeXComm "arcsin" []

-- | Cosine function symbol.
tcos :: LaTeX
tcos = TeXComm "cos" []

-- | Arccosine function symbol.
arccos :: LaTeX
arccos = TeXComm "arccos" []

-- | Tangent function symbol.
ttan :: LaTeX
ttan = TeXComm "tan" []

arctan :: LaTeX
arctan = TeXComm "arctan" []

-- | Exponential function symbol.
texp :: LaTeX
texp = TeXComm "exp" []

-- | Logarithm function symbol.
tlog :: LaTeX
tlog = TeXComm "log" []

-- | Natural logarithm symbol.
ln :: LaTeX
ln = TeXComm "ln" []

---- Other symbols

-- | A right-arrow.
to :: LaTeX
to = TeXComm "to" []

------------ Math Fonts -------------

mathbf :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
mathbf l = TeXComm "mathbf" [FixArg l]

mathrm :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
mathrm l = TeXComm "mathrm" [FixArg l]

mathcal :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
mathcal l = TeXComm "mathcal" [FixArg l]

mathsf :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
mathsf l = TeXComm "mathsf" [FixArg l]

mathtt :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
mathtt l = TeXComm "mathtt" [FixArg l]

mathit :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
mathit l = TeXComm "mathit" [FixArg l]