{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Beamer is a LaTeX package for the creation of slides.
--   Each frame is contained within the 'frame' function. Here is an example:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
-- > import Text.LaTeX
-- > import Text.LaTeX.Packages.Beamer
-- >
-- > mySlides :: Monad m => LaTeXT m ()
-- > mySlides = do
-- >   frame $ do
-- >     frametitle "First frame"
-- >     "Content of the first frame."
-- >   frame $ do
-- >     frametitle "Second frame"
-- >     "Content of the second frame." 
-- >     pause
-- >     " And actually a little more."
--   The 'pause' command in the second frame makes the second part of the text
--   to appear one screen later.
module Text.LaTeX.Packages.Beamer
 ( -- * Beamer package
   -- * Beamer commands
 , frame
 , frametitle
 , framesubtitle
 , alert
 , pause
 , block
   -- ** Overlay Specifications
 , OverlaySpec (..)
 , beameritem
 , uncover
 , only
 , onslide
 , visible
 , invisible
 , beamercolor
 , overprint
   -- ** Transparency Effects
 , CoverOption (..)
 , Opaqueness (..)
 , setbeamercovered
   -- ** Themes
 , usetheme
 , Theme (..)
   ) where

import Text.LaTeX.Base.Syntax
import Text.LaTeX.Base.Class
import Text.LaTeX.Base.Render
import Text.LaTeX.Base.Types

-- | The 'beamer' document class. Importing a package is not required. Example:
-- > documentclass [] beamer
beamer :: ClassName
beamer = "beamer"

-- | A presentation is composed of a sequence of frames. Each frame is created with this function.
frame :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
frame = liftL $ TeXEnv "frame" []

-- | Set the title of the current frame. Use it within a 'frame'.
frametitle :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
frametitle = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "frametitle" [FixArg l]

-- | Set the subtitle of the current frame. Use it within a 'frame'.
framesubtitle :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
framesubtitle = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "framesubtitle" [FixArg l]

-- | Highlight in red a piece of text. With the 'OverlaySpec's, you can specify the slides where
-- the text will be highlighted.
alert :: LaTeXC l => [OverlaySpec] -> l -> l
alert os = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "alert" [ MSymArg $ fmap (TeXRaw . render) os, FixArg l]

-- | Introduces a pause in a slide.
pause :: LaTeXC l => l
pause = comm0 "pause"

-- | 'beameritem' works like 'item', but allows you to specify the slides where
-- the item will be displayed.
beameritem :: LaTeXC l => [OverlaySpec] -> l
beameritem os = fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "item" [ MSymArg $ fmap (TeXRaw . render) os ]

-- | With 'uncover', show a piece of text only in the slides you
-- want. On other slides, the text still occupies space and it is still
-- typeset, but it is not shown or only shown as if transparent.
uncover :: LaTeXC l => [OverlaySpec] -> l -> l
uncover os = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "uncover" [ MSymArg $ fmap (TeXRaw . render) os , FixArg l ]

-- | With 'only' the text is inserted only into the specified
-- slides. For other slides, the text is simply thrown away (it occupies
-- no space).
only :: LaTeXC l => [OverlaySpec] -> l -> l
only os = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "only" [ MSymArg $ fmap (TeXRaw . render) os , FixArg l ]

-- | The behavior of the 'onslide' command depends on whether the
-- optional argument 'text' is given or not. If a 'text' argument is
-- present, 'onslide' (without a ⟨modifier⟩) is mapped to 'uncover'.
onslide :: LaTeXC l => [OverlaySpec] -> l -> l
onslide os = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "onslide" [ MSymArg $ fmap (TeXRaw . render) os , FixArg l ]

-- | The 'visible' command does almost the same as 'uncover'. The only
-- difference is that if the text is not shown, it is never shown in a
-- transparent way, but rather it is not shown at all. Thus for this
-- command the transparency settings have no effect.
visible :: LaTeXC l => [OverlaySpec] -> l -> l
visible os = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "visible" [ MSymArg $ fmap (TeXRaw . render) os , FixArg l ]

-- | The 'invisible' is the opposite of 'visible'.
invisible :: LaTeXC l => [OverlaySpec] -> l -> l
invisible os = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "invisible" [ MSymArg $ fmap (TeXRaw . render) os , FixArg l ]

-- | 'beamercolor' works like 'color', but allows you to specify the slides where
-- the text will be bold.
beamercolor :: LaTeXC l => [OverlaySpec] -> l
beamercolor os = fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "color" [ MSymArg $ fmap (TeXRaw . render) os ]

-- | Inside the 'overprint' environment, use 'onslide' commands to
-- specify different things that should be shown for this environment on
-- different slides. Everything within the environment will be placed in
-- a rectangular area of the specified width. The height and depth of
-- the area are chosen large enough to acoommodate the largest contents
-- of this area.
overprint :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
overprint = liftL $ TeXEnv "overprint" []

-- | Specifications for beamer functions.
data OverlaySpec =
   OneSlide Int
 | FromSlide Int
 | ToSlide Int
 | FromToSlide Int Int
   deriving Show

instance Render OverlaySpec where
 render (OneSlide n)      = render n
 render (FromSlide n)     = render n <> "-"
 render (ToSlide n)       = "-" <> render n
 render (FromToSlide n m) = render n <> "-" <> render m

-- | A 'block' will be displayed surrounding a text.
block :: LaTeXC l =>
         l -- ^ Title for the block
      -> l -- ^ Content of the block
      -> l -- ^ Result
block = liftL2 $ \tit -> TeXEnv "block" [ FixArg tit ]

-- Transparency Effects --

-- | Options for covering text
data CoverOption =
   Invisible                 -- ^ Causes covered text to completely disappear
 | Transparent (Maybe Float) -- ^ Causes covered text to be typset in a transparent way
 | Dynamic                   -- ^ Makes all covered text quite
                             -- transparent, but in a dynamic way. The
                             -- longer it will take till the text is
                             -- uncovered, the stronger the
                             -- transparency.
 | HighlyDynamic             -- ^ Has the same effect as dynamic, but
                             -- the effect is stronger.
 -- | StillCovered [Opaqueness] -- ^ Specifies how to render covered items
 --                             -- that have not yet been uncovered.
 -- | AgainCovered [Opaqueness] -- ^ Specifies how to render covered items
 --                             -- that have once more been covered, that
 --                             -- is, that had been shown before but are
 --                             -- now covered again.
   deriving Show

instance Render CoverOption where
 render Invisible               = "invisible"
 render (Transparent Nothing)   = "transparent"
 render (Transparent (Just op)) = "transparent=" <> render op
 render Dynamic                 = "dynamic"
 render HighlyDynamic           = "highlydynamic"
 -- render (StillCovered op)       = "still covered=" <> render op
 -- render (AgainCovered op)       = "again covered=" <> render op

-- | Percentage of opaqueness for the specified overlays.  In
-- 'Opaqueness overlaySpecification percentageOfOpaqueness' the
-- 'overlaySpecification' specifies on which slides covered text should
-- have which 'percentageOfOpaqueness'. Unlike other overlay
-- specifications, this 'overlaySpecification' is a relative overlay
-- specification.
data Opaqueness =
   Opaqueness [OverlaySpec] Float
   deriving Show

-- instance Render Opaqueness where
--  render (Opaqueness os op) =
--   TeXComm "opaqueness" [ MSymArg $ fmap (TeXRaw . render) os, FixArg $ TeXRaw $ render op]

-- | The command 'setbeamercovered' allows you to specify in a quite
-- general way how a covered item should be rendered.
setbeamercovered :: LaTeXC l => [CoverOption] -> l
setbeamercovered co =
  fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "setbeamercovered" [ FixArg $ TeXRaw $ renderCommas co ]

-- THEMES --

-- | A 'Theme' of a presentation. See 'usetheme'.
--   A preview of each one is given below.
data Theme = 
    AnnArbor -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewAnnArbor.png>>
  | Antibes -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewAntibes.png>>
  | Bergen -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewBergen.png>>
  | Berkeley -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewBerkeley.png>>
  | Berlin -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewBerlin.png>>
  | Boadilla -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewBoadilla.png>>
  | CambridgeUS -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewCambridgeUS.png>>
  | Copenhagen -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewCopenhagen.png>>
  | Darmstadt -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewDarmstadt.png>>
  | Dresden -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewDresden.png>>
  | Frankfurt -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewFrankfurt.png>>
  | Goettingen -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewGoettingen.png>>
  | Hannover -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewHannover.png>>
  | Ilmenau -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewIlmenau.png>>
  | JuanLesPins -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewJuanLesPins.png>>
  | Luebeck -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewLuebeck.png>>
  | Madrid -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewMadrid.png>>
  | Malmoe -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewMalmoe.png>>
  | Marburg -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewMarburg.png>>
  | Montpellier -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewMontpellier.png>>
  | PaloAlto -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewPaloAlto.png>>
  | Pittsburgh -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewPittsburgh.png>>
  | Rochester -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewRochester.png>>
  | Singapore -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewSingapore.png>>
  | Szeged -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewSzeged.png>>
  | Warsaw -- ^ <<docfiles/beamers/previewWarsaw.png>>
  | Boxes
  | Default
  | CustomTheme String
    deriving (Eq,Show)

instance Render Theme where
 render (CustomTheme str) = fromString str
 render x = fromString $ show x

-- | Set the 'Theme' employed in your presentation (in the preamble).
usetheme :: LaTeXC l => Theme -> l
usetheme th = fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "usetheme" [ FixArg $ TeXRaw $ render th ]