module Main where -- This program is provided to convert an XML file containing a DTD -- into a Haskell module containing data/newtype definitions which -- mirror the DTD. Once you have used this program to generate your type -- definitions, you should import Xml2Haskell wherever you intend -- to read and write XML files with your Haskell programs. import System import IO import List (nub,takeWhile,dropWhile) --import Text.XML.HaXml.Wrappers (fix2Args) import Text.XML.HaXml.Types (DocTypeDecl(..)) import Text.XML.HaXml.Parse (dtdParse) import Text.XML.HaXml.DtdToHaskell.TypeDef (TypeDef,ppTypeDef,mangle) import Text.XML.HaXml.DtdToHaskell.Convert (dtd2TypeDef) import Text.XML.HaXml.DtdToHaskell.Instance (mkInstance) import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (render,vcat) -- sucked in from Text.XML.HaXml.Wrappers to avod dependency on T.X.H.Html fix2Args :: IO (String,String) fix2Args = do args <- getArgs case length args of 0 -> return ("-", "-") 1 -> return (args!!0, "-") 2 -> return (args!!0, args!!1) _ -> do prog <- getProgName putStrLn ("Usage: "++prog++" [xmlfile] [outfile]") exitFailure main = fix2Args >>= \(inf,outf)-> ( if inf=="-" then getContents else readFile inf ) >>= \content-> ( if outf=="-" then return stdout else openFile outf WriteMode ) >>= \o-> let (DTD name _ markup) = (getDtd . dtdParse inf) content decls = (nub . dtd2TypeDef) markup realname = if outf/="-" then mangle (trim outf) else if null name then mangle (trim inf) else mangle name in do hPutStrLn o ("module "++realname ++" where\n\nimport Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent" ++"\nimport Text.XML.HaXml.OneOfN") -- ++"\nimport Char (isSpace)" -- ++"\nimport List (isPrefixOf)" hPutStrLn o "\n\n{-Type decls-}\n" (hPutStrLn o . render . vcat . map ppTypeDef) decls hPutStrLn o "\n\n{-Instance decls-}\n" mapM_ (hPutStrLn o . (++"\n") . render . mkInstance) decls hPutStrLn o "\n\n{-Done-}" hFlush o getDtd (Just dtd) = dtd getDtd (Nothing) = error "No DTD in this document" trim name | '/' `elem` name = (trim . tail . dropWhile (/='/')) name | '.' `elem` name = takeWhile (/='.') name | otherwise = name