-- |
--Module       : Hackmain.hs
--Author       : Joe Fredette
--License      : BSD3
--Copyright    : Joe Fredette
--Maintainer   : Joe Fredette <jfredett.at.gmail.dot.com>
--Stability    : Unstable
--Portability  : not portable 
--Description  : The main module, manages configs and etc. 
 -- This (Undecideable) is smelly, I do not like it, there must be
 -- a better soltuion
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts #-}
module HackMail.Hackmain where

import System.Environment
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.IO

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Applicative

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List

import Language.Haskell.Interpreter

import System.Posix.Daemonize

import HackMail.Data.MainTypes
import HackMail.Control.DaemonMode
import HackMail.Control.Misc

configFolderPathIO :: IO FilePath
configFolderPathIO = do 
        home <- (getEnv "HOME") 
        return $ home ++ "/.hackmail/"

debugBool = True
debug s = if debugBool then putStrLn s else return ()

main = do
        -- get arguments, parse them
        opts <- getOpts <$> getArgs
        -- determine if config folder & FilterMain.hs/lhs exist; build config
        configFolderPath <- configFolderPathIO
        b_dir <- doesDirectoryExist configFolderPath
        conf' <- (if' b_dir buildConf noConfFolderError)
        -- delegate...
        -- if in pipe mode, get the email, else start the daemon
        if (daemonMode opts) then daemon_mode opts conf'
                             else pipe_mode opts conf'
daemon_mode, pipe_mode :: Options -> Config -> IO ()    
daemon_mode opts conf = daemonize $ runDaemon opts conf             -- TODO 
                                                                    -- eventually make this "serviced"
                                                                    -- w/ error logging
pipe_mode opts conf = do
        error "Pipe mode not implemented yet."
        content <- getContents 
        content <- if (".eml" `isSuffixOf` content) then readFile content else return content
        let email = unpack . parseEmail $ content 
        runFilter (filterMain conf) (conf, email)
        where   unpack (Left err) = error $ "Parse Error:\n " ++ show err
                unpack (Right em) = em

buildConf :: IO Config  
buildConf = do 
        configFolderPath <- configFolderPathIO
        -- determine extension type and ensure existence of FilterMain.*hs
        b_isHS  <- doesFileExist $ (filterMainPath configFolderPath) ++ ".hs"
        b_isLHS <- doesFileExist $ (filterMainPath configFolderPath) ++ ".lhs"
        let filterMainL = (filterMainPath configFolderPath) ++ (getExt b_isHS b_isLHS $ (".hs",".lhs"))
        -- open and extract all necessary functions/data from FilterMain, all this takes place in 
        -- the interpreter monad.
        (inboxL, fMain) <- runUnsafeInterpreter . getFilterMainStuff $ filterMainL
        return (Conf inboxL filterMainL fMain)
        where filterMainPath c = (c ++ "FilterMain")

-- Returns a pair, a path to the inbox location (where new emails enter the system) and also
-- a Filter, the filter delivers (it's a Reader + IO monad) the email based on the config+options. 
getFilterMainStuff :: FilePath -> Interpreter (Path, Filter ())
getFilterMainStuff fMainLoc = do
        loadModules [fMainLoc]; setTopLevelModules ["FilterMain"] 
        inboxL <- parse <$> interpret "(inbox)" infer
        fMain  <- (interpret "(mainFilter)" infer)
        return (inboxL, fMain)  

getExt :: Bool -> Bool -> ((a,a) -> a)  
getExt True True   = error $ "Both FilterMain.hs and FilterMain.lhs exist, don't know which one to"
                             ++ "use, exiting."
getExt False False = error $ "FilterMain.hs and FilterMain.lhs do not exist, exiting."
getExt True False  = fst
getExt False True  = snd

noConfFolderError = do 
        putStrLn "~/.hackmail/ does not exist, creating and exiting."
        configFolderPathIO >>= createDirectory

runUnsafeInterpreter :: Interpreter a -> IO a
runUnsafeInterpreter s = do
        res <- runInterpreter s 
        case res of 
                Left r -> error (show r)
                Right r -> return r