{- | Demonstration of Gaussian process classification using the demonstration problem from www.gaussianprocess.org/gpml/code/matlab/doc/ This demo uses the EP approximation approach. For details of the algorithms involved see www.gaussianprocesses.org. For a detailed explanation of the following code see the HasGP user manual. Copyright (C) 2011 Sean Holden. sbh11@cl.cam.ac.uk. -} {- This file is part of HasGP. HasGP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. HasGP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with HasGP. If not, see . -} module HasGP.Demos.ClassificationDemo2 where import Numeric.LinearAlgebra import Numeric.GSL.Minimization import HasGP.Types.MainTypes import HasGP.Support.Linear import HasGP.Classification.EP.ClassificationEP import HasGP.Covariance.SquaredExpARD import HasGP.Covariance.Basic -- | This function defines when iteration stops. stopEP::EPConvergenceTest stopEP s1 s2 = ((count s2) == 100) || ((eValue s1) > (eValue s2)) || (abs ((eValue s1) - (eValue s2)) < 0.001) demo = do putStrLn "Loading the training data..." inputs <- loadMatrix "gpml-classifier-x.txt" targets <- fscanfVector "gpml-classifier-y.txt" 120 points <- loadMatrix "gpml-classifier-test.txt" putStrLn "Learning and predicting: EP + hyperparameter optimization..." let cov = SquaredExponentialARD (log 1.0) (constant (log 1.0) 2) let c = covarianceMatrix cov inputs let f = (\v -> gpClassifierEPLogEvidenceVec inputs targets cov generateRandomSiteOrder stopEP v) let ev = fst . f let gev = snd . f let (solution, path) = minimizeVD ConjugatePR 0.0001 50 1 0.0001 ev gev (constant (log 1) 3) putStrLn $ "Solution: " ++ (show $ mapVector exp solution) putStrLn $ "Path: " putStrLn $ show path let cov' = SquaredExponentialARD (solution @> 0) (fromList [(solution @> 1), (solution @> 2)]) let c' = covarianceMatrix cov' inputs let (epValue, epState) = gpClassifierEPLearn c' targets generateRandomSiteOrder stopEP let classify = gpClassifierEPPredict (siteState epValue) inputs targets c' cov' let newOuts = classify points fprintfVector "gpml-hasgp-outputs.txt" "%g" newOuts putStrLn $ "Done" return ()