HaskRel- HaskRel, Haskell as a DBMS with support for the relational algebra

Copyright© Thor Michael Støre, 2015
LicenseGPL v2 without "any later version" clause
Maintainerthormichael át gmâïl døt cöm
Safe HaskellSafe




Predicates and aggregates useful to relational querying. These are not part of the relational algebra but are useful in relational queries in restriction predicates, and extension and summarization expressions. It also has great utility in non-relational queries, such as when performing aggregations.



(&=) :: a -> (a -> Bool) -> Bool infix 5 Source

Reverse predicate application. As "Data.Function.&", the reverse function application operator, but restricted to a boolean result.

plusminus :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool Source

>>> plusminus 9 3 10

(+-) :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool infix 7 Source

>>> 10 &= 9 +- 3

(±) :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool infix 7 Source

>>> 10 &= 9 ± 3
>>> rPrint$ p ∣ (\[pun|weight|] -> weight &= 9 ± 3)
│ pno │ pName │ color │ weight │ city   │
│ P1  │ Nut   │ Red   │ 12 % 1 │ London │
│ P5  │ Cam   │ Blue  │ 12 % 1 │ Paris  │

between :: Ord a => a -> (a, a) -> Bool Source

>>> 5 `between` (5,9)

(>=<=) :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> Bool Source

>>> 5 &= 5 >=<= 9

(≥≤) :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> Bool Source

>>> 5 &= 5 ≥≤ 9
>>> rPrint$ p ∣ (\[pun|weight|] -> weight &= 11 ≥≤ 14)
│ pno │ pName │ color │ weight │ city   │
│ P1  │ Nut   │ Red   │ 12 % 1 │ London │
│ P4  │ Screw │ Red   │ 14 % 1 │ London │
│ P5  │ Cam   │ Blue  │ 12 % 1 │ Paris  │

xBetween :: Ord a => a -> (a, a) -> Bool Source

Between exclusive

>>> 5 `xBetween` (5,9)

(><) :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> Bool Source

>>> 5 &= 5 >< 9
>>> rPrint$ p ∣ (\[pun|weight|] -> weight &= 11 >< 14)
│ pno │ pName │ color │ weight │ city   │
│ P1  │ Nut   │ Red   │ 12 % 1 │ London │
│ P5  │ Cam   │ Blue  │ 12 % 1 │ Paris  │

(>=<) :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> Bool Source

>>> 5 &= 5 >=< 9

(≥<) :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> Bool Source

>>> 5 &= 5 ≥< 9

(><=) :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> Bool Source

>>> 5 &= 5 ><= 9

(>≤) :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> Bool Source

>>> 5 &= 5 >≤ 9

(≤) :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool Source

Synonym for <=

(≥) :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool Source

Synonym for >=

(≠) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool Source

Synonym for /=


avg :: (Fractional a, Real a1) => [a1] -> a Source

Average of a list of values

>>> let _qtys a = Label .=. a :: Tagged "qtys" Double
>>> pt$ group sp (rHdr (pno,qty)) (_qtys . avg . agg qty)
│ qtys :: Double     │ sno :: String │
│ 200.0              │ S3            │
│ 216.66666666666666 │ S1            │
│ 300.0              │ S4            │
│ 350.0              │ S2            │

Note the explicit type in the definition of _qtys; it is neccessary to provide a specific type for pt to format it as a table, even when an expression would otherwise be correct without this. The following would blow up if prefixed with "pt$":

>>> group sp (rHdr (pno,qty)) ((qtys .=.) . avg . agg qty)
fromList [Record{qtys=200.0,sno="S3"},Record{qtys=216.66666666666666,sno="S1"},Record{qtys=300.0,sno="S4"},Record{qtys=350.0,sno="S2"}]

minx :: Ord a => [a] -> a -> a Source

Minimum of several values, defaulting to the second argument if there are no elements.

>>> pt$ group sp (rHdr (pno,qty)) ((qtys .=.) . (`minx` 0) . agg qty)
│ qtys :: Integer │ sno :: String │
│ 100             │ S1            │
│ 200             │ S3            │
│ 200             │ S4            │
│ 300             │ S2            │

maxx :: Ord a => [a] -> a -> a Source

Maximum of several values, defaulting to the second argument if there are no elements

>>> pt$ group sp (rHdr (pno,qty)) ((qtys .=.) . (`maxx` 0) . agg qty)
│ qtys :: Integer │ sno :: String │
│ 200             │ S3            │
│ 400             │ S1            │
│ 400             │ S2            │
│ 400             │ S4            │