---------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Math.LevenbergMarquardt -- License : GPL -- -- Maintainer : Kiet Lam <ktklam9@gmail.com> -- -- -- The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is a minimization -- algorithm for functions expressed as a sum of squared -- errors -- -- This can be used for curve-fitting, multidimensional -- function minimization, and neural networks training -- -- ---------------------------------------------------- module Math.LevenbergMarquardt ( Function, Jacobian, lmMinimize ) where import Data.Packed.Vector import Data.Packed.Matrix import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Algorithms import Numeric.Container -- | Type that represents the function that can calculate the residues type Function = Vector Double -> Vector Double -- | Type that represents the function that can calculate the jacobian matrix -- of the residue with respect to each parameter type Jacobian = Vector Double -> Matrix Double -- | Name says it all sumSquared :: Vector Double -> Double sumSquared = foldVector (+) 0 . mapVector (**2) -- | Evolves the parameter x for f(x) = sum-square(e(x)) so that f(x) -- will be minimized, where: -- -- f = real-valued error function, -- e(x) = {e1(x),e2(x),..,eN(x)}, where -- e1(x) = the residue at the vector x -- -- NOTE: eN(x) is usually represented as (sample - hypothesis(x)) -- -- e.g.: In training neural networks, hypothesis(x) would be the -- network's output for a training set, and sample would be the -- expected output for that training set -- -- NOTE: The dampening constant(lambda) should be set to 0.01 and the dampening -- update value (beta) should be set to be 10 lmMinimize :: Function -- ^ Multi-dimensional function that will -- return a vector of residues -> Jacobian -- ^ The function that calculate the Jacobian -- matrix of each residue with respect to -- each parameter -> Vector Double -- ^ The initial guess for the parameter -> Double -- ^ Dampening constant (usually lambda in most literature) -> Double -- ^ Dampening update value (usually beta in most literature) -> Double -- ^ The precision desired -> Int -- ^ The maximum iteration -> (Vector Double, Matrix Double) -- ^ Returns the optimal parameter -- and the matrix path lmMinimize func jacob param lambda beta prec iter = let errValue = sumSquared $ func param (v, m) = lmMinimizeInternal func jacob param prec errValue lambda beta iter [param] in (v, (fromLists . reverse . map toList) m) lmMinimizeInternal :: Function -- ^ Multi-dimensional function that will -- return a vector of residues -> Jacobian -- ^ The Jacobian matrix of each residue -- with respect to each parameter -> Vector Double -- ^ The current guess for the parameter -> Double -- ^ The precision desired -> Double -- ^ The current value for the error function -- (which is the sum of the residues squared) -> Double -- ^ The dampening constant (lambda) -> Double -- ^ The beta constant to update lambda -> Int -- ^ The maximum iteration -> [Vector Double] -- ^ The current matrix path -> (Vector Double, [Vector Double]) -- ^ Returns the optimal parameter -- and the matrix path lmMinimizeInternal _ _ v _ _ _ _ 0 m = (v,m) lmMinimizeInternal func jacob param prec errValue lambda beta iter mat = let jacobian = jacob param residues = func param gradients = (trans jacobian) `mXv` residues hessian = (trans jacobian) `multiply` jacobian diagonalHessian = diagRect 0 (takeDiag hessian) (cols hessian) (cols hessian) diagonalLambda = mapMatrix (*lambda) (ident (cols hessian)) hessianModded = hessian `add` diagonalLambda newParam = param `sub` (flatten (linearSolveSVD hessianModded (reshape 1 gradients))) newErrValue = (sumSquared . func) newParam in case norm2(gradients) < prec of True -> (newParam, newParam:mat) False -> case newErrValue > errValue of True -> lmMinimizeInternal func jacob param prec errValue (lambda * beta) beta iter mat False -> lmMinimizeInternal func jacob newParam prec newErrValue (lambda / beta) beta (iter - 1) (newParam:mat)