{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Text.Atom
-- Copyright   :  (c) Jun Mukai 2006
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  mukai@jmuk.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Atom Syndication format Parser/Printer Library using HaXml

module Text.Atom
    ( Text(..), EntryContent(..), stringContent, xhtmlContent, binaryContent, srcContent
    , Person, mkPerson
    , Feed, mkFeed, Entry, mkEntry
    , Category, mkCategory, Generator, mkGenerator, defaultGenerator
    , Link, LinkRelation(..), mkLink, selfLink
    , Attr, get, set, update, has, add, howMany, set', get', delete
    , AName(..), AUri(..), AEmail(..), AAuthor(..), ACategory(..)
    , AContributor(..), AGenerator(..), AIcon(..), AId(..), ALink(..)
    , ALogo(..), ARights(..), ASubtitle(..), ATitle(..), AUpdated(..)
    , AEntries(..), AContent(..), APublished(..), ASource(..), ASummary(..)
    , ATerm(..), AScheme(..), ALabel(..), AVersion(..), AHref(..), ARel(..)
    , AMediatype(..), AHreflang(..), ALength(..)
    , PERSON(..), CATEGORY(..), GENERATOR(..), LINK(..), FEED(..), ENTRY(..)

import Data.Record
import Data.List (genericLength, nubBy, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Applicative hiding (many)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Map (findWithDefault, insert, Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
import Data.Time (formatTime)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (LocalTime(..), TimeOfDay(..), ZonedTime(..), TimeZone(..), minutesToTimeZone, utc)
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Text.XML.HaXml hiding (version)
import Text.XML.HaXml.Escape (xmlEscape, xmlUnEscape, mkXmlEscaper)
import qualified Text.XML.HaXml.Html.Pretty as P (content)
import Text.XML.HaXml.Xml2Haskell
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (hcat)
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64.String as B64 (encode, decode)

import Prelude hiding (foldr1, foldr, or, any, all, concatMap, concat, elem)

e2e :: (Enum a, Enum b) => a -> b
e2e = toEnum . fromEnum
b64Encode :: String -> String
b64Encode = map e2e . B64.encode . map e2e
b64Decode :: String -> String
b64Decode = map e2e . B64.decode . map e2e

atomEscaper = mkXmlEscaper [('<', "lt"), ('>', "gt"), ('&', "amp"), ('"', "quot")] (`elem` "<>\"")
xEscape :: [Content] -> [Content]
xEscape cs = let Elem _ _ cs' = xmlEscape atomEscaper (Elem "" [] cs) in cs'

xUnEscape :: [Content] -> [Content]
xUnEscape cs = let Elem _ _ cs' = xmlUnEscape atomEscaper (Elem "" [] cs) in cs'

escapeString :: String -> String
escapeString s = fromText' $ xEscape [CString False s]

unEscapeString :: String -> String
unEscapeString s = fromText' $ xUnEscape [CString False s]

-- basic constructs 

data Text = Text String
          | HTML String
          | XHtml [Content]
instance Show Text where
    show (Text s) = "Text "++show s
    show (HTML s) = "HTML "++show s
    show (XHtml cont) = "XHtml \""++show (hcat (map P.content cont))++"\""

data EntryContent = TextCont Text
                  | BinaryData String String
                  | OtherSrc String String
                    deriving Show
stringContent = TextCont . Text
xhtmlContent = TextCont . XHtml
binaryContent t d | typeChecker t = error "binary data must not text, html, or xhtml"
                  | otherwise = BinaryData t d
srcContent t url | typeChecker t = error "other src must not text, html, or xhtml"
                 | otherwise = OtherSrc t url
typeChecker t = any (flip isPrefixOf t) ["text", "html", "xhtml"]

data Person = Person { personName :: !Text
                     , personUri :: Maybe String
                     , personEmail :: Maybe String
                     } deriving Show
mkPerson :: String -> Person
mkPerson s = Person (Text s) Nothing Nothing

-- atom types
data Feed = Feed { feedAuthor :: [Person]
                 , feedCategory :: [Category]
                 , feedContributor :: [Person]
                 , feedGenerator :: [Generator]
                 , feedIcon :: Maybe String
                 , feedId :: !String
                 , feedLink :: [Link]
                 , feedLogo :: Maybe String
                 , feedRights :: Maybe Text
                 , feedSubtitle :: Maybe Text
                 , feedTitle :: !Text
                 , feedUpdated :: !ZonedTime
                 , feedEntries :: [Entry]
                 } deriving Show
mkFeed :: Person -- ^ primary author
       -> String -- ^ id
       -> String -- ^ self link
       -> String -- ^ title
       -> ZonedTime -> Feed
mkFeed a id l t ut = Feed [a] [] [] [defaultGenerator] Nothing id [selfLink l] Nothing Nothing Nothing (Text t) ut []

data Entry = Entry { entryAuthor :: [Person]
                   , entryCategory :: [Category]
                   , entryContent :: Maybe EntryContent
                   , entryContributor :: [Person]
                   , entryId :: !String
                   , entryLink :: [Link]
                   , entryPublished :: Maybe ZonedTime
                   , entryRights :: Maybe Text
                   , entrySource :: Maybe Feed
                   , entrySummary :: Maybe String
                   , entryTitle :: !Text
                   , entryUpdated :: !ZonedTime
                   } deriving Show
mkEntry :: String -- ^ id
        -> String -- ^ title
        -> EntryContent -- ^ content
        -> ZonedTime -> Entry
mkEntry id title content updated = Entry [] [] (Just content) [] id [] Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Text title) updated

data Category = Category { categoryTerm :: !String
                         , categoryScheme :: Maybe String
                         , categoryLabel :: Maybe String
                         } deriving Show
mkCategory :: String -> Category
mkCategory s = Category s Nothing Nothing

data Generator = Generator { generatorName :: !String
                           , generatorUri :: Maybe String
                           , generatorVersion :: Maybe String
                           } deriving Show
mkGenerator :: String -> Generator
mkGenerator s = Generator s Nothing Nothing
defaultGenerator :: Generator
defaultGenerator = Generator "HaskellNet" (Just "http://darcs.haskell.org/SoC/haskellnet/") (Just "0.1")

data Link = Link { linkHref :: !String
                 , linkRel :: !LinkRelation
                 , linkMediatype :: Maybe String
                 , linkHreflang :: Maybe String
                 , linkTitle :: Maybe String
                 , linkLength :: Maybe Integer
                 } deriving Show
data LinkRelation = Alternate | Related | Self | Enclosure | Via deriving Eq
instance Show LinkRelation where
    show Alternate = "alternate"
    show Related = "related"
    show Self = "self"
    show Enclosure = "enclosure"
    show Via = "via"
instance Read LinkRelation where
    readsPrec d s = readParen (d > app_prec) (\s -> concatMap (f s) labels) s
        where app_prec = 10
              f s (s', l) | s' `isPrefixOf` s = [(l, drop (length s') s)]
                          | otherwise         = []
              labels = [ ("alternate", Alternate), ("related", Related)
                       , ("self", Self), ("enclosure", Enclosure)
                       , ("via", Via) ]
mkLink :: String -> Link
mkLink s = Link s Alternate Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
selfLink :: String -> Link
selfLink s = Link s Self Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing

-- field class/instance declarations

class AName r v | r -> v where    name :: Attr r v
class AUri r v | r -> v where    uri :: Attr r v
class AEmail r v | r -> v where    email :: Attr r v
class AAuthor r v | r -> v where    author :: Attr r v
class ACategory r v | r -> v where    category :: Attr r v
class AContributor r v | r -> v where    contributor :: Attr r v
class AGenerator r v | r -> v where    generator :: Attr r v
class AIcon r v | r -> v where    icon :: Attr r v
class AId r v | r -> v where    identifier :: Attr r v
class ALink r v | r -> v where    link :: Attr r v
class ALogo r v | r -> v where    logo :: Attr r v
class ARights r v | r -> v where    rights :: Attr r v
class ASubtitle r v | r -> v where    subtitle :: Attr r v
class ATitle r v | r -> v where    title :: Attr r v
class AUpdated r v | r -> v where    updated :: Attr r v
class AEntries r v | r -> v where    entries :: Attr r v
class AContent r v | r -> v where    content :: Attr r v
class APublished r v | r -> v where    published :: Attr r v
class ASource r v | r -> v where    source :: Attr r v
class ASummary r v | r -> v where    summary :: Attr r v
class ATerm r v | r -> v where    term :: Attr r v
class AScheme r v | r -> v where    scheme :: Attr r v
class ALabel r v | r -> v where    label :: Attr r v
class AVersion r v | r -> v where    version :: Attr r v
class AHref r v | r -> v where    href :: Attr r v
class ARel r v | r -> v where    rel :: Attr r v
class AMediatype r v | r -> v where    mediatype :: Attr r v
class AHreflang r v | r -> v where    hreflang :: Attr r v
class ALength r v | r -> v where    len :: Attr r v

instance AName Person Text where
    name = Attr personName setter
        where setter r v = r { personName = v }

instance AUri Person (Maybe String) where
    uri = Attr personUri setter
        where setter r v = r { personUri = v }

instance AEmail Person (Maybe String) where
    email = Attr personEmail setter
        where setter r v = r { personEmail = v }

instance AAuthor Feed [Person] where
    author = Attr feedAuthor setter
        where setter r v | check r v = r { feedAuthor = v }
                         | otherwise = error "Feed must have at least one author"
              check r [] = not $ any (null . get author) $ feedEntries r
              check r vs = True

instance ACategory Feed [Category] where
    category = Attr feedCategory setter
        where setter r v = r { feedCategory = v }

instance AContributor Feed [Person] where
    contributor = Attr feedContributor setter
        where setter r v = r { feedContributor = v }

instance AGenerator Feed [Generator] where
    generator = Attr feedGenerator setter
        where setter r v = r { feedGenerator = v }

instance AIcon Feed (Maybe String) where
    icon = Attr feedIcon setter
        where setter r v = r { feedIcon = v }

instance AId Feed String where
    identifier = Attr feedId setter
        where setter r v = r { feedId = v }

instance ALink Feed [Link] where
    link = Attr feedLink setter
        where setter r v | check v   = r { feedLink = v }
                         | otherwise = error "links do not satisfy the specs of atom"
              check ls = let ls'  = filter ((==Alternate) . get rel) ls
                             ls'' = filter ((==Self) . get rel) ls
                         in length (nubBy f1 ls') == length ls' && 
                            not (null ls'')
              f1 a b = get mediatype a == get mediatype b && 
                       get hreflang a == get hreflang b
instance ALogo Feed (Maybe String) where
    logo = Attr feedLogo setter
        where setter r v = r { feedLogo = v }

instance ARights Feed (Maybe Text) where
    rights = Attr feedRights setter
        where setter r v = r { feedRights = v }

instance ASubtitle Feed (Maybe Text) where
    subtitle = Attr feedSubtitle setter
        where setter r v = r { feedSubtitle = v }

instance ATitle Feed Text where
    title = Attr feedTitle setter
        where setter r v = r { feedTitle = v }

instance AUpdated Feed ZonedTime where
    updated = Attr feedUpdated setter
        where setter r v = r { feedUpdated = v }

instance AEntries Feed [Entry] where
    entries = Attr feedEntries setter
        where setter r v = r { feedEntries = v }

instance AAuthor Entry [Person] where
    author = Attr entryAuthor setter
        where setter r v = r { entryAuthor = v }

instance ACategory Entry [Category] where
    category = Attr entryCategory setter
        where setter r v = r { entryCategory = v }

instance AContent Entry (Maybe EntryContent) where
    content = Attr entryContent setter
        where setter r v = r { entryContent = v }

instance AContributor Entry [Person] where
    contributor = Attr entryContributor setter
        where setter r v = r { entryContributor = v }

instance AId Entry String where
    identifier = Attr entryId setter
        where setter r v = r { entryId = v }

instance ALink Entry [Link] where
    link = Attr entryLink setter
        where setter r v | check r v = r { entryLink = v }
                         | otherwise = error "links do not satisfy the specs of atom"
              check r ls = 
                  let ls'  = filter ((==Alternate) . get rel) ls
                  in length (nubBy f1 ls') == length ls' && 
                         (isJust (entryContent r) || not (null ls'))
              f1 a b = get mediatype a == get mediatype b && 
                       get hreflang a == get hreflang b

instance APublished Entry (Maybe ZonedTime) where
    published = Attr entryPublished setter
        where setter r v = r { entryPublished = v }

instance ARights Entry (Maybe Text) where
    rights = Attr entryRights setter
        where setter r v = r { entryRights = v }

instance ASource Entry (Maybe Feed) where
    source = Attr entrySource setter
        where setter r v = r { entrySource = fmap (delete entries) v }

instance ASummary Entry (Maybe String) where
    summary = Attr entrySummary setter
        where setter r Nothing | check (get content r) = error "summary is required to this entry"
              setter r v = r { entrySummary = v }
              check (Just (BinaryData _ _)) = True
              check (Just (OtherSrc _ _))   = True
              check _ = False

instance ATitle Entry Text where
    title = Attr entryTitle setter
        where setter r v = r { entryTitle = v }

instance AUpdated Entry ZonedTime where
    updated = Attr entryUpdated setter
        where setter r v = r { entryUpdated = v }

instance ATerm Category String where
    term = Attr categoryTerm setter
        where setter r v = r { categoryTerm = v }

instance AScheme Category (Maybe String) where
    scheme = Attr categoryScheme setter
        where setter r v = r { categoryScheme = v }

instance ALabel Category (Maybe String) where
    label = Attr categoryLabel setter
        where setter r v = r { categoryLabel = v }

instance AName Generator String where
    name = Attr generatorName setter
        where setter r v = r { generatorName = v }

instance AUri Generator (Maybe String) where
    uri = Attr generatorUri setter
        where setter r v = r { generatorUri = v }

instance AVersion Generator (Maybe String) where
    version = Attr generatorVersion setter
        where setter r v = r { generatorVersion = v }

instance AHref Link String where
    href = Attr linkHref setter
        where setter r v = r { linkHref = v }

instance ARel Link LinkRelation where
    rel = Attr linkRel setter
        where setter r v = r { linkRel = v }

instance AMediatype Link (Maybe String) where
    mediatype = Attr linkMediatype setter
        where setter r v = r { linkMediatype = v }

instance AHreflang Link (Maybe String) where
    hreflang = Attr linkHreflang setter
        where setter r v = r { linkHreflang = v }

instance ATitle Link (Maybe String) where
    title = Attr linkTitle setter
        where setter r v = r { linkTitle = v }

instance ALength Link (Maybe Integer) where
    len = Attr linkLength setter
        where setter r v = r { linkLength = v }

-- XML <-> ATOM data types interchange

class (AName r Text, AUri r (Maybe String), AEmail r (Maybe String)) 
    => PERSON r
instance PERSON Person
class (ATerm r String, AScheme r (Maybe String), ALabel r (Maybe String))
    => CATEGORY r
instance CATEGORY Category
class (AName r String, AUri r (Maybe String), AVersion r (Maybe String))
    => GENERATOR r
instance GENERATOR Generator
class ( AHref r String, ARel r LinkRelation, AMediatype r (Maybe String)
      , AHreflang r (Maybe String), ATitle r (Maybe String)
      , ALength r (Maybe Integer))
    => LINK r
instance LINK Link

class ( AAuthor r [Person], ACategory r [Category], AContributor r [Person]
      , AGenerator r [Generator], AIcon r (Maybe String), AId r String
      , ALink r [Link], ALogo r (Maybe String), ARights r (Maybe Text)
      , ASubtitle r (Maybe Text), ATitle r Text, AUpdated r ZonedTime)
    => FEED r
instance FEED Feed
class ( AAuthor r [Person], ACategory r [Category]
      , AContent r (Maybe EntryContent), AContributor r [Person], AId r String
      , ALink r [Link], APublished r (Maybe ZonedTime), ARights r (Maybe Text)
      , ASource r (Maybe Feed), ASummary r (Maybe String)
      , ATitle r Text, AUpdated r ZonedTime)
    => ENTRY r
instance ENTRY Entry

s2cont :: String -> Content
s2cont s = CString False (escapeString s)

simpleCont :: String -> [Content] -> Content
simpleCont t cs = CElem $ Elem t [] cs

p2cont :: String -> Person -> Content
p2cont t p = simpleCont t (n:(u++m))
    where n = t2cont "name" $ get name p
          u = toList $ fmap (\u -> simpleCont "uri" [s2cont u]) $ get uri p
          m = toList $ fmap (\m -> simpleCont "email" [s2cont m]) $ get email p
cont2p :: Content -> Person
cont2p (CElem (Elem _ _ cs)) = Person n u m
    where n = cont2t $ head $ getTags "name" cs
          u = fmap fromText' $ listToMaybe $ getChildren "uri" cs
          m = fmap fromText' $ listToMaybe $ getChildren "email" cs

t2cont :: String -> Text -> Content
t2cont t (Text s) = CElem $ Elem t [("type", str2attr "text")] [s2cont s]
t2cont t (HTML s) = CElem $ Elem t [("type", str2attr "html")] [s2cont s]
t2cont t (XHtml cont) = CElem $ Elem t [("type", str2attr "xhtml")] [CElem $ Elem "div" [("xmlns", str2attr "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")] cont]

cont2t :: Content -> Text
cont2t (CElem (Elem _ ats cs)) =
       case typ of
         Just t | t == "html" || t == "text/html"   -> HTML contText
                | t == "xhtml" || t == "text/xhtml" -> XHtml cont
         _                                          -> Text contText 
    where typ = possibleA fromAttrToStr "type" ats
          contText = fromText' $ xUnEscape cs
          cont = stripSpaces `o` children $ head cs

zt2cont :: String -> ZonedTime -> Content
zt2cont t (ZonedTime d (TimeZone diffs _ _))
    = simpleCont t [s2cont $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%T" d ++ zs ]
    where zs = if diffs == 0 then "Z"
               else let (zh,zm) = diffs `divMod` 60
                        (zh',zm') = if diffs < 0 && zm /= 0 
                                    then (zh+1,60-zm) else (zh,zm)
                        sig = if zh' < 0 then '-' else '+'
                    in sig : show2 zh' ++ ":" ++ show2 zm'
          show2 n | abs n < 10 = '0':show (abs n)
                  | otherwise  = show n

breaks :: Char -> String -> [String]
breaks c s = case rest of
               []     -> [s1]
               (_:s') -> s1:breaks c s'
    where (s1, rest) = break (==c) s

s2zt :: String -> ZonedTime
s2zt s = let (d, _:h') = break (=='T') s
             (h, z) = break (`elem` "+-Z") h'
             (year:mon:day:_) = breaks '-' d
             (hour:min:sec:_) = breaks ':' h
             zone = case z of
                      "Z" -> utc
                      zs@(_:_) -> 
                          let (zh:zm:_) = map read $ breaks ':' zs
                          in minutesToTimeZone ((abs zh * 60 + zm) * signum zh)
                      _ -> utc
         in ZonedTime (LocalTime (fromGregorian (read year) (read mon) (read day))
                                 (TimeOfDay (read hour) (read min) (fromRational $ toRational (read sec::Double))))

fromMany :: (XmlContent a) => [Content] -> [a]
fromMany = fst . many fromElem

fromText' :: [Content] -> String
fromText' = concat . fst . many fromText

getTags :: String -> [Content] -> [Content]
getTags s = concatMap (tag s)

getChildren :: String -> [Content] -> [[Content]]
getChildren s = dropWhile null . map (tag s /> keep)

stripSpaces :: CFilter
stripSpaces = foldXml (ifTxt (\s -> if all isSpace s then none else keep) keep)

instance XmlContent Category where
    fromElem css@(CElem (Elem "category" ats cs):rest) = 
        case lookup "term" ats of
          Just v -> (Just (Category (attr2str v) s l), rest)
          Nothing -> (Nothing, css)
        where s = possibleA fromAttrToStr "scheme" ats
              l = possibleA fromAttrToStr "label" ats
    fromElem css = (Nothing, css)
    toElem c = [CElem (Elem "category" (catMaybes [t, s, l]) [])]
        where t = Just ("term", str2attr $ get term c)
              s = get scheme c >>= return . (,) "scheme" . str2attr
              l = get label c >>= return . (,) "label" . str2attr
instance XmlContent Generator where
    fromElem (CElem (Elem "generator" ats cs):rest) = 
        (Just (Generator n u v), rest)
        where n = fromText' cs
              u = possibleA fromAttrToStr "uri" ats
              v = possibleA fromAttrToStr "version" ats
    fromElem cs = (Nothing, cs)
    toElem g = [CElem $ Elem "generator" (catMaybes [u, v])
                          [s2cont $ get name g]]
        where u = get uri g >>= Just . (,) "uri" . str2attr
              v = get version g >>= Just . (,) "version" . str2attr
instance XmlContent Link where
    fromElem (CElem (Elem "link" ats cs):rest) =
        (Just (Link hr r t hl ti len), rest)
        where hr = case possibleA fromAttrToStr "href" ats of
                     Nothing -> error "link requires href attribute"
                     Just v -> v
              r = maybe Alternate read $ possibleA fromAttrToStr "rel" ats
              t = possibleA fromAttrToStr "type" ats
              hl = possibleA fromAttrToStr "hreflang" ats
              ti = possibleA fromAttrToStr "title" ats
              len = fmap read $ possibleA fromAttrToStr "length" ats
    fromElem cs = (Nothing, cs)
    toElem l = [CElem $ Elem "link" (hr:r:catMaybes [t,hl,ti,len']) []]
        where hr = ("href", str2attr $ get href l)
              r = ("rel", str2attr $ show $ get rel l)
              t = get mediatype l >>= return . (,) "type" . str2attr
              hl = get hreflang l >>= return . (,) "hreflang" . str2attr
              ti = get title l >>= return . (,) "title" . str2attr
              len' = get len l >>= return . (,) "length" . str2attr . show
instance XmlContent EntryContent where
    fromElem (CElem (Elem "content" ats cs):rest) = 
        case possibleA fromAttrToStr "type" ats of
          Just "text" -> (Just $ TextCont $ Text inText, rest)
          Just "html" -> (Just $ TextCont $ HTML inText, rest)
          Just "xhtml" -> (Just $ TextCont $ XHtml inHtml, rest)
          Just "text/html" -> (Just $ TextCont $ HTML inText, rest)
          Just "text/xhtml" -> (Just $ TextCont $ XHtml inHtml, rest)
          Just s | "text" `isPrefixOf` s -> 
                     (Just $ TextCont $ Text inText, rest)
                 | otherwise -> case src of
                                  Just d -> (Just $ OtherSrc s d, rest)
                                  Nothing -> (Just $ BinaryData s $ b64Decode inText, rest)
        where inText = fromText' cs
              inHtml = concatMap stripSpaces $ head $ getChildren "div" $ cs
              src = possibleA fromAttrToStr "src" ats
    fromElem cs = (Nothing, cs)
    toElem (TextCont (Text s)) = [CElem $ Elem "content" [("type", str2attr "text")] [s2cont s]]
    toElem (TextCont (HTML s)) = [CElem $ Elem "content" [("type", str2attr "html")] [s2cont s]]
    toElem (TextCont (XHtml cont)) = [CElem $ Elem "content" [("type", str2attr "xhtml")] [CElem $ Elem "div" [("xmlns", str2attr "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")] cont]]
    toElem (BinaryData t d) = [CElem $ Elem "content" [("type", str2attr t)] [CString False (b64Encode d)]]
    toElem (OtherSrc t d) = [CElem $ Elem "content" [ ("type", str2attr t), ("src", str2attr t)] []]
instance XmlContent Entry where
    fromElem (CElem (Elem "entry" _ cs):rest) =
        (Just $ Entry authors cats content conts ident links pubd rts src summ tit upd, rest)
        where authors = map cont2p $ getTags "author" cs
              cats = fromMany $ getTags "category" cs
              content = listToMaybe $ fromMany $ getTags "content" cs
              conts = map cont2p $ getTags "contributor" cs
              ident = fromText' $ head $ getChildren "id" cs
              links = fromMany $ getTags "link" cs
              pubd = fmap (s2zt . fromText') $ listToMaybe $ getChildren "published" cs
              rts = fmap cont2t $ listToMaybe $ getTags "rights" cs
              src = (listToMaybe $ getChildren "source" cs) >>= fst . fromElem
              summ = fmap fromText' $ listToMaybe $ getChildren "summary" cs
              tit = cont2t $ head $ getTags "title" cs
              upd = s2zt $ fromText' $ head $ getChildren "updated" cs
    fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
    toElem e = [CElem $ Elem "entry" [] (concat [authors, cats, contents, conts, ident, links, pubd, rts, src, summ, tit, upd])]
        where authors = map (p2cont "author") $ get author e
              cats = toElem $ get category e
              contents = toElem $ get content e
              conts = map (p2cont "contributor") $ get contributor e
              ident = [simpleCont "id" [s2cont $ get identifier e]]
              links = toElem $ get link e
              pubd = toList $ fmap (zt2cont "published") $ get published e
              rts = toList $ fmap (t2cont "rights") $ get rights e
              src = toList $ fmap (\s -> CElem (Elem "source" [] (toElem s))) $ get source e 
              summ = toList $ fmap (\s -> simpleCont "summary" [s2cont s]) $ get summary e
              tit = [t2cont "title" $ get title e]
              upd = [zt2cont "updated" $ get updated e]
instance XmlContent Feed where
    fromElem (CElem (Elem "feed" _ cs):rest) = 
        (Just $ Feed authors cats conts gens ic ident links lg rts subtit tit upd ents, rest)
        where authors = map cont2p $ getTags "author" cs
              cats = fromMany $ getTags "category" cs
              conts = map cont2p $ getTags "contributor" cs
              gens = fromMany $ getTags "generator" cs
              ic = fmap fromText' $ listToMaybe $ getChildren "icon" cs
              ident = fromText' $ head $ getChildren  "id" cs
              links = fromMany $ getTags "link" cs
              lg = fmap fromText' $ listToMaybe $ getChildren "logo" cs
              rts = fmap cont2t $ listToMaybe $ getTags "rights" cs
              subtit = fmap cont2t $ listToMaybe $ getTags "subtitle" cs
              tit = cont2t $ head $ getTags "title" cs
              upd = s2zt $ fromText' $ head $ getChildren "updated" cs
              ents = fromMany $ getTags "entry" cs
    fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
    toElem f = [CElem $ Elem "feed" [("xmlns", str2attr "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom")] (concat [authors, cats, conts, gens, ic, ident, links, lg, rts, subtit, tit, upd, ents])]
        where authors = map (p2cont "author") $ get author f
              cats = toElem $ get category f
              conts = map (p2cont "contributor") $ get contributor f
              gens = toElem $ get generator f
              ic = toList $ fmap (\i -> simpleCont "icon" [s2cont i]) $ get icon f
              ident = [simpleCont "id" [s2cont $ get identifier f]]
              links = toElem $ get link f
              lg = toList $ fmap (\l -> simpleCont "logo" [s2cont l]) $ get logo f
              rts = toList $ fmap (t2cont "rights") $ get rights f
              subtit = toList $ fmap (t2cont "subtitle") $ get subtitle f
              tit = [t2cont "title" $ get title f]
              upd = [zt2cont "updated" $ get updated f]
              ents = toElem $ feedEntries f