name: Hieroglyph version: 3.1 cabal-version: >=1.2 build-type: Simple license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: maintainer: J.R. Heard build-depends: IfElse -any, OpenGL -any, array -any, base <=5, buster >=2.0, bytestring -any, cairo -any, colour -any, containers -any, gtk -any, gtkglext -any, mtl -any, parallel -any, pretty -any, random -any, glib -any, buster-gtk -any stability: homepage: package-url: bug-reports: synopsis: Purely functional 2D graphics for visualization. description: A purely functional 2D scenegraph library with functionality similar to a barebones Processing. Currently a complete implmentation exists using Cairo and partial implementation in OpenGL as well. category: Graphics author: J.R. Heard tested-with: data-files: data-dir: "" extra-source-files: extra-tmp-files: exposed-modules: Graphics.Rendering.Hieroglyph Graphics.Rendering.Hieroglyph.Cairo Graphics.Rendering.Hieroglyph.OpenGL Graphics.Rendering.Hieroglyph.Primitives Graphics.Rendering.Hieroglyph.Visual Graphics.Rendering.Hieroglyph.OpenGL.Data Graphics.Rendering.Hieroglyph.OpenGL.Render Graphics.Rendering.Hieroglyph.OpenGL.Compile Graphics.Rendering.Hieroglyph.Cache exposed: True buildable: True build-tools: cpp-options: cc-options: ld-options: pkgconfig-depends: frameworks: c-sources: extensions: extra-libraries: extra-lib-dirs: includes: install-includes: include-dirs: hs-source-dirs: . other-modules: ghc-prof-options: ghc-shared-options: ghc-options: -O2 -fvia-C -optc-O3 hugs-options: nhc98-options: jhc-options: