/* Copyright (c) 2007 Scott Lembcke * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "chipmunk.h" #include "prime.h" static cpHandle* cpHandleAlloc(void) { return (cpHandle *)malloc(sizeof(cpHandle)); } static cpHandle* cpHandleInit(cpHandle *hand, void *obj) { hand->obj = obj; hand->retain = 0; hand->stamp = 0; return hand; } static cpHandle* cpHandleNew(void *obj) { return cpHandleInit(cpHandleAlloc(), obj); } static inline void cpHandleRetain(cpHandle *hand) { hand->retain++; } static inline void cpHandleFree(cpHandle *hand) { free(hand); } static inline void cpHandleRelease(cpHandle *hand) { hand->retain--; if(hand->retain == 0) cpHandleFree(hand); } cpSpaceHash* cpSpaceHashAlloc(void) { return (cpSpaceHash *)calloc(1, sizeof(cpSpaceHash)); } // Frees the old table, and allocates a new one. static void cpSpaceHashAllocTable(cpSpaceHash *hash, int numcells) { free(hash->table); hash->numcells = numcells; hash->table = (cpSpaceHashBin **)calloc(numcells, sizeof(cpSpaceHashBin *)); } // Equality function for the handleset. static int handleSetEql(void *obj, void *elt) { cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)elt; return (obj == hand->obj); } // Transformation function for the handleset. static void * handleSetTrans(void *obj, void *unused) { cpHandle *hand = cpHandleNew(obj); cpHandleRetain(hand); return hand; } cpSpaceHash* cpSpaceHashInit(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpFloat celldim, int numcells, cpSpaceHashBBFunc bbfunc) { cpSpaceHashAllocTable(hash, next_prime(numcells)); hash->celldim = celldim; hash->bbfunc = bbfunc; hash->bins = NULL; hash->handleSet = cpHashSetNew(0, &handleSetEql, &handleSetTrans); hash->stamp = 1; return hash; } cpSpaceHash* cpSpaceHashNew(cpFloat celldim, int cells, cpSpaceHashBBFunc bbfunc) { return cpSpaceHashInit(cpSpaceHashAlloc(), celldim, cells, bbfunc); } static inline void clearHashCell(cpSpaceHash *hash, int index) { cpSpaceHashBin *bin = hash->table[index]; while(bin){ cpSpaceHashBin *next = bin->next; // Release the lock on the handle. cpHandleRelease(bin->handle); // Recycle the bin. bin->next = hash->bins; hash->bins = bin; bin = next; } hash->table[index] = NULL; } // Clear all cells in the hashtable. static void clearHash(cpSpaceHash *hash) { for(int i=0; inumcells; i++) clearHashCell(hash, i); } // Free the recycled hash bins. static void freeBins(cpSpaceHash *hash) { cpSpaceHashBin *bin = hash->bins; while(bin){ cpSpaceHashBin *next = bin->next; free(bin); bin = next; } } // Hashset iterator function to free the handles. static void handleFreeWrap(void *elt, void *unused) { cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)elt; cpHandleFree(hand); } void cpSpaceHashDestroy(cpSpaceHash *hash) { clearHash(hash); freeBins(hash); // Free the handles. cpHashSetEach(hash->handleSet, &handleFreeWrap, NULL); cpHashSetFree(hash->handleSet); free(hash->table); } void cpSpaceHashFree(cpSpaceHash *hash) { if(!hash) return; cpSpaceHashDestroy(hash); free(hash); } void cpSpaceHashResize(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpFloat celldim, int numcells) { // Clear the hash to release the old handle locks. clearHash(hash); hash->celldim = celldim; cpSpaceHashAllocTable(hash, next_prime(numcells)); } // Return true if the chain contains the handle. static inline int containsHandle(cpSpaceHashBin *bin, cpHandle *hand) { while(bin){ if(bin->handle == hand) return 1; bin = bin->next; } return 0; } // Get a recycled or new bin. static inline cpSpaceHashBin * getEmptyBin(cpSpaceHash *hash) { cpSpaceHashBin *bin = hash->bins; // Make a new one if necessary. if(bin == NULL) return (cpSpaceHashBin *)malloc(sizeof(cpSpaceHashBin)); hash->bins = bin->next; return bin; } // The hash function itself. static inline unsigned int hash_func(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int n) { return (x*2185031351ul ^ y*4232417593ul) % n; } static inline void hashHandle(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpHandle *hand, cpBB bb) { // Find the dimensions in cell coordinates. cpFloat dim = hash->celldim; int l = bb.l/dim; int r = bb.r/dim; int b = bb.b/dim; int t = bb.t/dim; int n = hash->numcells; for(int i=l; i<=r; i++){ for(int j=b; j<=t; j++){ int index = hash_func(i,j,n); cpSpaceHashBin *bin = hash->table[index]; // Don't add an object twice to the same cell. if(containsHandle(bin, hand)) continue; cpHandleRetain(hand); // Insert a new bin for the handle in this cell. cpSpaceHashBin *newBin = getEmptyBin(hash); newBin->handle = hand; newBin->next = bin; hash->table[index] = newBin; } } } void cpSpaceHashInsert(cpSpaceHash *hash, void *obj, unsigned int id, cpBB bb) { cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)cpHashSetInsert(hash->handleSet, id, obj, NULL); hashHandle(hash, hand, bb); } void cpSpaceHashRehashObject(cpSpaceHash *hash, void *obj, unsigned int id) { cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)cpHashSetFind(hash->handleSet, id, obj); hashHandle(hash, hand, hash->bbfunc(obj)); } // Hashset iterator function for rehashing the spatial hash. (hash hash hash hash?) static void handleRehashHelper(void *elt, void *data) { cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)elt; cpSpaceHash *hash = (cpSpaceHash *)data; hashHandle(hash, hand, hash->bbfunc(hand->obj)); } void cpSpaceHashRehash(cpSpaceHash *hash) { clearHash(hash); // Rehash all of the handles. cpHashSetEach(hash->handleSet, &handleRehashHelper, hash); } void cpSpaceHashRemove(cpSpaceHash *hash, void *obj, unsigned int id) { cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)cpHashSetRemove(hash->handleSet, id, obj); if(hand){ hand->obj = NULL; cpHandleRelease(hand); } } // Used by the cpSpaceHashEach() iterator. typedef struct eachPair { cpSpaceHashIterator func; void *data; } eachPair; // Calls the user iterator function. (Gross I know.) static void eachHelper(void *elt, void *data) { cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)elt; eachPair *pair = (eachPair *)data; pair->func(hand->obj, pair->data); } // Iterate over the objects in the spatial hash. void cpSpaceHashEach(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpSpaceHashIterator func, void *data) { // Bundle the callback up to send to the hashset iterator. eachPair pair = {func, data}; cpHashSetEach(hash->handleSet, &eachHelper, &pair); } // Calls the callback function for the objects in a given chain. static inline void query(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpSpaceHashBin *bin, void *obj, cpSpaceHashQueryFunc func, void *data) { for(; bin; bin = bin->next){ cpHandle *hand = bin->handle; void *other = hand->obj; // Skip over certain conditions if( // Have we already tried this pair in this query? hand->stamp == hash->stamp // Is obj the same as other? || obj == other // Has other been removed since the last rehash? || !other ) continue; func(obj, other, data); // Stamp that the handle was checked already against this object. hand->stamp = hash->stamp; } } void cpSpaceHashPointQuery(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpVect point, cpSpaceHashQueryFunc func, void *data) { cpFloat dim = hash->celldim; int index = hash_func((int)(point.x/dim), (int)(point.y/dim), hash->numcells); query(hash, hash->table[index], &point, func, data); // Increment the stamp. // Only one cell is checked, but query() requires it anyway. hash->stamp++; } void cpSpaceHashQuery(cpSpaceHash *hash, void *obj, cpBB bb, cpSpaceHashQueryFunc func, void *data) { // Get the dimensions in cell coordinates. cpFloat dim = hash->celldim; int l = bb.l/dim; int r = bb.r/dim; int b = bb.b/dim; int t = bb.t/dim; int n = hash->numcells; // Iterate over the cells and query them. for(int i=l; i<=r; i++){ for(int j=b; j<=t; j++){ int index = hash_func(i,j,n); query(hash, hash->table[index], obj, func, data); } } // Increment the stamp. hash->stamp++; } // Similar to struct eachPair above. typedef struct queryRehashPair { cpSpaceHash *hash; cpSpaceHashQueryFunc func; void *data; } queryRehashPair; // Hashset iterator func used with cpSpaceHashQueryRehash(). static void handleQueryRehashHelper(void *elt, void *data) { cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)elt; // Unpack the user callback data. queryRehashPair *pair = (queryRehashPair *)data; cpSpaceHash *hash = pair->hash; cpSpaceHashQueryFunc func = pair->func; cpFloat dim = hash->celldim; int n = hash->numcells; void *obj = hand->obj; cpBB bb = hash->bbfunc(obj); int l = bb.l/dim; int r = bb.r/dim; int b = bb.b/dim; int t = bb.t/dim; for(int i=l; i<=r; i++){ for(int j=b; j<=t; j++){ int index = hash_func(i,j,n); cpSpaceHashBin *bin = hash->table[index]; if(containsHandle(bin, hand)) continue; query(hash, bin, obj, func, pair->data); cpHandleRetain(hand); cpSpaceHashBin *newBin = getEmptyBin(hash); newBin->handle = hand; newBin->next = bin; hash->table[index] = newBin; } } // Increment the stamp for each object we hash. hash->stamp++; } void cpSpaceHashQueryRehash(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpSpaceHashQueryFunc func, void *data) { clearHash(hash); queryRehashPair pair = {hash, func, data}; cpHashSetEach(hash->handleSet, &handleQueryRehashHelper, &pair); }