{-# INCLUDE "wrapper.h" #-}
{-# LINE 1 "Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc" #-}
{-# LINE 2 "Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc" #-}
      Physics/Hipmunk/wrapper.c #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc
-- Copyright   :  (c) Felipe A. Lessa 2008
-- License     :  MIT (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  felipe.lessa@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (needs FFI)
-- Functionality used by various modules and routines for
-- initialization and change of global variables.

module Physics.Hipmunk.Common
    (-- * Initialization

     -- * Basic data types

     -- * Global variables
     -- $global_vars

     -- ** Shape counter
     -- $shape_counter

     -- ** Contact persistence
     -- $contact_persistence

     -- ** Collision slop
     -- $collision_slop

     -- ** Bias coefficient
     -- $bias_coef

     -- ** Joint bias coefficient
     -- $joint_bias_coef

     -- * Vectors

import Foreign hiding (rotate)

{-# LINE 88 "Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc" #-}

error' :: String -> a
error' = error . ("Physics.Hipmunk.Common: " ++)

-- | Initilizes the Chipmunk library. This should be called
--   once before using any functions of this library.
initChipmunk :: IO ()
initChipmunk = cpInitChipmunk

foreign import ccall unsafe "wrapper.h"
    cpInitChipmunk :: IO ()

-- | The floating point type used internally in Chipmunk.
type CpFloat = Float
{-# LINE 103 "Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc" #-}

-- | @infinity@ may be used to create bodies with
--   an infinite mass.
infinity :: CpFloat
infinity = 1e100

-- | Type synonym used to hint that the argument or result
--   represents time.
type Time = CpFloat

-- | Type synonym used to hint that the argument or result
--   represents an angle in radians.
type Angle = CpFloat

-- $global_vars
--   Chipmunk tries to maintein a very few number of global
--   variables to allow multiple 'Physics.Hipmunk.Space.Space's
--   to be used simultaneously, however there are some.

-- $shape_counter
--   The shape counter is a global counter used for creating
--   unique hash identifiers to the shapes.

-- | @resetShapeCounter@ reset the shape counter to its default value.
--   This is used to add determinism to a simulation. As the ids
--   created with this counter may affect the order in which the
--   collisions happen, there may be very slight differences in
--   different simulations.
--   However, be careful as you should not use shapes created
--   before a call to @resetCounter@ with shapes created after
--   it as they may have the same id.
resetShapeCounter :: IO ()
resetShapeCounter = cpResetShapeIdCounter

foreign import ccall unsafe "wrapper.h"
    cpResetShapeIdCounter :: IO ()

-- $contact_persistence
--   This variable determines how long contacts should persist.
--   It should be small as the cached contacts will only be
--   close for a short time. (default is 3)

getContactPersistence :: IO Int32
{-# LINE 149 "Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc" #-}
getContactPersistence = peek cp_contact_persistence

setContactPersistence :: Int32 -> IO ()
{-# LINE 152 "Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc" #-}
setContactPersistence = poke cp_contact_persistence

foreign import ccall unsafe "wrapper.h &cp_contact_persistence"
    cp_contact_persistence :: Ptr Int32
{-# LINE 156 "Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc" #-}

-- $collision_slop
--   The collision slop is the amount that shapes are allowed to
--   penetrate. Setting this to zero will work just fine, but using a
--   small positive amount will help prevent oscillating
--   contacts. (default is 0.1)

getCollisionSlop :: IO CpFloat
getCollisionSlop = peek cp_collision_slop

setCollisionSlop :: CpFloat -> IO ()
setCollisionSlop = poke cp_collision_slop

foreign import ccall unsafe "wrapper.h &cp_collision_slop"
    cp_collision_slop :: Ptr CpFloat

-- $bias_coef
--   The amount of penetration to reduce in each step. Values should
--   range from 0 to 1. Using large values will eliminate penetration in
--   fewer steps, but can cause vibration. (default is 0.1)

getBiasCoef :: IO CpFloat
getBiasCoef = peek cp_bias_coef

setBiasCoef :: CpFloat -> IO ()
setBiasCoef = poke cp_bias_coef

foreign import ccall unsafe "wrapper.h &cp_bias_coef"
    cp_bias_coef :: Ptr CpFloat

-- $joint_bias_coef
--   Similar to the bias coefficient, but for all joints. In the
--   future, joints might have their own bias coefficient
--   instead. (default is 0.1)

getJointBiasCoef :: IO CpFloat
getJointBiasCoef = peek cp_joint_bias_coef

setJointBiasCoef :: CpFloat -> IO ()
setJointBiasCoef = poke cp_joint_bias_coef

foreign import ccall unsafe "wrapper.h &cp_joint_bias_coef"
    cp_joint_bias_coef :: Ptr CpFloat

-- | A two-dimensional vector. It is an instance of 'Num'
--   however the operations 'signum' and '(*)' are not
--   supported.
data Vector = Vector !CpFloat !CpFloat
              deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

-- | Type synonym used to hint that the argument or result
--   represents a position.
type Position = Vector

instance Num Vector where
    (Vector x1 y1) + (Vector x2 y2) = Vector (x1+x2) (y1+y2)
    (Vector x1 y1) - (Vector x2 y2) = Vector (x1-x2) (y1-y2)
    negate (Vector x1 y1)           = Vector (-x1) (-y1)
    abs v                           = Vector (len v) 0
    fromInteger n                   = Vector (fromInteger n) 0
    signum _ = error' "signum not supported"
    _ * _    = error' "(*) not supported"

instance Storable Vector where
    sizeOf _    = (8)
{-# LINE 227 "Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc" #-}
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CpFloat)
    peek ptr = do
      x <- (\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0) ptr
{-# LINE 230 "Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc" #-}
      y <- (\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 4) ptr
{-# LINE 231 "Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc" #-}
      return (Vector x y)
    poke ptr (Vector x y) = do
      (\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0) ptr x
{-# LINE 234 "Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc" #-}
      (\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 4) ptr y
{-# LINE 235 "Physics/Hipmunk/Common.hsc" #-}

-- | Constructs an unitary vector pointing to the given
--   angle (in radians).
fromAngle :: Angle -> Vector
fromAngle theta = Vector (cos theta) (sin theta)

-- | The length of a vector.
len :: Vector -> CpFloat
len (Vector x y) = sqrt $ x*x + y*y

-- | Normalizes the vector (i.e. divides it by its length).
normalize :: Vector -> Vector
normalize v = v `scale` (recip $ len v)

-- | Scales the components of a vector by the same amount.
scale :: Vector -> CpFloat -> Vector
scale (Vector x y) s = Vector (x*s) (y*s)

-- | @toAngle v@ is the angle that @v@ has
--   with the vector @Vector 1 0@ (modulo @2*pi@).
toAngle :: Vector -> Angle
toAngle (Vector x y) = atan2 y x

-- | @v1 \`dot\` v2@ computes the familiar dot operation.
dot :: Vector -> Vector -> CpFloat
dot (Vector x1 y1) (Vector x2 y2) = x1*x2 + y1*y2

-- | @v1 \`cross\` v2@ computes the familiar cross operation.
cross :: Vector -> Vector -> CpFloat
cross (Vector x1 y1) (Vector x2 y2) = x1*y2 - y1*x2

-- | @perp v@ is a vector of same length as @v@ but perpendicular
--   to @v@ (i.e. @toAngle (perp v) - toAngle v@ equals @pi\/2@
--   modulo @2*pi@).
perp :: Vector -> Vector
perp (Vector x y) = Vector (-y) x

-- | @v1 \`project\` v2@ is the vector projection of @v1@ onto @v2@.
project :: Vector -> Vector -> Vector
project v1 v2 = v2 `scale` s
    where s = (v1 `dot` v2) / (v2 `dot` v2)

-- | @v1 \`rotate\` v2@ uses complex multiplication
--   to rotate (and scale) @v1@ by @v2@.
rotate :: Vector -> Vector -> Vector
rotate (Vector x1 y1) (Vector x2 y2) = Vector x3 y3
    where x3 = x1*x2 - y1*y2
          y3 = x1*y2 + y1*x2

-- | The inverse operation of @rotate@, such that
--   @unrotate (rotate v1 v2) v2@ equals @v1@.
unrotate :: Vector -> Vector -> Vector
unrotate (Vector x1 y1) (Vector x2 y2) = Vector x3 y3
    where x3 = x1*x2 + y1*y2
          y3 = y1*x2 - x1*y2