#ifdef __APPLE__ #import "TargetConditionals.h" #endif #if (defined TARGET_OS_IPHONE) && (!defined CP_USE_CGPOINTS) #define CP_USE_CGPOINTS #endif #ifdef CP_USE_CGPOINTS #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE #import #elif TARGET_OS_MAC #import #endif #if defined(__LP64__) && __LP64__ #define CP_USE_DOUBLES 1 #else #define CP_USE_DOUBLES 0 #endif #endif #ifndef CP_USE_DOUBLES // use doubles by default for higher precision #define CP_USE_DOUBLES 1 #endif #if CP_USE_DOUBLES typedef double cpFloat; #define cpfsqrt sqrt #define cpfsin sin #define cpfcos cos #define cpfacos acos #define cpfatan2 atan2 #define cpfmod fmod #define cpfexp exp #define cpfpow pow #define cpffloor floor #define cpfceil ceil #else typedef float cpFloat; #define cpfsqrt sqrtf #define cpfsin sinf #define cpfcos cosf #define cpfacos acosf #define cpfatan2 atan2f #define cpfmod fmodf #define cpfexp expf #define cpfpow powf #define cpffloor floorf #define cpfceil ceilf #endif #ifndef INFINITY #ifdef _MSC_VER union MSVC_EVIL_FLOAT_HACK { unsigned __int8 Bytes[4]; float Value; }; static union MSVC_EVIL_FLOAT_HACK INFINITY_HACK = {{0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x7F}}; #define INFINITY (INFINITY_HACK.Value) #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ #define INFINITY (__builtin_inf()) #endif #ifndef INFINITY #define INFINITY (1e1000) #endif #endif #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 #endif #ifndef M_E #define M_E 2.71828182845904523536028747135266250 #endif static inline cpFloat cpfmax(cpFloat a, cpFloat b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } static inline cpFloat cpfmin(cpFloat a, cpFloat b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } static inline cpFloat cpfabs(cpFloat n) { return (n < 0) ? -n : n; } static inline cpFloat cpfclamp(cpFloat f, cpFloat min, cpFloat max) { return cpfmin(cpfmax(f, min), max); } static inline cpFloat cpflerp(cpFloat f1, cpFloat f2, cpFloat t) { return f1*(1.0f - t) + f2*t; } static inline cpFloat cpflerpconst(cpFloat f1, cpFloat f2, cpFloat d) { return f1 + cpfclamp(f2 - f1, -d, d); } // CGPoints are structurally the same, and allow // easy interoperability with other Cocoa libraries #ifdef CP_USE_CGPOINTS typedef CGPoint cpVect; #else typedef struct cpVect{cpFloat x,y;} cpVect; #endif typedef unsigned int cpHashValue; // Oh C, how we love to define our own boolean types to get compiler compatibility #ifdef CP_BOOL_TYPE typedef CP_BOOL_TYPE cpBool; #else typedef int cpBool; #endif #ifndef cpTrue #define cpTrue 1 #endif #ifndef cpFalse #define cpFalse 0 #endif #ifdef CP_DATA_POINTER_TYPE typedef CP_DATA_POINTER_TYPE cpDataPointer; #else typedef void * cpDataPointer; #endif #ifdef CP_COLLISION_TYPE_TYPE typedef CP_COLLISION_TYPE_TYPE cpCollisionType; #else typedef unsigned int cpCollisionType; #endif #ifdef CP_GROUP_TYPE typedef CP_GROUP_TYPE cpGroup; #else typedef unsigned int cpGroup; #endif #ifdef CP_LAYERS_TYPE typedef CP_LAYERS_TYPE cpLayers; #else typedef unsigned int cpLayers; #endif #ifdef CP_TIMESTAMP_TYPE typedef CP_TIMESTAMP_TYPE cpTimestamp; #else typedef unsigned int cpTimestamp; #endif #ifndef CP_NO_GROUP #define CP_NO_GROUP ((cpGroup)0) #endif #ifndef CP_ALL_LAYERS #define CP_ALL_LAYERS (~(cpLayers)0) #endif