{- - All the keys defined by the LIRC remote control - This is specific to the configuration of my remote. -} module Hmpf.Keys where data Key = One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Zero | AppExit | Power | Record | Play | Open | Rewind | Pause | FastForward | PrevChapter | Stop | NextChapter | Esc | Eject | AppLauncher | MultiMon | TaskSwitcher | Mute | VolUp | VolDown | ChUp | ChDown | Timer | ShiftTab | Tab | Red | Green | Blue | Yellow | Bookmark | Thumbnail | AspectRatio | FullScreen | Purple | Menu | Caption | Language | MouseKeyboard | SelectSpace | MouseMenu | MouseRightClick | Enter | MouseLeftClick | WindowsKey | Backspace | Mouse_N | Mouse_S | Mouse_W | Mouse_E | Clockwise | AntiClockwise | Wheel | DoubleWheel deriving (Eq , Show , Read )